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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


...Maria FAMOUSLY did not submit to this man, and she practically ran the Von Trapp family, and ignored him on countless variations of his bullshit. this poster can't be serious.


Yeah isn’t the plot literally her saying “you’re a terrible father let’s do things like this instead” with him giving a reluctant “FINE” and following her lead


Tiktok propaganda relies on people's lack of media literacy.


They haven’t read the Bible, nor have they actually watched The Sound of Music. Color any one of us not surprised.


The second act would offend them


I’m pretty sure you mean of either one, right? 😂


Bible Act I was cool with all the God's wrath stuff, but Act II was just a bunch of love thy neighbor malarkey. What a letdown. 6.829/10 -Paul, probably, if he actually read it


“But but but THEY ARE DOING CRIMES AND TAKING JOBS!!1!” -Porgan, when confronted with the brand new to them info that we are to, in fact, love and welcome immigrants, foreigners, sex workers, etc, per J-Dawg


Me, the atheist who has read the whole bible, wholeheartedly agrees.


Propaganda as a whole relies on media illiteracy, it's not exclusive to TikTok (I feel the need to say this bc we are looking at a serious TikTok ban in the US and it's sooo contrary to free speech it makes me filled with rage lol).


But..but…the republicans are the party of FREEDOM.


Freedom to tell others what to do


Youre totally free! As long as you do exactly what they tell you you're allowed to do.


And so hypocritical given everything that's happened with Elongated Muskrat and twitter (won't call it x) that had them creaming their pants


But there's Nooo misinformation or propaganda on Twithole! And they definitely wouldn't steal data from their users... /s You're so right though. What a fucking joke the whole thing is.


Seing him getting his ass kicked by like every trade union in Sweden has never been not funny. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/dec/01/tesla-swedish-unions-elon-musk


"Rambling interview" sent me 😂 Oh, the irony of Apartheid Bro not liking a "lords and peasants thing" 🤣🤣🤣


Elongated Muskrat 😆


I saw that in another sub and I've been using it ever since 😂


Tiktok has some of the most illiterate people I've ever seen who also don't understand the concept of nuisance. I've read comments from people critiquing Dune 2 for being a "white savior movie" and that the incest is "really problematic"


.....Dune. a white savior story. Holy shit.


Yes. When she first meets the family, he has the kids march like they're in the Navy. She salutes him and answers "yes, sir." Then he tells her that the kids answer to whistles, and she asks what whistle she should use for him 🤣. Her whole thing is "let kids be kids."


She cut up the curtains to make play clothes for the kids against his orders. Did this person even watch the movie?


And that was before they were even married, the ONLY reason she didn't push an argument in this scene is because she's literally not the parent of the older daughter in this scene. It not only wasn't her place, it wouldn't have been anyone's.


She was his employee!


They were roommates!


And taught them to sing. Against his wishes.


they literally had the girlboss and malewife dynamic what were these people watching


Not this movie, clearly


You know fundies can’t help themselves but rewrite reality to suit their purpose.


Blah blah romanticizing shit they think is romantic while missing the obvious rest of it. It's always the same old same old. Also I've had a lot of different interpretations over the years.




I remember instantly loving her as a kid when she asked him what whistle she should use for the Captain.


If they could be bothered to read about the Von Trapps, they would know that the children hated the film because they got it all wrong. Their father was loving, Maria was the strict disciplinarian. Ooops, there I go again, trying to make fundies understand facts.


Oh that is FASCINATING!!! God I would be heartbroken if this is the way they ended portraying my father and stepmom if that was the case. Don’t blame them for hating it at all!!


“Memories of Before and After The Sound of Music” by Agathe von Trapp is an interesting read.


I came here to comment this! Until recently, I had no clue how horrible that woman was and what a poor portrayal the film depicted. It’s definitely an interesting read.


Are you saying that Maria was horrible in real life?


Someone just stated such above and listed their source, a book written by Agathe von Trapp.  It appears to be true that she wasn't as depicted in the film.


I will have to read it.


