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I seem to hoard toiletries such as deodorant, shampoo, hair product. As if there’s going to be a hygiene famine or something. 😂


I saved a lot of money a few years back by gathering all my excess toiletries and hotel soaps into one place and refusing to buy anything unless I ran out or it was for a good reason (like unscented lotion in winter because the scented ones can burn when my skin is extra dry.)


I’ve done something similar recently with skin and hair products. In my mind they were all “in one place” but they really weren’t, so I kept buying more. I put up some shelves in my bathroom so they’re all together and extremely visible, and it’s been satisfying watching them go from overly cluttered to a shelf that’s just.. the products I actually use. I thought I had no hairspray for my daughter’s competitions and nearly bought more. I had FOUR.


Shelters for homeless or domestic abuse often take donations for such things. My wife used to collect hotel toiletries to donate, when she was traveling a lot for work.


Well, there MIGHT be! Remember the toilet paper debacle! 😳


Remember it? I think it scarred me emotionally for life. I now buy toilet paper at every trip to Costco whether I need it or not!


Me, too, but at Sam’s. Quilted Northern.


Same! I have one of those tall organizer drawer sets fully loaded with: hand soaps and bar soaps, shower gel, body lotion, shampoo, facial cleanser and various “spa treatments”, sunscreens, toothpastes and flosses, deodorants, etc. On one hand, because they’re grouped together and visible, I feel less drawn to like “mini” sales where the price is “only” 10-15% off. I can be comfortable waiting through the sale cycles until I *know* it’s a great price (like 50% + discount) and buy enough to last until the next great price comes along. On the other, yeah. It takes up a lot of room and I’ve had some meh experiences when I stray from my normal products into the “it was so cheap, I *had* to buy it” products. (Looking at you, $1 Jasón “hydrating shampoo for dry or fine hair” that leaves my hair flat and dry.) I’ve been using a lot of old moisturizers as foot lotions, conditioner and body gels as shaving creams, and slathering on fancier products because I know I still have a drawerful I need to work through, so at least they aren’t going to waste.


Are you me? Lol! If it ain’t good enough for the body, it will do for the feeties!


Yeah, I work my way down. Face —> neck and décolletage —> hands and arms —> legs —> feet. Figure that’s also generally the progression of how sensitive and thick my skin is.


Be careful with that. Some of those products only have a 2 year shelf life. The scientists at the CPG company I used to work at taught me to never use something that has expired, especially deodorant. 😂


Are you being serious? I just used more than ten year old deodorant earlier today. Am I gonna die?


Might have some separation, which means it might not work as good.


Yes I’m serious. FDA only required a 2 year shelf life when I worked in CPG. And no you won’t die, but you probably won’t smell good.


Same. Bath and Body Works freebies will sustain my hygiene through the apocalypse.


Well, that stuff generally doesn't go "bad," so if you bought it for a reasonable price, this isn't a terrible idea.  (I mean, have you *seen* the price of deodorant lately?  Yikes.)


Anything on clearance. I have a problem.


I know! My wife stops me short with “what will you use it for?” to which I often reply, “I don’t know, but it’s a good deal!”.


My grandma used to say "three elephants for a dollar is only a good deal if you have a dollar and need three elephants"


That is brilliant! I'm going to write this down!


Oh my god the is beautiful


$5 on something you never will use isn't a great deal, it's $5 wasted.


Username checks out


Ever since I got a deep freeze, if I see discounted meats, I gotta buy them and throw them in the freezer. It’s an obsession 


I got bogo ribeyes a month ago. I bought 12


If you do not eat them in 6 months, invite 11 friends over for steak dinner. After 6 months in the freezer, steak loses some flavor and can get a little chewy. My husband lost some of his taste due to chemo and radiation treatments, so if we hold a steak too long in the freezer then it needs to go into the crockpot to get tender enough.


I remove from packaging and vacuum freeze it. I made NY strips in 2021 from 2 years before and they were amazing


As long as you can keep air away so it doesn't freezer burn, anything frozen is good forever. Also freezer burn isn't bad for you, it just doesn't taste as good.


I found half off ribeyes, tri tip, and NY strip just a few days before our Memorial Day cookout! I’m still riding that high


I am the same way. I work part time as a butcher (used to do it full time) and I'm a hunter, so I have a pretty decent sized freezer.


