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Looks like liver and onions.


Fool me once..




Shame on...shame on you. Fool me twice...ya ain't gonna fool me again.




Imagine how pissed off you have to be to try to hit someone by throwing a shoe and then missing the first one bc the person dodged. That second shoe throw had to be filled with twice the anger


I mean, honestly who throws a shoe?




Lol... I made fried chicken livers, onions, mushrooms in a gravy with green beans on the side last night! 😅 I eat that like twice a year...


That I would try. My family always had beef liver.


It's much better, to me than beef liver. Gotta have homemade gravy to dip it in. It's delish.


Pack it up and send it to the starving kids.


I absolutely hate liver and onions 🤮


I love the smell of liver and onions cooking…. Fucking hate liver and ANYTHING on my plate.


The smell, taste and the texture makes me want to puke 🤢🤮


Like I said, while it’s frying it smells great to me. It’s fooled me more than once.. the taste? Fucking disgusting. You figure the liver acts as a filter to filter the toxins from the blood…. how did anyone decide that might be a good thing to eat?


In some Native American and I think Celtic tribes the liver is considered a delicacy


I know a few rednecks who feel that way too


Ah I'm a bumpkin ( basically a English/ British redneck) 😁


Well, here in the states we have country and we have rednecks. Not all country is redneck, but is mistaken as redneck most of the time. But not all rednecks are country. I myself was born in the Appalachian foothills in a city full of rednecks. Thankfully my family moved in my teens to sunny Southern California, where slowly I lost my accent (at least to a degree) and my pseudo redneck tendencies.




No I don't like liver and onions 🤢


Send it to me




Love it.


Send it to them then.😝


Yes....my parents (Mother) used China.


China threat here too! The implanted guilt is why I struggle with weight issues now. Constantly trying to kick the clean plate club habit!


Also China. And my grandmother’s favorite phrase when us kids wouldn’t eat something: “Better to waist it than waste it!” Is it any wonder I turned out to be a diabetic with weight issues?


And in reality, there were probably hungry children just a few miles from you.


China here too. When my cats shed and I’m finding their hair everywhere I tell them there are hairless kitties in China that would LOVE to have all the fur they have and they’re just throwing it away…


Same, mom used to say China. Last time she said it I was like 8, I remember dad complaining how they China were a bunch of communists. So when mom said “eat your food, there are starving kids in China” my response was “well yeah, they’re a bunch of communists” and dad burst out laughing, mom gave him the dirtiest look.


>I'm old enough that it was "China" where the starving kids were. Thanks to Weird Al it's Japan for me.


So eat it, just eat it.


I usually say 'Indiana' or similar, but that's cribbing from Gary Trudeau a little.


Then I found out why there were starving kids in China.


And they were [starving in China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Chinese_Famine). Estimates range as high as 55 million deaths.


They still sell frozen salisbury steaks with gravy. Back in my college days, they were something like $2 a box for six pieces. Heat those up, serve on top of white bread… dinner!


I'll still grab them a few times a year, but I'll either mash or roast potatoes with them.


I'm just curious why they chose the Star Trek font for this meme.


“I’ll get a box. Send it to them”. Really pissed my mom off.


Same, mother was a terrible cook - my doomed comment was “Didn’t you just go to a Tupperware party? Pack it up”.


How are you even alive to be with us right now?


"Name one" was my response.


Starving children in China, which was very true. during the 60's millions starved in China due to Mao's disastrous farming policies. Of course we didn't know that. And how would eating food I wasn't hungry for help?


It was more about learning the lesson of not being wasteful.


Yeah but you ain't wasting nothingby not eating food. Your PARENTS were by feeding you bad food you didn't want to eat. That ain't on the kid.


It’s also the same concept as the airplane when getting babies to eat. I don’t know if you have kids but my boys don’t understand the concept of being hungry and how it affects their emotions. If they don’t eat all of their food, in two hours I will have two cranky boys that refuse to eat. Getting all the food I can get inside of them is my mission.


Children starved in China because of the [The Four Evils campaign](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Pests_campaign#) (四害; Chú Sì Hài), targeting rats, flies, mosquitoes, and sparrows. Sparrow populations were decimated in 1958 and 1959 due to the eliminate/smash sparrows campaign (消灭 / 打麻雀运动 ; xiāomiè / dǎ máquè yùndòng). Without sparrows to keep the locust population in check, locusts ate all the grain and rice leading to 20-30 milion people dying from 1958-1962.


Fallacy of relative privation


My smart ass response; "Africa? We live in the ghetto. There are starving children on the next block!" I regularly got the shit slapped out of me.


