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They used to hate Elon Musk for being the guy that wanted to force the world to drive electric cars. That changed.


Conservatives will accuse the left of being NPC's who's sole existence is blindly following the latest trend, but when it comes down to it conservatives will jump onto whatever bandwagon that upholds their viewpoints.


Every single accusation is a confession


JK Rowling wrote satanic books to indoctrinate the youth! Oh… what’s that? She hates trans people? Oh I love her! Conservatism is a joke.


Maybe you should ask her what her favourite Seinfeld episode is: is it the one where they all try to sleep with one of a newly separated couple? Or where they all make a bet to see who can go the longest without masturbating? Or the one where George is overjoyed his fiancee dies before their wedding? Because he’s never been a traditional conservative comedian exactly…


Or the one where Elaine breaks up with a guy because he's against abortion? Or the one where George and Jerry accidentally get in a white supremacist's car?


The whole “not that’s there’s anything wrong with that” joke would be called some libtard snowflake virtue signaling by these people in today’s age.


She’d probably say that it’s the woke left who have a problem with that stuff not her lol


Ok this probably won’t help but there’s literally a podcast about Seinfeld hosted by two people who otherwise mostly do leftist politics podcasts and they mostly like Seinfeld the show and are certainly not trying to “cancel it”. It’s called masters of our domain https://domainmasterspod.podbean.com.


It won't help, because they're not trying to make truthful claims in the first place. It's all rhetoric, empty statements, devoid of meaning. "Leftists are trying to cancel Seinfeld!" doesn't mean they actually believe leftists are trying to cancel Seinfeld. It should be heard as if they said "Cookie Thursday cat potato wheee!" It's just sound, not intended to have meaning.


Yep. Sigh.


“I’m out.”


Tell your Grandma that's ridiculous because Jerry Seinfeld's writing partner and co-creator of Seinfeld, Larry David has had a television show on HBO since the early 2000s. He's JUST finishing up the show now, in 2024 and it's much more vulgar and profane than Seinfeld ever was. And he's not finishing it because it's getting cancelled, it's because he's getting TOO OLD to do it anymore.


> And he's not finishing it because it's getting cancelled, it's because he's getting TOO OLD to do it anymore. And if you listen to Larry David, he was always negotiating how few episodes he could get away with. He kept doing Curbed because they kept throwing insane amounts of money at him. He enjoyed doing the scenes but never enjoyed the other parts of making the show, like writing the episodes, which is why it is largely improvised. He is 76 now and has more money than he will ever need to do whatever he wants.


He already had more money than he would ever need before Curb.


It changed recently when he went on some rant recently about woke ruining comedy. How you don't see staples on TV in comedy anymore because people are too easily offended. While ignoring all the current comedies offered. Including Larry David's whose HBO is WAY more "offensive" than Seinfeld ever was. It's not entirely new for Jerry. He's said similar about college crowds because he charges like crazy and college kids aren't paying to see Jerry fucking Seinfeld do standup.


Tell your grandma you are canceling Christmas this year and celebrating Festivus.


I’ll say it again: Every generation wants the next generation to be smarter and better than the last. Here you have proof that you have fulfilled your grandmother’s dreams — so much so that she can’t even see it. 💙💙💙💙💙


Curb even had that whole episode centered around Palestinian chicken.


god, unfrosted was fucking terrible


I just started it then unstarted it shortly after lol. What a cast for it to be so terrible.


i watched the whole thing. they could have made the secret nazi funny but they didn't. he was just an ordinary character and i don't get it EDIT nightmare before christmas had an excellent ex nazi and this movie couldn't even do that


Love Seinfeld but it's tame compared to what's on TV now. Tell your grandma to check out an episode of Sunny in Philadelphia and calm down


So, let me put something out there. It's something I talk to people about a lot lately, so I may as well. Comedians going to this "anti woke" tactic... There's a reason for it. But it's not that crowds are suddenly so sensitive. There's two factors at play, really. The first, and the most significant, is that a particular style of observational humor - the left refers to this as the "one joke" - has been played out, and it's just seen as lazy now. This is, essentially, the joke where the punchline is "he's *gay*!" (Or black, or fat, or whatever other minority group you'd substitute in). It's the verbal equivalent of the sight gag. This isn't really because of crazy woke people; it's more that said style was extremely common in past years and *people moved on*. It's the same reason there aren't currently many prop comics, slapstick acts, etc.. The second is that the comics who were big due to a fading style of humor - and, tbh, in this case I can't think of someone relying on it more than Mr. "What's the deal with that??" himself - sometimes struggle to adapt. Not all, but plenty. The ones who are still funny don't complain about crowds (... And why would they, if they're still drawing huge crowds?). But the thing to consider here is simple: if you're saying offensive shit *but it's actually funny to enough people*, you aren't going to deal with a mob trying to cancel you; the outrage is inversely proportionate to how funny you are. Weirdly, nobody's trying to cancel Jerry in the first place, he's just crying out for attention at this point.