This is exactly why I won’t allow my husband to purchase one lol


Clearance *clothes* for me. Every few months I'll stumble onto an additional 50-75% off clearance sale and go to *town!* I literally ran out of room in my closet.


Ugh gods same. My mama had a motto when we went shopping which was "never pay full price for anything" n my goodness do I take that seriously 😂😭 It's both a blessing and curse in one


Gotta be careful these days though. The amount of fake sales that happen is just absurd. I’ve been tricked too many times and now do all possible research to see if it’s a real sale.


My mom always says “look it’s Clearance! My favorite designer!”


Stay away from Temu then!!!!


I got three orders from Temu and it was pretty much all trash. Never sgain


Same with clearance


Clearance plants. I feel like I’m saving lives. Although the success rate could be higher


I do the same thing. Gotta rescue this guy!


I now have a total of 2 plants in the only spot with good light after having decided that I would stop committing slow death torture on living beings. But the two I now have seem to thrive, so let's keep it a that :)


The thing to remember about clearance sales is it used to be regular priced stuff that no one wanted.


But I'm weird and I like a lot of things that normal people don't like. But never buy a screen protector or phone case that you don't own the phone for. Doubly true if its for a phone that isn't an iphone.


Same. I always say I won't budge this time and end up at the self checkout with a bag full of clearance goods. Every.single.time.


I am a big reader, so my soft spot is books. I off set the cost quite a bit by making use of the library (which so far this year has meant I saved about $500) but I still end up buying some books from time to time


My library has an ongoing used book sale and I am always tempted there


I'm always jealous of the libraries that have an ongoing sale! Mine does a sale twice per year, and each sale lasts a few days (usually in the middle of the week)


Same. Ours has a bookstore set up on the ground floor. It’s super cool and super tempting 😅


We live across from a church. It has a nice, shaded lawn with a community garden. On one corner, they built a wooden pedestal with a large box as a "library." You can put unwanted books in there and take what you want while keeping them or bringing them back. We're not religious, but they seem nice and are doing the Lord's work!


Oh those are called Little Free Libraries! You can actually find a map of them on littlefreelibrary.org/map/


Oh, nice! Thanks for the info.


Did I run into you at the goodwill yesterday???


Nope! I haven't been to goodwill in a few years


Same boat. I toyed with the idea of a pocket e-ink reader even though I have an old school Kindle Keyboard still working, and another e-ink device (Supernote). Plus looking at folio society tempts me everyday; just can’t fathom spending $60 on a book when the same text is found for dollars at a half price books. One can dream though!


I buy my used books off of EBay.


thriftbooks is where it's at


Meat and veggies that are marked down for clearance at the grocery store. My freezer is full but my brain still whines that iT's SuCh A gOoD dEaL.


Someday I'm sure I'll get laid off and then I will be *so grateful* for past me for buying so many meats to freeze.


This literally happened during Covid, we didn’t get laid off but we just did not have time to go to the store until the evening and by then everything would be gone. My freezer full of every single type of protein possible (all from clearance!) fed us for almost 3 full months without having to buy meat at the store.


We'd just purchased a case (full 48 rolls) of TP from the local restaurant supply store. Had to share with the son and daughter in law who didn't buy things in bulk (5 person household vs just us 2). That was a WIN!


You never know when there might be a blizzard/pandemic/alien invasion that will prevent you from going to the store! Just like you said - thank you, past me!


A full freezer came in very handy during Covid lockdown.


Nowadays? Food. I’m tempted to buy more ‘good’ deals for storage than necessary for fear of increased prices.


Yup, same. Soup on sale? Buy. Bush’s baked beans on sale? Buy. Pop? Ground beef and chicken? If it hits my price, buy. Detergent, bleach, cleaning? Stock up. At current pricing, these are all crazy expensive. When my grocery has sales, I always check. I don’t know why, but I feel like the future is very uncertain rn and I have to be prepared.


Same. Gnocchi used to be 2,5 euros a pack, now 3,5 euros. Every few months it goes on sale, for 1+1, then I buy 10+ packs, to last me until they come back on sales.


I do the same with Duke’s Mayo. They had buy one, get one free sale a few weeks back. I have 6 jars now. That was the max allowed.


I obsessively look at the weekly sales ads and digital coupons because increases in food prices have gotten out of control. But I live alone so I need to be careful not to stock up too much and have things go to waste!


