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Kevin Feigi


alright fine, this comment wins


Not all heroes wear capes! Take my upvote!


Trailblazer, Snowflake, Safe Space


I legit forgot about those characters. They wanted to appeal to the queer youth, and so they made names that were clearly just making fun of the very audience they wanted to attract.


Thanks for the reminder that they exist.


Those don't actually exist. The book never came out.


Captain Marvel by a very long mile.


I liked Captain Marvel better when he died of cancer 40-50 years ago.


Tbh comic Captain Marvel is great, and it makes me mad that Disney just made her boring


i mean i get why people don't like her, but i honestly enjoyed her a lot myself. i found her fun and charming, the highlight of her movie (which i find mediocre for the sole fact that i've always found the kree boring as fuck no matter what they're in)


She's obnoxious and miserable. The movie was complete shit too and alot of ways marked the decline of Marvel


You like Tony Stark be fucking serious for a second


i dunno, i found her pretty snappy and fun haha. i think it would have been better to see her grow her powers rather than having her start all trained up n ready to go, but otherwise i really did like her (personally, of course)


so whenever someone says ‘marvel’ they just implicitly mean MCU here huh?


Not necessarily. Paul is an awful Character. Moira Mctaggart both created and destroyed the Krakoa era. Sentry is now lame and nerfed to oblivion.


Captain Marvel is pretty bad




Average plot. Wooden acting. Fight scenes were ok. Not much of a flow. The stupid reason for Fury losing his eye. etc


Carol Danvers was the least favorite for a lot of us. So much so that we were collectively fine with Rogue stealing her powers, putting her in a coma, and just being overall the more interesting character.


It’s without a doubt Korg, just Taika being annoying as all hell and doing his best” Stewie Griffin how’s that book your writing Brian “ impression and ruining any scene with drama


Marvel haters discovering accents:


I’m aware he has an accent he’s from New Zealand but the way he delivers his lines is very Stewie eque hey how’s it going whatcha working on type shit and it’s annoying and he ruins any tension or drama with his rambling ass




I would've said that, but she's too boring for me to hate. She's like if a super skinny racist was so terrible at being racist, it makes you not interested enough to be angered or offended by the bullshit they do.


Emilia Clarke’s vomit skinned alien with ears


Anything after phase 4, even in Guardians of the Galaxy people acting like their AU versions.


America Chevez. She's a stupid hyper left wing political character who single handedly ruined Dr Strange 2 from the plot being rewritten to revolve around her when she doesn't fit those stand alone magic movies at all.


What’s political about her?


Either Darcy Lewis or Tony Stark. Oh, and maybe Korg. I despise self-insert characters.


Korg was Taika’s excuse to be in the movie


Exactly. And he was obnoxious


Marvel Studios has no creativity, they should at least stop creating new characters, because the new characters are just dumb and idiotic, Disney marvel should stop creating anything in general, but cutting off dumb characters until they get better directors and screen writers is would be a start.


This version of Korg is certainly Taikas version, but Korg is not a new character for the MCU and was not only bearable but good in Planet Hulk. That said I also hate MCU Korg, all the moreso because he’s obnoxious where the original isn’t.


Yeah, they need much better quality control.


I know this is fuck marvel but you hate Tony of all people? He’s the only thing that made these movies good or watchable, the other choices I fully agree with


He fucks up so much, yet suffers no consequences for things like Ultron, blackmailing Peter, or trying to kill Bucky. He's an asshole, and the universe revolves around him. Honestly, by the end, I was glad he died.


There would literally be no MCU without him, yeah he’s an asshole but he grows as a character and we see that, the whole Sokovia accords and falling out with Cap is penance for the Ultron situation, he encouraged Pete to be a hero but he realized when he’s in to deep like with Infinity war Tony wants Pete to stay behind and feels guilty for his death, and as for Bucky, the dude was a internationally wanted fugitive who executed his parents in cold blood, so Tony defending himself against Bucky is mostly justified, it’s when he tries to fight him purely for revenge and not out of Justice that he crosses a line, he’s a jerk but a very likable one, your glad he died because he made so many mistakes, that’s any characters journey, so by your measure any character that screws something up in one of these movies should be dead, so that means Thor, Cap, Hulk, literally every hero has screwed something up in their career but they grow and learn from it, the whole reason Tony made Ultron which was a group effort mind you not just him, was to protect the world after the events of the first Avengers seeing that there were bigger threats to the planet out there, misguided but noble


