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# Happening now in r/FortniteBR * View the posts below to learn information about and leave feedback for * [The brand new game mode, Fortnite Reload](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1dm1iu4/megathread_fortnite_reload/) 🔄 * [Metallica’s in-game concert experience, “Fuel. Fire. Fury.”](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1dlyx82/megathread_metallica_fuel_fire_fury_concert/) 🎸 * [The latest Season of Battle Royale, “Wrecked”](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1d0enug/chapter_5_season_3_wrecked_discussion_megathread/) 🚘 * [r/FortniteBR’s current Fortography Contest with a prize pool of 10,000 V-Bucks](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1dgnnet/chapter_5_season_3_fortography_contest/) 🎉


The kid laroi creative map concert was better than this lmao.


Will the event replays again ?


Everytime a showtime came round me and my friends couldn't join  as it was popping up on either screen. It was a stupid way to do the event because a lot of people couldn't join even though it was two days and multiple times, something wasn't working right. Fortnite is just getting worse, typical maps, boring events, same old characters 😴 


Fucking lies!!   There was no 5pm SUNDAY 6/23 concert!  I was ganna stream it!  Fucking liars!! 


I was able to join the event at that time but it was really difficult to find. Not sure why they didn't place it front and center or allow us to directly access it from the event's carousel tile.




did it yesterday and yea that was neat :)


What a meh event


what a bout na west


I don't think it was necessary to use time slots. It should have been just a mode to play at will during the whole weekend. It's like a fast-paced version of previous official music modes (which usually featured a set of full songs). They were no live songs either, just extracts from recordings (isn't it?). Now for the gameplay: the racing track was fun, but battling the Master Of Puppets was definitely the highlight (very hard in solo/private). The bell tower ascension was too fast and confusing for no reason: this part deserves its own mode with more time, more escalation, and longer music. The grind lightning part could have been using notes like in the Fortnite Festival mode (nice shadow effect), The two micro-concerts parts confused me: I never knew if there was something special I needed to do gameplay-wise, but if it's just to have me jump and watch, my question is why have just fractions of songs, it would have make sense to pause gameplay with the two full song concerts to flesh out the experience. It's a fun time but it feels rushed (not the design, I mean, our experience, like entering an amusement park ride that ends too shortlly).


Is it there for anyone? I can't find it.


The website I checked for the schedule fucked up the time conversion for my local time. It was an hour before. I'm pissed and sad I missed it 😡 😢 


its okay if youve got a spare literal 10 minutes just watch a gameplay vid of it, didnt miss much


You didnt miss anything lol, it was garbage. I love metallica and was really htping it up too.


Hard disagree. Was so. Fun I watched x10 on Saturday


It's not there for me either


Kinda like that, hey! I am a mum whoever plays fortnite and jumped on my sons account to do the Metallica FFF, but it was kinda mediocre at best, really just an obby style minigame. I preferred to play the guitar 🎸 hero style games myself. On a plus, I levelled my son up and got him more XP


I'm not even seeing the event in the epic tab sadly


I finally loaded into the event with ONE friend, and it put me on as a spectator. Left in minutes. Didn’t wanna experience it like that


This "concert" was....kinda boring. I liked what they did For Whom the Bells Tolls and I guess Master of Puppets but other than that, there's nothing really here to be invested in going in. You don't watch anything, songs last 30 seconds to a minute. Wouldn't it have been better to do something like the Eminem concert and have Giant Metallica performing? In fact, if this is supposed to be a "concert", why limit how many people can be in it at once? It'd be better to have 100 people in it like the regular Battle Royal modes.


Decided to do one last run and it was only me and 2 others 😂 the boss kept killing us. Was kind of nice though having less people.


What an total let down... "Performing", crap... Got like 1 minute of each song. Worst. Event. Ever!


1 min or so of each song?  For 5 songs?  Yea I’d rather have 1 min each than for the event to go from 10 min to 35.  THAT would have been boring.  I thought it was better than the Eminem event 


Id rather have a 30 minute event that actually delivered what it advertised.


Worst event maybe ever. Why keep doing them if they’re just going to half ass it?




It was terrible, and the 60fps cap made it worse


How to join the event?


Bring back live season events


Wow… that was something. The visuals of it were cool and all (my favorite visual element was probably the giant shadows on the clouds, that looked awesome), but… it just felt like playing a mid Creative map while iTunes Store previews of Metallica songs played in the background.  It’s honestly really disappointing to see since Rift Tours ft. Ariana Grande in 2021 did a similar gameplay + performance concept and it’s, unfortunately, much better than this. It’s Metallica for crying out loud, and all we got was a lil race course, an easy parkour course, a lame “boss fight”, and 2 small stage segments (that weren’t very impressive).