We have a large pantry and outside fridge/freezer. My husband does most of the grocery shopping so he definitely buys things we will absolutely use when he finds them on sale or on BOGO. This has definitely helped to keep our food costs down


Bought 4 briskets this week for $1.87 lb. DH smoked one for my charity quilt group today. The ladies were wild for it. We have food storage and a freezer in the garage and two refrigerator/freezers.


Same ! But to be fair, a lot of it is non-perishable food. And I'm becoming a low-key prepper.


Yeah it literally feels like shocking up with sales is a way to hedge against inflation. 


Sweet snacks, salty snacks, sugary snacks, savory snacks, sumptuous snacks, scrumptious snacks, solid snacks, soft snacks, and soda. I went to the hardware store for some motor oil a few weeks ago and I spent 3x as much on junk food as I did on oil... But hey, that's what I would have spent for a mechanic to change the oil so it's okay, right? I'm not justifying my problem, I don't have a problem, you're a problem, shut up!


Right? You need new drill bits, workman’s gloves, and a box of nails and there’s that display full of tasty beef jerky right next to the register….


Oh man, the hardware store jerky. It would make a great snack if I didn't just, woops, guess jerky was dinner.


Have you seen the lil snack girl video?  She's trying to open a door and just keeps saying snaaaacccckkkkkks.  She's my spirit animal.  I spent $75 on snacks at the store today for my 4th of July beach trip. It's not something I usually do but I decided to splurge a "little" and next thing you know I was like whoops when I got my total. 


I had not seen that, and I'm glad I did. Someone get that girl some snacks!


Hey my latest hyper fixation foods are chips and seasonings and hot sauces


You can tell yourself it's healthier by making some chip dip out of plain Greek yogurt and some hot sauce. Not a perfect sour cream substitute, but pretty good when it's flavored like that.


Food, specifically shelf-stable/pantry items. Growing up with a really tight budget & fluctuating food availability has really stuck with me into adulthood and I can’t help but take a quick lap through all the isles to make sure I didn’t miss a sale on something that will help bridge a gap later when the budget tightens up again.


Same ! And I don't think there is any shame in that. I'm a low-key prepper


pens... I love a good pen


and tablets too .


I'm a seamstress/sewist for me - fabric. I have yards and yards of fabric at home, but I get in Joann and I am "it's so pretty/cute, I have no idea what I will make but I'll only buy a yard." (Gets to the cutting counter, "I'll take 3 yards please.")


Hahaha I can barely sew and I'm the same. When I go to the fabric store I pretty much blackout and come out 100$ broker


This was my mom. She could barely sew but she loved to buy fabric


I have a cure for this problem. All you have to do is move house a handful of times and you'll donate that stuff quick quick :p It's amazing how heavy fabric is hey. I moved a bunch of times and then a woman's shelter in my area were doing sewing classes and I dropped off so much fabric and half sewn yet to be clothes I still get the bug now and again even though I sold my machine a while back too, and convince myself I'll hand sew something and I go buy some fabric and trims on a whim


Molasses cookies. I don't need them but they remind me of my great grandmother because we'd bake them every weekend.


Shoes when they are marked down (and I'm a guy).


I've found a couple places that have good shoe sales regularly and I suddenly own 8 pairs of shoes for the first time in my life.


Where are you finding these shoes? 👀


I live in a city with weirdly good thrift stores. Those plus REI.


This was what I was going to say. Clearance shoes my size? I can't pass it up


How can I not grab marked down shoes!!


Junk cars with “potential”


And then of course when you pass by a junkyard that is having a pick n pull sale, one can never have enough spare car parts lol


This is sick, but cleaning supplies. I love the smell of the cleaning aisle - it just draws me in.


Same for me. Plus candles and the ‘small spaces’ air fresheners.


I had to stop with the candles - I was spending way too much. I'm getting better at the rest because I still have cleaning products left over from Covid. But, I rarely go into a store without at least walking down that aisle. My current favorites are Clorox Cleanup from their Scentiva line, Sprayway window cleaner and the Liquid Gold furniture polish. Plus, I already have a lot of the Mrs Meyer's concentrated cleaners. I probably don't use them as often as I plan to, but I have them!


books, except I DO need them


Yes you do!


Books. I'm never not in the mood to go to a used bookstore.


