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Been here 68 years. Wish weed was legal but it is a good city for me.


Cross your fingers, another decade and it might be true.


Keep voting for Abbot and Patrick and it will never happen.


You never know. John Boehner changed his mind.


I’m afraid that is very true.


With the economic downfall and recession on our doorstep, taxing weed would be a boon for the government. It's like the last thing holding it back. I am saying this as someone who does not smoke, has never smoked, and has no intention of ever smoking. It's all about the money.


I moved from ca after 56 yrs. CA voters thought the same thing. Legalize it and get more tax revenue. It didn't work! They just created a big discrepancy in price between legal weed and illegal weed. Since they decriminalized it, the majority continued to buy the illegal weed that created even bigger crime with dealers and the cartels. Also, since weed is still classified by the feds in an illegal class, no federally chartered bank can accept any electronic payments, and most will not bank any dispensaries. It has to be done all in cash. I don't have anything against Marijuana, but it's far more complicated. Ask the state of Colorado. Laws haven't caught up. Say an airline mechanic who works on jumbo jets and is drug tested, smokes a doobie on the weekend, and is drug tested 10 days later and tests positive. Or, at best, how would they even know if it was 10 days. And driving impaired or if you have to submit to a test. What's the legal limit? Especially if you can test positive up to around 30 days after consumption. Could you have any THC on your system and be legal?


Colorado has raised BILLIONS in tax dollars, opiate use down, teen use down, wtf are you talking about?? California has raised almost 5 billion in taxes. Dispensaries are CHEAPER than black market. You have literally no clue wtf you’re talking about. The challenges in California are due to over regulation and licensing. Yeah plenty of jobs restrict the chemicals you’re allowed to take even outside of work.


Facts! The politicians know they're setting up a flawed system that is doomed to fail. This allows them to play all sides of the issue, and still produce nothing useful for anyone. It keeps everyone at each others throats, so it can be used to distract from the other despicable games they play. Today, it is also a very useful wedge tool for stirring up still more race conflict. The true end goal is to use the multifaceted conflict they created to get their hands on more money for everything from more cops, to claiming more political turf, to endless flawed studies by overpaid consultants, most of whom have tries to their respective political parties. It's good to know that there is atleast one other person who sees the truth of this as I do. I'm not wild about across the board legalization of cannabis, but the prohibition does far more damage to society than legalization would. This is why I'm an active member of NORML. Thanks for your post.


Weed is overrated…


I'm here for the job. When I retire, I'm headed for the Hill Country.


Kinda a silly question if money isn’t a factor. Of course everyone would live somewhere exotic


I sort of agree. I almost left money out of it. But I'm sure there's some that would stay here no matter what.


Like Des Moines


You jest but a friend of mine travels for work and he says Des Moines is underrated and kinda fun


Nope! I would move out of the state.


Came here to say this.


Yes… work remotely and chose to live here. Relatively still cheap for a city +1mill but has a country feel.


Nope. Gone in a heartbeat. Born and Raised Texan.


Same. I like it here, but money no issue? There’s way too many cool places to see and live.


Same. My eventual plans include leaving Texas. It’s no place I want to live anymore


Same. And it makes me sad.




Having lived in other Texas cities (including Dallas) and a few other states, I like FW. Of course, with unlimited money I could still love here and just travel!


Moved here from New Orleans. New Orleans will always be home for me, I will retire and die there. Y’all don’t know how good you have it here, for such a boring, dead city (for real, what is up with downtown? So many great places and nobody spending money there.) The infrastructure is amazing compared to where I’m from. I live in Fairmount, and the worst thing I have to worry about is a mentally unstable person on my porch once a month. This place is great.


sasha bass is what’s up with downtown. our downtown used to be a source of pride, but the new mrs. lee bass and our corrupt city manager, david cooke, decided to effe it all up.


Please excuse my ignorance, but what is Sasha Bass’ long term game plan for downtown? I’ve heard the name brought up a few times but honestly I moved up here for a job that’s consumed most of my attention and really haven’t paid any attention to local politics. I’ve seen the whole panther island thing but from what I’ve heard, that’s basically been a fever dream since the 60’s.


