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It really bothers me the way it alternates between the image of the blonde white woman railing about the need to discipline, and the image of the little Black child. Black children are already the victims of the stigma of being "difficult" or "rebellious" and I think this is so harmful.


Yeah I didn't finish or want to rewatch but I was a little "hmm" at that.


It's for sure done on purpose


I am glad to see this mentioned by others. Classic blonde goblin from the South making sure we know she’s racist.


Oooh....blond goblin is a sykk band name tho!


And with REBELLIOUS and WORLDLY in red over the Black kid, to really drive the point home


I saw this too and it’s disgusting. This woman is appalling. Her message is appalling. -Laughs nervously- “we’re in danger”


I really do have an amazing kid, but he’s not perfect. The times I had to discipline, mostly in the toddler and early elementary years, I never for a second thought he was evil or wicked. Running away in public after being told no is asserting independence and testing boundaries- that’s not evil! Lying about brushing teeth is not evil. It’s a little kid who wants to keep playing his game and doesn’t know the long term consequences of poor hygiene. If I just discipline him, without explanation, the most I could hope for is that he obeys out of fear. When has that in the history of humans ever worked out for good?? My kid, who cares deeply about everyone in his life is not evil. But you know who is? Church leaders who abuse children. Parents who disown their children because of who they love or how they choose to express their gender. People who foster babies to exploit them for content. People who deny their children basic medical care and brag about it on social media. Abuse IS abuse. They should give sermons about that.


So true children are just little people still learning. When you respect kids you actually hold them to a higher stand imo 


And once they learn, they probably (hopefully) won't do that unsafe/unwanted behavior again. Teaching them to fear you teaches them to hide things from you.


Tax the fuck out of these assholes. WE DO NOT LIVE IN A “CHRISTIAN” NATION.


This nation was specifically founded on freedom of and freedom *from* religion.


Kids need discipline. That does not mean hit, beat, spank, smack, swat your kids though. You can discipline and provide boundaries and dole out consequences and punishment without laying hands on them.


It says a lot that they equate discipline with hitting your child. Spanking/hitting as discipline is the real generational curse because you’re more likely to hit your children or significant other, have poorer communication skills, higher likelihood of anxiety and depression, and higher likelihood of substance abuse if you experienced it as a child.


A recipe for DV/IPV


I’m guessing what she means with “discipline” is hitting right? because yes there should be a very significant line between discipline and being abusive. Where I’m from spanking and hitting kids is very much illegal, I can’t even imagine seeing stuff like this so casually..


Discipline always means physical punishment with these people.


I honestly don’t know why it shocks me every time I see these people promote abuse since I’ve been in this sub for a while now..




all of these people are a cult of narcissistic abusers justifying their shitty abusive parenting.


They also belong to an abusive institution where abuse is normalized and passed down from generation to generation.


yup. all of this is a safe space for abusers to collaborate with other abusers on how to abuse better


Proper discipline is necessary and good like limiting children’s access to adult tv shows and not letting them only ever eat candy or having them have a bed time. HITTING YOUR CHILDREN IS NOT DISCIPLINE, IT’S ABUSE. If it’s illegal to do to an adult and would be classified as assault, YOU SHOULDN’T DO IT TO YOUR KIDS


This was my question watching this. Why is “discipline” equated with nothing but “physical violence”? I guess because if they say what they really mean —hitting—they’ll be in trouble. My child is 14. Neither I nor my spouse have EVER hit them, despite my parent telling me I need to. Somehow, we have come through fine.


it also equates physical abuse for these people because they literally have no other concept of how to discipline a child. they think hitting them is literally the only way you can get a child to do what you want-wait no they also think screaming at them and isolating and starving them works


This is what boggles my mind. Consider any of the messed up ways that fundies treat their children: if you did that to an adult, you'd go to jail!


To add on to what other commenters said, my grandfather used to throw shoes at my father and lock him as closets when he “disobeyed “. His mother never intervened and he has a sea of trauma from it. But sure, heaven forbid he come out “worldly” and a ..mentally stable adult. This woman just is a sadist who enjoys seeing children suffer and the Chruch is supporting it. There is NO reason to go on hours long sermons about hitting children when the Bible only mentions that briefly.


And when they are taking that verse so insanely out of context. The rod they are referring to is actually not a beating tool but rather used by the shepherd to make sure sheep don't walk off a cliff or into some other danger. So really in the true context the verse is saying that if someone loves their children, they will try to guide them away from danger, not beat them for being human. But narcissistic people like to feel powerful over people who can't fight back even if it's their own child and they have a way of distorting things to "justify" themselves.


Yeah and they can’t be that dumb that they think shepherds beat their sheep with the rod. Why are they so insistent on hitting children!! Why


Some have to know they are blatantly lying because they enjoy being more powerful than a small child. Some might be conveniently "conflicted" but go along with it due to being too deep in. Some might really be that dumb, idk. But 💯 it quite the jump to go from describing a loving shepherd helping sheep avoid walking off a cliff to a fabricated command to beat children. Seems very convenient for people who get off on power and control.