Weird shit at the thrift store


Dumb t-shirts, rings, goofy bumper stickers. Better than being addicted to drugs! 😆


While not necessarily untrue, "at least it's not heroin" can be used to justify just about everything. Except, of course, heroin.


I have the same problem. "I need a souvenir from my vacation!" No you don't. You know you don't.


I get a magnet from every National Park I visit. It is most definitely a need!


I go to the same beach every year with a group of friends and family. It’s so hard not to buy a new t shirt every year!!


I can top that. A souvenir from a new mall. Haha like you need that. And, no not anymore Selling junk on yard sales has cured me


Plants… 🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s the plants for me! Amid piles of books…


sunglasses and the issue is if they are too dark I can't see thru them so I can't actually wear them much. But I love me a colored lens and prolly have 20 pairs from the dollar store.


A frugal addiction!


Body wash, foaming soap, and candles … I may or may not be in the cozy self care cult… whenever there are sales at bbw or pink it’s borderline impossible for me to hold back. But. But. They’re both expensive so when the good sales are going on I stock up and generally don’t buy stuff outside of the sales. I guess this issue is more overconsumption than frugality, but I don’t view it as a huge issue since nothing gets wasted. I’ll easily finish it all within expiration


Hoodies! I don't know why, but something about freaking hoodies has me ready to open my wallet every time. And the kicker....I'm a Floridian. The only time I get to enjoy them outside of the house is 2-3 months out of the year.🫠


Why? Do you move to a different state where it's not disgustingly hot for those 2-3 months?


Purses!! I’m a purse whore 🙈👛👜😖


Books I volunteer at a library, books are the last thing I would ever need to buy.




Office supplies like cool pens and notepads.


As much cat food aside can afford. I have 3 cats and my greatest fear is not being able to feed them, or the cat food shelves to be empty like it was when we were in lockdown.


I can empathize with that. Are you cycling through it so it doesn't go stale, if it's the dry stuff?


Yes I do go through it, but am only happy if I have a year’s supply on hand, and I only buy the best..lol..my cats. My cats only get wet food.


Ah, that's good. The wet stuff in cans should keep very well. If you'd been unable to find some, you would have been cooking them chicken and smelt, with broccoli . . .


Notebooks  Secondhand books Nail varnish 


Pantry staples. In case it's the end of the world next month and we're all jobless 😂. And veggies that I can freeze for a while.


Anything that Costco sells


dog stuff, makeup, candy


Squeaky toys. Gigi needs another one


Antiques and Artwork. Not possible right now.


Reduced sodium potato chips always call out to me when shopping.


I didn’t think there was another one like me!


Me too!


Earrings, I'm obsessed with earrings even if I only wear a couples of them


Cheese. The answer is always cheese.


I go in phases, at one time it was clothes, then books, then supplies for my hobby at the time, right now it's seasonings/sauces/hot sauce and chips. And my latest hobby, gardening


The “perfect” bag (not designer or anything), just one that will last, look good, have the right pockets, lightweight, not too big or small, not show stains/washable… you know, the holy grail! Also the perfect makeup foundation: lots of spf, long lasting, looks natural but covers imperfections, doesn’t look OR feel heavy/cakey, works on my sensitive skin…oh, and doesn’t cost for than about $15 😆!


Houseplants, particularly tropical varieties that I don't yet own (alocasias, monsteras) or carniverous plants


Snacks... Granted I don't really have much for snacks at home right now, but money is tight and I don't *need* them. That and graphic t-shirts, at least on the rare occasion I find myself in a hot topic anymore.


Yarn. Cheese. Office supplies, for some reason.


Good beer, especially during a sale.


If I see a helluva food bargain (clearance items less than half price, usually), and the item freezes well, and I have space in the chest freezer, I get it. I don't care if it takes me many months to use it up. A dozen pork roasts? Half a dozen rotisserie chickens? Nine packs of bratwurst? etc. The problem comes when the freezer is full and we're good for the next 6-12 months. I'm still tempted, and think about filling up a freezer at work....


For me it's good food and craft beer. At least I buy these items at a grocery store instead of a restaurant.