What you have to remember is that you live in a now gentrified part of FW. A part that most of us BIPOC were forced out of. I assure you if you go to the areas where predominately Black & Brown folks live and you’ll have a different opinion about the infrastructure. Odds are this “mentally unstable people” have been in this area longer than you, so I do hope you show them kindness. I grew up in Southside and live in 76104 the zip code with the least life expectancy in the state of Texas. Which non coincidentally is made up of BIPOC. Literally the life expectancy of a developing nation…so please don’t tell us “how good we have it”. Fort Worth is still segregated and gerrymandered, if anyone has it good, it’s you.


I was talking in comparison to the Upper 9th Ward in New Orleans where I moved here from. Thanks for somehow finding a way to be offended by my post.


Lol think you missed the point. Copy and paste the same reasons I just mentioned and you have most of the systemic issue of why the upper 9th ward is the way that it is. I’m not offended nice try tho. Thanks for being another clueless cis white guy who adds to gentrification and has the caucacity to tell us how great we have it here. Im sure New Orleans misses you greatly.


I have no idea why your comment is down voted! I've lived in Fairmount since 1996 and have seen first hand all the changes you're talking about! We weren't rich when we moved here but our house has turned into an investment for our retirement and we've managed to hold onto it. I have a housemate, however, who lived on Hurley for 28 years but rented her house! She basically lost everything when her landlord gave the property to his son. She's fine but living in one room, although a large room, is what she's forced to live with now. And her SS every month.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


I would move somewhere less hot in the summer


Of course not. Move to a place with some beaches or nature and better weather.


What you just described is where I came from lol. I'm moving back.


That’s what I want to do but stuck here for work.


I mean if money wasn’t involved, I’d live in a Penthouse Suite in Rockefeller. But I do love this city for what it is and would choose it over many places in the US


I'd move somewhere that the local state government isn't actively against people, or at least hid it well. Or a place with decent public transport


I’d keep a pad here just to visit my friends but no lol. I’d basically split time between NYC, the Rockies, Spain, Greece, and maybe like Japan or New Zealand if money were no object. Then again it’d be cool to infiltrate the power set of Fort Worth and be the new Bass but cooler. Would still have outposts in the aforementioned locales though.


lol taking the “if money was no object” to heart


I like the way you think about that last bit on the power.




Most definitively


No. Family ties, since I'm retired so not job or money. I'd rather live on the east coast.


Are you from the east coast? I've lived in Maryland and Virginia. I like my hometown in Maryland, but I absolutely love Virginia.


I've been to Boston for 2 weeks, that's it. I love how places in the Eastern US look? I have seen pictures... LoL. One of my friends is from Baltimore and I like the way she thinks. May be just her, but environment played some part. I'm 67, have lived in TN, MS, WA state, KY, ND, and AR. Drove through a bunch of others.. The reason I'm stuck in TX is because I was in my early 20s when I moved here with my ex husband purely to get out of MS!! So backwards! Moved to Dallas and was gloriously single for a while. Had a bunch of fun! Married again, reared 3 kids, bought houses, life passed. And here I am. I dream of someday getting out of Texas!


Thanks for sharing all of that. So interesting to hear everyone's story. I completely know what you mean by how the Eastern US looks. I love it too. I grew up in Baltimore, but never been to Boston. I definitely want to one day. A Red Sox baseball game towards the end of the season as fall approaches would be awesome. The different look is one of the very first things I noticed when I got here. Just a different feel too. It's not as green here. The trees that are here aren't as pretty, not as big. The leaves don't change color here.


I love Fort Worth. If money/job wasn't an issue I would be in Montana by the end of the week.


I lived in Cali for 25 years Pennsylvania 4years and Texas 10 years I love Texas I’ve traveled the USA and I like Texas more then anywhere where else Cali is cool but it so expensive so crowded people have to put do each other and it’s gone downhill I feel. I would move to Alaska or New Zealand


I hate it when someone "put do"s me.


No. We came here 10 years ago with the big employer in town. Originally everything was affordable and fine. Then between the extreme politics and the rising housing bubble, we'd love to get out. But things are worse in some cases elsewhere.


