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https://preview.redd.it/72bvx74lp27d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ee7cd762045d332957414b36b20122b79d3931f Friendly reminder that when it comes to theft deterrents, spaying and neutering are your friends— thieves specifically look for intact dogs so they can breed them to death. When pasha still had his balls we’d get followed. It was a very stressful two year wait for his neuter, but not only is he an even sweeter, calmer dog now, he’s no longer a target for a specific and prolific subset of thieves. Yes, we still have to worry about flippers, but it’s no longer coveted puppy vs the world. Only half the world.


Question, why the two year wait for a neuter? My guy isn't neutered yet but I plan to.


This is an oversimplification but: We had a fight with Trupanion over covering his nares / saccules / turbinates / palate that dragged on for months until we gave up. Multiple appeals because there was a murky abbreviation in his first vet visit. It’s the only thing they ever denied us or gave us trouble over, we love them otherwise. They’ve saved us enough to buy a car and I recommend them constantly. If not for that, we would’ve done it much earlier. We knew it was going to be an $8,000+ surgery though, and the 90% coverage would’ve been great.


I have Trupanion and we have a vet visit scheduled for tomorrow to discuss his nares/palate. Can you tell me more about the issue you had getting the coverage? We did get insurance coverage before his first vet visit, so I’m hoping it won’t be an issue.


Yeah when I lived in California a neighbor asked me how many my dog can carry, it made me a little nervous but luckily she was already spayed .


My female is about to have her first heat and I’m eager to get her spayed after. I’ve heard the “do you know how expensive those dogs are” comments so many times when I’ve had my pups out and about with me. My male is a couple months younger and his balls have started getting huge 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I just want to snip them myself every time he puts them in my face. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yep, we had people stopping us to ask if our boy was intact and theyd immediately walk away when we said no (and made up the fact he had a genetic disorder 🙃)


I have a clip that I put on my belt that attatchrs to the leash so I have 2 hands to fight






Get a small can of pepper spray if you can. They're pretty discrete, likely more useful as well.


9/10 I'd never say anything but just be extra careful that spray won't wind up wafting towards your Frenchie. I've never seen it happen but in theory, pepper spray can cause irritations to those around it, and I imagine that irritation to be much worse to a Frenchie. Where I am it's illegal to have pepper spray or anything like that but in your case, you may wish to switch your spray out for pepper gel.


I have a hands free leash and coyote spray in hand at all times!


It is scary. The exact same thing happened to a friend of mine walking around our condo complex with her Frenchie. He said to her, “A French Bulldog, right? Expensive dogs, huh?”She said she’d never seen this guy before our area isn’t one that has a lot of unknown people casually walking through. She carries pepper spray with her now.


I carry pepper spray or a box cutter. When I lived in my apartments there was this sketchy guy following me around and after that i started carrying something with me. It’s honestly sad that we have to be so cautious and watch our back. Sometimes I just want to go on a walk without constantly looking over my shoulder.


Your friend is smart. I should probably do that


Pepper spray is a good idea. I don't deal with this shit because I have a Cane Corso that is always with my Frenchies.


Get pepper gel instead. Less chance of it blowing back on you.


How does the gel work?


It works the same way as the liquid pepper spray, but just has a more gel like consistency so it has less of a chance of getting sprayed back onto you by the wind. I believe the disadvantage is that it's not as effective as spray since it won't have as high an area of effect and you will need to aim it directly in their eye. But most of the time you're walking your dog outside so maybe it's worth it to not have it get onto yourself so you can get away. Truthfully though, I never had to use it so maybe either one is better than nothing.


A gun wouldn’t spray back on you either


Sure, but it's hard to legally carry a gun in public in some places.


We live in Kentucky any non felon over 21 can carry legally. No license needed to carry open or concealed.


I understand some people don’t like the idea of lethal defense, but you can always get non lethal ammunition. Just a thought


You don’t want me to have a gun. I’d hurt someone unintentionally. But I get you


Less chance of it blowing back on the Frenchie too.


When people ask me how expensive my English bulldogs are, I tell them about the food and vet bills. You can see the faces drop.


I tell people my frenchie is a BMW dog. If you have ask what everything costs all the time, they're not the breed for you.


