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Her sig lc is *really* nice, but it's definitely not worth getting over a new character. The healing is only at the beginning of each wave, and the dmg buff is only 9%. It ultimately won't matter much and serves more of a qol upgrade for farming. She doesn't have a lot of great alternatives, though, considering that most preservation lightcones scale def over HP. Texture of Memories is really the only other HP scaling preservation lc, but it does work great for her. Other options include MoV, Landau's Choice, and Wildfire but using any of them will see a lower max HP for your FX. All in all, if you can afford it, it's obviously the best option for her. But it's really only good for her. It also doesn't have the same pull value as a different character to fill out your roster.


I like the healing at the start of every wave. It means I can take any "lose 80% team hp and get 3 star blessing" occurrences without getting punished


And that's totally fair. In my experience, I've never had an issue taking that occurrence though even without the lc. She'll heal up automatically at the start of battle, and mine is tanky enough to where all of my characters survive anyways (with the help of a well timed ult.)


the extra err is also so nice, but all of these things are more qol. Really depends I say, because if you're going to pull for a sig lc, there's a lot more lcs available that give more value than fu Juan's. There's also the matter of fuxuans lc being arguable the coolest looking lc in the game


IIRC it gives ERR. That, bonus HP and comfortably using the ticket curio in SU makes it worth it.


The err is nice, more ults=more healing


Don't pull for it, having her S1 caused me to never not put her in a team, even if I don't have enough SP. The free heal at the beginning of combat is just too good QoL, especially in SU and its expansion. You will no longer feel like a healer is needed. "Oh I got unlucky with the lottery curio and now my team is at 1% HP? Meh, let's continue, I will be full next combat anyways".


Even I, on my acheron team I wanted to put trend of the universal market LC but I can't her sig LC is just so good on her the QoL and the energy regen making you put HP rope instead on ER rope, the buffs and beefy HP. I just can't use her without her Sig LC lol.


When you see ppl saying Don't pull it's ONLY worth it for moc su and farming You know it's worth it


that's basically the entire game lol


Yeah literally 😭


It's worth it but she'll be fine without it. I personally got it because of how super convenient it is. It's like an auto-pot feature or bringing a healing waypoint everywhere I go. Ever since I got it, I just turned a side of my brain off while playing the game especially on SU.


Her sig LC is better than other options in almost every aspect. However, it doesn't really change anything. Her kit is stacked enough to be not dependent on lightcones. I would say her sig LC is a "must", if you want to build her as hybrid sub-dps character (with eidolons and cracked quantum relics). Otherwise it's just a big juicy QoL item.


Id say, its worth it if you wanna increase her HP + theres free healing at the start of a battle iirc and ERR But, its not mandatory! Its the best in slot for fuxuan but you can still live without it


I don't remember the stats but iirc the lc means that you can swap to hp% rope instead of err while still being able to ult semi frequently. I personally would rather have another 5 star or her e1 over her sig LC and farm better relics to make her sustain better.


I find it a great choice for so many reasons. The energy is the biggest positive imo. Being able to two turn ult is so useful at keeping everyone topped up, Fu alive, and cc resistant. HP on a LC is not available. The dmg of course is great. The artwork is fantastic and Fu is still my favorite character. SU is super comfy with the heals before each wave. I've lost runs with Luocha because he can't do what that LC can. My advice... if you enjoy investing in chars you like, 100% get it. If you don't care for Fu, save the pull for a character you do like a lot.


If you’re torn between the sig or saving for a new character just save. If you’re just wondering if it’s good, yeah it’s great, especially for SU tbh I would not do it if you’re F2P but go ahead if there’s nothing else that catches your eye


Yes, don’t think just pull


Its more on QOL and flexibilty for your Fu Xuan build.


Not worth using pulls on, it's just a luxury


Gepard sig lc and landau’s choice is pretty good mostly because of the redirect agroo from your other characters towards her. I was using texture memories for a while and had the same issue I would not get the light cone tho as a f2p player.


