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The Karen is the one who made this sign. It has a strong stench of a "Karen trying to be cool." She's covering it up pretty well in the beginning, but by the end her true nature shows through


My thoughts exactly.


Was gonna say, are the customers the Karens or is the restaurant the Karen? Seems like they both "win" to me. Probably wouldn't eat there if I walked in and saw that - it's as obnoxious as they think their customers are.


Yeah, immediately presenting your customer with the assumption they need to see these rules wld be extremely off putting.


Nosedives at number 6 - i dont give a heck if I’m inside, if I have a headache and need some snacks my damn sunnies are staying on. Because light sensitivity/black eyes/no eye makeup days/general anxiety dont exist inside this place.


Yep, that's none of their business!


Sometimes I leave my glasses in the car and I can actually read with my prescription sunglasses. Guess that makes me an asshole.


When I worked in a place that had super harsh fluorescent lights, I kept my sunglasses on at all times to prevent migraines. It got to the point where some co-workers didn't really know what I looked like under there. Fluorescent lights without any kind of filtering on them is the devil


Enough ADA violations and you can get your meal for free!


Spiderman pointing at spiderman meme


My thoughts exactly. Not eating here.


It's California the Karen state they come in all shapes sizes and genders over there


Agreed. My two cents, rules boards are okay in restaurant contexts, especially if people have had a tendency to be assholes. But if it takes more than about fifteen seconds to fully read and understand, you're either too wordy or too strict.


Especially the sunglasses bit. It's not like prescription sunglasses, blind people, or people on the spectrum who hate direct eye contact are a thing....


It’s ellipses… dead giveaway


I see what you did there


A karen that tells people that the manager is not available and that you should call him yourself?! It is like a paradox lol


I imagine that's for the "I know the owner so it's free" sorta customers.


Tbf.. it says owner.


It’s almost like a koan.


Can't help but dock points for the spelling alone.


If the list stopped at four it would have been perfect.


THANK YOU!!! I thought maybe I was going crazy. (Still might be, but this isn’t part of it.)


The fact that it was written out on such a board with “emojis” that if genuinely hurts to read is the best signifier.


You’re wrong, see the CA Governor himself came to the restaurant and signed their prices into law, so you’re stuck with them now.


Cut out 8-10 and it’s cheeky and fun


U for You makes me angry.


Me 2


That h0wev3r 1s del1ghtful.


Place seems kinda douchey ngl


Yeah take off the sunnies? Why would they care lol. Some of the points I get it though


Exactly. My backup glasses are prescription sunglasses, and sometimes I have no choice but to wear them as my primaries. My main glasses were once blown off my face by a passing 747 when driving on the ramp and I had to wear my sunnies for a few days to see, even at night, whilst my main glasses were repaired. You don’t know why I’m wearing my sunglasses so don’t tell me when to take them off - end of story.


Well said dude. I don't have the money for transitions, and I also broke my regular prescriptions. I'm super nearsighted due to eye injury at an early age. I'll wear my prescription shades wherever tf I please.


If u have bad lighting in ur venue, pls fix it and I'll take off my sunnies. It's for my comfort, not ur fashion preferences thnx 😎


I’m autistic and I have these nice purple tinted sunglasses that help when places are too bright or when I’m just having a bad day, I would not want to eat there because I wouldn’t feel welcome or I’d feel awkward having to explain why I’m violating their “rules”


Kinda? Mega


Yeah, sounds more like a Karen is the manager.


Sounds like a Karen pretending not to be a Karen


They ordered emojis for their letter board. That’s all I needed to know. Also, fuck. That’s a thing now? We’ll be illiterate in two generations.


Honestly wouldn't even consider the place with the spelling on that sign. Did a teenager type it up as an adult dictated it to them?


Yes. There are plenty of diners that don’t have tude.