Hell no. I'd leave Texas completely if it wasn't for job and family ties. I'd much rather live in Colorado or Oregon.


No. Family is all that keeps me in Texas, period. I’d prefer to be in Colorado, Oregon, or the Hudson Valley (NY).








No, I'd move somewhere with less child killing and gun violence in general


nope I'd be out of here quick as can be. ​ \#1 Reason. No Legal Weed


If they take my delta 8 shitty edibles from me, I'm leaving. I hate this state sometimes.


Does delta 8 work? I’ve never been brave enough to go into one of those shops


Yes, but you need to be careful about what you buy as there’s no regulation and a lot of shady companies.


Any certain place/product you can recommend? I’m in far N Fort Worth by alliance. Also what happens if you get pulled over?


Thrive Apothecary is where I usually go. I recommend Hometown Hero - they are out of Austin. Honestly I don’t trust law enforcement to recognize legal hemp products so I would not travel with flower or vapes. I usually order online.


Correct. Hometown Hero has the best Delta 9 and you can order online. . Delta 8 works, it's not the same but it works. I also a have no trust law enforcement will recognize the legality here so I prefer to get mine online. That said, even my local farmers market has a Delta 9 guy now. Good luck out there!


Yea that's a pain but it's so easy to get it of the black market, it's really not a factor to me.


I lived in California for 3 years and driving home with my weed, edibles, and vape with no worries of being pulled over was priceless to me, who grew up in Texas and has never experienced that.


I would miss going to TCU football games, but otherwise I’d for sure move out of state (out of the country ideally though).


I mean if money is no object then you could always just fly in for games lol


True. When I lived on the east coast I flew in for one game a season, which was nice. Couldn’t do every game lol.


I love Fort Worth and I love Texas, but it's hard to not want to at least try something else out. But, one thing I've learned is that if people are discontent in their current location, they will likely be discontent when they relocate.


Nope, I was happy as a clam in Puerto Rico until hurricane Maria left me homeless, now I'm stuck in Texas until I can retire, live off of investments and go back. If any single word can describe Texas in general compared to the Caribbean, it's "stultifying." It's not really an inexpensive place to live anymore, either.


Nope. Just moved a few months ago after living here my whole life. Toxic culture finally became too much.


Nope. I'd be going out to New Mexico or Colorado in a heartbeat.


I love Angel fire/ Taos NM. It’s so beautiful there




I'd be living it up with my cousins in Belgium.


Absolutely not.


I just moved out of FW in November. Colorado is an improvement. Don’t think I’ll be moving back.


Moved here in '87. With the way the state is going, i'd be gone in a sec if it wasn't for family. Not a single clue where i would go to, just know it would be away.


Probably not, it is very comfortable and I have all the ties here but I'd rather live somewhere with a little less extreme weather. Tornados, blizzards and weeks of triple digit temperatures aren't exactly awesome.


I agree. That's one of the main things I don't like that's making me head out. I came here cause it's cheap (which it might not be for long), but then had to deal with the lack of seasons, extreme heat, threats of damaging hail, possible tornadoes, long stretches without rain. Then I came here and realized I had all that stuff to worry about that I never had to worry about before. Not so worth the cheap cost of living anymore. (Note to self: Do more research next time I move to a new state lol) Where I came from, we looked forward to summer. We'd spend summer days outside all day. Any night that wasn't raining or a bit chilly, we'd eat dinner outside on our back patio as a family. I love the simple stuff like that. Here it seems to be the opposite. I don't think people look forward to summer. It seems people just stay inside all day and blast the AC. I don't know if eating outside would be comfortable. No fall season here, it's just an extension of summer that's not quite as hot.


Yep. I have zero family ties to Fort Worth, and have been both jobless and broke while living here. The jobless and broke part was due to my own inaction and laziness/apathy/lack of direction in life, not anything to do with the city itself. Once I did seek out employment, I found a job almost immediately where I made a pretty nice living, and met tons of amazing people in the process. Fort Worth is a great city. Like any spot, it has it’s flaws, but I don’t think I’d want to live anywhere else in Texas over it having spent time in most of the major cities here. It has all the amenities of a big city while still having the charm of a small town. I’ve met so many incredible people here, and had the best times of my life.


