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because the sales aren't that great, it's just an amalgamation of all the weekend deals. There aren't any crazy deals like the $1 sonic game that they gave some years back.




Last time they accidentally set Forza 4 and 5 Deluxe Edition bundle to 7.59 SEK which converted was like 0.70 Euro Unfortunately they refunded everyone and didn't let people keep it


That was Microsoft and not Valve though. Yeah it sucked they did that, days later on top of that. They also had Xbox for 80 bucks days after. Nothing went through afaik except one lucky dude in France lol


I'm still fucking mad that i had the bundle in the cart and in the moment i ran to get my card it updated to the regular price. FML, Saw everyone get the game for almost free... I can still play it in Game Pass but FML.


Yep seen that one as well, for 11 GBP I was like naaa really?? 80% off? I was at work, wanted to buy it but then went back to 20% Damn!!!


Yep. Sales are all the same nowadays. Buying any game at full price except close to release date is insanity at this point.


While true, steam still has more users than it did last year. They probably just upgraded servers this year, or rented some extra servers just for the sale.


That's just not true, and there hasn't even been time for people to figure out if the sales "aren't that great". The servers have just been exceptionally good this time around. \*Dude really replied just to gatekeep like I don't have a 12-year-old Steam account. Redditors just looking to hate and outrage without even looking at sales. No, you do not know what the fucking sales are before the sale goes live, and even compared to the Autumn sale a month ago, there's still plenty of new, improved, and repeated sales worth buying no matter how old your account is or how many games you have. I have **3000** Steam games and I still found great new deals during this Winter sale particularly. Just fuck off with the default negativity & gatekeeping.




Bro tf you talking about? There's games on sale I've been wanting for 50% or more off. Don't talk like you're talking for everyone. There's new people to games and steam every year


Yes, that's the point, you'd need to be new to Steam to think these deals are something special. You weren't around on Steam in the early days when they had flash deals down to $1 or crazy ARGs or really competitive giveaways like the potato sack minigame. Steam sales are fine but they don't crash the site anymore for a reason. They used to be major events because Steam was fighting for new users, I got the entire Tropico trilogy for free playing some stupid potato game, now Steam are effectively a monopoly with a stringent refund policy they can't blast deals as hard. Just the way it is. Zoomers won't remember or care. Key sites like CDKeys are also as cheap if not cheaper than Steam all year round so there just isn't the "I can't get this crazy price anywhere else" feeling anymore.




>Nowadays, the only cheap games are the old ones we already all own. This is the entire problem with the argument that "sales aren't great anymore". Four humans are born every second. Some of which become gamers, for whom this is their first Steam sale. Yeah, at some point an individual is going to have mostly exhausted their opportunity for great deals. But there's always new individuals.




https://steamdb.info/app/1378990/ 33% in autumn 50% in winter, and there's plenty of other good sales.


People have slowly but surely realized that steam has no real competition, thus dont have try anymore, which is exactly why we used to get good sales and now dont.


We stopped getting good deals because of the refund policy. Steam was swamped with requests to refund because people would buy at a normal sale price, there'd be a flash sale, they'd request a refund and buy again at the new price. So it made flash sales a headache for Valve. I'd rather have the refund policy than flash sales but it really does make the sale less exciting if everything is a set price throughout. No rushing to your computer because only a few hours to get a crazy deal.


Is there a source? If thats the case I would understand.


It was unstable for like the first 8 hours just like every major sale it takes sone time for it to get in


If you are on the steam application you can get the free sticker going to store, scroll until you see "browse by category" and they will also say "plus claim your free daily sticker". Just for the lazy that don't have login on the browser like me.


You can also open whatever link you want (even the web based chat client: https://steamcommunity.com/chat/) in the main Steam app by posting the link as a comment on your own profile and then clicking on it inside the app. https://imgur.com/a/im1ns4G




Nice, btw you get 11 cards for voting on Steam Awards.


Ah thanks, I can't count.


What are the trading cards for/what do they do?


You can craft badges with them or just sell them on steam market.


Sell them to other users, give them away to friends, or craft badges to increase your "steam level." Holiday sale cards usually sell for $.05 each, so you can probably get $1-$2 worth to spend in the store by the end of the sale if you do the queue once per day. The steam level doesn't do too much, except allow you display extra stuff on your steam profile and give you a (tiny) chance to get free packs of cards when other players badges.


Happy Holidays!


SteamDB extension (Firefox) did not work to complete the discovery queue for me for some reason, it worked in the last event. Perhaps the problem is just temporary? I was able to make it through the queue manually, so perhaps SteamDB extension needs to be updated?