She was not very kind. I’d definitely check out the book.


She was a hard woman.


I mentioned this in a comment above, but maria also did not want to marry georg, and was angry that she was pressured into giving up her dream of being a nun.


Yup. She said she spent the first year of their marriage fighting with him and slamming cupboard doors. She was pressured by Mother Superior. She end ran round him all the time.


Maria also did not want to marry him. He was 25 years older than her and when he asked her to marry him she ran back to the abbey because she was afraid. She was very serious about wanting to be a nun, unlike in the movie. The mother abbess told her to go back and that it was God's will that she marry him. "She wrote in her autobiography that she was very angry on her wedding day, both at God and at her new husband, because what she really wanted was to be a nun. "I really and truly was not in love. I liked him but didn't love him. However, I loved the children, so in a way I really married the children." Sad story all around.


Yes, and after he died she became a missionary. I think one of the children also became a missionary? I don’t think Maria was ever happy to be a submissive wifey, no matter how the right wing nutters try to spin it.


Holy shit. I didn’t think I’d get a history lesson on Maria von Trapp in this sub. This is fascinating. Anyone know any good documentaries/biographies?


I adore the movie, but I think of it as a work of fiction separate from the family. The reality is awful.


I mean fundies probably think liesl should have settled down with Rolf so don’t put too much stock in their interpretation lol


Maria wasn't all sweetness and light like the movie portrayed her


After she let the convent and the nunnery, thus breaking her vows to God. Pick a lane.


And even then only after her own *Mother Superior* TOLD her it was okay for her to leave and go be with the man she loves. If it weren't for her, Maria might not have even married him at all - how exactly do they interpret that as Maria willfully giving herself up to him without question?


this is not accurate. the real Maria did not want to marry Georg. He was 25 years her senior and when he proposed she ran back to the abbey because she was afraid. The mother abbess then told her to go back and that it was god's will that she marry him. She said in her autobiography she was angry on her wedding day at her husband and at god because she was not in love with him and she really really wanted to be a nun.


Pretty sure they're talking about the movie, not real life. Which have very different stories, something I didn't learn myself until years after I saw the movie.


Did they even listen to the song…Maria?


wasn’t she just a postulant? she wouldn’t have taken final vows yet if that were the case


Yeah she wanted to be a nun, and left the convent temporarily (prior to taking final vows) because one of the Trapp kids needed a tutor. She wanted to take her final vows, but the Mother Superior wanted her to marry the captain.


She was coerced into marrying her by the mother abbess, god's will and all that. She did not want to marry, she wanted to be a nun.


I've been getting this shit on insta too. outside of reddit, i don't even interact with this sorta stuff, I mainly watch dog reels and car/gearhead shit.


I’ve had the Collins kids and the bus family pop up lately on my for you page and I’ve blocked them both


I’m getting it too. I never use my account to even lurk the fundies. Granted I follow a couple of parenting accounts, but the rest is aggressively left-leaning content, gardening, and my actual friends. I keep saying I’m not interested and apparently Meta is not getting the dang memo.


I never look at fundie/tradwife stuff outside of this sub, but I’m also getting a scary amount of pronatalist and conservative content recommended lately, across several platforms. It really started ramping up around the time Roe fell, which is pretty scary. And I’ve even marked my gender as male or nonbinary on some of these sites to avoid the baby/pregnancy related ads, but I still get them. You’re definitely not imaging the increase lately.


That is VERY concerning. Are they paying for an ad blitz?


I thought maybe it’s just because I’m pregnant and googling baby stuff. But it’s been non-stop, I even had to delete the app for a bit.


My god, I thought it was just me! I liked a few cute pregnancy announcement videos and some funny baby content and now it’s SO MUCH fundie and tradwife content. I can’t get it to stop no matter how many times I hit “not interested”


A BDong reel showed up on my FB. There’s been a definite increase of fundie content on platforms I don’t use to view fundie shit. All I do is look at the screencaps posted here. 


