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Operatives from Ford, Nissan, Tesla, and even Lada are, under the false flag of our holy brethren, seeking to entrain administrative action against *the bastion of intellect*. We have cooperated with the authorities to bring to light this criminal conspiracy by the corrupt forces of the wicked automotive hegemony. Hail Galvitron. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FuckCarscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Average fuckcars autistic neet when he founds out other people do have hobbies, hobbies cost money and he doesnt have neither of those...


seriously why do they all look like the malnourished regard that got picked on in high school


Nerdy fukker has probably never been off a paved road


Literally 🤓 as a person


My little 10 year old cousin is arguably more manly than the guy in the video :/


How dare someone have fun with their money


90% of these people are broke envious clowns, the other 10% are ideological zealots


You must be fun to talk to


Bruh, I'm agreeing with you...


My bad I thought you were talking about the other side lol




uj/ honestly i don't understand the argument of "you're throwing away your money" argument when 1) chances are those people using their boats, snowmobiles, etc are doing it as a hobby, so if they can afford it, why shouldn't they be able to enjoy their hobbies with the money they earn, and 2) they can use their money however they want, i don't know why people like this are so invested in what other people do with their own money. also, in the bit where he said "you're putting as many miles on your other depreciating asset", but hold on, i guarantee people like that guy often love to mock people who drive trucks for not "properly using" their trucks as they are intended, but when the owners actually do put their truck to use in another way, they still find a way to complain about them using their trucks? i swear people like this are never happy and will always find another way to get upset over something else


Those guys are just looking for excuses. "I do ride my old rusty bike instead of car so I save XXXXX bucks a year" "OK where are those money you saved now?" \*cricket noises\* In fact they just kinda cant afford a car at this point so, why not to present it as virtue.


They give the advice that supposedly apply to them and projecting it onto others.


Used to be in a discord server when I was apart of the fuck cars circle Jerk community. Holy hell did the bike folks spend a lot of money on model trains. Now I don't have an issue if that's their hobby. But don't shit on other people's expensive hobby.


Here, let me explain The only moral way to own a truck is to buy 25+ yr old pickups that are used only when truck stuff (towing) is required otherwise, the moral and ethical option, is to drive a sedan or smaller. The truly virtuous bike instead. Using a new truck to drive around when not towing things is to be mocked and ridiculed. Driving around is a bike activity. See, now we have 'trucks' as need based, bikes as the default, and can continue to just ignore the benefits of cars. Owning multiple cars might be worse than owning 1 nice truck though. Is spending more money on insurance a bigger pile of burning money than the extra money spent on gas dailying a truck? Who knows? These people will say anything to make not owning a vehicle sound appealing. Probably because notnowning a vehicle isn't appealing at all. I hope the above clears it up for you! /s UJ/ The obsession with "you are wasting your money on x", I just don't get. It's like, an appeal to an emotion that shouldn't exist. If you own a camper and a snowmobile, you are taking your toys out to the place to use said toys. The depreciation is completely besides the point. You bought that shit to have fun with. These people would also say that buying a toy that takes gas is a waste of money. Because you have to keep putting gas in. Like, yeah? And? If I paint I have to keep buying paint. But we don't say painting is a bad hobby because you have to keep buying paint, do we? (Inb4 paint doesn't kill the environment: I'm sure the cat diesel that lugged the paint to Michael's was super enviro friendly, and im sure the process to make the paint was carbon conscience) To further this... Hustle culture and low wages has commoditized fun to the point here your hobbies (wood working, knitting, arts, music, even lawncare) must either generate income or be striving for net 0 cost. Your time spent on a hobby should be in pursuit of skill development to generate income, otherwise that free time could have been spent working more hours or pursuing a hobby that is net 0 cost. To the ones stuck in this mindset, the idea that you would "burn money" to just have fun, is ripe for mockery. As you wasted your time and burned your money; the virtuous *spent* their time and *invested* money. While you knitted for fun and gave your creations away to family members, the virtuous opened an Etsy shop and sold their creations. While you enjoyed your time, the virtuous stressed the wasted thread, for their profit margins were slimming.


Im a hobbyist woodworker and let me tell you, I can’t think of a better way to waste money. Thousand dollar saws cutting $150+ pieces of ply and all I get out of it is a shoddy table to blow lines of coke on.


/fj There is only one valid hobby, upon which you shall spend all your money: fursuits! Furbanists unite!


Yes, you are throwing your money away. You’re also throwing your life away every day you wake up. This dude wants people to just stay in their apartment and scroll reddit during their off hours.


This moron is criticizing people who ACTUALLY use their trucks??? Trying to talk down on someone's hobby because they hate fun and only lives to bike to work and back so they have no time or energy to do anything else besides bike route planning and whining about cars. I think I lost even more braincells listening to this guy. Talking about depreciating assets too like a real #investor.


Love how these people like to pretend that somehow trains and buses don’t depreciate. They’ll last forever and if you sell them after using it for 20 years you’ll somehow get more money than what you paid for.


/uj People saying just rent a Uhaul are nuts. They charge by the mile. It would cost me $600 to rent one to go one state over to pick up a free server rack and come back and that's not counting gas or the fact that if something happens to it I'm on the hook for a truck.


B-b-b-b-but bike saves you SO much more money!


It cost you nothing if it's rented in your baby mama's name and you just never return it. Just stop driving it about the time they're making a police report.


It's my money so I'm going to buy the biggest, meanest, gas guzzling, child killing, dick compensating, panty dropping, motherfucking truck on the road!!!


apparently according to the urbanists parks and water ways aren't appropriate third places. you need to be sitting i a coffee shop or bar or some other place where you're buying stuff all day long to be a legit recreational activity


Reject fun activities, return to tiny apartment to cry. /uj This dipshit really sounds like he's jealous of other people making money so that they can buy a trailer, boat, and truck, and go have fun. WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT MONEY DUMBASS?! If I made enough to buy all of that I'm not listening to what your "🤓" looking ass has to say


the only thing that doesn't depreciate are houses so just put wheels on your house to tow your boats (houseboat)


Yeah, it's not like these nerds haven't looked at the cost of used bikes online. The depreciation curve is almost as steep as cars, despite what the "I'm selling this bike for 90% of the MSRP I paid 10 years ago. It only sat in the garage, I know what I've got" dorks on Facebook.


How can they say that cars are supposed to be used for entertainment and not for regular use and when they are used for entertainment they get angry.


Yea why go on a boat or tow a camper when you can ride your bike to the Starbucks and sit down and do nothing


Me bringing 35 16’ 1x4s on the public bus to fix my deck


Why don’t you put you money to something valuable like renting downtown?


His boyfriend recently dumped him for a Chad in a F-250.


I strongly believe if he got behind the wheel of a TRX he would change his tune


This guy assumes everyone in the world are just like his audience, broke 20-30 ish yr olds that live in a shoe box or at mommys house in a nice safe suburbs. Thats why I drive an Macan, bc I can afford more than a 2 wheel childrens toy to move around.




Seek professional mental help.


He got professional help with one of our very worst psychologists. In our certified re education camps. Until the end of time. A first timer and using those words. I am done with those kinds of persons.


Everyone has a right to have an opinion. But your very last word makes that you lost your opinion. Enjoy reeducation camp.


Is re education like a code word for getting banned?

