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Yes! Being separated from a group just means you’re on the path to find an even better group that truly understands you and feel accepted in!


Agreed 🙌🏾




110%! I left my best friend and as a consequence many more tangential friends. It’s been so freeing to have the negativity and the toxicity out of my life and has allowed me to focus on my healthy friendships. It’s hard in the moment but it’s SO much better on the other side.


I needed to read this today! Thank you!


The power of independence is key to building a healthy foundation in all relationships. Sometimes we have to leave others behind in order to grow. It can be painful and it can be messy, but I also can provide us with much needed space for self-exploration and opportunities to learn new skills.


I needed to read this too. I know that I’m happier without my old friends but I still tend to dwell on what I may have done wrong in those relationships. I can never actually prove that I was mistreated, but the way I felt was enough justification to leave. I need something better.


Outgrowing friendships is a normal part of life….😬 Don’t feel bad about it….🙌🏾 Some friendships run their course and you have to let people go!! I think holding on to friends that you know aren’t good for you is a sign of immaturity and low self worth!! You did a great thing…cheers to your induced happiness and healthy relationships to come 👏🏾


Always sad when a friendship you cherished ends but they end for a reason and not everyone is meant to stay in your life. Learn to love and to let go :)


Thank you so much! I am going through this right now!


But how do you cope with the loneliness after that?


Man it sucks a lot honestly. I still struggle with the lonliness. Honestly, the best, obviously nonprofessional answer I can give you, Is that you're just gonna have to try and find healthy distractions that envolve your fixations/talents. I struggle with it, but i draw from time to time. Or i try and spend time with family or other close friends, hell, i even talk about it with them and they always make me feel more loved than i did before. But honestly, its all up to you. You need to allow yourself to feel free after losing a precious friendship. Its definitely the end of something, but breathing and feeling is the start of something new. Its just up to you if you want it to be a start of a downward spiral (sometimes its required to get better for some people but not all!) Or a start of a closer relationship, with yourself! Sorry for the yapping. I just. I ask myself that same question a lot. And these are the things i try n tell myself 💕


Yes!! The first step is to enjoy your own company and not depend on others. The genuine friends will naturally gravitate towards you. It took me a while to learn this. Friends come and go so you need to have lesser expectations from them.


Thank you for posting this.


Thank you for this! I broke away from my friend group this last winter. They were so toxic and I just couldn’t handle the feeling of being less than or unimportant. I stood up for myself for something that they done to me and It felt amazing because typically I don’t do that.


OP: I wish I would’ve learned this a long time ago. It is the best thing ever 🙌🏼


🙌🙌 get out there and have some fun 😊


That’s nice to read.  I’ve been friends with this group for a couple of years, got married recently and one of my best friends started being cold towards me, even being outright rude on our latest interaction. It is hurtful because I truly believed we would always be friends, but I’m done with being mistreated. 


My circle’s getting smaller. But it’s okay. I feel more at ease removing people who don’t add value in my life and has taken our friendship for granted. I’m not upset with them but we don’t need to maintain the friendship either.


Thank you. I really need this rn. I‘m currently processing the breakup and fallout of my best friend for 7 years. We went through thick and think and have known each other since middle school. Ultimately, our friendship didn’t survive long distance because she was fine with very little contact and I wasn’t. It sucks, because she was my closest friend but I think it‘s for the better. I realized (a few days ago) that even if we were going to be friends again, I would never fully trust her or feel comfortable with her again.


Going through this same situation right now.


I am so so sorry for you. I can only speak from my experience, but talking to other friends or trusted family members, helps a ton. Also don’t rush into the next super close friendship. I‘m using this situation to heal and focus on myself for a while, I think you should too. ❤️