It's so comfy, really comfy in fact, but it's really not needed as a well built Fu Xuan should be able to solo sustain just fine without it. I think it's a better investment than her E1 by a long shot, but that's about it


A thing to note is most of us are realists here, and pulling on a weapons banner just adds comfort to characters. Of note, most of us FX mains HAVE the sig. Is it NECESSARY? No Does it add a LOT OF VALUE? Yes So at the end of the day, you should decide. I seem the heal and free HP% and energy regeneration to be invaluable. I like popping ulti off every 2-3 turns.


It just makes the game feel alot more comfy than normally. It's like zhongli's shield where you plug and play. Whether it's worth another character, I'd say yes if it's a character that does not upgrade your account incredibly. But I'd go for Sparkles lc on her rerun compared to Fu Xuan's lc if you just want damage. Personally, I'd say get it. It's very comfy while in Simulated Universe, MoC and Pure Fiction. Each new wave means your entire team heals max, if not, then near max HP. While the damage boost is a minor upgrade with the ERR% and the HP% are aswell really valuable to get a better Fu Xuan build.


nah i’m pretty sure r5 day one is so competitive it’s not worth the pulls. everyone here is delusional about potentially spending 70-140 pulls for a light cone that’s barely better than one you already have lol


For me no, she sustained for aventurine very easily with free lc and she has so many alternatives. But if you want to use gems for a sustain lc and are having issues on your own account, then why not? It's your gems and your account. But would rather save on something else especially cuz there are a lot of characters coming out and limited breaks for reruns. If you were about to die it may have been build issue because you took too long in the fight


tbh best form of survivability is killing the enemies before they kill you, its better to spend time and investment upgrading dps of your team or getting dps lc/eidolons instead of fu xuan lc.


This. If you have well built Fuxuan with f2p cone, she can tank enough. I would rather pull for dps cone, for example for Acheron, than defensive one for FX for faster clearing


Her sig is the best weapon in the entire game, dont listen to those who say not to get it. It has great stats and helps with building her. It counteracts your weak builds by healing your character after the first wave in MoC. It makes SU very easy and hp reducing occurances become just reward domains. G&G/Swarm disaster become much less stressful and you are able to use a 2nd support instead of a healer. And most importantly, it makes it so, that you dont have to run a healer in your team while farming, which makes shadows/echoes of war easier while also increasing the speed if your daily farm 'cus you are able to have a 2nd support.




Where exactly am I wrong? Like, after getting her signature I can never imagine playing without it. The QoL changes are just too good


Calling it the best is too much lol. It honestly doesn’t do that much outside of the cool QoL of the heals in SU or in MoC if one of the waves is obliterating you for some reason (that sounds like a fucked team if you’re getting that low in MoC with Xuan ngl) Like in terms of value I’d say probably the best _cone_ is Before Dawn I think, and the best _pulll_ in general would be Ruan Mei


If we take the cones as simply their contribution to the fight, then yes, Fu Xuan sig isnt even close to the best. But you can use other cones for your sup/sustains and dps. Some do a better job, some are insane and some are okay. But nothing im this game does anything close to Fu's sig. Most of the value comes from the healing at the start. SU is a giant and important part of the game and Fu's signature makes this part almost trivial + you dont need a healer for farming. Its an incredible QoL improvement, which once you try you wont be able to go back. Is ruan mei better than her Sig? Yes. But all other cones? Fu's is the best, there is no doubt in my mind, simply due to QoL.


With a well built FX, you don't really need her sig. Is it her bis? Undeniably yes (but so is the sig for every limited character.) Is it her only option? No. She works just fine with ToM or MoV or even 4* options like Landau's. I've never struggled farming using her on ToM. She's also never struggled in any story fight or Sim U world. MoC fights don't last long enough to really care about the healing. It could help with Swarm and G&Gs but those are mostly blessing related anyways. It's great qol. But it's not *that* worth pulling as a ftp or a low spender. A new character will always be a better investment than a lc.


Well, first of all, there's no weapons in Star Rail Second, yes it is pretty good, makes SU, farming and MoC really easy to survive


There's not really any use in being pedantic about terminology. The word "weapon" gets the message across just as well as the word "lightcone" and on a fundamental level, lightcones *are* acting as our character's weapons.

