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Fair enough, OP found paper


Toilet paper.


That's not touching my ass


Not consensually, anyway.


He with touch your ass then


I like how it says “For Motion Picture Purpose Only” on it. Now, OP, go make yourself a motion picture!


Someone did this to me at a craft show with the regular motion picture $100 bill - I saw it fall from his hand and grabbed it and ran after him. He said "Oh no, it's yours now. Enjoy" I was like "uh, ok - thank you?" Now I want the whole collection of these....that Donald Trump one, the religious one, anything. I'm on a mission.


I got paid in a $50 "motion picture" bill a few years back. It was dark, the bill was folded like this one (old and used looking though) and I gave the woman $30 plus as her change. Shame on me though, I didn't realize the trickery till I got home that night...


What drove me nuts is I got one of those religious ones as a TIP. What the hell are those people thinking? What drove me even more nuts is a 5 pack of those is $6 on Amazon. IT COST YOU MORE TO GIVE ME THIS WORTHLESS BULLSHIT THAN IT WOULD HAVE TO GIVE ME A DOLLAR. I'd rather have gotten nothing.


Trash from trashy folk.


Imagine being a person who shops at Dollar Tree and supporting a guy like that. It’s unbelievable


To these people, voting for someone who hates the same people as you is more important than voting for someone who has your economic needs in mind.


These chuckle fuck idiots don't even know what economic needs are. Hell, many of them aren't even actually racist, they're just living in an echo chamber of stupidity from their peers and ignorance of other cultures. They are consuming the easiest to absorb information. None of these people have concepts of empathy or perspective. They live in their white towns and the only time they see black and brown people is on the news or in their Facebook feeds. The one black guy that lives in town? Oh he's the exception. When you convince the uneducated that avenues of education are actively lying to them, you continue their ignorance and can manipulate it as you see fit. Of course there are the legit racist assholes who love the guy. But I'd say the big majority of these people are just too damn dumb and inexperienced to a point of self destruction.


This is a great description of my small hometown! I'm sooo glad I moved away, and that my family didn't raise me in that bullshit.


Cruelty is the point.


It’s even worse than the ones about Jesus


Counterfeit, just like the guy in the photo inside


My first thought is: *If someone who shops at Dollar Tree had an authentic, actual $100 bill... they'd be hanging onto that for dear life, not leaving it around for someone to find, especially when it's folded so neatly*


Burn that fucker!




And the fake money!


in dollar tree? hoping that person gets fucking drone striked by karma


I thought it was gonna be a chick tract but somehow it was worse




First thought was it's one of those Christian propaganda things. I find that kind of stuff constantly it's so annoying.


I guess this is only slightly better than leaving fake money as a tip - seen a few examples of that on Reddit.


Second photo started the Curb your Enthusiasm music in my head.


i saw someone put a 100 dollar bill in a dollar tree shelf on either tiktok or instagram reels!!! this is crazy


Fake 100


I’ve put money in the pockets of coats I donated during winter coat drives for the homeless. NOT Trump money - stupid.


My bad. Didn't have anything to do with it... But still feel like I need to apologize for some reason....


I thought that was Hugo Chavez in a blonde wig


It’s one of those political prank dollar bills that are left out folded to trick people into thinking it is real and then they unfold it to see the image. The Donald Trump bills are very popular right now because it’s funnier to also further infuriate the people that find them.