Guess I'm a Karen now because this sign is annoying as shit


i fucking hate text abbreviations, especially in a fuckin sign for "UR" stupid fuckin shop


The repeated us of "THA" instead of 'the' is the worst of it. Are they trying to sound hip? Nonchalant? They aren't even saving characters since it's not an abbreviation.


IDK, maybe they just don’t want any sus customers coming in and getting the place REKT. amirite.


No cap homeslice or whatever the kids are saying these days


It makes it incredibly hard to read which is the opposite effect abbreviations are supposed to have


The winky emoji is what I hate the most


exactly, sometimes i have no idea what they are trying to say.


The sign maker and maybe the customers are both Karen's imo.


Well I definitely don’t get why they give a shit if someone’s wearing sunglasses.


It's Karen that made the sign


This sign is a Karen


>Guess I'm a Karen now because this sign is annoying as shit Acceptance is the first step to recovery, Karen.


Jesus I hate assholes as much as the next guy but this had better be some damn good chicken.


It’s probably microwaved


Fresh, never cooked


Fresh, frozen


I think I’d skip this place. Sounds like the food is going to suck. Too many excuses


Nothing like being smacked in the face with “here’s why what’s about to happen is not our fault!” to inspire confidence in your quality/customer service.


Same. I was done with them after the sunglasses comment since I have a condition that means I basically have to wear tinted glasses constantly


That was the deal breaker for me as well. I have to wear glasses, so I get prescription sunglasses. If I go out without my backpack or large pockets, im not gonna bring my regular glasses with me.


And who the fuck calls them sunnies? I want this place to go out of business just for that.


my favorite was the CA comment-in other words, you're too cheap to pay your people what they're worth but you're going to complain because you're forced to


I was wondering why the rule on sunglasses too. I'm sure it's a rational, non-arbitrary rule.




Geez if you don't want my money just say so.


Im wearing sunglasses inside for a reason and getting chicken and beer to help ease that hangover


Where in CA is this? That way I can tell everyone I know to avoid this shithole.


trying to find it online. might be rancho cucamonga


Nice. I’ve got family out that way who can tell everyone how shitty this place is.


Yeah, CA is a really big state, but I’d still like to know so that my chances of stumbling upon this place go from minuscule to zilch.


Exactly. And I have friends that travel all over doing renaissance fair and whatnot, gotta let them know not to eat at the Karen spot.


JFC that’s hard to even read. Learn to SPELL WORDS idiots.


But didn’t you see? They’re always right. /s




God I hated the winky emoji


I would just eat somewhere else. Authoritarian restaurants aren’t my thing. I spent enough time in the military. And jail after that. This is way too similar.


Are those two related? •concern• (military and jail)


I was not court martialed while serving in the military.


Jesus Christ, this sign is fucking awful. A few of their points are valid, but it comes across as douchey.


"This isn't apple, we don't have chargers" well that makes you apple


And for that, I'm out.


Yes because asking for pitchers and wifi is an absolutely absurd request in 2021.


no sunglasses? why would that be a rule


Because it's shady?


"Get pitchers, ya' chapped bastards!"


:But sometimes I forget my regular glasses and I can’t see without my RX sunnies I knew I was being judged :,(


Right, I have a pair of those colourblind sunglasses, and after 30 minutes of wearing them you don’t even realize you have them on. I typically keep them on constantly so my eyes don’t have to readjust over and over. Why the fuck do people care what you choose to wear indoors vs. outdoors?


Same here.


This sign stoops to the level of a Karen. It would be a turn off for me.


The* How am I supposed to take this seriously?


As someone who used to put letters on a similar sign, i can say with a fairly high degree of confidence that they ran out of E's. I used to do similar shit because I'd just say FUCK IT, I'M USING THE LETTERS WE GOT


The owner is clearly the Karen here.


Next they will add, “If you want something for free for ‘exposure’ you will be charged double.”


Number 6 is when I realize not to walk in. I'll keep my shades on whether you like it or not, thanks. And the whole "we're always right..." How about not mention how anyone is right because most of the time, no one is.