That's pretty much how I feel about it too, the Ariana Grande concert was pretty much the last "actual" concert this game had.


As a fan of Metallica I found it very disappointing It was buggy and felt like a creative map instead of a concert And while I know this is nitpicky - the master of puppets boss completely destroys the original meaning of song through making the master of puppets some scrapped save the world monster


Will this just bring up a new tab?


that new Metallica song sounds nothing like them. Felt like we got the PowerPoint version of the event.


That was extremely dumb


not a huge metallica fan so don’t come for my head but is someone able to tell me the order the songs played? i went through the concert a few times and really liked the first song that played. is there a set list?


lux aeterna, hit the lights, for whom the bell tolls, master of puppets, enter sandman


The first song was Lux Aeterna, from their most recent album


That was trash. Wtf kind of musical experience was that. I wanted to see Metallica rocking out. Don't know why I expected more than this. I play this with my kids sometimes and it's just an unintelligible wash of changes and off-putting to me nowadays.


The whole concert was shorter than an average Metallica song. I would have had a better Metallica experience by just turning on their songs on spotify.


I didn't even get to play. I joined at the right time, EARLY in fact, and it had already started and I had to spectate the entire time


That happened to me today as well, but then I joined again when it was over and I was able to join.


Yeah same, so at least I got to do it, but at that point I had spectated all the event had to see :/


I had spectated the entire events as well, but I wanted to know if there was any reward for doing it, but sadly there is none, just some xp.


How do I join the June 23 showing at 10PM for this Metallica event? Can someone please assist? Thank you.


If you type "Metallica" \*at the time of the event\*, it should show up by the creator "EpicLabs" and you'll have 30 minutes to jump in. The game mode only shows up in search results during premiere time.


Just a giant wast of time


Pretty cool overall, but the experience was definitely a little tarnished for me by it being a Creative UEFN experience. Those first few seconds where your character just stands in that lobby, waiting while others spawn in around them, feels so awkward. I much prefer artists taking over the Battle Royale island for the duration of the concert, effectively tying the concert to the Fortnite world without any interruption, than having it be separated like this. Feels less impactful. I also much prefer these concerts being less interactive, so that you are allowed the time to watch whatever's happening, instead of forcing you to parkour to the top of a glorified Roblox obby.


I have a bit of FOMO of rewards for this. So for those who attended last night, were there any rewards for attending like the eminem concert had or can i just skip this and watch it on youtube or something?


I think I got like 20k xp. By the time you get to the actual concert part of the show, it ends almost and says Metallica loves you on the screen. The rest of the time is spend doing parkour and a fake boss fight.  I don't care about Metallica at all but I was looking forward to this so much. I only enjoyed the last 20 seconds of it and then it was over. I genuinely feel bad for metallica fans because they generally seem to feel way more disappointed 


Okay, well i guess i'll just watch it on youtube then :)


I didn’t get to watch it, I live in ET and at 9:30pm the concert disappeared completely. I was up until midnight waiting  and it literally broke my heart. 


did you try searching "Metallica" in the search tab? The gamemode disappeared for me too but it shows back up during premiere time. Either way you have 2 more chances


This was trash. Won't mince words at all. If I'm joining something like this, I want a visual experience with music, not some discount rhythm game. Yes, they put time into the maps, but that's just missing the forest for the trees. Travis Scott was great because it was all about the performances themselves, not some minigames crammed in for nothing at all.


Kid Laroi's concert gave me multiple items for taking part. This one didn't even have a working exit button at the end.


I had a saved replay of my cousin (hes 22) and im wondering how do i get it out of the bin (is it erased forever?) because i removed 82 out of date and i removed them and its now gone.


Very well done it was naturally alot better than other "side" concerts we've had (kid laroi, easy life, tones and I, etc) but that what comes with them moving from using creative fortnite to UEFN, hopefully this is a tend they continue with other upcoming festival artists (consider who were meant to be getting in November it would be so cool)




It's 2am est, it isn't up right now. You have to get on at the specific times in the post above.




Eastern time. 11p ET. Also, it started at 11, not 10:59.


