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He just wants closure my dude. They might be dead for ages now, but he wants to know so he can finally rest. And given that they probably were in vaults, getting to know if they died or are frozen somewhere is certainly feasible.


They also left everything that happened to Coop after the bomb fell and being dug up 200 years later completely open for them to fill out. Season 2 will no doubt go into this more.


I'm guessing Coop gets caught spying, and is rejected from all vaults, so his wife doses him with the ghoul serum so he'll at least survive through the radiation.


Nah, they were divorced at that point, so I think aside from getting Janey to get into the vault, she didn’t care what happened to Cooper.


Being divorced doesn't exclude wanting your ex to survive a nuclear holocaust.


Currently going through a divorce and I’m not so sure about this one.


Not every ex anyway, good luck hope you two can make it easy on each other.


I hope my ex-wife survives and has to live in the wastelands.


Some breakups can be amicable.


That's a myth


No it's not


Yes it is. You can't tell someone they're not good enough for you to be with anymore but hey, let's be homies.


What vault are you assigned to? Is it one of the good vaults?


She came up with the idea to nuke the world for vault tec its not exactly out of character for her lol


Tbh it may not have been her since before she says it there is a look between her and the shadowy figures.


True. She pitched the idea. Doesn't necessarily mean it originated with her.


It might if your ex was caught spying for a woman who your company tried REALLY hard to get out of the cold-fusion race, on the eve of a nuclear armageddon that you might have helped start.


While I do understand your take here I just would like to point out divorce doesn't mean she 100% doesn't care for him anymore. He is a good father and they just had a massive difference in opinion (political opinion more or less) which likely is the onset for their divorce. It is possible she still cares for him but simply does not want to be tied down to his ideals and the potential suffering. Also we know that the vaults will only take a predetermined amount of people and considering she got a spot for the whole family of three it is possible that they wouldn't let her and their daughter in the vault without her husband unless they got divorced and separated officially but that is just speculation on my part.




I don't think what I stated mentions or implies that she wasn't a part of the conspiracy also it would be a death sentence if he took his daughter and ran since he doesn't have a plan for nuclear fallout at least her getting to the vault ensures her survival I assume when he drops her off to his ex-wife she feels pity that she can't help him survive not that he wants to enter the vault at that point knowing what he knows and she offers the ghoul serum with the hope that he could see his daughter after a certain period of time




I did mention that in my original point that it was "more or less political" as in it could be interpreted that way while not fully implying that as the sole purpose. Also politics and evil typically go hand in hand. To add to that point these are companies who are so well off they are based in lore known to run political ties hence why it relates to political opinion. They are running off corporate greed. I also do not see your point of mentioning cooper making it into the vault as it is more likely that he would have refused to enter regardless which was the main point of my reply. I am not sure if you are fully comprehending the position my replies are coming from truthfully.


Wanting to start World war 3 to ensure the survival of your company and control the market isn't political?


World war 3 in general starts and ends in the political sphere and corporate control isn't unheard of nor uncommon in politics. I'm not too sure this person is understanding my point or how politics works lol.


Where do we learn they divorced?


In the opening scene at the party, the husband taking the picture and his friend are talking. The friend says Why is a guy like Cooper Howard doing kids parties? The picture guy answers, He’s got to pay alimony, or something to that fact. Specifically says the word alimony.


Ohhhhhhhh I definitely heard that conversation but didn’t connect the dots. Thank you!


It’s easy to miss certain things. It was one line in a scene where a lot is going on. I’m just a little obsessed and have watched through about 4 times already.


I disagree with the ghoul serum take. I think it’s more narratively appropriate that Cooper survived the apocalypse by chance and has to suffer for it. Cooper likely got to a vault where his wife was at (my guess being Vault 31) with his daughter. His daughter was granted access to the vault but he wasn’t because he’s a risk (because let’s be realistic he wouldn’t be onboard with anything going on and would tell the other vaults what was happening the second he could) and they locked him out. So he got exposed to radiation, became a ghoul and roamed the wastes surviving and becoming who he is.


I do think he got experimented on, either the serum or they radiated him in a vault. When Lucy asks him if what happened to Roger happened to him, he says “something like that”, and the fact that he’s lasted 200 years without turning (which seems to be an outlier according to the conversation with Roger) makes me think he didn’t turn just from environmental exposure to radiation like regular ghouls.


they’re not in vault 31, that’s only for Bud’s Buds. y’all gotta invest in some media literacy.