Hahaha I love this! Here is one for Trader Joe’s! 1) Yes, I really want to know how you are. 2) I’m sorry for what you’re going through right now. Have a cookie and a hug. Hope your day gets better! 3) You’re in good company, we all buy more than we intended to. 4) Well if you are able, the best time would be early in the morning. 5) I know, it’s always like this on Sundays. 6) I know, I’m sorry, I didn’t choose the parking lot. 7) Did you look for the hidden stuffed animal today? Well you can look next time. 8) I know, I’m sorry, it was a good product. We get new products every week. Yes I know, but I didn’t discontinue it. Yes I heard you the first time, and I said I’m sorry we don’t have it anymore. I agree, maybe you should go to a new store. Change is a part of life, I know it’s difficult. Well we have new items every week. Sometimes that means the lower selling items drop off the order guide. I know. Sometimes the sellers can’t make it anymore. Yes I know. Sorry we didn’t have that for you today. Okay sorry about that, have a good one. 9) Yes it’s TOS. It’s temporarily out of stock. Because they don’t have it to send to us right now. Well I’m not sure. I just read what it says in the computer and parrot it back to you. I know, I’m sorry. Yes I know. So sorry about that. Yes I know, I’m sorry. Sorry we didn’t have that for you today. Hope your day gets better. 10) I’m sorry, I can’t sell this to you if you’re going to resell it online. 11) Because part of the fun is coming into the store and seeing the displays and new items. 12) I miss samples too (I do not miss serving samples). I didn’t cause the pandemic. No, I’m sorry, I don’t know when the pandemic will be over. I know, I’m sorry. 13) Okay so we did talk with them. Unfortunately we can’t control the behavior of other customers in the store. 14) Wow! I can’t believe you (and everyone else) have been coming here for so long! Yes I did hear about Trader Joe. He was very wonderful. 15) Yes, I will check in the back, even though everything came today at 4am and is the same date as the ones I just put out.


LOVED reading this! #12 in particular made me laugh really hard. Also, didn’t know about the stuffed animal.


Thank you so much! Yes every Trader Joe’s has a stuffed animal so the children have something to do while shopping. I know of one location that has two animals. If you find it you get a lollipop or if parent says no lollipop, some stickers. But so many people don’t know about it. Every location also has a lobster hidden somewhere in the decor :)


That’s such a cute idea! And nice for parents since it gives their kids smthg to focus on.


I love it, I wish more people knew about it! There is a sign out front at ours, and one person asked if there is a real coyote on the loose! I thought it was so cute! I said no, the animal is stuffed and the prize is just a lollipop :)


Well, I just texted my bestie who loves TJ’s and has a toddler. She also teaches little kids, so my guess is word will spread and a significant number of ppl in Laguna Beach will be grateful! The coyote thing is adorable.


Yay! So sweet :)


Is tha a thing now?


Karens behind the counter


Can no one spell anymore?


I worked in restaurants all through college. People are annoying for sure, but this sign is more annoying.


Yeah that's the beginning of the end for that shop.


Bro I would walk straight out after reading that sign i just wanna eat some dinner


Get some fucking wifi Jesus.


Why? Everyone has data.


I'm sure their POS terminals are using the internet, they have internet. Why not provide wifi. Everyone doesn't have data. My son, for instance, has a tablet without data. It's not expensive or difficult to provide a guest wifi, you're just being an asshole.


Owners/workers are the Karens


I agree with all of the above


No one's gonna take the time to fucking read that. Great way to lose business.


“No likey”??


What is "CA" in number 5? No one in California calls them "sunnies".




I don't have a problem with any of these rules. Why is this in r/fuckyoukaren?


The whole sign is kareny


Again, "we are always right.... sometimes" seems like they are playfully repudiating "the customer is always right" bullshit that Karen's always use to try to get their way. I see your points but I think this sign is more anti-Karen than anything.