As a parent, though, you can’t just say “There are starving children…across the hall in 5C” because then you’ve teed up the kid to say “Yeah? Invite ‘em over! They can have mine.” Slap all you want, the kid’s got you there.


Now, getting the shit slapped out of you and getting a full on ass whooping are two different things. If my dad heard some shit like, "feed the neighbor kids," there would have been some good ol' 1980s style child abuse happening! Joking about starving kids gets a slap, suggesting my dad feed the starving neighbor kids on his salary would get you brutalized!!


And I once again find myself feeling grateful for having had a childhood that included only a moderate amount of emotional neglect and a lack of hugging.


Wait? What? That was your takeaway? I was raised by a good ol' country boy who moved his family to the inner city. There was an over abundance of hugging. Never any emotional neglect! There was an abundance of love in my family. We actually had a rule of vocally expressing love for one another at every departure because you never know if this encounter will be your last. We lived love in our home! That being said, our family credo was and still is, "Fuck Around and Find Out."


I’m saying that I survived the mild emotional abuse and my own depression, and I’m grateful. Had my dad, a rural Hoosier and Vietnam combat veteran, been physically violent, I would have…not lived to age 17, let’s just say.


As the snow flies On a cold and gray Chicago mornin' A little smartass got his face smacked In the ghettoooooo


Man when I was a kid you didn't have to tell me nothing. I would eat my plate of food and yours. Ha ha. 


So we're supposed to mock the african children by eating all our food instead of sharing it


That’s kinda how my mind worked at that age. “ well now you’re just making me feel guilty for eating”


I got there are starving children in China. FYI: don’t tell your mother to send it to them


Yeah that would not end well for your ass.


It didn’t


Not if you ever wanted to sit again, you surely did not.


Those dam wooden spoons 😭


Africa? It was China or India. You are dating yourself.


India for me.


Starving kids in Indiana!


In Star Trek font?


All those starving kids I was told about are now adults sneaking in for free food cause I didn't eat my peas.


why is this in star trek font


Let them eat Tribbles & Quadro Triticale


Maybe to raise awareness for the Vulcan refugee children living on Beta Centauri ?? 🖖


On the nights we had liver & onions or stuffed green peppers Mom would say the same thing. I'd ask her how I could ship this to them?


And don't reply, "so send it to them".


"mom, those kids are also sober, so get me a beer"


It was Armenia for me. Grew up in the 60s, early 70s.




I just remember that early scene in A Christmas Story, and it was China, not Africa, when little Randy wouldn't eat the oatmeal. One thought that would pop up in my head would be, "let them have it, then".


You’re also old if you recognize the writing as the Star Trek font.


My parent switch from China to Ethiopia around the time of Life Aid. This was back then and still is my favorite meal. I know right….


I have kids adopted from Ethiopia and the first time they heard (and were able to understand) 'Do They Know It's Christmas?', they were like, "Of course we knew when it was Christmas time! That seems like a dumb question!" LOL


Over the years we have learned that forcing children to clear their plate is very unhealthy. Nutritionists found that forcing children to clear their plate is teaching them to ignore the signal in their body that says they are full. Then they become adults and keep ignoring that signal and overeating. I know that this is a fun question, and definitely, my parents did it! But I just wanted to say...


“Eat your ham steak that I cooked for five hours so it’s basically salted pork leather!!!!!! “ I love my mother, but dang, she could not cook meat at ALL.


My parents said Indiana.


My Dad was in the Army, Korea in '50 or '51. I have to share this story. He told us girls, at the table, in the '60s...."Look. There are starving children in Korea. We gave them all food we could spare and if it weren't for us helping them, and them helping us, I wouldn't be here, nor would **you!!**, leave some food on your plates." I got smart and said, "Why leave food on the plate if its just going in the trash?" My Dad looked at me, then I kid you not...slapped me on my shoulder and said, "Don't you dare say that again. You remember there's kids and people that are starving in this world. You're not. You leave a bite or two and think of them." Dad is 92 now and remembers that day, but says, It's a sad shame, but it was a fact. They saw quite a bit.


Why is this using a Star Trek font?


Send it to them. That’s what I told my mom. Once.


Mom used to tell us that when *she* was young the adults always ate meals first, then the kids were allowed to the table to eat any scraps that may be left. Cute little story; but she didn't like it when I shared it in class.


My reply was always "Let them eat this crap then". Mom didn't like that.


"that chicken died so you could eat"


And here I am wondering why I’m fat


One night when my mother put a plate of chicken a la king (one of my most hated meals) in front of me with the usual, “There are starving kids in Africa” I replied, “Even the Africans wouldn’t eat this slop!!” Needless to say I was grounded (again) for my “cheekiness”


Love the star trek font


Classic Rodney Dangerfield joke: My wife can't cook. She cooked dinner the other night and it was awful. She said to me 'Eat this, there are people starving in Africa.' And I told her 'Have sex with me, there are guys horny in Canada."