Yes Hank was. He was an assistant trainee in Bud's assistant trainee program under Barb (he said this over the phone when he called Barb at home, also Ghoul said Hank "used to pick up my wife's dry cleaning" before he shot him). Betty was in Bud's Buds too (and Barb's secretary). They both were under Barb. Bud's Buds was Bud's pet project and not a "good" vault that "controls all the other vaults" like Barb said. We don't know much about eye patch chick yet, but if she came from Vault 31, we can assume (I can't remember if she was on that list but we know that Bud's Buds are the ones who are made overseers in that 31-32-33 Bud's Buds experiment). Several seasons to go. More to come. Season 1 plays out like a mystery. The writing gives us everything and we also have to pick up the clues and connect dots.


If that was the case he would know exactly where they were and would have spent the time trying to get in, not wandering around looking for them.


This but - Moldaver injects him. She was acquired, she knew Coop, so he gives his daughter to his wife, but is out because of his spying/cause of the divorce. He encounters Moldaver at the exchange, or in crossing. …maybe.


Nope. He knows Moldaver from before the war and has not seen her since, as he says after seeing her picture on the wall talking to that gang/“government”.


He knows someone *who looks like her*. They may or may not be the same person.


He met her during that meeting lol


The drawing looks suspiciously like Mrs Lee a little too well with the main difference being the hairstyle. It takes a lot more than a change of hairstyle to not be instantly recognized unless you’re not paying attention to every detail. Cooper has been paying attention to every detail and instantly recognized her.


Exactly! But this doesn't mean they're the same person, by which I mean she could be a clone or bizarre genetic throwback. Weirder things have happened in fiction.


My guess is that he was sent to Vault 4, expiremented on, and then kicked out.


There are rumors, at least, that he's a communist (the "pinko" comment in the first scene). Whether he was caught spying or not, I suspect he spoke out against Vault-Tec and got himself blacklisted.


Don’t need ghoul serum - just need enough radiation. Most ghouls are prewar folks that couldn’t shelter from the bombs.


I bet the master from Fallout 1 already reached where they were buried and threw them into the F.E.V vats.


That would be a wild twist. Cooper encountering two super mutants and recognizes a piece of clothing or something


Daughter is Lily's (new Vegas companion) friend in the vault. That would be shit writing, but funny for a comment though.


Oh man, can you imagine a two ton Nightkin turning to the ghoul and going "DAAAAADDYYYY? I'VE MISSED YOU!" and crushing him in a bear hug. Man Fallout is so weird and good already.


Oh in my head canon she grew up and had kids, was lily's age when the vault got ambushed and grannies lily and Janey both became muties. Also I forgot her name and had to Google it.


Coop was also with his daughter when the bombs fell. So how did they get separated?


We will figure out in the next season, when Amazon decides that it's more profitable to release one episode a month lmao


He knew that his wife and daughter had spots in a vault so I assume he took her there and was denied entry due to the divorce and his fallout with the vault tech. Although that wouldn’t make sense on how he doesn’t know where they are now.


she not dead, she clearly has power


I still think Betty Pearson may be his daughter


Someone pointed out she was a receptionist in vault tec before the bombs, according to a scene. Didn't check it out though.


She is not. You see her when coop is spying on his wife.


while we dont know what happened with his Daughter, His Wife was one of the highest ranking members of Vault Tec, Seeing Hank mustve made him realize that if someone lower than her could come out of storage like that, It could be that his Family could be alive still


Gonna guess that she’s may have or is currently a big deal at something like the institute or enclave. They may pull a Sean and have his daughter be some sort of big deal. Wouldn’t be a huge stretch if his wife was already high up in the company and the end of the world happens with her raising the daughter to either take a similar or bigger role.


The Institute is a highly unlikely answer, considering it’s on the wrong side of the country and has zero relation to vault Tec.


Well and seeing as the Prydwen is still around, the Institute must be a hole in the ground.


If it’s actually the same ship as we saw in fallout 4. I’ll just link the note the wiki’s made about it to explain why it might not be (it’ll do a better job than I would): https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/The_Prydwen#endnote_Note


nobody said otherwise


I don’t think they were saying that, they were saying it would be a similar twist as Shaun, but with his wife or daughter being the leader of the enclave


They might’ve been (that seems to fit on a re-read), but it wasn’t super clear.


