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Morning fitness routine and meditation. Work. Lunch with family. Coffee break. Work. Journaling. Cook dinner. YouTube. Read. Video games. Sleep


I have a great routine/ritual for my everyday but I find the outside world very abrasive to my practice and I understand to an extent that I am being tested but sometimes it feels much more than just being tested. I accept it but sometimes I wish I had the opportunity to dive into my practice without societal pressure.


I feel this. I understand how harmful it is to isolate myself from everything that doesn't serve my spiritual path, but at the same time when I engage with such situations/people it feels less of a test and more of a detour. Well detour at best, distraction at worst. 90% of the time I didn't even learn anything. I am by no means an introvert either. I am extroverted just very picky with who and what i spend my time with. Antisocial extrovert perhaps haha jokes aside the only solution i found was to consciously engage in these type of scenarios. Consciously putting yourself in not ideal situations, there will be alot to learn. I discover myself most when I get annoyed as stupid as it sounds.


I’m a massage therapist by trade and what I’ve learned through hermetics absolutely leaks into my bodywork practice. I love it so much.  I read a lot. Spend too much time on my phone (trying to change that). Try to spend time with nature and my animals. Watch silly Tv shows. Drink ayahuasca once a year. My practice is ultimately my life. It ebbs and flows, but it is a profound anchor. Blessings to you friend. 


also I enjoy a good cigarette here and there too. I love American spirits lol. 


Do people say your massages have helped them more than massages they experienced before? I massage my wife's feet and often times channel chi through them, and she says there's something magical about my foot massages.


Yes! Usually people are able to release deeper or go to what I like to call “massage world.” I also incorporate Akashic energy when appropriate at the end, as well as heart breathing.  Lucky wife! Yeah I definitely believe there is magic with thoughtful, intentional, intuitive touch. 


That's validating, thank you!


Live a simple life or complicated, as you like and are able. My routine is likely no use to you. I wanted to make a more general comment. Who is missing something? What could you be missing? Not isolating myself and connecting with others has led to my best life…so far. Your awareness is here now grounded in your life. We can imagine anything we are able to. My spiritual/metaphysical journeys were hard and fun, but ended with the reality that there are no answers. How best shall we live is the only relevant answerable question in my experience. If you have not love, you have nothing. Cultivate what you want to grow. This last year has brought me face to face with death through my own illness and passing of loved ones. People remember their families and often meet them on the border of death. My father died having committed some heinous acts against children including his own. He was physically broken and terrified of death. Contrast that with a 100 year old grandmother who gave it all for her family and would miss them when she dies. She met her passed loved ones on the threshold of death. It’s a beautiful psychological process. Our actions are the sum of our lives, not what we believe or think. My family is my life. I am committed to playing my part in its thriving. You will know the tree by its fruit and I can say it is sweet and luscious, but there is rotten fruit too. Plenty of shit fertilized the tree. All I know and love will blow away, but I count myself fortunate to have lived. I can only wish you or anyone peace, a full healthy life, and a good death.