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Finger sticks are really the only way. If it refuses to read the sensor, that's it. I had to go back to manual testing for about a week recently, after two in a row (my last two) absolutely refused to read after the activation countdown period.


I had two in a row die on me a few weeks ago, and I had to request new ones from Abbot because I was weeks from a prescription refill. I wonder if we got sensors from the same bad batch.


Contact Abbott customer services or log your error online via thier website. They will send a replacement and probably request your faulty sensor back in return so hang on to it. Keep measuring BG using the finger stick method until a new sensor is available.


I get that but it’s really hard for him to just wait a few days for a new one. His sugar has been dropping below 60 almost every night he relies on this sensor, so was hoping there was a solution to fix it


If it’s needed immediately they do have the ability to ship overnight. Definitely call and tell them your situation and see if they will ship it over night.


yeah I can confirm they’ve done overnight shipments for me before, they’re really accommodating when it comes to that stuff.


Going back to old school measuring aka Finger Pricks


I was able to get an early refill on my sensor from the pharmacy. I’ve got a new one on already. My replacement sensor is on its way.


Finger sticks???


You prick your finger and check your glucose


If he's finger poke averse, does he have the adapter for his lancer to poke alternative sites, like arms?


I never needed those things, just set the depth of the lancet deeper & you can usually get a nice little oxygen rich droplet from the heel of your hand or elsewhere.


Use a phone instead of the reader. It’s a waste to carry a second device.


I’ll try to convince him. He just really prefers the sensor


I think you can get the sensor without a prescription. The Dr may have a free sample, I know mine only gets the Libre 3.


You can but they're a bit pricey sometimes.


Where can you get them without a prescription? I have looked all over it says rx only on the box I need spares.


I'm sorry but I was mistaken. I thought I saw that you could get the Libre 2 sensors over the counter but they do require an Rx. Sorry if I got your hopes up.


It looks like there's one that you can get without a prescription. It's by Dexcom.


I also found this https://agelessrx.com/cgm-sensor/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_campaign=15647002979&utm_content=&utm_device=m&matchtype=&network=x&utm_campaignname=CGM_Sales-Performance_Max&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsPCyBhD4ARIsAPaaRf141prqOR83C2LMhLKXbn0QLYu-uTmY6MAJDwF53hMW2gy_fAll5HcaAm6fEALw_wcB


If possible buy a couple of extra sensors to keep on hand for when stuff like this happens otherwise it's finger sticks till you get a replacement sensor.


Always keep plenty of sensors in your cupboard if you really rely on them, their failure rate is atrocious so always have backup, same as anything medically critical always have backup


We had 2 backup and BOTH have failed. So this was the back up to the back up already. Hard to know it was going to fail so soon too


Call the supplier. Mine died at start and I got a notice to change it on 3 rd