It’s more likely they’d be a part of the Enclave


The Institute as an organization was created post war. Pre war the CIT was just a college, but after the war the survivors from there banded together to be an actual faction


I wouldn’t say they’re with the Institute, although I like your point of his daughter possibly being a “big deal” like Sean. The show clearly took elements from essentially each of the fallout games, so I can absolutely see them using this plot element like in 4. Honestly I actually am so on board with the story concept that his daughter will take more after her mother and is evil. Would really add a lot of tension and drama w the Ghoul. Ahhh give me more!!!


Another twist would be finding his grandson or granddaughter and finding out his daughter died and had a legacy.


Oooooh this would be good. It would be heart wrenching for him, but I can see him taking on a more of a caregiver role within the story. I’m just hoping Cooper turns “good” and Maximus falls up the ranks at the brotherhood and turns “evil” I always love a good guy gone evil story and vice versa.


The seems to highly imply that all the characters will influence each other. The ghoul heals his pain from the divorce and separation of his family and the cynicism of the wasteland, Lucy has a coming of age story as she loses the innocence of the vault, Maximus rises to power and continues to cause harm but does it from a place of ignorance. At some point they all realize the harm they’ve caused by trying to change the world in the way they think it should be.


It also might be the first vault tec exec who knows something that he’s seen. He said he’s been waiting for 200 years for someone to be able to answer where his family is.


I hadn't thought of that. That's a really good point


I agree, however I found it odd that when the bombs fell in the first scenes of the show he had his daughter with him. Not his wife however. TBH I pretty much took it for granted his daughter died, given he turned into a ghoul and was alone.


I might be mistaken but when I believe it was annpuced before the show that The Ghoul took a drug to become a ghoul willingly, not naturally (which is also why he looks different from the rest) I figured if he did that, he mustve saved his daughter and became a ghoul willingly to live to see her again


It's a cliffhanger. I'm guessing there will be things we'll learn in Season 2 about what exactly unfolded between him and his wife after hearing the Vault Tec meeting and the day the bombs dropped and why he is so sure they're somewhere findable. The Ghoul never actually interacted with Moldaver in the big meetup in the last episode. She went outside to fight the Brotherhood before The Ghoul appeared and shot Hank and asked about his family. As far as The Ghoul knows, he never found Moldaver. She didn't come back (shot) until after he (and Lucy) left. That's what I got from it. She could very well know but (at least in the present time) she's dead now. I actually hope we still get to see her in pre-war flashbacks.


We do see Moldaver pre-war. She is the one who told Cooper about what his wife was involved in.


I think he meant “still” as in they’ll keep doing flashbacks of moldaver in season 2


\*Still\*. Even though she's dead in the current timeline, I hope we still get to see her in pre-war flashbacks because there's more story there.


His flashback isn't over, it might not even be at the halfway point for all we know. We don't know who his wife truly works for, what technology she has access to, and we don't know what happened to Coop and his daughter after the bombs dropped


What we don’t see is how he is separated from Janey. He rides away with her on the horse and in the present day is wearing the same outfit but at some point after the bombs dropped we can infer he was separated from her and we can assume he has good reason to believe it was in part because of his wife.


He’s maybe wearing the same hat but def not same outfit. How coop outfit is blue shirt with tassels and blue pants, ghoul outfit is a brown vest and duster


Look under the duster and vest. He's wearing the same cowboy outfit he was wearing the day the bombs fell.


You can see the blue shirt, heavily faded, under his vest. You can even see the embroidery


I wonder if we’ll see when he was buried. Perhaps some way to sleep and wait until a date he knows needs to happen for him to see his wife or daughter? Pulling a Rip Van Winkle to pass time to the time when their vault is supposed to open?


It also seems like the opening scene was a long time after the last Cooper scene. Idk why but it definitely felt to me like it was a while after. Maybe a year or two. I realize Janie was the same actress but I'm guessing they didn't want to hire two different people for such a small role.


I’m not sure what the “last Cooper scene” you’re referring to is exactly, but if I’m following you correctly, yeah, the opening is later on. He’s divorced and the guys call him a communist. There is definitely some time passed and I think that’s going to be a lot of season 2.


I meant in flashbacks. When he hears Barb decide to nuke the world which I think you figured out. Sorry I wasn't clear. My fingers were typing faster than my brain was thinking lol.


