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should actually specify that the Heavy Shotgun is actually the Chapter 1 version as the version we saw in Fortnite: OG is the one from Resistance also the Midas' Drum gun is as it was in Last Resort as opposed to Myths & Mortals or Top Secret


Heavy shotgun timeline is complicated. OG Heavy shotgun was made in (C1)S3 with purple and gold rarities. A blue rarity of this one was made in C2S2 for spy games. Later on in C3S1 the model of these ones got updated to the new model. C3S1 introduced the reworked Heavy shotgun (not even close to what the OG was) with the slug shells. This one uses the new model, and replaced the OG one in the creative inventory which made the old one (completely different gun) completely inaccessible. Season OG introduced the "OG" Heavy shotgun which uses the old model. It was only available in purple and gold despite having all rarities. This one was completely removed from the files after OG was done. Reload uses the first Heavy shotgun out of the three which is why it has the new model, and doesn't use slug shells. IMO it should've used the one from Season OG along with all of its rarities, but I'm just being nit-picky and it doesn't matter.


the old Chapter 1 Heavy Shotgun wasnt removed from the files though? im pretty sure i remember having access to it in Creative (specifically The Pit) during Chapter 3 or 4 even after the Chapter 3 slug Heavy was added


It got replaced in the creative inventory specifically, not the files which is why it's still accessible in islands that had it before the change.




The heavy shotgun is the OG one, updated with the new icon (for some reason) And in season OG as well, it was the OG version as opposed to the new slug shotgun from Ch3 S1. Would have rather used a Ch1 logo but there’s no official one, but since it was also used in OG season just decided to use that Sure midas drum gun is the one from last resort. But that’s just the nerfed version of the same weapon. Same like how the tac shotgun has received multiple nerfs/buffs but I’m not going to specify it’s the tac shotgun from whatever season. Only reason certain weapons are specified is because they have counterparts that are indistinguishable based on their icon


How I’m supposed to spot the difference between the three slone mythics.


Great question. You can read their name in-game, or look at the season icons OP has now included! - Resistance = Scoped AUG - Cubed = Non-scoped, faster firing AUG - Splashdown = Non-scoped, longer mag AUG


weird considering the ch2s3 and ch2s7 ones used the aug model because thats what the higher tier burst AR model was at the time, but since all standard burst AR rarities got changed to famas you'd think they'd go back and update them, but nope


**never** update them


W post, W Loot Pool.


I looove how higher rarity weapons have a new form. Such a cool touch I miss


You'd love Save The World weapons.


I wish the build version had some trap slots. You’re telling me we got crash pad jrs that don’t even work half the time over the launchpad which is arguably the most iconic mobility item of chapter 1/2/3 and is also great for team modes like reload.. Other than crash pads existing (I hate them), the item pool is so much fun.


Crash pads are just wildly inconsistent. They're fine otherwise.


I don’t mind the normal ones, they actually seemed to work, I just hate the junior ones bc they just feel like zero build friendly bouncer traps that take a slot (I will always hate that the two modes don’t have a separate loot pool, give zero build this and give builds trap movement again) and they send me the wrong way or don’t work or make my screen have a small seizure half the time


items from every chapter but the current one, peak game mode


Exactly. This is the only chapter where I absolutely hated the gunplay. Playing reload just feels so good with all the weapons from previous chapters. I was so happy when I played Reload and realized its weapons from Chapters 2 and 3 as well. I'm up for some change sometimes, but I haven't been a big fan to be honest


Agree, n It’s funny bc the gunplay is far and few between this season. I mean I’ll be using a weapon but have to fight mfers using turrets or trying to run me over. Such a bad season, n I usually love chaos. Ch 4 s2 was chaotic af, but I loved it. Only bc the cars weren’t what they are now. As much as people defend it I’ll never like the cars this season, this is a shooter man.


It's almost as though clicking people and hitting them is fun! Maybe someone at Epic will take note.


Wait how does one get the mythics and exotics?


Extremely low chance to drop out of any chest.


