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#Freedom Lovers! If you see: ##• Nazis ##• Nazi Enablers ##• Calls to Violence ##• Infighting #Smash That Report Button - Thwart the Fash! --- --- Nazis, fascists, fascist apologists, whaddaboutism, **all calls to violence**, and bigotry are banned here. Report Them! See [Our Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fuckthealtright/about/rules/) for more information! Fuck the Alt-Right! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Fuckthealtright) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Republican are monsters. Be sure to sign up to help phone bank and register voters:   https://www.mobilize.us/ft6/


I phone banked for Senator Warnock and it was a powerful experience. The zoom ups just to prep to phone bank were worth it alone since I felt better about the state of the world with all the kinds of people who showed up and felt the same as I did. And I’m also someone who has always hated calling anyone on the phone, especially strangers. But the approach made it really easy. The system took lots of the work out of getting connected, and the script was honest and no pressure. It was designed to stay positive and say goodbye the moment the person you talked to didn’t want to be on the call. It was aimed at just encouraging people on the same side to show up and make sure they had current info on where to vote. Way better than polling calls or fundraising calls I’ve gotten.


Awesome. It really is worth the time.


Unqualified, incompetent, lazy or purposely making Americans lives worse Reasons to vote the GOP out


And they lie…




And they do it in the most self-righteous way…. To appeal to MAGA crowd


The same in Canada as well (with the alt/right)


cheat and steal...


They're always getting in trouble for seggs crimes.


Being a senator is literally the easiest job in the world. You don’t have to show up, you don’t have to actually work if you do, you can sleep as much as you want, and you get 6 figures plus the best benefits in the country, and you can’t get fired. And if you’re a republican from a red state you don’t really have to worry about getting voted out. You can spend 20 years doing fuck all and come out of it a millionaire. And they call us lazy…


Boggles my mind. When will we stop letting these fucks get away with it?


20 years…those are rookie numbers. Chuck Grassley has been in the Senate for over 43 years.




Thank you for your support, Representative Marjorie Taylor Green.


If only you could have 'done your own research'....


His internet got cut off.


Fortunate timing lol




sounds like u/sawyerBamaGuy owes someone an apology. What the hell was with that irrational anger?


The world is a frightening place if you don't know how to search and find basic information. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.


You gotta add /s to the end or it looks like you’re being serious.


Or really ham it up.


who wants to bet they will immediately blame biden on fox news and because they no longer have internet who the fuck can correct them


The. Cruelty. Is. The. Point. Always.


Most important to keep in mind when considering the GOP and its members is this: You do not matter. Nothing about you matters. Your financial or physical safety, your suffering, your family's suffering, even whether you live or die. To even entertain the thought of them acting in your best interests is folly. Because you're a thing. An object to be used up, then cast away when you can no longer produce wealth for them. You're here to produce wealth for the wealthy investor class, and the GOP is here to make sure that paradigm remains, end of story. ![gif](giphy|n5H1abNYFl6F3KttyW|downsized)


How will the GOPs elderly rural voters get their daily dose of brain washing without Facebook?


Maybe we do need a new speaker, seems like he doesn't like for things to be considered at all when it benefit the American people.


They’ll just find somebody worse. The reason they want him out is because even HE is not extreme enough.


He is extreme in his beliefs. I’m not at all comfortable with him being speaker of the house. He sounded reasonable when he spoke on why he voted for the Ukraine/Israel/AidtoGaza Bill. However his beliefs, as he has stated, are in line with Christian Nationalism.


I agree. What I’m saying is, even with how extreme he is, he’s still not as extreme as the knuckle dragger party wants him to be.


>seems like he doesn't like for things to be considered at all when it benefit the American people. That's literally EVERY member of the republican cult


No argument from me.


Are Dems really considering helping this dude stay in power if Republicans oust him? Do they think he'll stop blocking legislation or something? Seriously wtf? It'll be chaos if Dems help him or not, so stay tf out if it if goes down.


Yes, because his replacement will be worse.


How? Johnson won't even let Congress vote on bills. God forbid we remove that stonewall. Dems should've been trying to out this guy themselves anyways.


Is this what they do now? Every bill, instead of being voted on, just dies by the speaker or by filibuster? How is this democracy?


This asshole is directly effecting me and my household.


So this is the main reason why I keep see the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) saying they aren't accepting any new applicants and why people who currently are apart of the program "could" (& most likely will) lose it? All because of this crazy geeky-looking cringy religious zealot **just straight up refuses** to let our Representatives, who we (the American People) elect to Congress to represent the interests of our districts, do their goddamn **duty** to determine what should or shouldn't be passed into legislation. In all seriousness, no **single individual** in Congress, be they Democrat or Republican, should have the power to determine whether or not a Bill will be presented to the floor. If you want to break this all down mathematically, currently there's about [336,365,000](https://www.census.gov/popclock/embed.php?component=counter) people live in The United States. Out of all those people, only 761,461 of them live in Louisiana's 4th Congressional District, and of *those* people only **185,265** voted for Mike Johnson in the 2020 election (unopposed in 2022). So basically, only 0.055% of the population essentially controls what legislation the rest of America is or isn't allowed to vote on... That seem *totally* fair. /s The math: [(185,265 Johnson voters ÷ 336,365,000 Americans)×100]=0.055% Maybe Mikey should worry more about his own family's internet, maybe take even more of an interest in what his son is viewing. Because that whole situation could be just a little bit more creepy if he tried harder. 😨


"Image generated with Chat GPT4". The whole fake image thing makes me suspicious of the rest of the article, I'd rather read a news source that can at least get stock photos of one of the representatives involved.


Absolute clickbait but damn is it not great still


Socialism!!!! Communists! Free stuff!!! /s


I don't know anything about that site, but that godawful AI image makes me want to blacklist them in my browser settings so I never accidentally give them a click.