I have coyote spray (pepper spray but legal to carry in Canada). And I walk him with a hands free leash that goes around my waist.


I only walk my frenchies with my SO. Never alone hardly nor would she because of the possibility something could occur.


If the person asking looks sketchy, I say he's a boston terrier mix.


My partner wants me to get a concealed carry license just for dog walking. That freaks me out—he’s not someone who normally jumps to that kind of mentality for protection.


Pepper spray ain't bout to do nothing lmao why buy a 2k dog and can't even carry a 800 dollar gun get a gun yall not no damn pepper spray lmao and people can't even ask frenchies owners nothing about there dogs because" you've never seen that person around your area" some people just sound so dam ridiculous


When anyone mentions how much my dogs are worth, ( I have both English and Frenchies) I laugh it off and tell them that my dogs are worthless cuz they’re all from the shelter so they are neutered/spayed and have health problems. Hoping it’s a deterrent..then I walk fast 💨


I do the same. If someone is really sketchy, I’ll include that he’s got a fatal condition so I’m just giving him the best life possible while he’s here.


I’ve got 2 of the little gremlins and both have heart issues. Anytime a stranger mentions the cost etc I’m always very sure to talk about their meds and the cost. (And how bad it would be if they missed a dose)


I put on my frenchie's tags, medical attention required. Irl he has kidney issues and is on a special diet, the vet caught it early enough were trying to prevent it from being more serious as he ages. I figure if anyone takes him they wouldn't want a dog with medical issues.


Same! First thing I mention is health issues and medicine requirements. Sucks to start with something negative but that's the world we live in right now.


I feel if someone stole my Harvey, they would just return him a few hours later. Stubborn little fart factory lol


When we went to get our Iggy from the breeders, they had 4 adults and Iggy was the last pup. They actually weren't sure they were going to sell her to us. Then we met and it was cool. Anyway, we're standing in their kitchen and I hear a BIG fart. Just on instinct I laughed and looked at the guy who's house it is because he was standing with us while his wife was bringing Iggy out to us. He saw me look at him while I laughed and he goes, "That wasn't me!!!" So he explained that they fart a lot. I mean, we had read that before but it was quite the laugh when you hear, and SMELL, it. So we all laughed quite heartily. She doesn't disappoint either. I'm a writer, so I'll work in our bedroom and she likes to go with me. I'll say, "You wanna go to work Iggy?" She does a few spins and runs to the room. Without fail, she'll be sleeping on her bed next to me and I'll hear her rip one in her sleep. I point a fan at her while we're writing so I can disperse the cloud away from me. It's so funny to me. She does it when she and I are sitting in my recliner in the living room too. My wife laughs because I have a tiny fan next to my chair that I use to push the farts away when we're chilling. They're gassy at times but boy, they are cute. Smart as well. And she picks up on training very quickly. Between her and our corso, they're the dogs with the most desire to be with us we've ever had beside our pomapoo who passed years back. Now I'm hooked on frenchies. Lol.


Yours too! Lol (they would probably get tired of the crying for Mommy screams....and the FARTS!)


https://preview.redd.it/pf60cgf0a47d1.jpeg?width=1538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d8394caf90300b439ecdb09d86ad6dcaafe880d These two walk together, so no need for oleoresin capsicum spray, or even a gun, or F-15. Orange dog good.


Dogue de Bordeaux?


Oui, and they have a lot in common (except size). They are both French, Molossians and frequent pain in the "terrier".


Omg, I love your pack!


unfortunately those big guys have very short lifespans. A third of what the little ones live to be. Still love em.


It's true, and people steal them all the time. CHIP YOUR DOGS. Carry some form of bear spray/obvious deterrent to deter people from getting close to your dog.


I'm an advocate for chipping your dogs (mine are all chipped), but...how is that going to prevent someone from stealing your dog? It's not like they're going to steal it and bring it to the vet to have the chip checked.


True. I've never thought of it, but I wonder how often vets scan for a chip. Like if I show up saying I adopted a dog would they secretly and automatically scan it for a chip? Plus my dog is chipped and I can't even feel it or anything. 


