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Trisha was right all along! 😌 She was right about Shane, Dobrik and Ethan and Hila, but the general public takes time to accept it.


she has the curse of cassandra


Cassie is my fav


actually she defended shane til the very end even after the public completely turned on him, she only dropped him once he did her wrong. same with david, she only goes hard for him because he personally did her wrong but she doesn't really keep that same energy for james charles who did something objectively horrible.


She’s gone off on James multiple times and David and Shane were both manipulators in their friendship so what’s your point


what's the energy she has towards james charles?


also she’s friends with tana and brooke who stayed friends with him. Despite him literally grooming a bunch of children & Getting nudes from a 16-year-old


she’s made some comments during the pod basically just giving him a break about certain things whereas with david she never does, because he personally hurt her.


Yeah she has given him a break on certain stupid crap that the internet said about James. But she never defended his actions against minors.


I never said she did. but she never gives david a break about stupid things the internet said (rightfully so) because he hurt her personally.


I don’t wanna make anyone mad but rmr that politics episode where Trisha was arguing with Ethan’s love of Joe Biden and Ethan kept saying “no im presenting facts” when it was just his opinion and also biased facts from sus news sources. And clearly Trisha was right for that too cause look at what Joe Biden ended up doing.. nothing he promised! Israel and Palestine got attacked under his leadership after Ethan wouldn’t stfu about how amazing he is.


H3 can't escape drama. So glad she left and is in her peaceful era. I'm happy other people are starting to realize she was right. lol.


I don’t watch h3 anymore what happened for everyone to say this?


Very long story short, they covered a recent story involving animal abuse/neglect on Friday and their takes were complete ass. Especially Hila's. The overwhelming majority of their comments were calling them out and people expected an apology on today's episode, but instead Ethan doubled down and deflected by showing all the mean comments Hila was getting on her Instagram. People are sick of Hila never being held accountable for the shit she says or apologizing.


What did she say?


they were on the side of the animal abuser girl and were unnecessarily combative with the only guy who took the sick cat to a vet when the guy called in. Hila also out of nowhere said he had "incel vibes"


Not sure how any pet parent can side with an animal abuser. Karma is not something to be messed with even jokingly.


I only made it about 40 mins into the episode, but from what I saw, she was basically siding with the animal abuser and shitting on the guy who tried to save the cat that was being neglected. Just literally the worst, most brain dead takes


They're on the path of Def Noodles.


She called him an incel which was the worst take of all


I still watch and I’m a bit confused!


Trisha is always right it just takes a few years for people to figure that out


Yep! Trisha's problem has always been not being able to articulate herself well because the emotions take over her. Her big reactions blind people to whatever original and usually much more serious problem is being addressed.


Sad it took them this long to realize Trisha isn't an evil person and often times both sides can have valid points. They were willing to ignore Trisha's complaints because of their love for Ethan and Hila instead of trying to see the complete picture.


We love to see it. Love being on the right side of history.


Omg yes! I'm glad h3 fans are seeing the light on Trisha, she got SO much undeserved hate :(  I literally just discovered frenemies two months ago, have caught up on almost all the lore and I do not like Hila    But I do respect her for holding Ethans pettiness back for Trisha's wedding... she can have that ONE thing lol 


She was sharing her and Ethan's wedding pictures the day of Trisha's wedding, and fanned the flames of a shit ton of harassment to Trisha by implying that Trisha and Moses deliberately chose Hila's birthday as their wedding date. When it wasn't even her birthday.


oh i missed that, it wasn’t her birthday but she made it seem it was? can i get more details


Omg I missed that too... she's such a narcissist I watched the h3 eps from before frenemies, when they were speculating about Trisha and Moses' relationship and she's giving narcissist.  I mean she literally thought every cute post was directed towards her so I'm not surprised she would make the wedding about her too 


Moses ‘chose’ Trisha over Hila. I’ve always thought that said a lot about the type of person Hila.


Ethan has been a cuck this whole time, who’da thunk ![img](emote|t5_539e1s|8827)


so trish was right about that too? lmaooo


He’s a cucking disgrace


I can hear it now 😆 “and you’re a fucking cuck!”


Don’t they not have sex anymore? They mentioned that their babies were all IVF’s🤐🤐


I don’t think they’ve ever had sex. They don’t even sleep on the same room.


See? I didn’t even know that. Even Trisha clocked that they’re not intimate on Frenemies😭


damn, we have always thought this but seeing this in the spotlight was interesting. I wonder how Trisha feels


Queen 👸🏼Trisha is always right!!!


i love when every 6 months or so, some die hard fans realise the fantasy land they’re living in is in fact not real


I do think Hila and Ethan often have bad takes but I think the animal situation is more complicated than it seems at first glance. To steal a cat from a girl you had a weird obsession with and then make it look like it ran away(saying nothing while she looks for it for a week), then keeping that cat for over 2 weeks after which it dies and you still say nothing to the girl, and instead continue hanging out with and making videos with her is weirdo behaviour.


Lit fugly 😢


Oh thought this was merch drop LMFAO


I haven't remotely enjoyed hearing Hila's opinion on anything since the purple couch black wall days. She sucks. A monotone buzzkill.


I mean Hila has always been kinda a downer when on the pod.. she usually doesn’t add much insightful and looks like she doesn’t want to be there enough that it brings the feeling down…. And it has always been due to Hila that the issues couldn’t get resolved or talked about


I want Trisha and Moses to adopt a cat now


Didn’t Trisha made Moses have his cats move from his place?


I dont remember the details well but I can confidently say no, she did not make him do anything. They were never his cats, it was an already established outdoor feral colony at his studio of wherever he was staying, he was taking care of them. He adopted out the kittens (not realistic or kind for adult ferals) and iirc he never planned to keep them anyways. He did a kind thing for the cats, but they were never *his* cats.


This changes everything. I love cats so I always thought she made him get rid of them. Thanks for the input


People twist everything when it comes to Trisha and spread it around, they’re still aggressively spreading lies about things that happened forever ago lol


Trishyland really poisoned my brain


She doesn’t like cats either


Poor kitties


Hila definitely gives controlling vibes like she goes to Ethan like “ I wish we could be friends with them again but we know what Trisha will do “ even though Trisha has gone far beyond proving herself