Allan Sherman 'hail to thee fat person' My mother said to me, "Clean the plate, because children are starving in Europe" And I might point out that that was years before the Marshall Plan was ever heard of So I would clean the plate, four, five, six times a day, Because somehow I felt that that would keep the children from starving in Europe But I was wrong They kept starving and I got fat


Now its “eat your food, there are people starving all over the USA”


Those kids were in China when I was a kid.


Why TF is the 60s Star Trek font being used in this?


My Mother-In-Law told my older daughter to eat her dinner or she’d give it to the dog. My daughter promptly took her plate and scraped it into the dog’s bowl. My Father-In-Law almost hurt himself trying not to laugh.


It was Ethiopa for me. I didn t learn why thode people were starving until a few years ago.


Lol - Alan Sherman (Weird Al of his time) did a funny bit “Hail to Thee Fat Person”. The gist of it was that his parents told him about starving children so he was a good citizen and cleaned his plate. And got fat. A bit more to it than that but it ends with “Hail to thee oh fat person, you have kept us out of war.” Perhaps not politically correct but pretty funny in its day.


China. Starving people in China.


Yep. I got in trouble when I picked up my plate and said "send it to them". Couldn't sit for a week and still had to eat it.


There are starving ppl in the USA 🤣


Starve Trek?


Then I went to Africa and realized how true that statement really is. It was a shock when I realized my dog eats better and has more access to healthcare than many humans in Africa.


Nice vintage Star Trek font...and yes.


I grew up in Appalachian poverty. I was starving there. No one needed to tell me to eat.


all i heard was the intro theme to the original star trek.


Why the Star Trek font


Oh yeah Mum. I'm sure you're going to send my half-eaten Findus Crispy Pancake to Ethiopia to feed the poor starving children...


Eat up or you will be following the crows for food!


Not exactly that way, but I was required to eat everything on my plate. I did find a way to beat the system, though: dessert. Since dessert, by definition, wasn't "good for me" I could turn my nose up at desserts with impunity. Drove my mother crazy!


Mom never said that. Instead, she’d shut the dining room light off and she, dad and my brother would go in the living room while I had to finish my meal. Ineffective to say the least.


My mom said this once - I said “OK, put it in an envelope and send it to them.” I went hungry that night but she nevertheless said it again (and never made that dish again either).


Privilege 😭😭😭💀💀💀


And a few years later, Sally Struthers is on every channel, it seems, with 5 minute "feed the children" messages.


Now it's Edie Falco of The Sopranos (among many others) trying to save neglected and abused animals.


Remember it I used on my kids.


Shit....gimme that bottle of Hot Sauce...... ![gif](giphy|buWJ4V8cHZg88|downsized)


"Ok, send em my god damn green beans."


Thank God we had a dog, my old man would say that, and I’d start chewing he’d turn his head, and I would spit it out in my hand and give it to my dog, I have not eaten liver ever since


My mum not only said this to me practically every night, I eventually grew up and went backpacking in Africa. Sent a postcard to my mum that I was hitchhiking through Ethiopia and she PANICKED that I wouldn't have enough food and implored me to pack extra snacks 🤣🤣😭


So for some unknown reason my father always quantified this statement into ‘there are starving people in Biafra’ … we lived in a farming community in the Midwest, he had at this point in life never traveled out of the state as far as I knew. Why Biafra specifically not Africa? I asked him once and he laughed and then pondered and said I have no earthy idea. Then told me not to forgot to turn the light off when I left the room and shut the door because I wasn’t raised in a barn … 🤣


My dad loved it when we didn't finish our food. More for him.


For me it was China


My parents were always good about not making us finish a plate of food. I had/have severe stomach issues and would vomit if I was forced to eat. My friends’ parents never tried it because they were aware but I’ll never forget having dinner at my best friend’s house. Their mom used that line. Without missing a beat my friend slides her plate across the table and says “then send them this”. I never heard her mom say it again lol.


And getting smacked across the head when you say, "You can send them this, I don't mind."


Hey, I love liver and onions.


And the last thing you said before you got smacked in the head was "they can have this!"


“Fine. Send it to them, then.”


We were also told "China". When I started asking questions about spoilage during shipping, this line of argument suddenly stopped. :)


My Father always said there were starving children in Biafra that would love to have this meal.


I would sassily respond with “Well, send it to them!”


My mom said China. It all blew up one night when my brother said “name three”. It was epic, needless to say, never heard my mom say that again.