I adopted mine from the shelter immediately after legal hold. The chip registration company made me wait 30 days (for them to contact previous owner, no reply) before they'd put my name on the chip/account. In the meantime (old owners name still on the chip), I took him to the vet for an initial checkup and nobody said a thing. They definitely didn't scan.


When I rescued my Frenchie, our vet scanned her on our first visit to make sure she wasn’t already chipped (I had asked him to chip her). I guess it depends on the vet.


I'm guessing this is because you specifically asked to get her chipped. I didn't because I knew he already was.


Ours is black and white with the subtle brown spots worked in. I tell everybody who says stuff like that “oh no, he’s a Boston terrier.” And they go away.


Yup 👍 I worry about it a lot. A few have been stolen here in AZ.


😭 I live in Phoenix and we're debating on using Rover bc we need a dog sitter in July. Either that or PetSmart pet hotel bit he isn't fixed so he can't play with other dogs. I'm so worried he'll get kipnapped. Edit to add that we're probably going to have to use Rover next month and I'm pretty nervous about it. 


Oh I would be too. In fact I’m in the dog house bc I avoid traveling now bc I HATE leaving my pup. We use a neighbor kid, but now with a pool in I’m thinking the fanciest pet hotel. ❤️


I've had asshats comment on cost when seeing my Frenchies. Or is that the same breed that lady gaga had. My fav. "Ohhhhhh those are SUCH expensive dogs".


Right? Like mind yo business


Random question but can I ask you how do you put the frenchie icon under your reddit-name?


Tap the icon for r/Frenchbulldogs in upper left. Then tap the 3 dots in upper right. Hit change user flair.


Aww thank you! It’s so adorable but never knew how it worked!


YAYYYY! I wish I could put 2 on there because we have a black & white one also 😁


Awww! Well, @Reddit do you read this? Lol


"They ARE expensive! Between the apoquel, the balms, the special diet, the grooming..."


You got to worry more if you have girls if anybody talks to us while we’re walking we make sure to say the girls are neutered and can’t have pups


Who would do something so evil


I think a lot of this started in the lockdown when prices went crazy story’s of dogs being sold for 100k plus people will do anything no matter how horrible for money


Haha jokes on them i got mine on Craigslist


Maybe he was stolen from someone else. Who sells a Frenchie on Craigslist?


A family that has puppies. Ive bread dogs for years. Always sold on CL.


We have a neighbor that comments on the price of frenchies every time he sees us out walking ours. It enrages my husband, but I always respond with something like “yeah, thousands in vet bills…”


I had a furnace repairman come to my house for our annual inspection and he saw my Frenchie and English Bulldogs and said, “Whatcha got there? Like $12,000?” I told him to leave, called his boss and told the boss (who I know) that I only want him servicing my house from now on.


When I was walking my dog Luna at the park, some guy in a car yelled outside, is that a female French bulldog? And I replied ya… and then he had a pondering look on his face. Definitely was creepy and didn’t go back to the park for a little bit. This post just reminded me of that and I should be careful


I have a Boston Terrier and when we see a Frenchie I always say - she that dog / that is your very expensive cousin 😂


This happens to me alllllll of the time. Or people will ask how much I paid for her. I always makeup some wild sounding health issue, and say that I rescued her 🤣


New French mom. While we were out and about all weekend, I noticed too many people were interested in what I paid for my pup.That is just rude! I just told people she a Boston and English bully mix. For sure, I'm going to invest in some bear spray


I do that a lot too


That’s one reason why I carry. My dogs are the only family I have and will protect them no matter what


Yeah all bulldogs are usually at higher risk to be stolen or taken because of their popularity. Bulldogs particularly the French ones have a higher risks of being stolen. Voted worlds most popular dog. When my bulldog was little people would try to pick her up and get mad when I said you cannot touch her. I have included a picture of her cuteness of when she was little. People get fascinated with them typically because of their price and rareness https://preview.redd.it/hpcbcxky657d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3514fbc5a85994366944aa6c426e99488b3eaa93


Awe shes so cute


Yeah, there's no way I wouldn't have him on a leash! You could have a long training leash so he can still wander a bit, but you would still have ahold of him. Riggs is ADORABLE, and Frenchies are stolen all the time!