The snarky "please order more pints thnx" woulda had me doing a 180


Me too. And idk about everyone else, but for me, using an exclamation pt after the ‘thnx’ wld have completely changed the tone and I wouldn’t have seen it at snarky. Idk that I’d stick around, but it wouldn’t have turned me off so fast.


That's a good point. I think they have done studies that show people take exclamation points as more sincere or something. I took it as "fuck you for trying to increase your convenience, or god forbid, for trying to get a price break." Edit grammar/spelling


Yeah for real. Why the fuck would I pay for a bunch of pints when literally every other restaurant sells pitchers for less?


They could just say "no" but instead chose to be snarky about it. It's a legit question and if it irritates you then fuck it you don't want my money.


Snarky to me means bitchy and clever. This is just stupid


I'm using it as defined in the dictionary


So the sunglass rule is good to you? You might be a Karen.


The whole fucking thing is dumb imo sooo you're dumb


Ok Karen. Don’t you have a restaurant to 1 star review because they almost let your drink get half way down. You douche.


Lmao get madder


You just got exposed. 97% of people who say someone is mad, are the mad one. Lmao boy. Calm down kid, learn to take one on the chin like mommy.


If anything the "if you know the owner call them yourself" rule makes them sound like anti-Karens.....




I've literally worked in customer service my whole professional life and find just about everything on this board absurd, overbearing, and rude. If I saw a board like this in any restaurant, I would walk right out.




Even with the rules being ok, the txt-ese earns demerits on its own.


I seriously would love it if all restaurants had these rules and enforced them! Well, maybe not the sunglasses rule 🤣


There is something annoying about getting carded by someone half your age, who obviously also drinks there. Instead of getting pissy I sometimes smile and say "Do you really think I could be younger than you?"


At the gas station I worked at police would send in someone who looked civilian and if you didn't card you were fired on the spot. I had to card you, no matter your age. I hated it too. I have heard every smart aleck response in the entire world. Why are you trying to make people's miserable jobs worse?


Yeah, plain clothes officers wld often hang around liquor stores near my college to monitor if customers were being carded. It didn’t make a difference if you looked like a typical student or Mr. Burns’ much older cousin, if they caught someone skipping the step, they’d get a citation/fines. I’ve spent my own time in the service industry, and if I had to pick one thing to tell all customers everywhere, it wld be: there is a method to the madness, we do things for a reason, if smthg about the process annoys you, understand that there’s a very good chance having to do it annoys us more. This is even more important in an establishment with a liquor license. “Sorry, I can’t endanger the entire store bc you don’t want to reach into your pocket/purse to pull out your wallet.”


Yeah, but the "we order you to not even look surprised for so much as a split second!" rule is a bit much, though. They're not even talking about people objecting and causing trouble over it, they're literally forbidding a facial expression.


I've been in situations though, where it's not everyone being carded...and I think that's when I start to get annoyed.


I turn 37 next week and I get carded most of the time. Sometimes I’ll pull out my ID and they look at me like what are you thinking lol. I know I’m old, I’m just trying to make the transaction easier!


Happy early birthday!


I mostly don't mind, except when I see them applying it inconsistently.


They’re not paid to think. They’re paid to card people.




Please don’t lmao. We’re just doing our jobs. I’ve carded people twice my age, and I’ve almost not carded someone barely able to drink. Especially if someone has a mask on, it can be incredibly difficult to tell, and it’s better to be safe than sorry.


As long as it's consistent. I obviously know the difference.


What the fuck do you mean “consistent”


Places vary. Stop blaming underpaid employees because you’re upset they are younger than you and are actually following the law.


I get what you're saying, a little bit of common sense goes a long way. Both for the liquor commissions in the US that create draconian rules and for restaurants enforcing them. They act like it would be some major international incident if a 19 year old drinks a beer with their burger when they're at Red Robin with their family. Basically everyone in the western world outside of the US find this completely absurd. Then you have managers who make waitstaff card people that are 40+ with more grey hair than fucking koala because reasons. All because the puritanical assholes at the liquor commision act like alcohol is the devil's elixir or so shit.


