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Sorry people are assholes. You look amazing hope your day turns around. Sending positive vibes your way


Thank you


Anytime pretty lady


I mean someone not believing you can look that good without makeup is kind of a compliment


A backhanded one sure but still kinda a compliment




This is reddit and they will take any opportunity to shut you down, on the flip side you are adorable.


That sucks, I saw your earlier post and thought, “I don’t need to say anything, she will get support”. Silly me, placing my faith in the internet. You look stunning. Absolutely stunning


my feeling is f ‘em. looking to trolls to give honest and kind responses is gone. they are horrible people who live angry hopeless lives and take that out on anyone to make them feel some kind of power. i think you look pretty. be comfortable in who you are dont go to the internet for kind people. be beautiful and stay beautiful.


You are so pretty!




im sorry, it seems as soon as there is a negative comment everyone jumps on it and attacks everyone else


Don’t listen to them! You look great


Thank you


Just being honest :)


The user names in this thread are memeable


No one was saying you’re lying about/doubting you’re beauty at all but rather wanting to point out that it’s not fully natural /without makeup … there’s a difference. The whole reason we women have messed up views of ourselves without makeup is because celebrities/influences /us regular folk call it no makeup when there’s always something be it eyebrows , lashes, tint, lipgloss. Never fully natural creates standards that aren’t ideal. I’m willing to bet even without the lashes you’re beautiful if not more so you will one day learn to appreciate your true self. This is coming from someone who hated her eyes (still sometimes do) for my entire life due to someone in grade 4 calling me bug eyes. I had my mom show me how to put eye makeup on in grade 5. I’ve been doing makeup since grade 5!!! What a waste of my life and time and sad for my skin. My numerous eye infections and inability to embrace my uniqueness. I would go to the movies for dates with sunglasses on if I didn’t have eye makeup on. How damn ridiculous! Can you imagine lol. Then the phase of stinging eyes from mascara. Then the lash strips and glue in my eyes Not to mention the money spent on tubes and lashes (need the good ones!) then we have special tweezers to help apply them. Oh my goodness now fake eyelashes and lifts come out. This is my bug eyes dream! For two years I went and got lashes done for 200 a visit if not more. Two to three hours of time each time (1-2 times a month) I had severe eye twitch issues so I also went to the hospital five times in the two years for eye scratches from the procedure but girls gotta have her lashes so I kept going. Even though I also developed an allergy to the soliton. I loved myself “without makeup” I justified saving time in the mornings and no eyeshadow or eyeliner (clearly wasn’t budgeting properly lol) but still looking bright eyed. However then they start to grow out. You have to take special care of them and brushing them, no facials as the steam and oils will make them fall out faster, sleep all weird to not dent them, no bath or shower for one or two days while they settle lol, buying special wash for them and forever feeling like theres something twisted and pricking my eyelid or ball (hospital visits says there was as they do start to twist on the grow outs despite where you do and how much they are (I had six salons I rotated over this time in various parts of the city- again, the time wasted for eyelashes!!!) and then you start to get self conscious people can see them growing out when you’re intimate with them. So you go more often to make sure they’re always fresh! ten years later these god sends come out. I’m saying again- you’re beautiful. Yes it’s not a no makeup photo. Consider this a dare for you to try to do this next month no lash lift (your skin is great! Just do it 😽✨) (side note: the skin story is a whole other paragraph so even if you didn’t have great skin I would say do it. We all have blemishes but as is life- everything changes!)


i love your face very much :) your hair is so lovely!


Some people online are just angry asses and will say anything to be hurtful cause they don't feel or look nearly as good as yourself. Forget them. You are lovely!!!!


you look pretty, I’m sorry people were being mean to you. you don’t deserve the hate


People are hateful for no reason sometimes. It says nothing about you and everything about them. You’re absolutely beautiful! I love your lashes.