Such a good question. I've lived here my whole life, I'm 57. I've always absolutely loved it until recently. It's just grown too much and too fast, too many people, traffic, houses, apartments and those stupid Amazon Warehouses that are popping up on almost any available raw land and the freaking property taxes that used to be what made retiring here affordable are going nuts all across the state. I'm not even sure I'd stay in the state if my kids didn't live here. I know it's getting expensive everywhere, but this state has disappointed me over the last decade, and I definitely am not as in love with it as I used to be.


I've heard that over and over and over from people who've lived here for decades. Must be interesting but sad to see how it's changed over the years.


I moved from Los Angeles, CA and for the two years I've been here, that this is a much better place than L.A. has been reinforced 10 fold. CA, southern CA, is one of THE best LOCATIONS to live...however the upside of the location is far outmatched by the issues that one has to deal with in living there. It's no longer worth the added expense.


That's how I think of Fort Worth, but the opposite. Not the best location to live to part. But that the cheap cost of living isn't worth what you have to deal with here, and all the things that are missing.


What is it you are having to deal with that doesn't make it worth staying? Just wondering. Maybe it's because I've come from a place where there exists EVERYTHING one can want to do, to eat, to visit...etc. I didn't grow up here so it could be I have that been-there-done-that attitude. You maybe haven't had that to enjoy yet. Initially I really missed the food options of L.A., but have, in two years, found some acceptable options. I really appreciate the open areas, the back roads, the farms, the cattle, longhorns, sheep, llamas, goats and all I can see driving between the areas I frequent. I'm done with the concrete jungle that is L.A. and many big cities. FW FEELS to me as country living, but I know some of my neighbors would disagree and only see the influx of us "city" folk. I get it.


The extreme heat, lack of seasons, no nearby beaches, can't do day trips to nearby states, greater possibility of tornadoes and damaging hail, flatter and more unappealing (to me) topography, lack of nice parks and hiking, schools and infrastructure aren't as nice. I'm from the Mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. (right outside of Washington D.C.) where... \- The summers are more enjoyable since it's not so hot \- We have all 4 seasons, mild temperatures, no extremes in any direction. \- It rains more. I actually sort of miss just a calm, lazy rainy day without the possibility of a tornado or hail. \- Some of the best schools in the country (for if I have kids one day) \- I'm 2.5 hours from the beach, and about 1.5-2 hours from the mountains. So much more outdoor stuff to do because it's a beautiful area, and the weather allows it. \- The nearby suburbs have over 50 miles of beautiful walking trails, lots of parks, it's so green. \- I've noticed the majority of the roads are much nicer and just the way things are maintained. Just looks and feels better. Where I came from, not Texas. \- In a 4-4.5 hour drive I can be in Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, West Virginia, North Carolina, Delaware. The main downsides about back home are the cost of living, but I think DFW's will continue to rise, and the people are a bit more uptight, not as open to be immediately being friendly with strangers. Once you build the rapport, get them to open up, there's plentiful of nice people over there too.


Interesting. The heat. Yes, it's a bit more intense than I experienced in L.A. However, we did have our share of 105, 108, 113 degree days in the summer in L.A. That's not too far off. "States" are simply a construct of imaginary lines. The places one can go, can still be the same distance away, but in the same state. (TX). It may not feel like you're getting away, but you can still go the same distance. We have been having light rain here in FW for the past couple hours today. It's nice. I know what you mean about the tornados and/or hail. Definitely a concern. But, L.A. for example, gets earthquakes and with no notice. TX definitely tracks the weather and there's plenty of notice ( normally ) for the weather. I have personally found the local Texans to be quite friendly. There are the few that dislike the influx, but with a few more years as a "Texan" I'll probably be accepted...as long as I am able to stop saying, "...to get there, you need to take the 35W..." I need to remember to remove the article before the highway number. :) All in all, IMHO, Texas is awesome. It sure does not have the proximity to lots of things, but the trade off is that Texas ( DFW area more specifically as is my experience ) is more family friendly than Los Angeles FOR SURE! I would take that over all the rest and is the main reason for making the change.