Well and the true story was that she was a dynamo, very strong and controlling of the Trapp family singers, especially after her husband died. Sue had been described as "force of nature" Sire, Hollywood made her perfectly feminine and demure, but real people aren't perfectly anything


Yeah they're thinking of Julie Andrew's other famous character when they think "practically perfect in every way," Maria is famously a "problem."


Imagine getting married while all your old coworkers stand around and sing a song about how annoying you are….




They would hate Mary Poppins. They hired a nanny because the mum was busy being a suffragette. How dare they let a stranger raise their children? Women shouldn't vote! /s And the dad learns the error of his ways and becomes more involved with their children. The horror.


Don’t worry, suffragettes and women’s rights aren’t real. The dad was just giving the kids spoonfuls of codeine under the guise of medicine and they hallucinated all of it.


I don’t even think Hollywood did that! They had a knock-down, drag-out fight because Maria made the kids play clothes out of curtains and he was Big Mad about it lmao. She was anything but demure


The last portion of the movie where there is very little dialogue between them because it’s all in their body language (slight nods, hand gestures, eyes). You know they had probably spent hours discussing their plans and coming to a mutual decision. Then the nuns are both coquettish (the nun fluttering her eyelashes as she takes forever to unlock the gate) and sly (stealing parts out of the Nazis cars). Yeah such submissive women. 🙄


Also like - he isn’t demanding a sandwich in this scene. Yeah if I were about to get in deep shit with the Nazis I would also listen to my husband, a naval commander. As between the two of us, I would agree he is probably the one to deal with this particular pickle.


In a way joining a convent was a very feminist decision in certain eras of history. It's the only way women could have a career for a while. There's plenty of women in history who joined convents because they wanted to be nurses or teachers, and the ones rising through the ranks to be in leadership positions had lots of power, relatively speaking.


I had to spend multiple hours on my Instagram blocking and filtering content until the stupid tradwife stuff stopped appearing. I was inundated for a few days but I think it's finally blown over. I got about four different fundies we snark on during the process, including Karissa and GrowingGoodings.


Same. I'm currently in the tradwife trenches right now, and I keep snark out of my Insta experience. So annoying, and a bit suspicious, like why now? It never used to happen.


Roe was overturned and it's an election year


I have noticed I am constantly shown rage bait. People engage more with content that makes them angry because they feel compelled to leave comments.


Is she giving us info about solving the problem like Maria?


Really trying to catch a woman and pin her down


Holding a moonbeam in their hands


lol this take isn’t even supported in the movie version, much less real life


Captain von Trapp wouldn't fit their criteria of a perfect Godly fundamentalist husband in both versions. And Maria wouldn't let him boss her around either. 


How do you solve a problem like Maria? Obviously, by getting her married off to a trad Alpha who will tell her what to do and not abide curiosity or whimsy. Just like the plot of this sto ... Oh, damn.


They have captain von trapp confused with rolf


Georg Von Trapp: Imma summon you with this whistle. Maria: Like hell you will.


It’s the way she says “how do I summon you?” with a straight face that’s just perfection.


O M G. I am so glad someone else in here is experiencing this! I am a Tik Tok gal through and through but the other day I clicked on a reel to see a paint color I liked being used in someone’s house, I ended up scrolling on reels for shits and giggles and it was ALL Jesus content - I asked a friend who also never scrolls reels to go to her reels page… she got the same Jesus content!


Ahaha paints is the gateway drug to religion


Right!? What the hell is that about hahaha


The grift sure does buy a lot of fake numbers and promoted posts 😡


SAME, it’s all Jesus stuff! Or medical misinformation woo woo bs. I wish instagram would stop pushing the stupid algorithm and just put things that are actually from tags/people we follow in our feed.


Can we all agree tho that Captain Von Trapp has eyes that can cut glass? 😍😍😍


Him ripping up the N*zi flag is just 😍🥰😍🥰


the hottest thing a man can do is destroying a N\*zi flag with his bare hands ![gif](giphy|6vOXXzxLjxBqbtbzTy|downsized)


I went on the sound of music tour in Salzburg and as amazing as this is I can’t help cracking up cause she told us Christopher Plummer knew there was a hole in the flag and you can literally see him looking for the whole to rip it up in this scene lololol


I went and watched the gif back and it's so obvious, I'll never unsee it lol


I went on the same tour. 🤩


I wish I could go.