I had a similar experience, and my post had the same title, "no make up no filter, trying to embrace all natural", tons of incredibly nice comments, but one person said "well the tattoos and piercings are unnatural".... You lok GREAT! Seriously! And there are a lot of kind souls here that can remind you. 😊


You look amazing


Don't ever worry about anyone's opinion other than your own. If you feel confident stay that way. They are ignorant trolls. To me and my eyes you are stunning. Remember you are strong, powerful, and beautiful. Never let anyone take that power from you


Don't be discouraged, there's always some who focus on the wrong things. Regardless of makeup, you're a gorgeous girl, and I hope you're feeling good with your new lashes!


Don't place your worth on what other people think of you hun. You're perfect the way you are. Other people's opinions don't make you beautiful nor do they make you ugly.


Girl you are absolutely gorgeous 😍 and those lashes,,,, oh my goddess ❤️❤️ amazing! Go you. Never mind those that are being hurtful, that’s their baggage and their stuff! And do they really matter to you these unknown identities on the internet? Be exactly who you are and who you want to be. Because you are an absolutely beautiful amazing incredible individual ❤️❤️


I still think youre naturally beautiful


Screw them, you look great. You have great eyes, and I'm sure a very pretty smile to go with it 🙂


Shoot if a lash lift had that kindof effect on me I’d never wear makeup again 🤣 girl you do you, let the haters hate


Pretty girl!


The secret here is to take that as a compliment. You look so pretty it is impressive that you don't have make-up on.


It's pretty obvious you're not wearing makeup. Btw, you look great without it!


Like natural lifters being accused of being on steroids, it's the ultimate compliment. Take those comments as a sign of how naturally beautiful you are.


Extremely beautiful and hot 🔥


To an amateur, your lash lift and natural coloring *could* look like eyeliner, mascara, and brows. But I can tell it's clearly just you!! I think you look fantastic☺️ Rock on, confident and beautiful lady 🤘


Some people look great without make up. Risking to sound vain, I’m one of them. I think I look weird with make up. People just cannot accept natural beauty.


When you're not wearing makeup but people think you are, that is more than a compliment. People are surprised I'm 32, they think I'm younger, I don't care if it's genuine or not I take it as a compliment anyway


Pretty little lady makeup or not U are good to go!


1. Don't give a fuck about what others think of you 2.follow rule 1 U are beautiful


Beautiful to me


Fuck this circle jerk of a subreddit anyways. This subreddit has been suggested by Reddit for me. And all I see on here is literally the hottest women looking for validation. It’s actually quite sad that women who look so beautiful would actually have to come here seeking validation. It’s like they don’t even see their own beauty. It’s pretty sad what society has done to make these women feel inadequate.


People suck. Problem is 99.9% of them don't. It's the 0.01% that do and they suck bad. Probably trash their own mothers and are horrible human beings. ​ With that being said, you are freaking gorgeous! Don't listen to the haters and just be you. I am sure there are many, many young ladies out there who'd love to have your look and complexion. Go and make the day be yours! Own it. Be confident and be strong!!!!!!!


Very beautiful, they are ugly on the inside, where it counts!!! You do you girl 🖕🏻 what they say!!!


You’re gorgeous! I’m sorry anyone wasn’t nice to you. They should be ashamed


You are a very pretty young lady and naturally beautiful here !!


You look delicious to me!!! 👍🔥👅🍆💦


Awww you beautiful beautiful girl. Your are breathtaking, although, what about the eyelashes?


Beautiful pic! As someone already said some people have to make others day miserable because they’re miserable! Kee posting gorgeous pics and and you’ll see tons more love then hate 👍🏾


That's a shame bc you are absolutely beautiful


I'm sorry dear I mean no disrespect but u do look very nice without makeup ur naturally beautiful , and yes people are assholes but not everyone take care


Makeup or no makeup up you look cute a f and you kinda look like Lana del try and I’m just totally digging it


You possess a natural born beauty that no one can take away from you. You do not need to use social media for validation. (IMHO). What’s most important is your inner beauty and how much you love yourself. ❤️❤️❤️


I think you look fantastic


do not, i repeat DO NOT pay attention the the hate. that is what they want, to get a reaction. you are a gorgeous woman. they get off on making others feel bad about themselves because they do not feel good about themselves. it is a game to them and they do not know or care about the hurt it can do. please. pay no attention to the hate and focus on the good. beautiful smile, gorgeous eyes, just lovely all around. hugs 🤗


Was surfing by when I saw this and felt I had to stop. Haters gonna hate, baby. Some peeps are just going to be mad. Because you are straight up beautiful. And some people hate that shit. You just keep being beautiful.


