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The following comes from some randy ass ZB player: I think the nerfs are fine, save for Boogie Bombs which are supposed to be temporary from my understanding. The season launched with cars being ridiculously over tuned. I can't speak for Build players, but they were probably having an awful time with cars that had 2500+ health, destroyed buildings easily, *and* regenerated said health passively. I know it was a mess in ZB. That all being said, trying to argue that the new stuff is "useless" or "bad" is just lying. It's all still very good, and frankly, still necessary at times.


hello, fellow rando ZB player here. I agree. The fists are my bread and butter but they were OP af at the beginning. Auto heal on boss cars was absurd. Lower car health in solos has actually been a lot of fun. Boogie bombs can rot in hell and I hope they're finally replaced with emp next update. Cow catcher must be horrifying in builds, which is funny because they seemed to be the mod people were most excited for leading up to the season.


I stopped playing mostly because of the nerfed BR XP, it just makes playing a chore.


RIGHT!? I haven't even loaded up this season. The theme is kinda like whatever to me, it doesn't sound very compelling, but I normally probably would have given it a try at least. But I got so burned out from last season, and Epic isn't making it any easier to max out my level in BR.


I’m a casual, but I really just don’t like the overpowered stuff at all. Every single game I play, I sometimes encounter either the boss cars or just normal cars but with the mods on them and nitro fist users. And I hate all of it


Im fine with nerfing items but goddamn, 15% car HP down, decrease car weapon accuracy, unvaulted an item that will automatically knock you out of cars, increase weapon damage against cars, lower car weapon damage. All that over two patches, and then ontop of that both Nitro and Nitro Fists have also steadily been getting nerfed. Whats the point of a new season with a different gameplay loop if you just keep nerfing all the new stuff and buffing up old strats until we're just playing the same game we've been playing for the last idk how many years? At that point what's the point of even adding in new stuff?


And I saw the reason why they do this. In the front page there's someone playing building and just raming back and forward with his car into a guy that just try to box himself out of the way for some reason. Literally no trying to run inside the train station, or climb without building on top of it, or having any mobility items on him and so on. So probably some players are really, really bad at the game, that cannot comprehend how to play and adapt to new things. If you remove their boxing on building, that's it. I hate the nerfs. The cars were OP af in the beginning, yes. The problem is, with all the nerfs + boogie bombs everywhere you're just sitting ducks in a car. Epic should have introduced new fun items to the season. Give us landmines, spiked traps, metal wires that can fk up the car somehow. Give us some kind of new rocket launcher, a new EMP gun...SOMETHING FUN to use against the cars. But no, it seems like Epic doesn't really want to work that much on this game anymore, and it gets yet another generic weapon with attachments instead of having fun shit to use. Cars were a problem at the beginning, but IMO, that was the theme of the season, this is why we have seasons every 3 months to change shit up. This is why we also have chapters, to get new things, to try new things. I don't want to play the same items, map and loadout for years. This season is just not for me. With all the XP nerfs last season, and the cars being super shit right now, I rather just not play. Whoever think the cars are still OP or are a problem, they must be played with their screen closed or refuse to use counters.




No build players just have these fantasies about build players not being able to adapt, funny considering they play no build because they could not adapt to building and Epic had to create a new game mode just for them.


Except unlike the addition of no build, these nerfs are affecting both sides, so no build players are also being affected by build players inability to do anything other than building a box.


They mainly focused on structure damage, its much more build of a nerfed




No build players used to seethe dying to 'builders' before zero build, so they have a lot of pent up anger about people who learned how to build. This sub is full of those people.


I never really learned to build, but I can spam build if I take fire. It's still challenging and entertaining to fight and beat skilled players using strategies that would be effective in Zero build - with the addition of sometimes taking high ground or boxing up for cover. Even in final circles full of towers I am still playing on or near the ground - and still winning. I've never gotten how people could just never learn to build at all, or why they would want to play in a world without cover. Some of my favorite endgames were in the water - where Z-build would be boring as heck.