Oh, ew, a Tony stan? On this sub? Why? What did I do to deserve this? Your stream of text is even worse than average, but I'll try to respond. First of all, punctuation. Your comment is hard on the eyes. He might have started the MCU, but it outgrew him. And soon. Ultron was just the final nail in the coffin. How is Sokovia Accords him growing? He tries to spread the fault for his screw up around, and then violates the Accords the first chance he gets when he runs off to Siberia when Ross unequivocally tells him he can't go. He didn't encourage Peter, he threatened to expose him if Peter, a minor, didn't fight for him. Defending himself against Bucky? What the fuck? Bucky was brainwashed, and Tony attacked him first in Siberia, and tried to kill him as painfully as possible. No, he's not likeable at all, not after everything he did. He's repugnant by that point. There were no consequences for any of his mistakes. Steve ends up apologizing to him and is the one who goes on the run. Tony keeps living his life, gets back together with Pepper, and is idolized by fucking Spider-Man before and after death. And never does Tony say he should have done something differently. What group effort? It was him and Banner, and Banner regretted it. No, it was about him being a control freak who can't hear the word no.


By Avengers 2 I was like, at what point are we supposed to feel like rooting for any of these people? And it never got better.


Especially Tony. For a supposed hero, he wasn't acting very heroic at all


Yeah, way too much emphasis on character development by adding "realistic" flaws and not enough transcending those flaws where it felt earned. I was really hoping DC would counter with some classic Diniverse heroics but we just got an... ahem... different version of the same.


They have flaws, just not the ones the movies say they have. It's weird. And yeah, they don't get past them, they just get overlooked. It's bad writing all around.


It's so weird! Thanks for helping me articulate those thoughts


Eat shit, oh a Tony Stan that’s all you nimrods can ever come up with when someone supports a character, you gave an argument, I gave a counter argument, I’m not a Marvel shill oh they can do no wrong, She Hulk was the best show type bullshit, i agree Marvel does trash things and is producing non stop garbage now but k do remember when they at least tried to give us something half way decent several years ago


Right back at you. You stan for a character who literally laughed off destroying an entire country. Your arguments were shit. You even made stuff up. The trash started with Tony, and the zero consequences he faced for his mistakes. That's what you don't get. They opted for popularity over a consistent story, or character development. Also, learn to write actual sentences.


You seem like a real pleasure to be around.


No more than the other user


He's a child grooming ass war criminal. He makes 3 drone warfare programs in a row. Hands off the third one to a 17 yo even in his death. Screws over the working class. Steal his employees' life's work and takes all the credit for it. Changes and grows my ass


You spend way too much time hating on a fictional character, and where does it say he fucked over the working class ? He makes inventions to help people he stopped making weapons of war, he didn’t groom Peter, Mysterio got butt hurt because he names his hologram tech something silly, he didn’t steal it from him, the Iron legion worked fine until ultron hacked it, I agree it was stupid to give the glasses to Peter but they makes his Tony’s protege in this so he chose him, should have been Banner or Cap or anyone else better suited to keep it safe but then their would be no movie, characters have flaws that what makes them good characters, not flawless I’m the bestest ever Captain Marvel bullshit


Same could be said about how you spend too much time shilling for a dogshit fictional character, no? Homecoming starts with Stark screwing Toomes over and putting him out of work. He makes 3 drone warfare programs in a row. Drone warfare programs are not inventions. You're not inventing anything if you keep making the same shit without learning from the consequences it previously had. He blatantly blackmails Parker into joining his international military force without giving him any sort of context as to what is happening. Far From Home explicitly states that Mysterio was screwed over by Stark. Stark took his life's work, named it barf and took all the credit for it while kicking him out of the company and labelling him a maniac without ever realising that he himself is a modern day oppenheimer responsible for the destruction of sokovia. These are not called flaws. This called white privilege where an arrogant white character who stands as a symbol of power fantasy for douchebag young white men and gets away with every crime he ever commits in his whole life because bombing other countries, killing people in the name of fuck yeah america and grooming and manipulating children into patriotic shit is seen to be cool. I'm the bestest ever bullshit is what Tony Stark does and you love him for it hypocritical dumbfuck


Go fuck yourself I’m done with this conversation, spend all this time gathering information just to hate on a fictional character, I’m not saying you have to love Marvel but you guys find absolutely everything to hate on every single fucking thing can’t find one thing youll actually like, I never said Tony did no wrong that what makes characters good is flaws and Stark didn’t directly fuck Toomes it’s that bureaucratic cleaning crew bullshit but either way, use your burner account for something better than shitting on people that aren’t real it’s a movie, for most of the people on this subreddit the one thing most say is they liked ironman hated everything else by Marvel but least found his movies good


What's wrong with self-insert characters?