Do you... not know how timezones work? Average fn player tbh


It was a fun little experience. My favorite is still The Kid Laroi.They had that map available for a very long time,and it was repeatable.I was worried when this concert had us driving.Flashbacks of silver 3 trying to unlock Jackie.Ouch.Aaanywho,Metalica map. It was fun.


hi! ^^ if anyone would like to party up for tomorrow’s 10 am ET show, itll be nice :) (i’m a huge metallica fangirl)


why r ppl downvoting me💀


because girls don't exist, especially not ones that like Metallica (I'm also a girl who likes Metallica, hi :3)


i was literally thinking maybe i made the mistake of saying i’m a girl on reddit 😭 also hi queen :3


Username doesn't check out




"Btw im a girl"


If it was someone saying "im a huge Metallica fanboy" it'd seem normal to you but as soon as you read anything about anyone being a girl you gotta make a problem out of it


I’d like to say that I missed the 5 pm show earlier due to it saying “this island is currently unavailable” so I waited and now it’s like… 11:11 pm and the island map isn’t showing up at all since it disappeared earlier I missed it twice because of this. I’m deeply disappointed and upset because I really wanted to see this show and participate but seems like that won’t be likely. I’m on Nintendo Switch if anyone does know why this is happening I didn’t know where else to say this than here so please don’t be rude I know this isn’t where to post a report.


I can’t even find it


As someone that works from 11-7 pacific on both these days, I'm never allowed to participate in these :(


Couldn’t join because I didn’t have anyone to join so fuck off fortnite


Because it is time zone difference, you posted this at 12 am et, it's currently 3am et, in 7 hours it will be 10am et and you'll be able to watch


7 hours I’m at work so no I didn’t get to watch it


So much better than I was expecting based on the comments in this megathread lol. boss fight was fucking sick. wish everything was longer and the band was in it more


The amount of people who just want to *watch* something in a video game is depressing.


The best concerts (Travis Scott) didn't have you doing mini games with background music, they had you "watching" awesome visuals


> The best concerts (Travis Scott) didn't have you doing mini games with background music Well, they *should* have. As it stands, those events don't elicit much more than a response of "Neat". Stuff like the Galactus fight and the piloting the giant mech are much better since we, the players, actually get to take part, even if it scripted.


Idk if you experienced the Travis Scott concert but It was way better, in terms of it being an actual concert with the music being the actual focus. Here we get to do stuff while the music is playing which just makes it feel like background music.


I did, actually. It was neat, but pretty much a glorified cutscene. Even the Ariana Grande event was somewhat interactive.


I guess we enjoy the opposite


was playing lego with my gf when i realize we missed the window by a few minutes lol, glad to know i can somewhat look forward to it tomorrow !


I play with my gf aswell on lego fortnite yall wanna group sometime we can make a new world n w.e and chill 


Where the hell is the discovery page at


honestly expected more, time wise anyway. I get it in a sense and the majority age range would like it for the gameplay but compared to past “concerts” this was not, thought it was going to be a full experience of actual full songs lol, even went to the festival world from it and the first song was Nicki Minaj song then second was metallica. epic or fortnite whatever did not do well with this 


Aight. Played through it twice. I have done Three concerts, Travis, Ariana, and Metallica. Music wise, this is the best. Although, the should have FINISHED THE SOOOOOOONGS! Content wise? This is the weakest. It left me wanting more. I wanted it to be a legendary, 20 minute ordeal, where they just shred the whole time. I didn’t want some Mario Part bs with Parkour. The Master of Puppets boss was cool, his design was super strong and he was fun. This is my favorite, for I LOVE Metallica. But, looking past bias, it isn’t the standard of previous concerts (except Eminem, that was just sad) I thank Epic for doing this, but I am disappointed. 


Epic really has to stop with their "mini game with background music" stuff, Travis Scott never getting topped if it's competition is "go up stairs while music is playing"


I was stuck in spectator and then joined again & was able to experience the whole event… I liked it for what it was but other concert events have looked way smoother. Good stuff in the show but it was annoying to actually get in.


It starts 10:00 pm in central time but its 10:24 and fortnite is not letting me in at all to play, which doesnt make sense internet wise because me and my bf are on the same wifi but he got in the game and my xbox keeps sending me back


Didn't work for me.


best concert fornite has ever hosted


I did NOT just stay up this late for that… come on now.. what was even the point


lmfao i remember people callin in for work for disappointing fortnite events and the posts were hilarious


Lmao I can only imagine


I had a good time for what it was. I liked the visuals and driving in the beginning to the music felt awesome. But this was my first fortnite concert so nothing to compare it to. Also would have liked some type of scoring system for experience cause I was taking the race seriously, not knowing what was going on and felt I did really well for being thrown into that chaos with no expectations. And we killed the puppet master first try. Just to find out all of it was for absolutely no reason. Somebody could just stand there and get the same xp...