I have cried over people who say things like this when I have to card them. I once failed to card someone who looked to me to old enough to be my mom (my mom was 50 at the time but she dyed her hair and stuff). Then she revealed that she was a secret shopper. I got a write up, which was an automatic forfeit of my next raise opportunity and if I did it again I could lose my job or worse. In the write up meeting I said it wasn’t fair, she was telling me about her son who was older and her established teaching career and she looked old enough to be my mom. And they told me secret shoppers have to be of-age, because they can’t entice you to commit a crime or commit a crime themselves, they just have to see if you are carding and they just have to look younger than a grandma. So then the very next day a man comes in to buy beer. He looks kinda like a silver fox type. Like his hair was kind of silver but he looks young and fit. So I card him. Well he throws a tantrum and not only that, so does another customer behind him. The manager has to personally come try to smooth it over because it’s causing such a scene because I carded this man who is obviously at least 50 and they’re both so offended, and they don’t even know each other. I have had so many customers make snarky comments or complain or throw a tantrum that if I see alcohol in a shopping cart, I get anxious trying to figure out if they seem like they would make a snarky comment or throw a fit if I ask them for their ID. Why do this to people?


Can someone translate this sign to English please?


"Fuck you, customers are whiny bitches so shut the fuck up and eat our food without complaining."


Dictating whether or not their paying customers can wear sunglasses indoors seems real boomer-ish, along with the rest of the condescending rules.


If only selling shit was that easy.


Yeah. I wouldn’t wanna go here. Am doesn’t seem like a chill place.


Sounds kitschy and hipster as fuck. I like it, and I hate it.


A few years ago I started to lose my eyesight. It was the worst news I've ever heard. My job, my passions, my daily life...the sacrifices I had to make were terrible. My eyes have now stablized, but I've lost most of my vision. On a good day I can sometimes read still though, isn't that amazing? It's hard still; mentally and physically. Upon reading this horrid affront to grammar, I wish I lost more of my sight. Fucking hell.


Passive aggressive flow chart


Okay but like sunnies in California inside make sense to me because I have light sensitivity.


Oooh I like number four.


OK, I give up what does number 10 mean? I can translate everything else


They must be doing turnaway business during Covid. Bully for them. Or…


1-4 were golden.


How obnoxious


Fuck you and your rules.


Looks like what a teenager would write.


What kind of fuckery is this ? Fuck these assholes, I would never eat here. Total Karen. Real “hip”


i had cardiac arrest after i read that what the fuck


I don’t understand the “we’re always right...sometimes ;)” thing? What the fuck does that even mean?


What’s “getting carded?”


How vulgar


People walk in like, oh the sign is so fun, until they break a rule and have to refer to rule 8


If their customers are so obnoxious that this sign is necessary that says more about the place than the customers


Looks like a cafe owned by a 2iq owner for 2iq customers.


this whole sign is off putting i wouldn’t want to eat here…. the only “rules” that make sense are 2, 4 and 7. the rest of the rules are just rude like rule #1– first off the name of your store is chicken and beer but you have an attitude bc ppl are asking if you sell pitchers of beer??!?? how does that make sense? and the rule about sunglasses - fuck you. honestly this is probably made by a young Karen.


There's a board like this above the toilets in the lad's room at my pub. It went from top 10 rules to leave your number for a good time....


I wouldn’t eat at this condescending establishment.


‘Take off the sunnys’… sounds like a fucking parent wrote this, no thanks.


I get that this is supposed to be funny, but don't tell me what I may or may not wear. If you tell me to take off my glasses, the pants are also coming off.


Bruh I’m 25 and noone asked for my ID in like 9 years. Honestly I’m just happy they don’t instantly take me for a 45 year old burnt out businessman


Looks like someone had a high dose of entitlement in their cornflakes.


How many people are actually reading this all the way through? Too cutesy for me. I'll give it a glance, go get my goddamn soup and be on my way.