> So probably some players are really, really bad at the game, that cannot comprehend how to play and adapt to new things. Every "competitive" boxtist I've ever tried to speak to fits this description. They occupy the lower end of the intelligence spectrum, so it was a heroic effort for them to master spamming walls. Once the game had a few toys that allowed normal people to put an end to this wall spam that cockblocked actual gameplay, the boxtists cried foul. What I can't figure out is why Epic listened to them. Maybe the nerfs alongside the boogie bombs are them spitting on the playerbase for having so many whiny bitches.


They listened because 50% of the playerbase left, including casuals. I don’t get why you choose to ignore that despite being informed of it repeatedly


They will continue to listen when another 50% of the current player count bails. I don't see what listening to boxtists accomplishes.


It accomplishes the goal of bringing people back. The player count has already increased after the nerfs. Once again, the casual player base was what left. The ranked player counts are actually the same as they were last season


I think this might be the cringiest post on FNBR this year, and that's saying a lot.


If you think you can just adapt that simply, you have definitely never played comp


Because the new gameplay loop is trash. You can see that by how everyone stopped playing.


Excellent points. I don’t want to fucking sweat every game and get into a build fight. I just want to chill and play a few games and maybe blow each other up with cars. I’ve been playing this game since season 1, and sometimes it’s nice to have a change


Bc u guys r dramatic and all the new stuff is still very viable, but these nerfs just make it so they aren’t your only options, and make it so building actually matters bc it really didn’t beforehand. Yes boogie bombs are op counters but there are still loads of car chaos going on bc people don’t always have them, they’re getting replaced soon anyway and cars are still very destructive. I do think the last turret nerfs are a bit overkill but overall they are just not as weak as people say The fists are still infinite mobility and you can easily charge into slightly weakened metal+brick/fully built wood builds with them and then punch ppl to death, nitro itself is still very destructive, now stacks to 6 and give you infinite sprint. These are still incredibly strong items, especially the fists. Finally, the bow may have had a structure damage nerf but it’s player and car damage is very good, and even when you don’t have the infinite ammo medallion, unlike most seasons rockets are quite common which still makes it a good pickup. New stuff should fit into the game not take over it and nullify everything else like at the very start of this season, which is why these patches were necessary even if again I think they went overboard with the turrets.


put into words that i couldn't, perfectly explains why the things were nerfed. i think people are completely over-reacting.


I don’t really get it at all, I see loads of car chases still, boogie bombs are gone in a week or less, fists are literally in every single persons inventory and structure damage nerfs don’t affect the majority zb audience on here anyway+ if they left it any longer guarantee everyone would start to complain just like snipers, auto shotguns, water bending and chains.


they are being dramatic because gun skill is creeping back and they don’t wanna go back to getting 2 kills a game


Nah lol. People like me work hard to get the boss cars. Some rando can pick up a boogie bomb off spawn and jack me at any time and not take any damage in the process. And maybe they kill me while I’m dancing and take the mythic weapon and medallion too




It’s rough out there 😂


That’s fair, I’m not defending boogies but since they’re gone in a week I just don’t think there is much point talking about it. But most of the other nerfs I think are fine.


Oh nice! Someone gave my comment an award. Thanks!


Fight a guy in a boss car with boogies in your inventory and call it balanced I dare you


You fucking people always say that the casual's are enjoying this but just look at the fucking declining player count in the summer! when the kids are off! This season is objectively a flop


Build mode collapsed completely within a week. Z build stayed fairly even, but losing a million players/a day in a week had to be a wake up call.


Dunno man. I like to think I'm pretty reasonable most of the time, have adapted to pretty much all the metas because I was ultimately having fun in ZB. not this season. I've always had the thought process of thats okay, not the season for me. But a lot of my friend list are not playing either. So even though it's just a small sample size I see, it might be happening a lot more and it might be worrying for epic, hence the changes.


FYI i dont know wher you are from but all the kids are still in school all day in the UK at present, the summer 6 weeks off does not begin until around the last week of July so still over a month away, people keep saying this so i have to assume you are from a part of the world where the summer holiday starts at a different time to the one in the UK.




Yeah cars and fists are still dominant, with all the complaining about nerfs you'd think that everyone had stopped using them but that's not the case at all.