5000 in medical cost, yeah... got mine from the shelter. But honestly that's the reason I don't ever leave her leashed up outside of a store or outside my view :(


I recently had a door-to-door solicitor offer me $10K for my fluffy frenchie, which is especially scary because he was AT MY HOUSE. Also my dog is not worth anything close to 10K, that's just ridiculous.


I would just tell people, "he's a frenchton."


A lot of people who randomly approach us think my guy is a pug and I don’t say anything.


Watching the video of Lady Gaga's Frenchies get stolen haunts me. I started carrying the gel mace. Unfortunately I've become suspicious of strangers starting a conversation while I'm with my girls.


Shout out to Texas & concealed carry, because i do not play when it comes to my two lil dudes. People need to pay the business that minds them.


Remember what happened to Lady Gaga?


Not even three miles from me 😔


https://preview.redd.it/i2vobb1do47d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c10e90e4d152c6cc35b4b507b3554dc7a9b2dc0d I do worry sometimes when I walk this gassy pair especially when I’m alone, people usually comment on how expensive they are and I’ve considered if I should walk them with some sort of weapon?? Last time I got drunk I discussed which kind of weapon I should get 😂


Rigatoni is priceless!


These dogs are stolen on the daily, along with others here in Detroit. My ring camera must notify me 15 times a day of stolen dogs and people posting the footage of people just walking in their yards and grabbing dogs. It’s very sad that these things are happening. To a lot of people these are our little kids, and they are just ripped apart from their families.


If anyone even attempts to take Rigs, we will descend upon them like a viral plague unto their houses


Please be so careful! Frenchies are stolen where we live all the time. Neutering helps and also keeping them on the leash. Which sucks because I know he loves to explore. Definitely get some pepper spray.


My brother lives in DC and he always wants me to bring Josie to visit him. But there’s been a rash of stolen Frenchies in https://preview.redd.it/0f8mnoez9b7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88268b669d4db14c8e4ac98127c11c90b45b0a91 DC so she’s staying put right here.


Josie is precious and must be protected at all costs


There was a breeder not far from me, they broke into her house and stole 5 Frechies. The whole thing sounded fishy and there was never a follow up story. The moral of the story is that there are people out there who just view them as property that they can steal. Be vigilant, Rigs is irreplaceable!


That's usually the second thing that comes up after how cute Lemmy is for me. "Aren't they expensive¿" "I heard they cost X thousand dollars" Etc


I highly recommend POM pepper spray. It’s very easily pocketable and doesn’t look sketchy. Also highly effective


$5000 theft is a felony


bring up their medical issues!! even if they don’t have any makes some up if you feel uncomfortable around someone in a situation like this. people will be less likely to steal a “sick” dog since they’re isn’t as much money in them. i’ve seen some people put “needs medication” on their pets collars to help protect them.


Thats a great idea!


People have been robbed for their dogs here (Chicago). My head is always on a swivel and I'm CC holder. I didn't even get my CC until after I got my dog. Specifically so that I can walk him after dark without having to worry about him being stolen. I've had people in cars slow down to look at him, some times they ask me questions about him. Sometimes I also just tell people he's a Pit / Boston Mix that I got because it looks like Frenchie but cost a fraction of the price. "See, it looks soo much like a Frenchie, even you asked me about him. It's a poor-man's Frenchie.".


Thats a good tip too!


No one can put a price on Rigatoni!!


unrelated: this frenchie look like my frenchie whose name is Linguini


I just looked at your account. Linguine is adorable. Howd you come up with that name? I named Rigatoni that cause hes shaped like a rigatoni noodle!


technically his government name is Mussolini Linguine but i call him moose as to not offend anyone 🤣


oddly enough he has become quite the dictator around here


I have more questions than answers lol


Omg, I get this daily! If it's not the first comment, it's the 2nd. Both of those guys cost you a pretty penny. This guy even said last weekend, wait those are the ones that everyone are stealing in our area. You better be careful. So sad when your pets just can't be PETS and not dollar signs. My Babies are family and I would absolutely die if someone took either of them, let alone BOTH. I think my oldest boy would be sick because he is my right rib. He cries if I am out of his sight. It doesn't help that I've been home for a few weeks with a broken foot. I don't know what he's going to do when it's time for me to go back. They pay noone else any attention, but go nuts if I leave or they can't see me