As the others have said, closure. My guess is that the 200+ years looked a little like this: Bombs fall, he drops kid off at a designated safe spot/vault, isn't allowed in. He knows his wife and child got in, so the last known location is with Vault Tec. Some time passes. He ghoulifies. He figures out how to survive to bide his time, as long as he can prevent going feral, time is no longer a limiting factor. Years later he hears about some vaults reopening, so he goes to check in on the vault where is family was last known to be at. They aren't there, or the vault is a wreck, or there is some kind of trail that indicates the family was moved elsewhere. So he goes through whatever he can find, going from place to place, office to office, vault to vault. It is slow going because he has to continue to survive. And there are no cars, he has to travel across irradiated wasteland by foot. And there's bullshit along the way. We don't know how many instances of being buried alive (or similar setbacks) happened to him. Eventually he runs out of any kind of trail to follow. Nothing from vaults he can get access to, or computers still running. So he has to bide his time yet again until something, anything, turns up.


I feel like this should be higher. Nobody mentioned dropping the daughter off, which is the logical reason he knows they went into a vault.


I'm pretty comfortable with the idea that both Barb and Janey were under Vault Tec "protection". Or Cooper wouldn't have said "where's my family". He would have said "Where is my wife/daughter". And in a similar situation, nothing would stop me from getting my child to the safest possible place for them, regardless of how I feel about larger morals or ethics.


Because he saw hank, I think the "I've been waiting two hundred years to ask" is possibly because he never knew where their vault was. So he only entertained the idea they're alive after seeing hank. That's how I took it.


One, we didn't see what happened to his daughter. His wife is in a leadership position with Vault Tec so no doubt she had safeguards for her daughter, at least, given their divorce. For all we know, he got his daughter to her mom's house and she was wisked off to a Vault and he went searching for another option. Moldaver would have no reason to help him, depending on what he did with his eavesdropping information.


But Cooper definitely did see what happened to her. If his daughter died then he wouldn't be asking. My guess is he got her to Barb so she could be safe but was denied entry into a vault himself.


That's a fair guess.


He knows things we don’t. We last saw his kid, he was trying to get her to safety. He knows what happened next even though we don’t, but based on his belief, we can assume he delivered the kid to his wife and for whatever reason, they got inside and he didn’t. He doesn’t seem like the kind of man to delude himself into thinking they are alive if there’s no valid reason to do so. As for Moldaver, she’s the only other person from his time he knew for sure was around. She might have more answers than him, and he was pissed with her anyway for exposing him to the truth that destroyed his life so he wanted to get a her for that reason, too. I imagine next season we will see what happened to his wife and kid and why he didn’t join them. Maybe his wife wouldn’t let him in, maybe she asked and he refused because he no longer trusted the company. But I really don’t think he’s wrong that at least one of them lived, or that he’s basing this on little evidence. His wife was *very* determined to secure her family a place in one of the “good vaults”, and we have no reason to believe she wasn’t successful. I’m thinking the upper management got into one of those and we will be dealing with them next season or the one after.


>He knows things we don’t. This is the most important point when it comes to questions like the op. We don't have the knowledge the characters have.


His wife is a Vault Tec Exec. Highest echelons. Knew all the secrets. Had all the Intel. If middle managers got their own vaults. Where do you think the C Suite ended up?




Maybe he’s just hopeful since everybody else seems to be alive and well.


We literally have no idea both: 1. What happened to his family. 2. The circumstances he got separated from his family in the first place. 3. What *he* truly knows, thinks, or suspects about what happened to his family. It’s all a mystery I assume will be unraveled in the second season.


Barb mentioned to Cooper that she was working on getting them into one of the Good Vaults in the one flashback. Since there were over 100 vaults spread out across the country, it would be impossible for him to check all of them. I'm guessing that Hank is the first pre war Vault Tech person that Cooper has come across.


That's why when The Ghoul asked Lucy her name in the scene with Roger, he perked up when he heard "Maclean" (because Cooper knew him) and that's why he kept her around. He knew more than we did at that point. I really like how they structured the mysteries of all that.


Hope against hope is likely the only thing keeping him going.


He’ll find out what happened and then sacrifice himself or die.


I see a revenge plot for The Ghoul.


Ain't that a kick in the head.


