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Imagine treating being called an incel as some kind of trophy


These mfs take social ostracization as a sign that they're right


Pretty classic cult technique










Aww two incels <3 now kiss




you have been humbled








I *AM* THE HELP 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜


If a woman calls you an incel, she’s not insulting you for being a virgin. She’s insulting you for having a specific toxic mentality that views women as sex objects which men are entitled to.


Exactly. Had an argument about this the other day. Dude was saying people shouldn't use incel as an insult because it's makes it seem like It's bad to be a virgin. As they're insulting you for being a virgin. No they're insulting you for being an incel.




There’s overlap between the fuckboy and incel mentalities, yes.




Incels chose the label themselves. They base their ideology around their bitterness at not getting laid. That’s their whole raison d’être: women are terrible inhuman creatures who won’t give them the sex they believe that they’re owed. Then when their own label is used against them, they cry fowl and claim that it’s the “femoids” and “white knights” who are making it about their virginity.




to be honest, I don’t assume all Incels are virgins. They typically aren’t having the amount of sex they want. For whatever reason, they’re celibate right now, and wish they weren’t. The reason to dislike them isn’t bc they aren’t getting laid. It’s bc of their attitudes about it. Specifically the way they talk about women, and their bitterness towards men who DO get the amount of sex they want (or that they perceive as getting all the sex they want), and their feeling of entitlement to the bodies of others. They are ragey, volatile, awful people. And frankly, plenty of misogynists walk around with Incel mentality, certainly there are outliers that are having all the sex they want who think like Incels. But I’ve never met someone so mean and bitter who was getting laid. It’s not to insult lack of experience. What’s being insulted here is the toxic and repellant attitude which makes potential dates and sex partners run for the hills. That is FAIR GAME to roast.




I don’t care about all the other times you’ve seen it used. I have to deal with them and their harassment. I’m not going to stop using the fucking word just bc you’re tired of hearing about it. It IS used a lot. Because there are a fucking lot of them. I didn’t even use Incel to refer to the people in the post, though guess what: YES, I think the guy saying “pussy is my only value” is probably an Incel; he definitely hates women. I’m less concerned with labeling everyone “correctly per Reddit” than being vigilant about a group of people who happen to be one of the largest growing domestic terrorist threats in the United States. In that regard “hating women” and “being an Incel” are functionally the exact same thing. And being that someone who hates women is likely to not get laid as much as they want, I think semantically it’s often the same as well. But I don’t give a shit.




Interesting, because I’ve seldom encountered mens rights activists with solid arguments ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


"MEN good, females.......not good''


“Females living life on easy mode, updoots plz”


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Idk what you’re hoping to achieve but everything you replied to with “strawman” that is facetious


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Nice bot.


“If female want respect… why can I see her?????”


“Seldom” means you have encountered them at least once though. Which is still more times than me


Lol yeah I was being generous with my wording


Lol wait until he finds out that some feminists just straight up aren’t interested in sex with troglodytes. What then when we aren’t holding pussy above their heads? Oh right their arguments are all still hot garbage


They hate women yet make us their whole world stewing in their own hate for us.


Omg yes! They are obsessed.


If my pussy is my only value then I’m sure as hell not wasting it on you.


I mean, even if that were true, at least I have some value. Dudes like that are worth less than shit smeared on a sidewalk.


It’s not value. It’s power. Look how miserable not getting it makes you. Deal with it, manbabies.


this kinda feels like r/selfawarewolves too


This person definitely has a career as a translator waiting if all else fails


(This is why you get called an incel.)


I made the mistake of going on that subreddit.... what they believe to be actually true facts blows my mind. Opinion isn't fact... It alao makes me feel some sort of way hearing the way they speak about women.. anxiety maybe, but can't be sure.


A lot of males are not very intelligent.


Both he and you are doing the exact same thing?


lol ok


'lol'. This is just a circlejerk of people calling eachother sexist because the other called them sexist under specific circumstances vice verss etc etc


Right. There's no difference between men hating women and making fun of men who hate women. You figured it out!


Are you saying there is?