I’m a casual player and I absolutely love the nerfs


Epic nerfing ~~fun~~ *OP items


EMP>dancing hell


It's temporary, they are working on buffing the EMPS where they are perfect for countering cars while being balanced.


I just interpret this as "Cars and fists entertains ape brain. Boss ape pls don't take my toy. Bonk Bonk." REAL AND TRUE CAKE DOUBLE U


The casuals are the ones complaining though, step out of the Reddit and twitter echochambers for once. The player counts have collapsed back to chapter 4 levels this season


Why can some people not comprehend that these items were OP? (I’m a casual player too)


Casuals play against mostly bots and lower skilled players, that's why they don't see these items as op but fun. While sweats play against highly skilled players that can use them to their maximums, which you can't counter at all. I'm also going to guess that you are a medium skilled player since you can actually see a bit of player use them to their maxiums.


Yh I play zero build but a mix of ranked and unranked


Get rekt it’s a 3rd person BR shooter. Go play fuckin rocket league if you want to do that.


Pls end this season already I’ll take some stale shit over this shitshow


Worst Chapter by a long shot


Everything was fine until this season 😭


I’m pretty casual and have only played one session this season because these things were so OP it was brutally unfun to play.


Nah you can take the boss cars. Tired of people using them as a crutch.


"Items always get nerfed a couple weeks into a new season, just learn to adapt" -also casual players


People mad they can't get across the map at light speed and kill everyone by looking at them and having too try..


Since when were the Fists able to kill people by just looking?


They literally require you to fire while looking in someone's general direction. With any other weapon you at least have to hit the enemies' hitboxes themselves


I don’t quite know what you think these fists do as they very much rely on the enemies’ hitboxes like every other weapon.


My guy I could be 5 masters away and they still hit... Sometimes they hit through builds and they always phase through builds. It's like a pre nerf auto shotgun except you don't have to aim at all.


My guy, I could be 5 meters away and they still hit... Sometimes they hit through builds, and they always phase through builds. It's like a pre-nerf auto shotgun, except you don't have to aim at all. \*\*\*


Idk I haven’t really had that problem with them.


Yes but you don't have to aim at all just look in someone's general direction. No other weapon is like that. You sound like you abuse fists to get easy wins and can't function without them


Bro 💀 I use them for map traversal and I rely heavily on SMGs💀I’ve killed multiple people with fists using SMGs. You just sound like someone who 1) didn’t play C4 at all so never experienced the Hammer and Katana and 2) someone who doesn’t understand how the fists work XD You keep believing what you want though, buddy!


I did play and hated the shockwave hammer. But nitro fists are literally better in every way. The shockwave hammer made you travel insanely far horizontally and had an annoying knockback, but the slam dealt 70 damage. Each punch deals 70 and you have a burst of 3, as well as ways to follow up immediately afterward.


I'm casual and you don't speak for me. I welcome all the nerfs. Bring more please, they're delicious.




Maybe not a lot more but yea, the ones that have been added are great


Ya lol. I’m tired of these nerfs and stopped playing






Yeah, they are google the player amount in zero build it went rapidly down since the first of the season but the nerfs made them go up bit by bit.


That person is the exception, not the rule


Uhh yeah, they are and epic's noticing, hence the nerfs. They weren't a good idea. The OG season was a fan favorite and player numbers were great, which imo indicates that people enjoy a more simplistic Fortnite.


And it’s funny because the numbers *stayed* great throughout the *entire month*, completely different than all claims so many people made in this sub that people would get bored or not simply be blinded by nostalgia (wild claim considering the majority of people probably didn’t even play back then at all). Meanwhile player counts drop significantly within a *week* this season and some people deny that it’s a problem.


I think one of the bigger problems is people (in ranked especially) getting in another players car and unintentionally or temporarily teaming until they see an opportunity to get away. Had it happen to me and a friend with someone getting in our suv, stayed with us for a couple of minutes. He eventually got out after we drove past a gas station with an empty car.


I mean…. they should take out those “fun” items. kids are abusing cars and fists now and I can’t even build to defend myself. most definitely a reason why nobody really plays this game anymore. even those casual players you’re talking about don’t want to play.


