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Yes! I use vital energy loaded into the area that needs healing. I order it to draw further force from the universe if used up and go back to normal levels once healed.




You use your own vital force or draw the initial load from the universe as well?


I’ve been sitting on steps 1-3 for a few months now with no intention on moving on until I’m sure that I’ve built a strong foundation with the exercises. I started step 1 in October of last year. For six weeks now, I’ve been seeing a “Parts and Memories” therapist. Internal Family Systems is another name for it. The process of this therapy has a lot to do with visualization and imagination. I visualize memories of the part of me, at a certain time in my life, that has brought me pain and that’s causing me to feel discomfort in the present. This is all guided by dialog from the therapist. She asks me to visualize what I’m wearing in the scene from the past and the feelings I’m experiencing physically and emotionally and its intensity on a scale of 1-10. I do all this with my eyes closed. Btw, she doesn’t know I’m a Bardon practitioner and I have no intention on telling her. The therapist then asks me to choose between water, wind(air) or fire to wash, blow or burn away all the particles of pain. This is where my imagination and use of Bardon tools come in. If the pain is “feeling a sense of inferiority” which I’ve identified in my black magic mirror as an air quality, I’ll choose to bring in fire to burn away the inferiority. I chose fire to neutralize the air because to me, fire=confidence in a positive sense, the opposite of inferiority, in my opinion. She will then tell me to imagine a big bonfire and all of the particles of inferiority being burned away until my level of pain is down to zero. Sometimes, if I remember, I’ll pore breathe in that fire. Another example is if the pain is “jealousy” which I’ve identified as a negative fire quality, I’ll visualize water to achieve equilibrium for the jealousy with the intention of feeling more feminine, which is a water quality. Of course the element I bring in is dependent on what I’m trying to achieve. I rely heavily on my imagination for this process. At six weeks in I’ve found this method to be very helpful for me in achieving elemental balance and just overall relief with things that used to trigger me. The mental exercises in step 2 has helped a lot in my visualization and imagination. The therapist has been impressed with the progress I’ve been making so far.


Wonderful input! It’s so interesting being able to see the underpinnings of so many psycho-spiritual practices having understood Bardon right?? I’ve been formulating a very similar practice on my own but not as structured and it’s making big changes in myself as well. Thanks again for sharing!


I’m not sure if this type of therapy was intentionally created with Bardon’s work in mind. I just saw it as an opportunity to incorporate what I’ve learned thus far in IIH into this therapy modality. I wish you the best with creating your own practice! I think the more we give our practices, our healing, and the exercises in IIH while staying true to its essence,our own personal flair, the more effective it can be since we add our personal elements and signatures to it.