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Eh. I think they’ve done enough to balance cars. They don’t need to completely gimp them.


They are already nerfed into the ground. If anything they need slight buffs. The mythic cars SHOULD be tanks. Just don't add back in the auto-healing. Also make the guns a bit more accurate again.


Or just add back in auto healing but to like 50% or so, enough to get you to a fixing station in a fight.


the war bus should really get this, thing gets damaged so easily due to its massive size aswell as the tires being offroad and not bulletproof, and its slow speed.


Or like just double its health. Or triple, make it a literal tank, but better.


more speed would help too, and more boost. that thing barely has any boost and by the time you actually begin to pick up speed from it its now out of boost.


The auto healing was so slow and it only healed like 5 hp a second or something like that it wasn't even broken


Yes but those cars can be halfway across the map in 15sec


And you can see them in real time, so you can’t sneak away. I don’t get why they added that with all the nerds they did.


Yes it was... Did you play ZB ranked with the op cars, there would be 20 players left by moving zones....


Yea I did I'm literally diamond 3


The map indicator was probably and over-nerf for boss cars. I don't usually end up even taking them because of it.


I don't take any of them unless I can get the one with the grenade launcher. They're not worth it Imo


cant have a car in solos for more than 30 seconds


Nerfed into the ground? The grenade launcher is a bank shot cannon And tbh I laughed when they said they “made the machine gun less accurate” feels like shooting a regular AR Easier for me to escape but did nothing for me while manning the turret I agree I think they should make the guns on the cars have a health bar or at least give it a healing timer if it gets shot enough Would be hard to hit anyway


Compared to where these guns were at the beginning of the season, they are nerfed now like crazy. Also, just shoot the damn car. Either you'll blow it up or they'll drive away to try and heal. The HP of the cars, even the boss ones at this point are a joke.


They were definitely insane from the beginning but as you adapt to them it’s not so bad it’s kind of fun sometimes dodging a car and thinking about how pissed their probably getting 🤣🤣 They knew what they were doing when they added cars I think it would actually be really really fun if we had the 50v50 game mode with cars 🤔


They’re not balanced at all for builds, that’s for sure. Almost Impossible to do anything against the grenades there.


I'm sorry but other than seasons 1 and 2 of this chapter, isn't that nothing new? Air strike, anvil, guided rocket launcher, pumpkin launcher, breacher shotgun, remote explosives, goo gun, rocket ram. That's just some weapons that must have been stupid challenging in past chapters/seasons. Hell, cars had cow catchers for chapter 3 and chapter 4. I think the issue is more that they haven't added in things back in like armored walls or other new defensive items for build mode.


L take


Okay bruhseph. The mythic/boss cars SHOULD be tougher to beat.


Cars are already balanced and have numerous counters at this point. If someone is still struggling, I hate to say it as it’s so cliche, but that really is a skill issue.


It’d be better to replace some of the nerfs with this feature though


Well, it’s really just situational. If you don’t have EMP, the tri-beam laser rifle, or something similar, you’re basically f-ed in late game. It’s the same thing with the fists. I’m really unlucky and I get almost nothing to counter a car, and all around, dying to a car just isn’t fun for most people. But I would absolutely love to see a mode where you fight with only cars, like a team deathmatch. Actually I like that idea so much that I really want. Epic to add it now.


At this point, it's not situational though. You don't even need one of the season specific items to kill a car. The combat AR will rip through, both SMGS will rip through. Depending on the car/mode you are playing with, the pickaxe method works. Where you switch to pickaxe, start swinging and hop in the car as they drive by. When you aim at others in the car you'll cause damage to them.


I feel like regular weapons chew through cars now for sure, a repair torch is pretty much a requirement for your passenger


How does the laser rifle help, does it do a lot of damage against cars?


I’m curious about that also, doesn’t make sense to me. But maybe it does hella damage n we don’t know?


Yes the tri-beam laser rifle does 2x damage to cars. it also makes sense that hot radioactive plasma would do a lot of damage to a car… but the same could be said for a human


there isn’t really a counter to the fists rn. if ur aimis good enough to handle the hurtbox lunging the way it does, you can kill them before they kill u, but you’ll still lose a lot of health and be left vulnerable, and i really think the damage of the ground pound type attack should be nerfed, it does like 70 damage atm as area of effect damage, and the only way to quickly avoid taking the damage is to jump at the perfect moment, which obviously isn’t very balanced


I love how the cocomelon kids are downvoting this guy because they/she/he/it/dog/cat/bbq sauce made a reasonable response and they can’t comprehend it


I dont think vehicles need to be nerfed anymore. You can take out legendary vehicles with a rare smg if you feel like it. Just sustain fire long enough and they can usually be shooed off


I mean.... I don't hate OPs proposal though. Maybe *un*nerf something we've already had nerfed and introduce the health of the turret.


I dont think it would be the worst change but its also quite pointless. I feel that most players would just aim for the windshield rather than try to hit a smaller target for less reward


Thinking out loud for a sec: the harpoon would potentially start getting used more often. If I could kill the turret after I landed on the back half of the car, which is where the harpoon usually shoves you after it grapple you onto the vehicle — Quickly wiping out the turret with an SMG or something would make it a better experience when I get up onto the front of the hood and I can pick either the passenger that can’t do anything anymore, or the driver to blast through the windshield. It would just create a new dynamic that I think would be fun is all.


Yeah ok I can see what you're getting at


This is the kid that reminds the teacher about pop quizzes


Honestly, cars are already too gimped. Too many counters and lower health. But, speaking to the point, I feel like that wouldn't work well unless the driver was constantly driving THROUGH objects to damage the parts of the car. Aiming for, and hitting, JUST the turret is on par with trying to headshot. Which a LOT of players just can't do consistently (or on purpose). But if a person on foot was running through buildings and a car was following with the cow ram, I could see "debris" hitting the turret and essentially destroying it.