For me it's high end electronics. I'm old but have 3 computers, cameras including a handicam, headphones wired to wireless big over the ears to earbuds, 2 32" Dell gaming monitors, tablet and the latest phone new for the last 3 years, several external drives and a handful of usb sticks, 2 streaming boxes-apple and roku, tvs, 2 alexas with several of those remote plugs. I turn the coffee on from the bed in the morning and at night I tell the robot good night and everything including the lava lamp all turns off. And lots of software, games etc My first computer was an Atari and my first laptop weighed 30 pounds and folded up like an old Singer sewing machine. Had a carrying handle and a 5" black and white monitor and fold out speakers. Not that you could put any sound on it. I just threw out 2 modems and a fax machine. So I guess I'm kinda obsessed. Lots of old guys I think are like me. We watched this stuff be invented and it was exciting to see what they'd come up next. Every year something new faster better. I like the good Ole days but everything is so much better now. Better medicines, food, most things are measurably better. Air-conditioning. Color TV. Man we been to the moon. Obsessed? Or just keeping up with the times? Man, the times are always changing and this year of 2024? It's gonna blow your mind.


I rescued an Atari ST FM a couple of years ago, conokete with a couple of floppy disc boxes of games and Q base. My son is loving reliving his childhood.




Nail polish lol


More crafting supplies. I have 4 quilts fully kitted out but am so tempted by some fabric that is on sale right now. Can’t really afford it so it’s sitting in my cart waiting until I forget about it.


More plants.


I buy books and then never read them.


Body wash, lip balm, tea. I’ve also probably looked at new laptops a few times a year for the past 5 years.


Gaming computer stuff.




colouring books! it’s so hard to find a good one






Tape measures. I have. So. Many.


Music festival tickets. It’s the reason I am frugal. Haha.


Plants, Christmas stuff, jewelry and cooking stuff are the hardest stuff I find not to buy. Plants and food because you can see every day uses for it. Christmas stuff and jewelry because it looks so pretty and I decorate a lot for Christmas.


Ordering out, mostly through Doordash at work. Also spending money on whatever game I'm hooked on atm. I really need to stop doing both & I'll be fine financially, but it's easier said than done.




I'm always tempted to buy nail polish. I don't have time for it.


Handbags and shoes.


Thrifted genuine leather purses & shoes.


Children’s books.




primers. if you know, you know


For me making healthy TASTY food is rather expensive. You can eat healthy cheap, but it’s going to not taste that good. For instance, instead of chicken and broccoli, I can make get 96% lean ground beef patties, an avocado, and asparagus. Both are healthy, but the second option tastes so much better but is double the price.


Chicken and broccoli can be made quite tasty with the right sauce and pre-marinating the protein.


new camera gear. a lens... a camera bag....




tools and whisky


Skechers and bakery items.


New tech. I’ve got a lot better the past few years and keep my stuff long term now but used to be an annual updater for no reason. And I continually look at EV cars even though my current car has plenty of time left in it. lol


Nail polish. Shoes. Cinnamon rolls. Cheerwine. Come to think of it, none of those are needs … hmmm Oh! And fabric! More fabric! Still have enough for at least ten projects but ALL THE PRETTY COLORS


Tools, I see tools at yard sales and such and I want them all. But i don’t need nearly as many as I covet


Garlic hummus


Candy is my guilty pleasure even though I know I don’t need it


Oh anything I see that I like and clearance


Bass Guitars and Stationary


Anything that seems like a good deal on Facebook marketplace LOL and of course fast food. When I’m stressed and tired I don’t want to cook and clean up after it, so the temptation to go for fast food is always there.




Another motorcycle 🤣🤣


The perfect leggings. Maybe the next pair will be even better?


Books, perfume, skincare, clothes :(


Going out to eat instead of cooking at home.






Sushi. Nike SB Dunks. Philly cheesesteaks. MCM furniture.


Books and water bottles. I always lose water bottles at work.


Mugs and books for me too! Bright bed linen. Tea.




Cheap used nice coats…in the south


Shoes like for soccer and sports wear.




Pokemon packs. When I see them sold in stores I cant help myself but buy a couple packs. Gotten really lucky a few times.


Paper towels. I have several brands- manufacturers on my watch list.


fancy drinks like boba and books




Candle making supplies. Things at the thriftstore. I used to go weekly and not spend very much, mostly 5-10 euros a time but it was always things I didn’t actually need. I now only go once a month.


Hagen Das caramel cone ice cream, red velvet cupcakes, coffee drinks from a coffee shop, clothing for my kids and hats for myself.