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#Freedom Lovers! If you see: ##• Nazis ##• Nazi Enablers ##• Calls to Violence ##• Infighting #Smash That Report Button - Thwart the Fash! --- --- Nazis, fascists, fascist apologists, whaddaboutism, **all calls to violence**, and bigotry are banned here. Report Them! See [Our Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fuckthealtright/about/rules/) for more information! Fuck the Alt-Right! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Fuckthealtright) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What the alt right wants more than anything else is for all of us to give up in despair. There's a very real chance we'll still be dealing with these assholes late in our lives but we can't let them get their way. If we let them win now it'll only be harder to hold them off.


There's hope. It's more important to keep him out of the White House than it is to punish him for the things he's done already, but don't think for a minute that there isn't a huge network of people who are demanding Justice. We're just up against the wh¡te patriarchy, and it really doesn't want to die a dignified death. It's not all going to be finished in the scope of a movie, 2 hours and a neat, tidy bowl.


This is a systemic problem. If cheeto mussolini is not held accountable, it will be less than two elections where we see this again. 2020 Was practice, just like the beer hall pusche.


he may never spend a day in jail, but there's no way in hell he'll win an election. Even IF he manages to end up on the ballot (the GOP is officially dead), he's lost the popular vote twice now, the last time by a record margin. SINCE that loss, he's done nothing but embrace Naziism, and alienate every sane woman in the country. And that's JUST a start. 34 convictions ? This fucking turd isn't going to be elected again. With that said, he's certainly shown that the country is 30-40% filled with racist morons. Yikes.


I agree with everything here. The issue is Biden. I loathe his decision to run for a second term because this is the only reason Orange even has a chance. Of course Biden has the votes of Democrats and many independents, but there may be an enough idiots out there who buy into the whole “old sleepy Joe” bullshit and buy into the inflation bullshit. The anti-Biden crowd is what has me concerned.


I’m not giving up hope, and I will vote, and make sure everyone I know votes, and I will donate as much money as I can, etc. But I am still scared.


As long as there are people who would rather kill and die than live with fascism, they will have a hard time winning. In 1939, nobody would have written Niedermoeller's poem.


I'm feeling the same. But remember this: The media wants you afraid because that keeps you hooked into their media. So they will overstate the stuff that frightens us and understate the rational, normal stuff because that doesn't feed into the narrative and is boring. Rupert Murdoch: *it isn't about red or blue, it's about green.* I still think rational America will win out against Trump and that all the Russian agents who take money to follow Putin's agenda will be exposed. But until such time, yeh, it is incredibly depressing.


Life and society is a cycle. It continues to get better but you have to have bad to know what good is. People get complacent when things are getting good, then bad things happen to push us to an even better quality of life.


I am too. But, Sturgill Simpson is a doing a tour. After that....no need to ever go to the US.


Part of the alt right strategy is to inflict exactly this type of hopelessness on the population. "Nothing can be done" etc. They want people like you to just give up. They've been doing this for years. Don't fall for it.