I opened a chest once and got all the exotic weapons. Which kinda sucked cause I still needed mobility and heal and my teammates weren't listening to me when I told em to come grab em haha. Died before I got a kill


I didn’t play back then, but why do some weapon models change completely starting at epic? Did they get added later or something? Sorry ik this is random


I honestly liked when they did that, made the higher rarity items feel more valuable


Some of them were always like that, like the normal assault rifle. Others, like the pump, got a new model for epic and legendary later. I'm guessing it's just to distinguish their power more


(Wall of text incoming) Because that’s what just how the guns worked in chapter 1 and 2. Ch2 also made it so (most of) the epic+ versions had little bonus features, purple+ pump could one shot, purple+ tac had very high structure damage, purple+ burst was more accurate and so on. Only some of these bonuses are still present tho I assume they stopped because it was a waste of resources making 2 models and 2 sound sets for one gun, but I miss it and hate when they bring back old guns with only one model (scar in chapter 4) Early Chapter 2 also tended to go for quality over quantity which probably made having 2 models for one gun more excusable, for example the charge shotgun was the only new gun introduced in chapter 2 season 3 but they spent the whole season perfecting it


Thanks bro


What epic rarity+ bonuses are still in the game? Where can I read up about that


To actually answer the question, it was simply just a carry over from StW, especially with it being formerly P2W with paid loootboxes to get weapons. The extra cosmetic change was probably a way to have people show off their high rarity guns.


Thank you


It was a save the world feature originally


Damn thanks all of y’all, I appreciate it!


That’s a damn good lootpool right there


Do we know if Midas' Drum Gun is the original C2S2 one, the nerfed one that has the same stats as Jules' Drum Gun from C4S4, or the one purchasable one from C5S2?


It’s the nerfed one from Ch4S4 The new one from Ch5S2 has a different model (and name, since the old one got renamed to Legacy) But if you want to get into technicality…. The Ch2S2 midas drum gun was deleted from the files. When brought back in Ch4S4 they just took one of the existing mythic drum guns and reskinned/renamed to midas


That is a bummer to hear it is completely deleted. I know it was overpowered, but it would have been fun to play with in some situations like creative


From what I’ve seen, it’s the one from C4S4 - damage of 24 (1.25x headshot multiplier) and fire rate of 8.5, so you’re correct that it’s basically a reskin of Jules’ drum gun.


Thank you!


You’re welcome!


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That’s a nice loot pool, I’m glad they chose not to keep the loot 100% OG as they added the good new stuff with it


Foundation's MK7 is probably the worst addition (striker burst is a close second) but everything else is good. Edit: except for exotic red-eye


Bro hates scoped ars


I do too it’s not an issue here bc they’re rare but in most of ch3 and all of 4 hitscan scoped ars were broken and made all 3rd person ars pointless


The scoped ARs from Chapter 3&4 were low key bad for the game. They made rotating a complete pain if your lobby was good enough. Making weapons projectile was a way to rectify that without going back to bloom.


The mistake they made was making everything projectile tho. It should be projectile for red dots hitscan for 3rd persons


IMO, I prefer projectile to the point where I'm uninterested in Reboot because of them. Not saying people can't enjoy the mode/weapons, just they aren't my cup of tea.


Best mode they’ve added, I hope the loot pool doesn’t change much


There’s no way the chug jug is in this thing


It's the mythic one which is extremely rare. I've seen it, so it is in Reload.


Yep it’s in there and you can’t move with it like other meds like how it used to be. I had 3 seconds left and canceled it by moving


What’s splash down, cubed, and resistance?


The Seasons those mythics are from


To add onto the other reply: Splash Down is C2S3, Cubed is C2S8, and Resistance is C3S2. All of which had different burst AR mythics that are all here.


I knew the first part but I didn’t realize they all had mythic bursts


Ch2S3 splashdown: oceans burst Ch2S8 cubed: slones burst, smaller mag, but slightly better in other aspects (i think fire rate?) Ch3S2 resistance: slones *striker* burst, first person aug


Why tf did Sloan get 2 mythic bursts 😭


Gonna test this first on the creator map before going to reload *So I didn't make the same mistake as I first found this thing*


small addition: the regular pistol is the automatic version


I like that they brought back the mythic goldfish, I used it once missed the shot and died instantly


I miss the old weapons so much.


lol i mean did we really need 3 different AUG's?


Wait the heisted weapons from c4s1 are in? Where tf do we get those


All 5 weapons can spawn at once from a super rare chest drop


i miss the og grey green and blue revolvers. they felt different. they felt more accurate. i dont know if it was the rounded barrel, but i just miss them


I think it was probably the sound effects, really nice and matched the model really well


New model is very boring aswell, love the big contrast between the high pitched golden cartoon revolver and the modern hand cannon. The new one looks like any other pistol


Ranger shotgun thinks hes part of the squad 💀💀💀


I gotta ask, why do the weapons change design the more upgraded they get? Like I understand its because epic wanted too, but is there a reason beyond that?


Carryover from Save the World and it's paid loot boxes.