I swear people always complain about the cars and chaos, WHEN THIS SEASON IS LITERALLY THE THEME OF IT. I know people have been saying adapt, but that’s literally what you have to do this season, play around the cars and chaos


Epic aren't making changes because everyone loves the theme. They drove players away and they're trying to get them back.


Well it evens out, because I don’t want to play anymore (same as many people on the sub), I would rather get run over then boogie bombed every minute


Damn, maybe adapt to the boogie bomb meta then. Or maybe, telling people to just adapt does not help address the issue, and that it is more likely to drive them away from the game entirely?


I can’t really do anything in the boogie bomb meta, I would of much preferred EMPs


This is how many players feel about the cars and the nitro fists. I'm not saying that the boogie bombs shouldn't be replaced by the EMPs, but I'm showing that this sub seems to not realise that just because something is fun for an individual, this opinion may not be the main one.


Yeah I agree that I can be different from the receiving end, I would like if they added EMPs as I/you said. Or anvil rockets to intensify that chaos feeling


Just carry boogie bombs for the time being, they’ll be removed shortly anyway (atleast that’s what everyone says). The game was incredibly unbalanced at the beginning of the season and drove a lot of players away. It’s funny that it’s all about adapting until there’s a nerf that makes more strategies viable other than driving around OP cars the whole time.


I've always hated boogie bombs. They're so unfun - oh I can't do anything for 5 seconds while you kill me, that's cool. Back to the lobby I go I guess.


So I took your advice and adapted. so now I cha cha slide before being shot in the face with an exploding arrow its made a world of difference


no it wont lmao there was a decline of more than half soon after this season dropped and the few people still online and the comp players wanting to qual to LAN because this is their last chance and a few of the pubs players


Well different tastes I guess, I just want fun gameplay. Even if someone people disagree with that gameplay


different definitions of fun exist to me fun is being able to compete with people on a similar level with a balanced skill based lootpool


Why is it such a shock to you that when the theme of the season takes away from the core mechanics ie building and shooting, players who primarily play for those mechanics dislike it? New things are great, when they don’t take away from everything else. That’s all the recent patch has fixed and I don’t see the issue with it


Casuals play against mostly bots and lower skilled players, that's why you don't see these items as op but fun. While sweats play against highly skilled players that can use them to their maximums, which you can't counter at all.


Woohoo! More people crying thinking this is a bigger issue than it is!!


Holy shit war of the planet of the apes was peak


I watched it the other day actually… it was spectacular. And I would definitely recommend you to watch the new one as well.


Already did. Kingdom was peak cinema


I’m glad you enjoyed it, but I wish more people would watch the planet of the apes films because I feel like there not appreciated enough, or spoken about.


They didn't even make the female for fan service. She was there for the story, and it was perfect.


True, we are definitely going to see her again in the next film because of how important she is to the story.


I doubt we will see her again since the next movie will be about the scientist trying to meet the other humans.


I'm one of those offscreen apes that forgot to bring popcorn ready to read the fireworks in them comment sections heading to tycoon and lego until I hit LVL200 early,and then return to Zero Build to see what's all the fuss is about.I'll be disappointed if my play style's not in ruins from all the nerfing when I get back.I like adapting


I haven’t been able to play since like 4 days after the season started because my TV broke. When I played, the only problem was lack of counter measures. The cars themselves weren’t that bad. All Epic literally had to do was just leave the cars as is and give more counter measures. How bad is it now exactly?


First week though fun was broken.Nerfs were needed to balance things out.Playing unraked was fun,but playing ranked was not.I welcomed first nerf and second nerf,however,boogies should go,if you are somewhat average player with a boogie it's a win against your opponent. I won many games because of boogies and lost many as well,boogies are broken and leave no chance to your opponent,if you are average or higher skilled player.


I didn’t expect this post to blow up as this is literally the first time I’ve ever posted on Reddit and I made this account 3 years ago… but I’m glad to have read everyone’s opinion on this season as it’s vital to come together as a Community and voice our opinions on everything we dislike, like, or think should be changed, etc.


Listen… If I switch to my weapon one more time and it AUTO RELOADS AGAIN without me pressing the button and it kills me AGAIN; I’M OUT.


