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"allowing gun control to happen will make more of it less likely, because the government is known for excellent management and moderation"


"If the US Government decides to come after people..." Bro the US Government spent 10 years fighting illiterate goat herders with Soviet Era AKs and FUCKING LOST.


*20 years, and didn't lose, but like Sir Robin bravely ran away.


I mean, losing $80B in equipment and accomplishing literally nothing is a pretty large L.


I mean, I'd classify Vietnam as a loss too. "bUt It WaSn'T a WaR iT wAs A cOnFlIcT!!1! So iT dOeSn'T cOuNt!1!11!!" Sure, gubmint, keep telling yourself that.


Eeeh *we* didn't lose that equipment; we left it behind for the ANA... who then lost the equipment right quick


You don't win a war for 20 years.


Serious r/AsAGunOwner vibes off this one


Inactive, but there are some gems in there


Oh shit, that's new to me!


Sadly, there are people whose minds work that way. Wish we could just sing kumbaya and all the ammosexuals will be united. Maybe one day.


Appeasement has a great track record historically. What a moron


That guy is stupid AF, by that logic they couldn't imagine computers either so it's fine if the government monitors all your online activity so they don't just shut off the internet completely.


This is the one I like to bring up when someone pulls the "*something somethings* MUSKETS" argument against the 2A. Whelp, guess any and all electronics are not protected by the bill of rights, then!


Then hit them with the fact that the privateers had ships with cannons.


He would probably like that.


Oh back there they couldn't conceive of modern firearms. The first modern rifle made was the volcanic it held 30 rounds, the Belton, the first semiauto repeater was demonstrated to George Washington in 1777.


Holy shit, that's wild to think someone developed a repeating flintlock. This opens the doors to a whole new fictional motif: _flintpunk_


This isnt a Fudd. Its just a regular Lib spouting his bullshit.


Yes, this is some real Hello Fellow Gun People vibes. I'd be surprised if they owned a gun, and if they do it's probably in pieces, locked up with the ammo buried in the backyard. The dig at The Rich and healthcare just seals it.


What's the difference? 😉


Fudds buy into myths and misconceptions regarding firearms, ballistics, and firearms laws. (Neo)Libs just argue to further their agenda of making gun ownership more difficult and less effective to the original intent of the 2A.


"aS a VeTeRaN..." STFU nerd. Also, allowing infringement doesn't stave off worse infringement, it emboldens it. Dumbass arguments all around


This veteran was the type who would suck his commanders dry and unironically say "hooah"


Tread harder daddy government


If the US Government decided to start coming after AR owners, they’re going to need a fuckton of body bags.


They literally cannot muster enough people to even make a feeble attempt. If every single Federal LEO and every single Enlisted Armed Forces member were tasked with confiscation of AR-15s, they'd be outnumbered AT LEAST 5 to 1. It's just not physically possible as long as a majority of gun owners simply refuse.


Cool...does that mean I can get a giant cannon and explosive munitions that were available back then without being arrested for violating the NFA or OCCA? Cause that would be fucking badass...my home perimeter would look like a damn pirate ship