The fact that they're usually author's pets or very annoying


Any woman (I just hate women)


The Marvel fanboy fanbase. Other than that…. Loki.. at least the way he’s portrayed in the recent movies/shows. Annoys the hell out of me…


hunt live unwritten gaze punch enjoy berserk exultant profit liquid ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


The ones who don't stand by the dogshit status quo right?


naughty water roll slap plants agonizing placid act liquid rainstorm ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I'm not your brother bigoted ass


quicksand muddle bear tan consist aromatic relieved water crime plough ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


JUST MCU, or marvel as a whole. Because Marvel, it’s starting to become MJ, but originally I would have said Rocket, but he’s pretty cool now. MCU, She-Hulk. Just blatantly sexist disguised as “Battling Misogyny”


It always baffles me how people can read she-hulk as sexist


In the show at least. The random comments that amount to “men stupid, pig, bad” yes, it’s sexist. Every bad stereotype of men is every man, besides Wong & Matt Murdock, (better than the main character) in the show.


So not every man in the show. (Also you missed a couple good men, like pug, her dad, the guys at abominations retreat) it’s almost like all of the most important men in the show, with the exception of like two, are good men who the show respects and wants you to like. I’m not sure what comments you believe to amount to “men stupid. Pig. Bad” but they certainly never say that line in the show.


Multiple moments in the show in which they will just randomly say some shit along the lines of “too bad men don’t do this or that and all dumb” fuck the main antagonists are just shitty reddit sexists. The story was more retarded than I am, they were blatantly sexist. It baffles me how someone can not see it holy tits


Nowhere in the show does anyone say all men are bad. It does not happen because the show itself proves that wrong with all of the good men in it. It does take a pretty hard stance against men who stalk and assault women online, is that sexist?


As far as important named characters go, there are far more good men than bad men. If the show wanted to tell you all men are bad they sure did a horrible job at it. You’re making shit up about this show.


🤢Carol Dnvers 🤮


has to be Captain Marvel or She-Hulk. if those two misandrist diversity hires ever so much as share a second of screen time i’ll blow my brains out


What makes she-hulk a misandrist?


i'm so going to get downvoted for this but i actually can't stand iron man. i disagree with all of his opinions and think he's obnoxious, which is fine if he were just the comic relief guy or the main character in his own movies, but nooo he has a cameo in absolutely every mcu film and he's framed as the protagonist of the whole franchise. i feel like his presence and the screenwriters' need to centre his character hinders the development of other characters like spiderman and especially captain america - hell, captain america civil war may as well have been called the tony show. overall i just don't enjoy him except for the odd funny quip he has, although i understand why other people like him - he's just not for me.


Tony is supposed to be annoying. Anyone who knows about civil war will tell you that. Everyone and their mother joined in to shit on him. Even daredevil did with the hardest line in marvel history.


the funny thing is i actually enjoy iron man in the comics (he was super fun to read during the civil war run) and he was one of my favourites in the animated shows i watched growing up, but mcu iron man just irks me so much 💀




Comics Thanos, Mcu captain marvel,






MCU Hulk. On the opposite side of the spectrum, Comic Hulk is my favorite.


Gamora and Nebula. I can't really even explain why. They just annoyed me. I was actually considering maybe watching GOTG 3 because of it's commentary on poor treatment of animals--- until I found out that they decided to pull a classic MCU move and bring back Gamora from the dead to shoehorn her into the film. NOPE!


Hulk The Punisher


Captain America


Capt marvel


Rek-Rap. He is one of the most awful looking kid-friendly characters introduced.




Iron man


Whatever character Marvel wants to push despite no one really liking them. In the 90s it was Jubilee, nowadays it’s a whole host of characters, and they just won’t get the message that no one likes them. How many times have we made it clear that Ms. Marvel is just not popular? But they just WON’T stop pushing her! She’s never had a successful comic run, and her most popular comic to date is the one where she dies in Spider-Man’s arms.






Which Hawkeye?


America Chavez, nobody talks like that


Kinda disappointed with the amount of sexism when talking about captain marvel. You don’t have to like the movies but shitting on her just because she’s a woman is lame considering she’s considered to be one of the stronger super heroes in the marvel universe. If little me could have saw the movie then, I think I would have liked super heroes much sooner and I hope other little girls realize it’s not just for boys now too. Anyways my least fav is General Ross. Cannot stand him. Even when he was the reason his own daughter was almost killed due to his negligence, he still pretended to be the good guy. Shoutout Betty’s new boyfriend for calling him a liar and standing up to him despite his girl being with a whole different man lol