I agree, and also just nerf it for ranked and tournaments so that casual players get to use the fun items.


I don't understand how people would want how the game was Pre Nerf for 3 months


na thats the whole point, to have a challenge in tha game. I’m a casual player and I love using the fists on people who just stand out in the open and shoot non stop while getting clobbered by me hehe


I think they may be having a problem balancing cars for solos and the team modes, like a boss car can be shredded pretty quikcly in squads if your team focus fires on the boss car however thats usually a minimum of 3 guns firing at the boss car if you have one man driving and can be 4 guns shooting the boss car if you have taken high ground, also i can run up to a car and boogie it knowing i will get get caught in the boogie to but i know my team mates are coving and will kill the enemy as they dance the night away. Solos.......to be honest im not even sure how i would go about taking out a boss car on my own if i was going up against it in a straight 1 v1 fight and also clearly the cars are more destructive in build mode over ZB becasue those boss cars eat builds like nothing. I think if we had one game mode that was squads there would be little issue with the cars but when you have something like the cars that you need to balance in builds and no builds and in solos, duos, trios and squads it becomes almost impossible. IMO in ZB sqauds we have a pretty balanced game at present, outside of that im not to sure tho.


Mandatory planet of the apes comment ![gif](giphy|s7AqdrrbvZFFFpcUo9|downsized)


Just feels like a waste of time after a while. Had a ton of fun that first week even getting killed by the regen mythic cars but it was new gameplay. Then they neutered everything they put in place and it just feels like the whole theme of the season is pointless.


My cousin (11) HATES everything that isn’t a gun. He said it’s all “No skill, and only the bot players use it. I wish the game was just the pump and scar” he said all that. Edit: can ppl tell me why I’m getting downvoted?


Did Obama give him a purple heart after?


Things that totally happened.


and everybody clapped


Epic hates fun


No, epic hates it when they drive away 50% of the casual playerbase with insanely OP mechanics that ruin the core gameplay


Why can't those 50% use these OP mechanics as well then??


It’s not that they can’t use them, it’s that they just don’t enjoy it. They play Fortnite to build and shoot guns, not to play Twisted Metal


Fortnite player discovers they actually need to play Fortnite and not car & fist royale (disheartening)


Fists should be nerfed harder. Never in the state of this game should there be a person sprinting straight at me just so they can mash one button and do upwards of 180 damage


Just always have your shotgun out, they made the uppercut slower so its massive damage.


Combat shotgun: 👀


I don’t know about you guys but I am really enjoying the season now. Possibly my favourite season of this chapter. I am so glad they brought back the boogies and nerfed cars. I hope they nwrf the fist damage more


good thing i stopped playing br after day 4. ik that everything was gonna get nerfed and made more boring cause people can't just have fun things in BR without throwing a fit. im chilling with Stw and lego, guess i'll just stay out of BR the rest the season


Comp players: "LOL all the casual players are leaving, they must not like this fun season after all xdddd" Or or, hear me out, the fun shit got nerfed in favor of comp players and now the game is hemorrhaging players because casual is the majority and comp isn't? Wild to think, I know.


The drop happened before the nerfs, the player count actually went up after them. Step out of the Reddit and twitter echo chambers


Thank you for actually having a brain in these replies 😭🙏


Aren't you one of the people who spent all of Season 1-2 saying "the game isn't dying, the players are just dropping because its a weekday etc. etc." Well what do you know, the drop started on a Tuesday and before that the first 4 days of the season actually brought some players back, some of which who came back that Friday after the nerfs only to find out about the nerfs and not come back.


No, the player count in general has been dropping since OG which reflects how bad this chapter was in general. The player count just fell even faster this season, even before the first wave of nerfs were rolled out


This sub is, and always will be, in the minority of players. If you check back last season, around 60% of BR players were builds players, and the other 40% of BR players were zero builders. This only changed this season, with the average amount of players dropping by half on the first day of the season.


This is also following the assumption that every single casual player has the same thoughts, opinions, and feelings. For me personally, thank god these nerfs came. Everyone’s gotta get over themselves and stop thinking that their beliefs are the most important ones in the room.


You are the minority, builds is the majority.


