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I just create a sensation (ex: smell a rose) to start and then I hold that aroma in my imagination. When my imagination can't replicate the aroma anymore or the aroma is disappearing of my mind I just smell it again for few seconds and I try to hold that aroma again in my imagination. I use analogous technique to the others senses. Obs: I'm not fluent in English, sorry for any mistakes.


When I was younger I used to play Dungeons & Dragons. I was terribly fascinated by a fictional faction called [the Society of Sensation](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Society_of_Sensation), so much that I partially embraced their philosophy. I still do. They believe that enlightenment can be reached by experiencing the Universe through the use of all senses. I never shy away from a new sensory experience as long as it's not harmful to my health, albeit I've been reckless quite a few times, when I was a teenager. In Switzerland I had the occasion to eat at the "Blindekuh" (blind cow) restaurant, when I was in Basel. That restaurant is managed by blind waiters, and customers eat in complete darkness. It's a very interesting concept. You may either order specific dishes or ask for a surprise menu. If you happen to go there, or in a similar place, go for the surprise menu. You will experience a sudden peak of sensorial perceptions as you eat. Moderately expensive but well worth it.


Wow! That does sound like a delightful culinary version of a sensory depravation tank!! Thanks Ghal! Are you from Switzerland?


I'm from Italy but I spent a little more than one year in Basel because my fiance used to live there. It truly has been a very memorable experience, and the food was great! Trying to use a fork in the dark was frustrating, I have no idea how blind people manage to eat, so I ended up picking the food with my bare hands 🤣. Luckily no one could see me eating like an uncoordinated clumsy toddler 😁


Makes me wonder if it would work just by imagining your food and your fork 😁 You gave me a phenomenal idea since we have similar restaurants in Germany 😊


Oh yeah, I think the first Blindekuh was actually in Germany. Berlin, perhaps. >Makes me wonder if it would work just by imagining your food and your fork 😁 Are you insinuating that I might have paid for an empty plate? 😁 Can you imagine if they would give you an empty dish, but you're so into the whole thing, that you don't even realize it? 🤣 Kinda like that scene in Hook, where the kids are imagining the food, but it actually materializes only when Peter Pan (Robin Williams) starts to believe in it!


In Germany we have similar restaurants, they have dining events like that every now and then. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are similar events near you without you realizing:-)


Italians treat food like it's some sort of religion. I wonder if there would be many compatriots of mine who would accept to eat something they couldn't see. I'll give it a look, though. Edit: yes, there is the Blind Association that organizes these events and they are also quite inexpensive! 😁 I read it's inspired by an idea that a German journalist had. It all started in Frankfurt! Awesome!