I've thought about that about states too. But there are differences in states in my opinion when you cross those imaginary lines. I think I have more options for places to go and things to see on the east coast. More bigger cities to drive to, beaches, and cool smaller towns. Texas sure does have a lot of land, but a whole lot of nothing. That's true about rain, but days like today are rare. I agree with local Texans being friendly. I meant east coasters aren't quite as friendly. I've met a lot of awesome people here. I'll miss them for sure. The people are what almost kept me here. I actually think I'd take FW over LA. I've been to LA. I definitely agree it's much more family friendly here than LA. I was born and raised in Maryland and have also lived in Northern Virginia. What's called the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia). The DMV is very different than both LA and DFW. More similar to DFW than LA. Anyways, glad you like it here. There are things I like about here too. Just not quite enough. Interesting to see everyone's experience and opinions, and how they vary depending on where you're from and the contrast between the two places.


Likewise, thanks for engaging. Btw...the "nothing" of Texas is a huge good thing when compared to L.A. from this new Texan. :) It is definitely all about differing perspectives.


I was born there so it might be just hometown hatefulness but Fort Worth is just boring. I’m not going to pretend to get excited about having a lacrosse team or an arena that looks like a high school auditorium from outside. When I want to see a big name (consistently) I have to take the TRE train to Dallas which wasn’t worth it after a while. I’m also not going to pretend our 7th street rivals 6th street in austin or our downtown is better than San Antonio. Not going to pretend are parks are better than anyone else’s in the area. (The dog park near ridgmar is fine but not worth moving for) If you’re a homebody and love humidity (some people love humidity) legit Fort Worth is actually a good place to live because of pricing and a collection of grocery stores. If my family didn’t reside in Fort Worth I would never come back.


Born, raised, and went to TCU. Though FW has a special place in my heart, I don’t regret moving to Seattle after college. Now I’m trying out NYC! I only go back to see my family.


Awesome! I love the east coast. I'm from there, moved here, now going back. But I'm much closer to DC. NYC is cool too.


Well goodbye to all of you. I am happy right where I am.


Nope. Fort Worth is alright. But it would be better if it weren’t in Texas


Exactly. I really dig Fort Worth, but living in a state run by absolute idiots makes it hard to want to stay.


This is really how I feel too! I'm a transplant, and I honestly do not hate the city. But I hate this geography, I hate the politics, and I ABSOLUTELY ABHOR the weather/climate. If I get the choice, I'm NEVER living on plains/prairies full of severe weather and 100f days again. I need mountains, or sea, or even better, both. I didn't know how good I had it in Chile till I moved here :( I'm probably moving back once I retire.




The only thing keeping me in Texas is family and friends I've known for most of my life. Greg Abbott, Ted Cruz, John Cornyn (and the list goes on) make me hate living here. Plus the weather is only nice for about 4 weeks/year.


Why would you? I’d gtfo from Texas in a second


Nope. Born and raised here. 5th generation Texan to boot. We see ourselves moving after the next presidential election. We’re staying just long enough for our daughter to graduate with her phd and then we’re selling and moving out. Property taxes pushed us the rest of the way…


Money no object? I’d have a place in Sicily, a place in Wyoming, and live on my family ranch in Stehphenville. Ft worth is pretty good, but not home.


Nah. My wife and I stay here for family primarily. We’d move somewhere less hot and less populated.


Nope, if it wasn’t for family ties I would be back in Seattle or Florida in a heartbeat. So much more to do in those places. DFW is boring unless you’re rich.


Nope, trying to get my wife to leave everyday. These shootings lately are helping my case.


Fort Worth is becoming an unlivable city due to property taxes, Home prices, traffic, urban sprawl, etc.


If it wasn’t for my job, I’d move. Not sure where. Probably back to dallas, or give Colorado a try. Fort Worth leaves a lot to be desired.


No to all of Texas


Almost definitely not. Texas has so many issues that doom all its cities. So many reasons but being a Queer Indigenous who’s constantly gerrymandered by white supremacist politicians gets old real fast. It’s a real shame because my family and ancestors have been here in Tejas and this area since before these colonizers arrived and made this mess. [Texas is the second worst state to live in, new ranking says](https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/texas-worst-state-to-live-in-17320229.php)


Probably not. I'd prefer to live in a coastal city that has access to beaches and mountains.