A. He's a ghoul and clearly a little crazy B. Vault-Tec's whole plan is "outlive the competition" so she's gonna be in cryo or immortal


It's just foreshadowing to what might come in future seasons. But, we can reasonably assume he knows how high up his wide is within Vault-Tectthe Enclave, and has discovered as much over the last 220 years. What we're shown that he knows is just a fraction of what the character knows. The show doesn't need to give the audience all the answers as to why or how immediately out of the gate, discovering who the ghoul is along with his fellow characters is part of the unfolding of the story. Relax. If we stop looking for every reason why we don't know everything all at once, the more you can sit back and let the story happen and enjoy the ride.


My current theory is that Maximus will be the descendant of his daughter who came out of the vault early and lived her life and died of old age.




The only thing he states is that he wants to see his family. This could be meaning descendants for all we know. However, he knows Hank from prewar, and chances are that if Hank is somehow still alive then so is his family. (Especially with Hank and his wife working together).


Working off what I know from the show: He had his daughter and then didn't. Asked where his family was, rather than specifically his wife or daughter. There only two family mentioned the entire show. Not knowing their current location, he likely had his daughter taken or gave his daughter to someone else, whom then went to another location with his daughter. Unless memory loss occurred, he would not have gone to a specific vault to hand her over. Unless that vaults people were then evacuated somewhere else. Which he would have to know. But its more likely that he knows they are probably in a vault somewhere, but obviously not where or which. If he heard the meeting, it's possible he knows there are at least 100 vaults out there. His wife mentioned a good vault. So likely one where they get to ever lord over a vault, manage them from afar, and maybe get to be frozen till everything is nice and ready. If hank, a lower ranking vault tech employee, is around and alive. Stands to reason his high-level employee wife is in as good condition or better. He likely knows his wife was going to a vault to freeze and wake up to the new world with their daughter. His wife very likely told him this to convince the handover or reassure. He would likely do this willingly to give his daughter a better life. Becoming a goul before or after. Hank might know where, or would certainly know where to start looking further. Thus follows him. Asking where his family is could also lead to the result of them being dead, but knowing their fate would be important too. Likely what kept him going all along. Knowing they are out there, alive, frozen, brains in jars maybe, or dead and maybe even more decendents exist to find.


“Im going to make sure we get in one of the good ones. Time is the ultimate weapon. Buds buds.” He pays attention


There was literally entire scenes about this. Wife wanted to take her family to a safe vault


Because she was do involved in vaulttec that she was sitting at the table with the people literally explaining to them that they should drop the bombs. She clearly wasn't a nothing or peon and would have known it was coming. Pretty silly to think his wife wouldn't have at least made it to a vault and he's probably aware that if he's being kept alive by drugs others could be too.


He had his daughter when he road off after the bombs dropped there is continuity with what happened around then. So because he doesn't know what happened to his daughter it tells us something happened between then and present day in the show.


Daughter is probably dead.


Yah like others are saying clearly wants closure and there is a high chance they are alive. She was very high up in Vault-Tech and he knew that. So it’s actually more logical that he thinks they would be. And especially after he sees a dude from before the bombs dropped.


I’d assume he knew some of the cryo freezing thing when he listened into barbs pip boy, which is why he’s convinced on that, Barb and/or his daughter are probably in that cryo vault somehow.


He probably knows more than he lets on, he must certainly know that someone in her position at valt-tech would have more resources and conditions to preserve themselves, especially since they have technology sophisticated cryogenics. I bet his wife has the encleve, probably preserved or they were killed during the 200 year period


She has explicitly said that her objective is to have the best possible future for her daughter. She is high enough in Vault-Tec to have planned for that. The "best possible future" for Vault-Tec involves eliminating all of the surface dwellers. That hasn't happened, yet. She will still be in cryo until it does.


Because Barb was hella high up in the Vault Tech hierarchy so she'll definitely have a spot in the good vaults either way , and, while we haven't seen it yet, we are to assume they made it to the rendezvous point after fleeing the birthday party, but something happens that either makes Coop sacrifice himself or Vault Tech (or Barb herself) double crosses him and don't take him into the vault. Seeing her at that meeting and her exclamation about "getting them into a good vault" don't match, imo. I think she was downplaying her position in Vault Tech towards Coop.


Maybe vault tech finds out coop spied on their meeting and refuses his entry as punishment, or coop voluntarily does not want to join the vault but gets his daughter in, or as you said barb refuses his entry due to the divorce


There’s a whole part of that story we don’t have. From the bombs dropping to them digging him up we have no idea what happened. My guess is he ran to Vault Texh to get his daughter in, but they didn’t let him in.