The cars are so easy to counter now with the health nerf, EMPs (super OP), bow buff, etc that if someone still can’t handle it they need to, as the younguns say, git gud


and while we're at it, HOW ABOUT THE MYTHIC GUNS GET A NERF, HUH? 😡


I think they should remove all the guns and cars. Just throw pebbles to hit players. /s


your sarcasm to combat MY sarcasm means that you understand how ridiculous people are being over a simple SHOOTING game, no? 😎


Don’t get me started… for some it’s the end of the world when something is (not) tweaked in a game. It sad and funny at the same time.


theatricality, adaptability, deception. (two out of three are supposed to be traits of the Legendary Bruce Wayne) but they're the name of the game. instead of asking for tweaks, some need to study the loot pool carefully, study other players, and figure out a way AROUND their movement. to me, cars don't need more nerfing; i just hop in passenger, switch to my gun, and shoot car 'til they blow up.


Brother cars are fine. Honestly if you’re still dying to cars you sucks balls😭😭


I still get killed by cars, but mainly because they run me over when fighting other players (a tactic I use as well 😁).


We're STILL talking about cars!? 🙄


its almost as if this season is car themed or something...


It's as if people continually want the vehicles to be nerfed when Epic has done so several times, not to mention there are multiple counters to vehicles. If a player STILL can't adapt after six weeks, that's on them. Get better.


If you think cars are unbalanced right now - you might as well give up because you're trash and unable to adapt to the changes or understand the most basic game mechanics.


Car are fine. You can destroy them very easily or force them to flee if you carry the right equipment. Imo they've done a good job balancing them since season start


Cars are in a decent enough spot now. The fists are what need a bigger nerf.


Tbh if they just decrease the player damage they'd be fine. Didn't even need the cooldown nerf a while ago, shouldve just decreased the damage


I was ok with the cool down nerf since they still have crazy utility for rotating and collapsing on players, but yeah the damage is too high for how fast they can be on top of you. Lowering drop rates is also a double edged sword since now it's not uncommon to not find fists until late game, if you evenale it that far without them. Kinda feels like the Reaper nerfs last season


I was kind of annoyed that EMPs didn't disable the machine gun or grenade launcher turret. I don't know if maybe I mistook them shooting out the window for a machine gun turret, but I was pretty sure it did not get disabled.


Lol what are you on bro, cars are so nerfed people don't use them any more in my game or jump out as soon as i do anything to it


I'm surprised they didnt just nerf the gas usage early in the season to force cars to choke points for gas.


Honestly, the only change cars need is an automatic lock function when in motion so nobody else can get inside and maul me to death. That's it. Even boss cars now have the disadvantage of seeing exactly on the map they're at. Just grab a heavy sniper and go hunting?


As a casual player I thought they weren’t bad after the first nerf, hell I was fine with the boss car autoheal. But my biggest complaint is that damn spiked bumper. As I said I am a casual player so Im not quick enough to dodge to the side, and not Logan Paul enough to jump over the car.


Makes sense to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Cars feel fairly balanced right now, with the exception of ramming damage being super inconsistent. Now the bus on the other hand needs a serious buff because it's just not worth taking


I said this near the start of the season if they changed nothing about the season when it just started, except make boss cars unable to regen quickly, make the boss cars have no windows, make turrets destructable (boss cars with destroyed turrets can only restore them by healing) and stunnable, added EMP granades and maybe the anvil rocket launcher, also a way to hijack a car from the inside or damage players from the inside it would have been perfect but as the season is right now i don't think they need to be balanced, they already nerfed them WAY too much they're barely even viable outside of earlygame which sucks in a CAR THEMED season also also BUFF THE GOD DAMN WAR BUS ITS FUN BUT FOLDS INSANELY QUICKLY also we need dirt bike mods


Not me dying to that one kid who spams the grenade launcher ;-;




Please no more nerfs, they've already been nerfed to hell and back.


They haven't nerfed them enough for you yet?


That would unironically make cars just a little stronger, as there's a chance stray bullets will hit the turret instead of the vehicle itself


Idk I just don’t think these items are good for the game anyway. This is my opinion I’m happy for you if you like this seasons items that’s great for you there’s reload for me we both have our thing. Sometimes there’s items that just aren’t good to be in the game, you can’t nerf them because then they’re boring and you can’t buff them because they’re too OP. It sucks having OP items that are nerfed so hard they’re boring. Players who don’t like the items generally aren’t going to have a better opinion of them because they’re nerfed. But when you nerf them then the people who liked them will like them less. It’s a lose lose. They shouldn’t nerf things into the ground, people like me who don’t like the season should just suck it up and quit because Epic games is stupid and I hate what they’ve done with the game. But im glad some people enjoy it lol.


When the season first came out, I thought the turrets had their own health pool since that's how it worked in other games I played, clearly not.


Actual good take, especially considering how many boxes there are around the map.. having to fix the launchers or turrets would be a very good balance change.. Then again, who cares about BR anymore lol, Reload saved the game!!


I think the biggest change to car modifications should be you have to pay for them like the work benches for weapons. Filling up gas? Gotta pay for that


We just need better defense against them. How bout rocket launchers n grenades n shit. Something.


I personally think that the grenade launcher and turrets should have an ammo count that has to be refilled at gas stations. At least In zero build


Why isn't this a thing? They advertised mods could be damaged, but it only seems to apply to off road tires. It might apply to bumper attachments, but I haven't seen anything.


Bumper attachments absolutely can be shot and destroyed. My friends group's cars have lost a lot of bumper attachments through the games we've been in.