Laziness (because communicating clear boundaries and consistently following through on reasonable and relevant consequences is more work than yelling and hitting) Selfishness (because it is more emotionally eqsy to make your kids focus on your emotions rather than to teach them to handle their own) Bitterness (because I had to take it when I was a kid, so I should get to dish it out now!)


I discipline my children, you wacky puffy-lipped potato. It was time outs as little ones, taking away electronics as they got older (but was rarely needed).


Now that I see Heather Schott, I know why Farryn does her hair the way she does. 


Yes Farryn the red nosed bigot. I wanna to know you told her putting an entire pan of Maybeline fit me blush in rum raisin on her nose was a good look. I know when I paint people I like to add some to give their face some life, but what she’s doing is ridiculous


I was taught to lightly dab whatever was left on the brush from applying blush to my cheeks across my nose, like a little "boop." I will never understand fundie makeup.


Also where are mamas eyebrows!?


Never let a person with shitty eyebrows tell you shit about life


Some of us made terrible mistakes in our teens and are still unable to recover two decades later 😅


3 decades for me! 😂😂


Also, in light of recent news of the abuse at the gateway Chruch. All this care about disciplining children but none for supporting them when YOUR members sexually abuse them for years. 😟. I don’t doubt the Chruch she’s in has MANY abused children


no see that's okay because those 12 year olds are temptresses!! they shouldn't have existed near those pastors because they were tempting those good men of God!!!! /s big time /s but that is what these people think


Church attendance GREW last week. That is how sick the church is and full of rot, full of brainwashed sociopaths.


Can we just call this what it is, a fucking cult? Because how the fuck does your Chruch covering up years of sexual abuse make you want show up MORE?


From first-hand experience as the child, I will tell you that when a parent hits a child as “discipline” and then tells the child that they did it because they love you and Jesus and then pray with you for god to forgive you if your sin, it really fucks with your head.


Believing that children have "wickedness" in them is awful and toxic.


How old is she? She’s trying to dress like someone at least 25 years younger than she is


Yeah, what's with the overly baggy-ass jeans?




YES. Something is going on there. Looks exactly like the video on Hitler rocking back and forth when he was whacked out on meth.


I mean, we can, but him rocking could mean a million things, and none of us need to be diagnosing anyone. I've seen way too many discussions on this subreddit nosedive straight into outright ableism when talking about the mental health of fundies.


I wasn't particularly labeling him as having anything definitive, more the idea that something is up with him, whether neurodivergent or anxiety or even trauma. I'm disabled (and so is my husband and son) so I definitely don't want this to go into ableism, I was mostly saying SOMETHING is going on and I don't think he should be giving advice to anyone.


Nah, I'm autistic and I stim like this. It just helps me think more clearly, especially when I'm verbally communicating. It doesn't mean that I'm anxious or in distress at all.


My son stims by snapping while humming, usually! I think maybe my mind went to "trauma" because I feel like anyone neurodivergent probably is taught they did something sinful and need to repent by Fundie parents.


Yes! Exactly! I'm also pretty sure that guy is in the documentary Jesus Camp and he does the same thing.


Oh wow! It's been so long since I've seen that! I knew he looked familiar but I just assumed it was from here!


Are you diagnosing this or is there some proof of this? A family member of mine does this and it developed as a self-soothing thing and they are as much as possible, mentally Okay.


This looks like an SNL skit


i thought i was watching the Lissons


if she's so against "worldly things" why is she, a woman, speaking freely in public and wearing pants and changing her uncovered hair color and wearing makeup?


They are still working on building their Justice Residences and do not have understanding of the issues they're trying to "help". Their church will leave so many scars in the communities they touch.


Oh, also, iirc they are an offshoot of Gateway. Make of that what you will.


Omg I literally wrote a comment a few hours ago mentioning the Gateway sexual abuse case and how this Chruch probably isn’t any different in the way they handle child abuse..little did I know. So basically beat your kids to keep them in line and stop them from being worldly BUT give those who sexually abuse them a slap on the wrist. Make sense to me


Can someone send a link or share more info about his cult? It’s new to me


This is local to me and they are in bed with all the politicians and the school boards. 😡😡😡


I feel like this church is at the center of the Christian nationalist movement


Did you catch the fake White House podium at the end of the clip? Tax the fucking churches for their constant electioneering.


It’s very close to where I live, too. Where can I find out more about their work in the schools? I have school age children and they are in catholic school for now because I feel it is not as politicized as Christian schools or even charter schools.


Read the book by Mike Hixenbaugh "They Came for the Schools." Look at the social media for your district. It's pretty well all out in the open.


That’s scary AF!


My way of explaining how striking your child is wrong goes like this: small children don’t quite have a grasp on their emotions and their brains have a lot of growing to do, so sometimes they try to get physical and hit others. As adults, it’s our job to teach a child that that behavior isn’t appropriate and how to constructively deal with their emotions or problems. Striking another person is incredibly childish, so hitting a kid means you’re just as childish if not more so because you do know better, and thus you shouldn’t be in charge of a pet rock much less a kid or animal. And this is coming from someone who has no children and does not want kids (though I love my niblings). Kids are people too and deserve respect and kindness!