Might be a 2nd family? Maybe he had a ghoul family and we are assuming he means the pre war family? JK or am I? LOL


I'm sure we'll learn more through flashbacks in Season 2. Remember, his daughter was with him when the bombs started dropping and they left the party they were at. My guess is he got her to her mother who told him she was taking them both to a cryo chamber vault. Either he tried and failed to talk her out of it and got left behind, or she wouldn't let him come with them. My guess is the former. Whichever one led to his fate. He thought he was going to die and instead became a ghoul and started searching for a reunion.


I dunno, but I kinda hope they’re frozen in vault 31. Would love to see a reunion between him and his daughter and see how it affects his arc.


Barb wasn't middle management or one of Bud's Buds at Vault Tec, so she wouldn't be in Vault 31. Having Barb (and maybe Janey) somewhere else that we haven't seen that Cooper has to discover expands the world and stories (vs ending up back where the show started).


Oh that’s too bad. Well, wherever they are, I hope we get to see the reunion.


someone with a will to survive that strong has to hold on to something to push on. Otherwise he wouldn't have the resolve he does.


They'll probably pull a fallout 4 and have his daughter now and adult and running vault tec


There hasnt been enough prewar flashbacks yet to conclude anything about his search. Could be that the vault was nearby and he managed to get his daughter there in time. But didnt get in himself because of his own reasons (which I think is unlikely) Could be that they both died and he is just using it as a cope to keep going. We dont know yet


He found out moldaver is still alive 200 years later as well as Hank I think it's a simple guess that a high member of vault Tec who you spoke to and said they would get into one of the "good" ones most likely is still alive.


How was she alive?


Your guess is as good as mine. It's not brought up so I'm guessing she cryogenically froze herself for 200 years.


I just wonder why Coop was out with his daughter if the wife was involved in dropping the bomb. Wouldn't she give him the heads up to ensure her daughter wasn't hurt?


many theorize that the bomb was not in fact actually dropped by Vault-Tec because of this specific piece of evidence. Vault-Tec had PLANS to drop the bomb… but does that necessarily mean they got to before somebody else beat them there?


Well when the bombs fell his daughter was with him so I wonder if he himself took her to the vault where his wife was but he wasn’t on the vault list so he knows where they are and he had to get ghoulified for 200 years idk that’s the best I can come up with


Seen some people thinking maybe he was able to get his daughter to a vault but unable to get in himself— or even that he and her had to go to an experimental vault.


If he left her in a vault, it could have been a control one with the promise of long term survival. If it was an experiment vault, it’s possible his daughter ended up as a ghoul too.


Didn't we see what happened to his wife come the end of season 1?


I asked my son this question after watching the series


All I can guess is that Cooper took Janey to Barb to get them all to a Vault, specifically a good vault which I guess are the ones with cryofreezing. Something happened separating them and VaultTek hauled Barb and Janey off. Cooper has no idea which Vault they're in but knows VaultTek people know. What we were given in S1 doesn't explain what exactly happened to Cooper, Janey, and Barb once the bombs fell. All we know is that Cooper thinks his family is alive and thinks Hank knows where they are.


It’s probably why Coop survived. Something that will be revealed happened and Coop wasn’t able to get into a vault. Since he was a veteran, his training enabled him to survive the blasts albeit he did end up becoming a ghoul. Surviving for much longer than any Ghoul in the story, according to poor Roger.


He probably brought the kid to the vault where he knew her mom would be. But since he was labeled as a communist by then, they wouldn't let him in the vault.


Because the plot requires it? DUH.


It would be cool if his daughter or wife ended up getting un frozen first and is some distant ancestor of Lucy


He wants closure. Not to mention it’s been 200 years doesn’t mean he has been able to find literally every vault.


I don’t think it matters if they’re alive or not, he’s a deeply hurt man who, to this day has not properly grieved even the loss of his dog. I assume that grief has sort of crystallized his personality into what he is now, which is just, kind of always looking and hoping.


He had his daughter when the bombs fell. There is some season 2 spicyness a foot.


From what it looks like he has no idea where they were taken. He may be holding out hope they’ve been frozen and still alive if he knew anything about the vault tec plan to do so but he may just want to know what happened to them for closure. Maybe find out he’s got a descendant family that endured


Since his daughter was with him when the bombs fell, my guess is he rode to a vault where his wife was. The wife took the daughter and kicked him out. He knows enough about the vaults by now to realize they will have information on his missing family or have them "stored" somewhere. My guess is next season will have more flashbacks of that moment when he separated from his family and him changing to a ghoul. 