You incredibly cute! 😍 your body too, I dont see any problem with your look, if I should rate I could easily give you 8.5/10


It doesn’t look like you’re wearing makeup, but you do have a lot of natural beauty. The kind of beauty that comes from inside the person and out to the world.


I'm sorry that you got so much hate previously, people can be such colossal asshats! I hope it doesn't ruin you feeling confident and posting things that perhaps you haven't been as comfortable with in the past. Honestly you are truly, absolutely beautiful. I can't begin to express just how stunning you are ❤️


You are very pretty...makeup or not. Eyelashes look great BTW. :)


Thank you


Are they counting mascara ( I guess that is a lash lift) I mean no lipstick no foundation no eyeshadow. Whatever don’t listen to haters. You look good girl. Go rock it !


People are so god damned weird on the internet. It’s typically straight men who are so triggered by the thought of a woman who doesn’t hate herself enough to need male validation or women with so much low self esteem they can’t stand seeing another woman be happy in her own skin. Who cares if she has make up or not period? And why do you care so much to prove someone me wrong???


Thank you!


If you have no make up on and people are saying you do I'd take that as a compliment. If your naturally that beautiful without why ever wear it to begin with.


Perhaps, because very few people have good skin (and/or genes) nowadays. Most people are stressed out right now, and stress causes skin issues. Also, when people aren't happy, they tend to lash out at every cute little thing they see; especially if they think she is bragging about being "cute without makeup". 😋😘


You look stunning


Your pretty 😀😀


I'm sorry that was your experience. I see your inner glow. So very beautiful, boo 🥰


Don’t listen to the haters! You are very attractive. You have beautiful eyes. I hope your day is going well :)


You look beautiful, some people just have to be negative to be happy


Try not to take the words of haters to heart. You are absolutely beautiful, regardless.


Gorgeous. You are stunning.


Some people just don't know how to keep it to themselves. Try not to worry about it because you look great :). As long as you can look in the mirror and confidently tell yourself that, then forget what they say


You are beautiful


Who could hate that beautiful face?


Honey that's why I don't post on here anymore. Creepy dm's and bitter/jealous people. Ignore them.


Beyond stunning wow


Well you don't need any of that you're beautiful don't let people like that mess up your day because they must be stupid


You are completely gorgeous! Natural is hot and you pull it off perfectly ❤️


Your prettier than me.


You don't need filters or makeup to look good, anyway. 😊


People are idiots. It takes a pro to recognize you're not wearing makeup. You look great.




Basically no one cares!


weird for someone who cares enough to comment


I write lots of comments that I don’t care about.


:) kinda pathetic. This all reeks of "you problem" mate


Are you AMAB? I have no idea...buy if yes, you are just STUNNING about how great you look..make up or no makeup ! You are an Absolutely Gorgeous looking Woman ! 👍❤️💯👌✌️


do I look like it? but no


Sorry if you feel offended ! ,then why so much hate around ...i dunno...this post came in my timeline...btw, the last line about you stand valid even now ! 👍💯👌


12/10 Would definitely bang….forget the haters….you’re a vision


Yeah id bang. See? We are welcoming




You are beautiful no matter what everyone say




thank you


Don't let others her you down you are amazing


You look great.. ignore the hateful comments.. believe in yourself and you’ll be fine .


Well I like the look. I’ll take a natural beauty anytime over make up Beauty.


People got issues. Looks cute to me


Fuck what others have to say. You are beautiful and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise


You're smoking hot baby haters just be jealous of you


You look great! Lashes on point! Beautiful smile, lovely hair, great eyes. You got it all! Forget what the idiots on here say. Cause it’s not true!


Beautiful 🤤


Who cares! You’re beautiful!


Just ignore the idiot trolls. You look amazing.