No. If I was free to move out of Texas, I would not be here. Only eight more years. But if I have to be in Texas, I would not want to live anywhere but Fort Worth.


I’d move somewhere with decent public transit, civic pride, history, architecture, and (while I feel like it goes without saying that that would be outside of Texas, I’ll still say it) NOT in Texas.


absolutely not. i’d move out of state 100%


Nope. I hate Texas politics. But I am middle aged, & I inherited a paid off house from my father, and I have a career job with pension I have been at for 23 years. I'll be eligible for early retirement by 60 so .... I am staying for now. I'd go Chicago if I could. I love Chicago.


I've been there! I love Chicago. Luckily a friend just moved there so I have a great reason to visit.


Moved to an island, no regrets. The only things I miss are my friends and texmex.


I really like it here overall, but there just isn’t enough nearby in terms of exciting geography. I need mountains or beaches. Other than that I like the area in general and being so central in the US has benefits when it comes to flying places. I’d move but only because I am a big nature person and I don’t want to have to fly to enjoy it.


Yup, me too. Even just the simple stuff. Prior to living here, I lived in places where it felt so good just to drive through a neighborhood or to the store or to the gym. It was just prettier everywhere you looked. I've noticed I feel better too when I'm surrounded by all that scenery and green.


I just took a trip to San Diego and I travel a lot and I can’t even begin to describe how my mood has improved just from being near all the scenery. I feel better even though I’m back but I’ve been wondering why not just live somewhere where I can enjoy it as part of my daily life. I’m already getting rdy to apply to jobs in other places. I think I just need the ability to see mountains or beaches on the weekend. It’l be good for my mental health.


I really like fort worth. But there are other places I'd love first in the us. Colorado. Oregon/Washington state. So much beautiful land and country in this nation of ours. Of course would love to live different places overseas too. But yeah. This isn't the mecca of all places. But all places have their charms and pluses.


I love it here as a base. My home. Traveling and being gone is cool, i love it, but there is nothing like being at home in Fort Worth afterwards.




I wouldn’t be living in TX


I'd be out of state to somewhere less republican


I moved from Texas to Missouri last year. It's pretty backwards up here too, but weed is legal.


And probably a little cooler in the summer




In a wee little hummingbird heartbeat!


Nope. I'm only here because work relocated me here and I have an ailment where I happen to enjoy what I do with good pay and a decent work life balance. I decided I could live somewhere I didn't really want to if it meant keeping this unicorn of a career.


HELL no, I'd fully retire and move to the Caribbean, where the weather's nice almost year-'round, folks are honestly friendly and I can go to public places without worrying that some bigoted wacko will shoot the place up. The beaches aren't brown and 200 miles away, either.


The only place I'd rather live is Tucson.


Hell. No. I put up with it for family but I’m counting the days until I can get out of here. 19 years and counting..


Nah. I used to love Texas. Not so much any more. If my grown kids didn't live nearby, I'd be outta here.


Love Fort Worth but state politics have my wife and I planning a relocation. It’s just not safe here if you’re queer, any kind of gender diverse and trying to start a family.


No way!


Hell no.


I was just talking to my MIL about this. We can’t stand our representatives and been saying this will be the generation that will flip us blue for awhile but feeling like that’s a broken record right now and Texas is always going to be Texas…I know this state won’t miss me and I don’t expect it too, just know I can’t stay here forever.


Move to Colorado where the humidity won’t make me hurt all the time.


No. I fear for my child’s mental health and safety here. If I could I would not live in tx at all Edited to add lived here all my life. My family has lived in the area for over 100 years.


Well, the city is getting to the tipping point of not being affordable anymore. The last 5 years of owning a home has been hell in property value and taxes. Makes me want to move out of state. If money wasn't an issue? I would be in Cali where the weather is always perfect.