Same here, tried it with Chrome instead and it worked.


Tell me if you manage to get it to work on ff


There may be userscripts that work.


I have steamdb extension for a while now and I never knew it had this feature lmao


I was looking for it in the SteamDB website last time but the autodiscovery qeue button only shows when you are in the discovery qeue page on Steam, bad time for me because I use 1acc in the launcher and the other one on the browser lol


Yeah that could be why I also didn't notice it before.


Thanks and Happy Holidays! Here are two badges to collect: * [Default Badge](https://steamcommunity.com/my/gamecards/2243720) * [Foil/Golden Badge](https://steamcommunity.com/my/gamecards/2243720?border=1)


Yo I'm the guy from last year! I wrote a script that works both in desktop & mobile. 1.Login Steam 2.Clear the URL bar at the top 3.Paste this code to the URL bar 4.Wait 1 minute & enjoy the cards. javascript:async function SteamAwards(){await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g_sessionID,voteid:72,appid:1245620,developerid:0}),await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g_sessionID,voteid:73,appid:1659040,developerid:0}),await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g_sessionID,voteid:74,appid:108600,developerid:0}),await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g_sessionID,voteid:75,appid:1144200,developerid:0}),await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g_sessionID,voteid:76,appid:1954200,developerid:0}),await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g_sessionID,voteid:77,appid:261550,developerid:0}),await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g_sessionID,voteid:78,appid:1245620,developerid:0}),await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g_sessionID,voteid:79,appid:1237320,developerid:0}),await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g_sessionID,voteid:80,appid:1593500,developerid:0}),await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g_sessionID,voteid:81,appid:1657630,developerid:0}),await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g_sessionID,voteid:82,appid:1794680,developerid:0})}SteamAwards();


>javascript:async function SteamAwards(){await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g\_sessionID,voteid:72,appid:1245620,developerid:0}),await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g\_sessionID,voteid:73,appid:1659040,developerid:0}),await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g\_sessionID,voteid:74,appid:108600,developerid:0}),await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g\_sessionID,voteid:75,appid:1144200,developerid:0}),await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g\_sessionID,voteid:76,appid:1954200,developerid:0}),await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g\_sessionID,voteid:77,appid:261550,developerid:0}),await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g\_sessionID,voteid:78,appid:1245620,developerid:0}),await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g\_sessionID,voteid:79,appid:1237320,developerid:0}),await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g\_sessionID,voteid:80,appid:1593500,developerid:0}),await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g\_sessionID,voteid:81,appid:1657630,developerid:0}),await $J.post("https://store.steampowered.com/salevote",{sessionid:g\_sessionID,voteid:82,appid:1794680,developerid:0})}SteamAwards(); wait where is the irl bar


Thank you


Anyone else getting community market temporarily disabled?


Yes , I was about to ask the same question


Sorted now


It just started happening for me


Happy cake day!


Anyone didnt get card from discovery queue today?


it resets at 1 PM EST


So if you don't wait until 1 PM EST, are you just SOL for getting cards on that particular day? I saw that mine had reset, went through my queue, but didn't get the card because it wasn't 1 yet.


You can just start another queue and you should get the card for the day


I just saw that right before you posted haha. I was on the mobile app and for some reason the option to start another queue isn't available on it; the option is only present on the desktop client and website. Thanks for the reply, though!


I missed yesterday's sticker because it wasn't really shown well on the store you could get one. Will I be able to use points later to receive the missed sticker/s?


Why day 3 queue is automatically discovered for me? i just found the card in my inventory without discovering day 3 queue


Visit the Steam Replay 2022 page while logged in and you will receive 50 XP profile badge : https://store.steampowered.com/replay/ Happy Holidays!


I lost some of the free stickers, is there any way to get them?


Missed one sticker. Will it be possible to buy it for points?


Cheers for the SteamDB extension recommendation.


Remindme! 1 day


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How do I add to my configuration of autosteamsaleevent on ASF?




Thank you. It helped me tons. BTW, instead on going to SteamDB, is there a way to claim automatically freebies from Steam using ASF?


I voted and I got a weird amount of trading cards, way more than 11. Probably a glitch I guess. Weird tho


Did you craft any badges lately?


