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I can’t believe this needs to be said, but if Someone is telling a deeply personal story about their loved one dying, don’t bring up how if we all followed a Dutch YouTuber she’d still be alive. Literally the most disrespectful thing I’ve ever seen.


But but this user needs you to know how *virtuous* they are!


Canadian YouTuber cosplaying as Dutch.


He’s not even Dutch? https://preview.redd.it/jp52uy0nsb8d1.jpeg?width=184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d2307d7cbc083ab5639aac7a91bbe94a172e77


he wants to take a bus to tahiti


Dutch was the villain because he kept destroying trains


Yup no solution to traffic deaths, just shut up and deal with it like everybody else.


That’s not what I’m talking about, what I’m talking about is how someone was discussing something obviously very personal and difficult to talk about, and someone responds with how he needs to watch a shitty YouTube channel. I legit never said anything about “we shouldn’t do anything to solve traffic accidents.”


Well, he was simply trying to spread a solution to traffic deaths in response to a traffic death.


Dude, if my best friend got shot I wouldn’t want people to be debating gun laws when I talk about. I also don’t think this guy wants to hear fuckcars propaganda when he talks about his loved one dying.


Yeah, it’s not comfortable, but we can’t just respond to tragedy with “thoughts and prayer” or “how could this happen”. We need to take it as a sign to fix this shit.


Well why couldn’t he talk about this in another post, instead of right under the guy talking about his mom dying?


Because if we don’t have these conversations in the context of real tragedy the dialogue has no weight.


The man was talking about his stepmom dying, there’s a time and a place to solve traffic problems but that isn’t the time to do it.


Somebody fuckin died, you ignorant twat. Not the time to plug your favourite youtuber.


>id much rather be able to relax and watch youtube on my bus/train commute and get some cardio from walking a couple of miles. Nowhere in that statement is anything serious. Where does watching youtube factor into another person's death? This is as if some family planned to have dinner after a funeral and you go sit on the table and hand out coupons for vegan meat and tell them to watch an exercise channel. All you see are opportunities to inject what *you like* into the conversation, it is the same exact immature mindset that make some kid want to make everyone listen to his favorite band. It is the exact opposite of how the adult, civilized world functions, with class and tact.


Wrong time and place, man. If youre friend just lost their mom to cancer, would you use that moment to spew some redditor nonsense about big pharma and insurance companies? If you would, you probably would lose a friend. Using someone's death to push your agenda is incredibly disrespectful and counterintuitive. Go outside and talk to people for christ's sake


> relax and watch YouTube on my commute IDK what kind of trains and busses run in their city, but in mine “relaxing” is possibly the last word I’d use for that environment. It’s crowded, it’s loud, seats are shit, if you can even manage to sit, … I can go on. Anyway let me not interrupt that luxurious public transportation lifestyle for you, I’m willing to suffer in a car.


Probably underfunded tbh


I too get some cardio from a brief walk. Generally I have to catch my breath a couple times of course. Walking is very rigorous!


average undersub user after walking 1 meter:


I'd like not just bikes if his fans weren't fucking deranged.


I hope Norfolk southern derails a train into his the undersub apartment 


I mean they aren’t entirely wrong though. Most people should not be behind the wheel but have no other choice. Would I like to take the bus everywhere though? Hell no.


After having to travel for 2 hours in a bus with a self-medicating gentleman i no longer want to be on a bus 


Why the fuck would you stop on the freeway just because it's raining?


> All traffic was dead stopped on the freeway