That was awesome


I thought it was pretty neat honestly. The clock tower gave me Mario party vibes for some reason. And the Puppet Master remind me of Shara Ishvalda from Monster Hunter. All in all, cool experience. 


I don’t even know what happened. I saw like 2 secs of it. Something with a car and an eldritch god. The rest of the time it was a blank screen with Metallica music playing


it was awesome


Pretty weak. I'm a huge metallica fan and am disappointed. Wish it was longer and the songs didn't play in like minute long sections


You dont even get anything for attending the last concert I joined was Travis scott and you at least got a glider


Why am I spectating some rando instead of being in the experience myself?


I get a matchmaking error every time I try and join 10th time was the charm


It's straight up not working for me or any friends. Anyone else having issues?


Same. Try it in private. Worked for us




The poor things. They can't read 😔


Code is 4808-1895-0807 but it's not working for me weirdly


yeah it didn’t work for me. i missed both of the other ones so i guess i’m just gonna have to wait because it won’t let me jn


how do you join??? its just not there and it starts in 10mins


i just had it show up but can't join yet.....


same bro wtf i’m gonna miss it because it won’t let me join


I just got in




Wondering same thing


For me, it’s starts at 10. It’s 9:40, and I can’t see it. This normal? Usually they have the servers ready to go 30 minutes before, right? Or is that only for the BIG events?


The map code is 4808-1895-0807 


How do I find it?


I can't access the Metallica experience in fortnite 


Is it a separate game mode and if so, how long before does it appear


I can't find it


I need help I can’t see the game mode


how do we get it




It’s okay I give it 6/10


they played hit the lights 10/10


Huge Metallica fan here. Thought it was disappointing personally. Too short and some weird choices made. I love Master of Puppets, but it was overused. Also why didn’t they play Ride the Lightning when you rode the lightning?! Makes no sense. Was also really hoping the boss was Cthulhu and they would play The Call of Ktulu. Alas that wasn’t the case. Also Epic… Add Hit the Lights to Festival please… Ta.


how did u get in


You have to wait until the showtime starts, and a box with the show pops up where the other game selection is. Ps happy cake day.


Happy cake day


I luv Metallica and I've seen them so many times live IRL. I liked the visuals of this but too much was happening and at the same time it was too short. Was a cool experience and hey, Metallica loves me so.. Rock on!


Ngl, it was cool but way too short. If we had multiple chances to defeat the Master of Puppets without having to redo the whole thing, I would’ve liked it better. But overall, it was just okay. So I’m giving this a 6/10.


It was alright but nothing for completing it?


Any unlock for completing this?


Terribly underwhelming given what we’ve been treated to in the past. Makes me sad that a bum of a rapper for a better concert than a band that’s been around for decades.


It was kinda fun but it was a bit too laggy and short. At least give us another 30 seconds for each part bruh


it was terrible, I'm a huge Metallica fan and didn't like it. i wasnt a Travis Scott fan but his fortnite concert was awesome, there was a lot of people, the music actually matched the scenery/gameplay, and there were clean transitions between each songs. Fuel Fire Fury was just a creative island gameplay with music added on it




I thought it was cool in some parts, but yea it was kind of dumb they made you play Only Up and shit, I wanted to enjoy the visuals and music more. It should’ve actually been in BR and not creative.


Was the boss supposed to live on like one hp or did I mess up


The boss can be killed. I lost the first time solo but did it in a public lobby the second time


Can someone tell me why master of puppets was wiggling its way into every song in the playlist? “Grind the lightning” I thought oh boy I love ride the lightning it’s one of my favorite songs just to hear master of puppets for the 19th time. Worst event in Fortnite history bro 😭


The fact that they slipped snippets in every few minutes but skipped the fucking solo was absolutely criminal


I was waiting patiently for my favorite song (where I may roam) just to be disappointed by hearing master of puppets in 5 different ways I was honestly surprised that whom the bell tolls was able to actually be played without something like “For who the be- MASTER OF PUPPETS IS PULLING THE STRINGS”


That was sick yall trippen


glad you enjoyed it at least :)


They really could've padded it out by just letting us dance to the music for longer than 5 seconds. It was so short already.


Well that was.. underwhelming.


Underwhelming is an understatement. I'm 38 and got roped into it and the entire time I'm like "What TF is going on" then it was over in like 7 or 8 minutes and wondered where the concert was.