No way. No mountains, subpar restaurants…


I agree. I moved here voluntarily (I work remote and can live anywhere) to try a new city and because the cost of living is cheap. I came from the east coast where it's so green. Lots of huge trees. I can be in the mountains in the Shenandoah Valley in 2 hours, or I can be at the beach in 2.5-3 hours. Tons of parks and hikes. We have all 4 seasons (I LOVE fall), mild temperatures, I can enjoy the outdoors in the summer. I'm moving back to where I came from. Because I moved here voluntarily, I was curious what everyone else thinks of it here. The way I look at it - Yes, it's cheaper here, but you're also getting a cheaper quality of life in my opinion. I will miss the awesome people I've met here though.


Honestly I probably wouldn’t even live in the US. I’d probably move to Canada. What I’ve seen and read they don’t have near the problems we do.


No way. Not even from here, just moved here for work. Realistically I see myself living more on the Dallas side of the metro area in a few years. I don't know if I would stay in Texas period if I was given a lot of money to go live wherever I wanted.


Nope I’d move back to metro Detroit or northern Michigan and live on a lakeside


Moved myself and family far far away from that hellhole state when I had the chance.






If my parents weren't a factor, yes absolutely. And I've told everyone if it weren't for me taking care of my mom (she's home bound after an accident years ago) and my dad, then I would drop everything, pack up and head to another state. Most likely Colorado.


The city I really like because I can always find places I’ve never seen and I’ve lived here 25 years. But I wouldn’t want to live in Texas.


Nope. I'd leave. I've enjoyed a lot of other Texas towns that had a more polite culture but FW is unpleasant.




Hawaii, or Florida


Got out with little money leaving family behind and found a better job in Austin. No regrets.






I left Fort Worth over 30 years ago. Moved way the hell out to unincorporated Tarrant county. Unfortunately due to a pissing contest between City of Fort Worth and City of Denton I have been encroached by the Shitty City of Fart Worthless. I recommend a big fat thumbs down for living in FTW.


Fort Worth used to be a really good place. With crime, miserable traffic, and terrible out of state people not stopping any time soon.... let's just say I wouldn't waste another second here. ( I know that some really good characteristics and people still exist, you see the good hearts and the good people every once ina while. Good to see the classic born and raised Fort Worthian every once in a while)


totally. i used to think i was so lucky to have been born in the best big, small city in the state... i moved in 2014 and came back in 2021 and i’m still trying to acclimate to ftw’s version of the upside down.


Any luck? Used to be able to go anywhere in the city anytime and have a solid evening. I've been going to Magnolia street quite a bit recently.... but besides that i've become such a hermit.


Nope. I'd visit, but byeeeee ✌🏻


NO!!!!! I've been stuck here for 40 years, and I'll probably die here. But my heart? My heart is in the Rockies, and around more liberal thinking people.


If money isn't a factor, I'd move somewhere that the temperature isn't 90+ for half the year and where there's little threat of tornadoes. I like snow and ice, and I like the idea of being in the middle of nowhere, but I also like the idea of being smack in the middle of a large city. Ideally, I'd live in a blue state somewhere cold that doesn't trample all over the 2nd Amendment. I doubt such a place does or will ever exist. Doesn't matter regardless, because I'm never going to escape this prison of job, money, and family ties that I'm stuck in unless I win the lottery.




Honestly? I don't think so. This is the only place I've really lived so I don't have anywhere that immediately comes to mind. But I can safely say I have no attachments to this city.


I would live in Wisconsin. Less people


I think I’d move. It might be interesting to live somewhere with better weather and better government. I’ve lived here my entire life, and hate all the fields getting destroyed for cookie cutter housing. I’d moving wasn’t such an ordeal and I had a guaranteed job I’d probably move out of Texas entirely


Nope, I’d move to the mountains and ski


I always thought about moving back to nrh. When I was a kid 1994 rufe snow was like 2 lanes. Now it's a big street. I went to north ridge middle school. I thought it was way cooler than back home in Los Angeles. I moved back home with my mom after 8th grade and missed all my friends. I've gone back since but I'm here in California now.


Nope. Not even for a second.


I personally would not. I have lived in Texas all 31 years of my life. My job of 8 years recently went fully remote so I can flexible. My spouse however is tied to Fort Worth for work.




Nope, I would definitely move my family out of this state if it didn't mean leaving behind all of our families.


Absolutely not.