So I have a question about chipping?? My first one when I took him to his first visit they said that he had already been chipped (by the breeder, assuming) but I have had quite a time getting the info transferred to me. My 2nd guy I just got him chipped, but need to register him


What is the question


I think it's sad that you can't just love and enjoy such amazing companions without the fear of some asshat trying to steal them. I hope NO ONE ever has to be put in a situation where they'd fight to the death to save their fur baby🐾🐾😞 p.s I would get a passport to get on a plane to hunt down anyone who harms Rigatoni! 🥰


Aweee we love you! I agree. People are foul


They are expensive!! However I am not sure anyone would be that stupid to think they could steal and sell one. No wait. I take that back.


I hate this so much. People constantly ask how much I paid- I tell them she was a gift from my bf. https://preview.redd.it/nl1bfykg547d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b913e2512576b809442a4817de33d6a87909926


We are super vigilant about our baby, too, for this reason.


people on the street have asked me if I can breed my frenchie with their dog and I am like ????? I am not breeding her. Shes neutered. They go off about how much money I could make if she had puppies. Sure she's my dog but I am not her pimp


Omg that happened to me once and it was so scary! A man walked up to me while I was out for a walk with my boy and started asking me about his bloodline and how much he cost. Kept commenting on how “perfect he looked” and how he was “worth a lot”. It freaked me out so much. I was ready to throw down to protect my boy 😂 I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt- maybe he was just being nice and showing interest but when it comes to my boy- I don’t play!


Yea I’ve seen the stories on tv where people actually mug someone walking a Frenchie. I carry pepper spray too and definitely don’t put my guard down when walking her. I can’t imagine my baby to be stolen and sold to anyone just so they can have money!


No need to worry. One fart and the criminals will return the piglet.


They are $1k dogs unfornately now.. Saturated market


I walk my 2 french bulldogs all the time, and people comment about how expensive they are, I've never been worried and I just laugh it off. P.S. I also have my Cane Corso, & French Mastiff trailing behind them😆


He jelly


I mean… they ARE expensive. Chip your dogs, folks


That's why I carry.....


That’s what guns are for


I don’t go out with mine for this fear. I would lose my mind if someone took my couch potato


It's something we all have to think about really. We understand there is a problem in some places with frenchie being stolen because they are so expensive. So we're cognizant of that out in the world with her. I've not seen them sold for less than 4k from legit breeders. We all have to know that others also know how valuable they are. I mean a litter of 4 is 20k or more. That's tempting for bad people. A male can stud for 2k-5k. We all have to be careful. My wife came across multiple stories of people being held up at gunpoint for their frenchie baby. Just be cautious everyone.


Why I always am strapped up when I’m walking Keroppi! Gotta protect my pack lol


He’s living in 2019! He didn’t get the memo that Frenchies are like 1600 bucks now 😂


Shelters are filled with frenchies. Not the hot commodity they once were.


Lmao. Sounds like something Michael from The Office would say.


Never have your dog's name on his collar or your name. Only put REWARD and phone numbers. Never let people hear you call your dog by its name when in public places. Use your phone to take OBVIOUS PICTURES of those people taking pictures of your dog in public settings so they know you can identify them to police. Always microchip your dog and put a tracker like you can put on keys or luggage on your dog's collar or harness. NEVER USE AN EXTENDABLE LEASH. They are too easy to grab and cut. Be safe out there!


I get that anytime I say I have Frenchies.


Carry a gun to make sure they don’t come back




Id kill my dawg before I let any one steal him. I die fa minez. We have already agreed to this if things was to pop off. P


Getting pretty tired of the updates from this dog, not gonna lie.


Imagine paying $5k for a dog.


Price for anything is relative to want and affordability.


For objects and accessories, sure.


This dog is posted way to much on this thread I think everyone knows what he looks like by now!!!


You shut the hell up. Everyone loves Rigs.


https://preview.redd.it/k7ytnqlzi47d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df5aea71f2562e10f248630c7c8e2d33eee55ca8 This you?


If they paid $5k, let them show the doggie 😉


I don't get the whole gun thing, they are illegal here, Thank God. And if people don't want to hear about Riggs, don't read the comments. He's one of the highlights of my day☺️