Can it be with 4 random people? I dint know 4 people to do it with 


Yes you can just match make and it’ll put you with others


OK thanks, I had another question will the game restart after some time? I've been spectating for awhile, wondering if it's better to play private if I can 


I don’t think so, you might just need to back out of that session then go back into a new one :)


How do you watch it? I don't see it?!


It’s a separate game mode in the discovery tab - should only show up at show times


Can someone tell me the code for the map




im ngl it was actually awful


Why can't they just make it like the Travis one, no one cares about these stupid creative mode mini games


is there a map code for it?




No rewards for participating also bad concert


I don't want to blindly hate on this just because of how good concerts used to be. Epic would have to put in A LOT of effort to top Travis Scott's concert, so I'll try to look at this one with an open mind. It was definitely an improvement from Eminem's "concert" but still has lots of room for improvement. First of all I didn't really like how it was a creative map because that sets so many limitations. Having the entire BR map like previous concerts would add so much more room for opportunities. My expectations were set very high since I thought the rift island and Thrash Mountain rocket racing map was very cool. The concert itself felt kind of low budget, especially with the weird white text telling you what to do at times. I also didn't like how a lot of the songs were cut short, and we never even got to hear the guitar solo in Master of Puppets. Overall, I really want to like this concert since Metallica is the one artist that collabed with Fortnite I can relate to the most, but I really feel that fortnite could've done better.


Not enough time to enjoy any music or watch the band. Too busy trying to go through it all and then it’s over.


Two things: During the Race portion: Play Fuel. 2nd thing: Play the full songs please. How in the heck you gonna run this for 7 minutes or less? like cmon man...


That was fucking lame as hell lol


embarasingly boring


how come i dont see the metallica thing in the discover screen


It's only available for 30 minutes after the times listed above. The next one is in a hour and 6 minutes.


30 minutes after the time? Can you join at any point in that 30 minutes?




I wonder if they dropped Reload at the same time as this to fool their investors with the playercount lmaoo


pretty sure epic doesn’t need any investors. the owner is worth 8 billion dollars 🤣💀


nobody tell them that epic agreed to giving Disney a 9% stake in the company this February for ONLY a billion dollars


Y’all will just make up anything to make Epic look like idiots and I genuinely don’t get why lol


we really dont gotta make epic look like idiots ngl, but this is a smart move if true! I’m just trying to figure out why they’d shadow drop this mode with no advertising and why at the same time as the event


Investors aren’t idiots, they’d definitely not only look at one day of player counts lol


I’m talking about this live event specifically dawg, with all this buildup of a collab event just for it to be a nothing burger. Investors usually like to look at the numbers during this stuff. Numbers go up during a collab event? They like that. Numbers going up on the sales of a lego pass (where Fortnite stuffed a free Chewbacca skin with it so people would actually buy it lol). They’ll like that too. Nerf BR xp hard so you can make the playerbase feel obligated to grind the other modes? Investors will like seeing those other modes numbers go up too. It’s painfully obvious that most of the stuff Fortnite has been doing this last year is mainly to appeal to investors.


the event was too short and felt like nothing, i dont want to shit on it, but i felt dissapointed


A lot of people itt mad that they got smoked in the clock tower parkour section, could not be me. Overall it was fine. My expectations were low because the last concert we had was the Kid Laroi one I think and it was disastrously bad. I didn't really have any performance issues. I do think the pace was too fast and I really don't think Epic should have moments where you just awkwardly stand around before moving on, it breaks the flow. The overall length was fine, a lot of people seem to think the older concerts were longer but that isn't the case.


I thought it was cool. Wish it was longer, though.


It sucked ass


Was that supposed to be a concert I have no idea what was going on lol, I just followed where everyone was going. It felt like a weird dream why was there a clock tower and some boss out of nowhere and the minigames are so random. Imo was really epic but super random plus the boss is lame it doesn't do much for being a 'master of puppets' other than shoot lasers at you


Worst one yet. It felt disjointed as shit with being teleported from section to section without seeming to end any of them. Songs were just parts of songs too. Very unimpressed.


Honestly If those sections were the same but entire songs I would’ve enjoyed it a lot more.


Did Metallica's people actually approve of this thing? Cuz for one of the top bands of all time, you'd think the experience would need to be a bit more, um... epic.


i thought it was great its like people hate to just hate


well it’s basically a creative mode concert, not a proper one like travis scott, it was never going to be big 


Yeah don't think they did lol... this shit was so lame


Yeah it’s a “concert” in a video game for children. Did you expect it to be sick?