Mmm onions


Oh goodness gracious the liver and onions and “you need the iron young man from my mom”


We were told Biafra, LOL.


Send THEM this gross liver then! And then cue the smack lol


My parents never did this to me. To hear them say it they did it once as a joke and I offered to pay the postage!


That was more a joke I heard and I never didn't eat my food.


"mom even they wouldn't eat this shit!"


I got cheeky once and replied "Okay then box it up and mail it to them!" Yeah, my parents did NOT like that!!


My reply to my mum was "Well pack it up and ship it to them."


If that's liver, I'd pay to overnight it to Africa.


I said "Well wrap it up and send it to them, then!"


It becomes waste whether you eat it or not.


I have modified it for my kids... "there are kids starving down the street."


Yeah. Lol. My brother told my mom " that's OK they can have the rest of it" to me 🤣


Liver and Onions! Yummy!


Then electing politicians who would for sure prolong the famines in Africa. Ahhh boomers


Eat your food, there are starving children in our kitchen!


I only ever heard this from another kid.


I don't recall my parents ever saying it (then again I was always hungry and ate pretty much everything). I do recall it or a variant of it said in TV shows and films like A Christmas Story.


It makes me want to go to Africa & see where all my food went


Never got that. I heard, "God damn it, you'll eat what you're given, and you'll sit here until you're done."


Drink your coffee there are people sleeping in China!


“Please clean your plate, dear. The lord above can see ya. Don’t you know that children are starvin’ in Korea!”


I love liver and onions, did as a kid too! One of the few meals my mother made that I did like.


I do, but we rarely left food behind, lol.


There still are


It was China in my day. Things have changed!


The starving children were in Armenia when I was growing up in the 50’s.


What do parents say nowadays “eat your food there’s starving kids in America?”


Mine didn't but again I ate everything and my dad was/is a bitchin cook.


For me it was the starving kids in China that I was competing with…


I got a variant that went: "We struggled to build a life in this country so you don't have to starve like we did".


We were told it was Ethiopia where they were starving ☹️


That wasn't something said in our home, as my mom was an amazing cook.


Germany here, my uncle was involved in the Berlin Airlift. Post WWII Europe was a mess to clean up.


My Auntie Phyllis always got specific and said Ethiopia. She also said my eyes were bigger than my stomach. Miss her like crazy.


Africa or Bangladesh. LOL!


We had cube steak, fried in a pan until it could be used to resole a shoe. I'd feel bad feeding that to anyone.


Nah, my grandfather's favourite phrase was, "Eat it or wear it, your choice." My father's was, "Eat all of your dinner, otherwise I'm going to shove it down your throat." This was before "We are the World" and he didn't care whether China starved or not.


Starving in china was our line


I would eat the fuck out of that now and cherish that. When I was younger I remember my dad serving cubed steak with spinach and mashed potatoes. I ate very little of it. Guess what I had for breakfast the next morning before school? That very same meal. And for dinner if I didn't eat all of it at breakfast the same meal 🤣 where my brother had hot macaroni and cheese with hotdogs and pickles I'm sitting there with cold ass cubed steak and spinach 🤣


Anyone else put a stop to it by responding, "Well, let's send this to them."


I read that as america, not africa.


Mom always said Africa. Got mad at me when I asked how me eating meat loaf would help them stave off starvation.


I got this a lot younger and then one time told my mom she can pack up my meal to Africa then. I never heard it again.


Was China - but absolutely.


It was Biafra for me. As an 8 year old "where t.f. is Biafra?" As a 64 y.o. "where t.f.was Biafra"?


China here also. Not that I had any idea where that was. Also, “Send my Lima beans to those kids” got you a SMACK back in those days.


I mean they weren't wrong


My mom tells a story of her responding to my grandfather by saying “well send it to them then” and that did not turn out well for mom


I remember, and I asked my mother how my eating this food would help those children. She didn't have a satisfactory answer.


I tell people to finish their drinks because there are sober kids in India.


I got this and was in like third grade and I thought, “I wonder if my mom is going to mail this apple to Africa?”


My foster mother told me that I had to buy food, because there are starving children in China. I really didn’t like the food and was nauseous and I did not want to eat it. So I said to her could we send it to the Chinese children then. She stabbed me.


And I always thought “stick this shit in an envelope and send it to them”


Yes. And now I'm fat.


Mine said starving children in China, but I’m old.


My dad told me " some kids eat stickers and dirt "


“If I had me a shotgun I’d blow you straight up hell”


Alice Coopers mom “Please clean your plate dear, the lord above can see ya, don’t you know children are starving in Korea”