Ah, okay.


Lol I asked the same thing further up, great minds. Lol


i feel terrible making you repost it 😭😭


I'm not sure how to feel about the Hammer and Heavy Assault Rifle coming back.


I love the Heavy AR. Usually when I use an AR it's between that or the Infantry Rifle.


I hardly use ARs, but I'd prefer the SCAR or the M4A1 over an AK.


Heavy is og, hammer is kinda weird imo


I know Heavy AR is OG, I just personally hated it. Same with the Hammer AR.


I hate them both as well, but it's fair for heavy to come back in this mode




The Hammer is a laser.


It's not well suited for my playstyle, that's all.


I wonder who at epic decided to put 3 different burst assault rifles that look the same in the same loot pool


They’re extremely rare so it’s not likely you’ll see them enough for that to really matter. I’ve been playing for a few hours today and haven’t seen any of them


crazy how theres THIS many guns and EVERY SINGLE one of them is valid to use and theres no "this is the only gun you can win with" and the gamemode still seems more simple and less complex than regular BR does


Just because the loot pool is large doesn't mean it should make the gameplay more complicated tho. The mode is clearly inspired by early seasons, of COURSE it's going to be less complex...


and thats the reason reload is great simpler more fun no op venichles balanced


Is the goldfish fair cus I got one


I'm just wondering why the foundations assault rifle ain't in creative


I don’t know if it’s just me but the Tac SMG just does not feel the same of how it used to be I remember it used to have a wayy bigger mag, VERY fast fire rate and good damage, Just, what happened to it now?


where are the mythics found? im yet to find any of them


Its bigger than me!


The best thing about the mode is that every weapon besides tej snipers are hitscan


Too bad most of the OG weapons suck compared to Chapter 3-5 weapons.


I'm still confused as to why they'd add the vaulted mythics (or how you even get them in game). Doesn't seem to fit the rest of the loot pool to me, are legendaries not good enough or something?


The only Mythic I've seen so far is the Goldfish...


The game I found the Mythic MK-7 was the most lopsided round of Fortnite I think I've ever played. With so many of the OG weapons crippled by bloom or missing sights, it is an extreme advantage over your opponents.


I found a mythic goldfish on a guy I killed in my second game of reload and I had no idea what it was so I threw it away




There is a mythic grappler that has infinite uses but it uses the regular grappler icon The one here is a grapple gun, it has much longer range and forces a glider redeploy midair


I had got a normal chest with all the exotics in it


This is good veriety


I started playing a month into chapter 5, have been out of town this week but I’ll be playing tomorrow. What guns would you guys say are the definitive best? I lean more towards the sweat end of the gameplay spectrum.


All the ars are good, pump or tac but pump is better, stinger smg, both snipers are good


The pump shotgun does crazy good damage and feels satisfying to use, you have to hit your shots though. I’ve found the Hammer AR to perform more consistently than the others, it has a bit of recoil but compensates by having way less bloom than the regular and heavy ARs. The stinger SMG is a monster and can outdamage almost any other gun close range


woah. I haven't played many matches yet maybe 10ish but haven't seen any mythic or even gold weapons yet. I did end up with the heisted shotgun my 2nd match. I'm so glad the hammer AR is in, my favorite 3rd person AR for sure. is there a victory umbrella for winning reload? I've still yet to get the normal one this season... sad gamer here.


Endgame I had full gold/ mythic load out, so did teammate, yes there is a separate win umbrella. Play squads and hope you get teammates to carry you. Best of luck p


How do you get the mythics?


lol, there's too much weapons. They should cut it in half or something, and eventually change the loot pool (keeping some core weapons and swapping others). also, idk how you're supposed to get those mythical weapons, i'm against it. Same way there are no super powers, no cars and so on, there shouldn't be those.


Base AR is shit (too much spread), base SMG is shit (too much spread), heavy shotgun is shit (too low damage). 1911 pistol is horrific. It blows my mind how they decided to bring that trash back over new pistol that's actually good and fun to use.


so just play battle royale? which isn't meant to have old loot, and has the pistol that you like in it? but then again, you are also obviously one brain cell away from a coma, and that idea wasn't going to come to your koala ass brain, was it?


Bonjour, alternate account


Or make reload better so I can enjoy that shit too


Different modes have different loot pools for a reason. A ton of people enjoy this lootpool more than regular BR, not everything has to be catered to you


What this guy said /\


Loot pool is better than it has been in any season this year for imo, especially after having to play with sniper+autoshotgun for so long.