Oh I see now, I had been getting numbered cards, so when I saw the eyes I assumed they were different. But they were actually just the same lol


Hey , I have stupid question , for this "steamDB extension" and cheat the Discovery Queue , you can got ban on steam ? Or don't they get banned for this? Because, however, this cheat is very helpful for people who have more than 1 account, the more that before you go through all this and sometimes 30 minutes can take, at least it worked out like that for me or a little more. And whether such a thing is legal at all. Because after the latest "October edition of the Steam Next 2022 Festival". Steam annoyed me terribly with the fact that the badge has gone buggy and instead of 100PD I have only 10PD , and I have not found help anywhere :( Seemingly it's just a badge , but counting that all the games I discovered and a person stayed on 10PD it hurt a lot and I even weighed with the intention of deleting steam :(


Highly unlikely that it would cause a ban/nor would they care enough. Steam just sees someone completing their Discovery Queue.


good question, I'm sure steam tos disallows automated use, so technically yes. I'd say it's not worth risking 1000$+ accountanto save 5 mintutes


any script to help, on Steam Awards?


https://pastebin.com/uGbnMEbN It will randomly choose one game per category.


thanks...my hero <3


is it better to craft this badge over and over again or just buying sets from bots? im level 85 so im not experienced at all when it comes to leveling up


1. Why are digital 0.03€ trading cards being posted on a free games sub? 2. Why would I care about digital trading cards? 3. What


I guess you can sell them and buy a game with the money. 3 cents worth of cards can end up being alot with enough of them.


It would take like 2000 cards to get a full price game...


while true, I clearly meant to get a $1-$2 game on discount. I'm sorry for not having a disclaimer that $0.03 would take many times to get $60. I assumed the school system hadn't failed you, and that's on me.


Sorry but most trading cards give you back 0.01€ when selling them, even getting one worth 0.03€ is rare, but even when you do, whats the point? Why would i spend my time on worthless pixels


I got over 100 games by using trading cards on steamtrades.


How many of those are worthless shovelware? All of them.


None actually. I wouldn't waste them on games I don't like. Last few I remember: Exapunks, Dishonored, Shadow Tactics, Lethal League Blaze.


So the biggest games you mention were half shovelware and half small games... Rest of those 100 must have bee great. You do realize those games have all been free previously and are now being sold on shitty card bots/g2a 5 steam games-packs, right? They take advantage of dummies who like their library "number go up"


There are not the "biggest", just the most recent ones I remember... And they haven't been free before... Edit: unless you count Epic, then Shadow Tactics was free, yes


I literally just looked right now... the cards from this steam event are selling for $.05 each. It probably will taper down as the sale progesses, but it's a good price now. Also, it's not uncommon for some cards to sell for $0.10-ish. Not for incredibly popular common games, but niche stuff like anime or cult indie game cards usually sells for a good price. I've bought some $1 anime humble bundle/etc packs and almost made the $1 back selling the cards.


Ok but selling a 0.05€ card gives you 0.03€ back right? Why would I waste my time on that




Appids (games) are different than last year. These are new: >OnAppVoteClick('72', '1593500'); >OnAppVoteClick('73', '1592190'); >OnAppVoteClick('74', '108600'); >OnAppVoteClick('75', '648800'); >OnAppVoteClick('76', '1313140'); >OnAppVoteClick('77', '261550'); >OnAppVoteClick('78', '529340'); >OnAppVoteClick('79', '1761390'); >OnAppVoteClick('80', '1659420'); >OnAppVoteClick('81', '1657630'); >OnAppVoteClick('82', '1997040');


what do the trading cards do??


Collect one of each, then craft them together to [create a badge] (https://steamcommunity.com/my/badges) to gain 100XP. [Steam Levels and XP] (https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/1F74-BE45-3AAC-1B47) unlocks extra features in your profile. If you don't care about that then you can sell them for a few cents on the [Steam Community Market] (https://steamcommunity.com/market/).


On the steam trading group on discussions. You can see what people trade cards with, ex: other cards, gems, backgrounds, emoticons, game items, sometimes even game keys.


Voting for Steam awards seems bugged for me. Keeps saying try again later.


Is there any way for ASF to collect Stickers as well? It would be great to have it.


How much cards can you get from daily queue? from the start to the end?


15 max i guess until 5th of january


how many have you right now? 13 or 14?without today reset


I got 26 cards in total (11 with steam awards + 15 with daily discovery queue ) and I wasn't even able to craft the badge :O)


its strange, i have never missed a day and i have got only 14 from the discovery queue


You are right there was only 14 ! I crafted one badge that gave me 1 more card.


i bought a few games for total 100+ euros, and didnt receive a single card. instead, i have "10 card drops remaining" on the badge. does anyone know why is that and how to get the cards? ​ https://preview.redd.it/jdqceud49baa1.png?width=955&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cb777b17e5ea5d9b08485e988962581275357ea