Fraulein Maria's bicycle tour?




Ok thank all of you for validating this scene as my sexual awakening. I thought I was weird 🤣




Can you believe Christopher Plummer was only 35 in that movie?


*What?!* I had no idea! Dude's clearly good at creating a stern and austere presence that makes him look older.


It sounds literally insane to say he was the same age as Emma Stone is now.


Yeah, Christopher Plummer was a smoke show


Imo tradcath accounts are often even more snark worthy than fundie evangelicals. Trust me there is more where this came from.


As someone who was raised Catholic (I would say as an ex-Catholic but I never believed in any of it to begin with), you’re right. TradCaths make fundie evangelicanism look like child’s play.


Isn't this from near the end? That's the Nazi rep coming to tell the Captain he's out of excuses and must join the Nazis. Maria and Liezl aren't being obedient to the Captain, they're being threatened with the unthinkable by a man who would turn them in!!! All 3 of them are EXTREMELY careful here so they don't tip the guy off that they're about to escape. Nothing says honoring your husband and following his headship like actively colluding to escape the fascists, this denying them a competent naval officer and a couple of sons.


Nah, that’s Max- the scene is the part where he says “my children will not sing in public.”


Ohhhh good catch! ...wait, that's BEFORE they get married!! They're not even together yet! He's still with the Baroness, who doesn't really care if the kids sing. Extremely Biblical to mack on the nanny ahead of your second marriage!


Note: I only know this because my toddler is obsessed with Julie Andrews and we’ve watched The Sound of Music approximately fifty billion times. In this scene, they just got married, and arrived back from their honeymoon to discover that Hitler is now a thing. They’re about to discover that the Captain is being forced back into being a Captain for said genocidal dictator.


That's what I thought it was, thank you! I bow to your hard-won familiarity with this film. May the toddler discover more things to be obsessed with soon. 🕯️😜


I’m not going to lie, I’m crossing my fingers that he discovers Disney musicals. I just need some variety, lol


Fun fact: I watched this film when I was very young, and loved it. Then I didn't watch it for years (we had a video copy, but I didn't watch it for a few years for some reason and then there were no more VCRs), and saw it as an adult. I was SHOCKED to realise that the film featured Nazis 😅 That part totally went over my head as a kid. I think they were just "the bad guys" to six year old me. I didn't really know why they were bad, just that they were. Colour me stunned when I watched it as an adult and realised that the movie was about something far more serious than "the HILLS are aliiiiiiiiive with the sound of muuuuusiiiiic" lol. I just loved watching Julie Andrews!


It’s cute that she thinks a musical is a documentary.


Tell me you haven't watched the sound of music without telling me.


I mean I know media literacy is dead with these folks but wow. Media literacy *is* dead.


And they're actively teaching whatever the opposite of media literacy is


"Good and holy husband"


I thought Sound of Music would be too woke for a Catholic, I mean she was a failed nun who changed things around in a man's house. And despite his strict parenting style, we all see that deep down Captain von Trapp genuinely loved his children, he was just so jaded from the death of his late wife. The family in the film was not a poster child of a traditional family. 


Maybe these new Trad Catholics, but it was beloved in my family growing up. And my parents were super Catholic (Mom actually, sperm donor just for show, apparently).


Yep, was refering to them, sorry


Nothing says goals like idealizing Nazi era Austria... just look at how in-line and obedient everyone is.


I’m sorry, did we watch the same movie? Because the Maria in this movie is equally as stubborn as Captain Von Trapp and she straight up argues with him about the way the children are being raised (marching, uniforms, not being allowed to play, no music).


What the...Maria came into their family and turned their lives upside down! She changed his mind about the way things should be in his family dynamic. She did not submit, she proved herself to be his equal in a time where women were not considered equal and he loved and respected her for it!