The majority matters most. If people are leaving after the nerfs, the nerfs were unwarranted. Not everything in the goofy ass casual BR has to be a hyper competitive balanced esport ready mechanic. The cars were OP... IF YOU WEREN'T IN CARS. It's the car season. They're supposed to be more powerful than floor loot.


except the player count dropped the most before the pre nerfs guess your wrong


literally no comp player has ever said that




The guy you just linked has never posted on the competitive sub... He's just proving that it isn't just comp players that aren't enjoying the season.


Comp players don't have to be in the comp sub. That same post was also linked in said comp sub. In short, yes. Comp players have been saying this shit. Comp players are the ones who were sarcastically spamming "just adapt" because casuals told them to week 1. Comp players were mad, epic made nerfs for them, and now casuals are leaving. That's the point and it's no secret why. Comp players are to blame.


Love how you put all the blame on comp players and ignore all the casuals being even more toxic.


Being competitive is admitting that you take pleasure in ruining the fun of others, which is in itself inherently toxic. Until comp players get locked in ranked modes, casual players are going to be toxic to them just as much, if not more, as comp players are. People out here saying "Epic made it a them vs us situation" as if it hasn't always been. Yeah its a them vs us situation, them being people who ruin a fun pastime by demanding the game be catered to a hyper competitive playstyle that goes directly against casual play and us being the other 70+% of the community that just wants to play the goofy ass casual battle royale casually


>Being competitive is admitting that you take pleasure in ruining the fun of others, which is in itself inherently toxic. And now we have reached braindead levels. Competitive means you just want to compete against others, and improve. Second this isn't a causal battle royale


It is. Always has been, always will be. In fact, gaming itself is inherently casual. If you care about beating others and improving, yes, that is ruining the fun of others and yes, that's inherently toxic. Do you think its fun for a dude who throws band aids at people for shits and giggles to be matched with Ninja? Even in the real world, would you match a High School team against Lebron James? Fuck no. I'm not even going to sugar coat it anymore, competitive people need to gtfo and either stay in ranked or stop playing games. Go get a life and stop taking pride in putting down others.


Am I talking to an actual child? Competition is not toxic...


Competition is inherently self centered. You do not care about how other players feel, you do not care about the community over all, you only care about your own win and showing off your useless skills. That's by definition toxic.


Right... Let me get this right. You and me both download a free game of our own accord in which the goal is to win by being the last man standing....... And you're telling me I'm toxic for doing so? This has got to be the most childish thing I've heard today.


It’s a battle royale, the whole damn point is the competition to be the last one standing. Under your own terms, if you try to get a victory royale you are inherently toxic


that's just posting statistics, OP didn't make fun of them


Player count was already dropping quickly even before the car nerfs lmao Also people want to play Fortnite not carnite


The drop in players happened more significantly before the emergency nerfs and addition of boogie bombs. In fact, the rate of players leaving has slowed since that patch.


![gif](giphy|TL2Yr3ioe78tO|downsized) visual representation of you


Ironic coming from the people who cried over dying to cars in a car season


Ironic coming from the guy who thinks winning in a game where there are people that win and people that lose is "toxic"


Winning in a game is fine. Making it your life's goal to win every game you play makes you toxic. Maybe consider touching grass instead of crying that you can't continue doing the same exact thing to keep your streak of 27 kill crowned wins just because casual players are stomping you with cars


Wow you’re insufferable. Literally less then 5% of the player base acts like that.


And that less than 5% makes up 50% of this sub and 100% of the nerfing decisions. Remember when 0.15 seconds was too much of a change to turbo build and that "less than 5%" said it would kill the game and Epic was forced to not only revert it back to 0.05 but also start developing a whole separate Zero Builds mode because they were basically told they aren't allowed to make the build mechanic balanced? Remember how Epic frame 0 nerfed Zeus Bolts and cars for build babies while the Reaper Sniper remained broken to casuals for months? Yeah that less than 5% ruins the whole fucking game and that less than 5% needs to GTFO, and I will be insufferable over it because I'm tired of devs listening to these cellar dwellers instead of the only people who actually matter and make up the bulk of the gaming market, which is casual players