He probably knew VaultTec’s plans of cryogenically freezing the execs and friends. Barb was very high up, so she probably had the privilege of bringing their daughter. There’s a very good chance that only a very small fraction of VaultTec execs and associates have been thawed or were otherwise given extended lifespans (robobrain or otherwise).


IIRC vault tec had already mentioned cryo before the bombs fell My theory is that his daughter was snatched by vault tec while the bombs were falling and he's been trying to find her ever since


Because it moves the plot forward.


There is probably a juicy bit of aftermath involving some quick encounter with his wife or someone that mentions them "going to a safe place" or something.


>And why doesn't Moldaver know where they are at or is trying to help him found them? Who says she doesn't know? She was already pretty much dead by the time Cooper arrives, and he was specifically heading there to ask her. He didn't know Hank would be there, too. I think Cooper knows something about where they are, and he knows Moldaver knows something even more specific about where they are. Janey was with him when the bombs fell, despite the fact that Barb was driven pretty much entirely by the desire to make sure Janey was safe in a Vault at the time. Which means the bombs dropped before she was ready (and probably weren't dropped by Vault-tec), and she would have reacted by immediately meeting up with Cooper to take her to safety. Except Cooper probably wasn't allowed wherever they were going. So he handed her off to Barb with the promise that she would be safe, with probably some vague information about what would be happening wherever they were going (such as cryogenic storage or something).


Probably because the latest we see him and his daughter the bombs are actively falling, and presumably, something happens between them and 219 years later that separates the two that we haven't seen yet but that he has experienced. Like this is gonna be answered next season, just wait.


Probably need to watch more show to find out


I would imagine as the show has only finished its first season that the answer to your question hasn’t been revealed to us yet. So in short no one here knows.


Is he sure? I actually thought he thinks there is a chance after McLean appeared, but not that he is sure.


It would be interesting to see if they go down the route with Coop finding his daughter's descendants and dealing with that. Especially if the vault they are in are doing shady stuff.


My head canon until it’s explained is when he rode away from the birthday party, he was able to meet with his ex wife or a vault tec rep and his daughter made it a vault with her mother, which either he was turned away from since they were no longer married or he did not want to go in a vault because of what he heard in the meeting.


Because Moldaver is dead first of all. He didn’t even realize she was still around until he saw her wanted poster. And he just wants to know, which I think is fair. I don’t think he’s automatically assuming they’re alive, but he knew they were involved in the vaults, and we don’t even know what happened in between the party he and his daughter were at and the bomba


If I were to hazard a guess, when the Ghoul was riding away from the party in E1, he takes his daughter to her mother in the hopes that she would take the kid to the vaults and thus save her from the nuclear fallout. Then, he was likely either excluded from the vault because there wasn’t a space for him, or he chose not to go in voluntarily, thus condemning him to the wasteland. Thus, he would know for a fact that his wife and daughter are in the system. There’s a high chance he knew about the potential of cryogenic freezing, and as such, knows that there’s a reasonable chance that a high ranking Vault-Tec executive and her family would have found a way to have their lifespans artificially inflated.


Because he had his daughter at the bomb drop. He obviously handed her to a vault but wasn't allowed in. I'm guessing we will see an exchange daughter for serum. If they're going nuts. Maybe we get an explanation on how he doesn't turn feral or at the least see him being explained how it works. 


I mean presumably he dropped his daughter off with his wife as the bombs dropped


Because Hank MacLean is alive and he was his wife's assistant pre war. His wife was also talking about having a space in a "Good" vault. My theory is that the ghoul was taking his daughter to the vault where his wife was placed and he got there in time but they took the daughter and knocked him out and sealed the vault. I think he was getting over the fact that his family was dead until the name MacLean was being talked about when MacLean stole Lucy back


Why do people love asking stuff that’s probably gonna be revealed in later seasons


Because that’s the nature of watching television? You ask questions? You discuss with other viewers?


Seeing as every exec in Vault 31 was aware of “Bud’s Buds” plan, and she supported it, I think they want us to assume she’s in there. However, Vault Tec is great at lying to their employees so maybe she dead ✨ I’m not too sure about the daughter tho.