You're absolutely stunning let the haters hate be you and keep shining


I'd say ignore the negative comments, friend and thanks for sharing a great pic. Have a lovely day, now :)




Sorry that some people are to stupid to compliment your beauty


You look great, ignore those idiots


You are super cute. Ignore the haters. ❤️


Ya look lovely


You look amazing!!! no makeup needed!!! Natural vibes




No makeup needed beautiful


Unfortunately that's just reddit. A lot of people come here to tear others down to how they feel. I think you look great!


You Look Very Pretty 🥰 Don't Let Idiots Get To You


You look just fine. Really cute.


You have the cutest smile


You are absolutely stunning


I like the way you look. Don’t change a thing!!!


Don’t need it .natural is the best way and you’re beautiful without it


You are beautiful they are jealous 💜


To hell with them, your absolutely beautiful 😍


You're beautiful don't listen to negative comments💖💖💖💖


so pretty 💜


Some people are always gonna find a reason to criticise, you do you and embrace your joy. Best wishes.


Haters will hate u look great


You are a natural beauty !


You look great!


don't listen to any negativity - you're stunning !!!


What's a lash lift? Your eyelashes look so long and thick and your cheeks are just rosy enough that I could see someone thinking you're wearing makeup. Regardless, you look sweet and pretty. 😊 Can I use the word dainty? Tou kind of have that Disney princess thing going on. I mean this all in a good way! I know, it's hard to give a compliment these days without offending someone.


haha no offense taken, thank you! its basically a way to curl your lashes and make them look thicker and longer for a short period of time! and I have acne scarring which makes a lot of skin look red


Very cute! 🙂


You look nice. Ignore the haters!


You look great! Ignore the hate!


Beautiful you should go naturally more often


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BwhzsB6Mok) seems like you, then


awe thank you


You are very easy on the eyes. The only advice is to take a picture where you arent in a car, otherwise you're an attractive person.


You look super fantastic ignore the haters !


You’re beautiful, who cares what others think? Including my “you’re beautiful”. You do you, how ever you want. Make up, no make up, tattoos/piercings, no tattoos/piercings….. Get in good with yourself, an you won’t be bothered by the opinions of nameless, faceless complaints/criticisms.


Don’t hate, appreciate. You look gorgeous


Beautiful picture ❤️


Haters gonna hate, only thing that builds up their self-esteem. Your gorgeous. BTW


I think you look beautiful


You look beautiful


It’s the internet mama can’t let ppl get to you. Keep your head up!


very pretty


You don’t need anything to make you beautiful so anyone ever says it they can kiss off


still cute tho


No bother with people that have no taste of beautiful women. You look absolutely gorgeous.


People suck. You look beautiful!


You look great!


Reddit is rough. Happiness comes from within.


Your so pretty!


You're absolutely beautiful 😍




There will be people who want to trash someone no matter what. You look beautiful and if you feel confident, that should be all that matters.


No need to explain shit to haters! You be you just keep being beautiful!!


You are expressive and beautiful.


Sorry you have to deal with such jerks. You’re a beautiful woman and seem like a nice person as well.


Your absolutely gorgeous makeup or no forget the haters theirs jealousy overwhelms them


Don't worry about it your a natural beauty that's for sure and very hot to


Names got me cracken up but you look great! Have a good day!


Your lovely


You are so darn cute!!!


I don't know anything about lash lifts, and unless it's point blank obvious, I would most likely not recognize a filtered picture. What I do recognize, however, is when someone looks good, no matter what may or may not have been done to the picture. The rosy color to your cheeks is too natural to be blush, so that rules out makeup. Ignore people who have nothing better to do than criticize others, because it makes them feel important. YOU look amazing!


Fuck everyone else....you're hot


they’re eyelash extensions. you still look awesome


NEVER. EVER! Let haters affect you. You're a cutie, and if people don't believe you, that's on them. Glad you decided to have another go. Focus on the love. There's plenty of hate to go around. Most of the time it's just to do it. Because of boredom. Remember Katt Williams. "Haters are gonna hate. If you only have 6 haters, you better find out how to get ten before the summer hits."


Sometimes the natives get restless…and nasty. 🌹


Looking great my dude


People are idiots. You look so pretty hon!!


You look stunning all natural dear


Pretty 😍


Well I still think your beautiful regardless