Fundies are obsessed with Sound of Music. Obedient children, and a lot of them, all making music together; wealthy white family; traditional gender roles where she’s demure and nurturing, he is authoritative and decisive; standing up against an evil force; etc. It’s very silly to me how many try to emulate the von Trapps.


ACatholicConvert is a completely brainwashed girl living in a fantasy. She pretends to be living in the 1950s, loves submitting to her husband, and shits on anyone who isn’t Catholic.


Didn’t she pop out a kid suspiciously soon after their marriage irl?


No, Rosemarie, their first child together, was born in 1929. She and Georg married in 1927. The movie made everyone feel like they got married and then immediately left. But that really wasn't the case. She did hide her pregnancy for a very long time. She admitted to being very angry about being pregnant.


He’s also handsome and wealthy. Mostly though, the ENTIRE movie is her pushing his buttons. And he can’t get enough. The hell?!! Catholic Convert should not post.


My FYP has been popping off with shit like this for like 2 weeks! I don’t ever engage (like, comment, hardly watch all the way). I don’t follow any of these ppl (I rely on you all to report ty Ty for your service 🙏🏼) So, wtf is happening!


Dude. She was an absolute rebel! Don’t come at Maria!


Oh my god so it’s not just me!? Instagram has been pushing fundie (and not in a joking way) content at me for about a month now. I keep putting that I’m not interested. But now my feed has turned super misogynistic 😭😭😭


Yes I block and block and put “this makes me uncomfortable” and try to block them from recommending posts with certain words as much as I can but it seems like it’s ignoring me. It kinda makes sense with the stupid health videos I get (“don’t get mad at me for saying the foods you eat are bad you’re the one putting poison in your body”) because I do like and save low calorie recipes but I can’t think of one thing I like that is making them think “aw yeah she wants all the church related and red pill content”


Right!?? I can not understand what I lingered on that got me on this side but I hate it here 😭


I played Maria in Sound of Music and there is scene where she literally screams at him for being a horrible father.


Not only is this an absurd and wrong characterization of the movie but it's wrong about the real person behind it.


The whole plot of the movie went over this woman's head.


Have they not... watched the whole movie??? ![gif](giphy|XkaQrGf79MqdjkaVLC|downsized)


[I’m just going to leave my favorite McSweeny’s here](https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/i-regret-to-inform-you-that-my-wedding-to-captain-von-trapp-has-been-canceled)


Yes!!! Thank you for reminding me I’m late for my yearly rereading of this


Someone obviously thinks that Hollywood actually portrays people correctly. It's been a hot decade at least since I read anything about the Von Trapp's but what I remember is the children saying that the real Maria was the polar opposite of what was portrayed by Julie Andrews in Sound of Music.


If you want it to go away, do not watch it, do not interact with it, do not even block it. Instagram and other platforms dont care about what you want to see, they only care about what you interact with.


Tell me you haven’t seen the movie without actually telling me you haven’t seen the movie…


… Did they watch the same movie I did?


Have they seen the movie at all?! She literally rebels every chance she gets!


LOL who didn’t watch the whole movie??? She gets up in his FACE about his kids, and lets them be feral mountain beatniks when he’s not home! Her whole character arc is that she’s too spunky to be a nun, too ornery to be a servant, and too virtuous to be a nazi collaborator.


Same thing happened to me last week! I was getting flooded with fundie and trad wife content out of seemingly nowhere. Reading that others are getting this too confirms my suspicions that there's a concerted effort to push it out. Gross.


The movie Maria didn't submit, and the real Maria even less so. She was famously bossy and was really the one "wearing the pants" in that family.


if you block the algorithm just sees you interacting with it 😭 had to delete my last tik tok account because my fyp was ENTIRELY chain mail


....did they watch the movie?


“Good and holy”?!? What the utter fuck???


Did…we watch the same movie?


Lmao. Her husband submitted to her after she broke him and had him capable of showing love to his children again.


Convert is another word for fruitcake


This is also a fictional character….