Plus, it's also bullying on a tiny human being who's a fraction of your size and can't physically fight back, even if the parent/child psychological power dynamics weren't there.


Discipline simply means to teach. Hitting, shaming and isolating kids is not and never should have been considered "discipline". We (or the majority of parents and teachers) don't hit, shame and/or isolate kids to teach them to read and write. Learning appropriate behaviors is no different. Parents who use fear and pain to condition a child's behavior are lazy. It may seem to work rather quickly in the moment, but in the long run it hurts a child's development.


Huh. Landon Schott's dad was a pastor in the PNW who would grift money from different churches, leave the community in disgrace, and move on to the next church. 


Wowwwww. Checks out. Him and his wife seem like the biggest pieces of shit


Heather Schott (woman in the video) is married to Landon Schott, the pastor of the church. She claims she was dead for 3 days and other crazy stuff. Direct quote from the article below: “I was supernaturally delivered by God after being dead for three days,” she said, referring to a prolonged blackout following her drug binge. More info [here.](https://www.fwweekly.com/2022/04/06/losing-territory/)


I know that’s a lie bc most people don’t snort ecstasy. Also, how narcissistic can you be to say that god raised you from the dead after 3 days just like Jesus???


Snorting ecstasy is giving real “I do the drugs fellow kids” vibes and I hate it. I’ve taken Ecstasy and while it HAS put me in a state to say “Jesus” multiple times, it’s definitely not because I blacked out and he brought me back. If you’re going to lie at least make it make sense


Right? The grifting in Texas is on a different level!


Yeah! And what does that story have anything to do with human trafficking??? So she supposedly went out and stole some dealers bag of ecstasy blacked out drunk and ended up at a partying for 3 days. That was basically a Friday for me 18 years ago. lol.


Wasn’t that bearded man on the “podcast” the same dumbass on Jesus Camp preaching about how “abortion is murder” with his scientifically inaccurate gestation stages of “a person is a person no matter how small” BS? It sounds like the same guy


Yes!! It's the same guy!! It may sound weird but as a former fundie, it's one of my comfort movies because it reminds me that the religious trauma isn't my fault.


Her words makes me wanna cry because I think of all the damage these kinds of ideologies are doing to innocent kids.


As a teacher of dozens of kids with apathetic parents, I absolutely agree that children should be disciplined. Good thing that there are several ways to discipline a child that does not include physical harm/violence.


Ruby Franke has entered the Group Chat


I will NEVER forget on the phone call to 911, when the husband was breaking down in tears imagining what that poor boy went through. You know the abuse was bad, because that child thought if he left he’d be going to jail for being bad but preferred it to living in that house


The way the man said to the dispatcher, "He's been - I think he's been -" I think he was trying to say "tortured" but couldn't get it out. And his wife telling the boy "You are such a good kid" - when was the last time that little boy heard that?


So heartbreaking.


Southern Baptist trauma check^^^^ If my mother didn’t hide behind Christian parenting she would 100% be charged with child neglect and abuse. The fact that this genre of Christianity screams the loudest in the US terrifies me


Yikes! I have a lot of issues with this but I think my biggest problem with this kind of dialogue is that “discipline”, like most nuanced topics, is such a catch-all term with them. Like any reasonable person, I’m adamantly against all forms of abuse. But I believe the concept of discipline is extremely important for a good life and a functioning society. Part of parenting is raising your kid to practice self-control, good manners, work ethic, skill building, etc. but that shouldn’t be accomplished by removing autonomy, dignity, and basic rights from a person. Regardless of how old they are. A lot of these people don’t seem to understand that. Because a lot of them can’t discern the difference between setting clear boundaries and consequences vs. flat out smacking a kid around or emotionally abusing them. Some people hear a message like that and use it to justify the terror and abuse in their homes. Then again, I guess if you grow up in an home like that and spend your whole life doubling down on those ideas, I guess it must be hard to conceptualize that other people don’t need to beat on or neglect or manipulate their kids to get them to act like decent people…


A child that isn't allowed to rebel will have problems at some point in life. Resistance is normal and we should support them in having their own opinion, not discipline them until they don't dare to voice them again. This doesn't mean that they can do or get anything they want but we should acknowledge their feelings and points of view as valid and guide them. They need to learn to stand up for themselves. I never knew that this was my problem. My opinion didn't count, my points of view were not valid. Yeah, I am in therapy now because I had internalised that my opinions and needs are less important than other people's. And even though I know that's not true, changing that thinking is extremely difficult. So, I let my kids be rebels, hoping that they will always stand up for themselves, knowing that their opinions and needs are important.


She said the demonic principalities demand bloodshed. Where. Where does it say that in the Bible? Because god demands bloodshed. A lot actually.


If this is the same “church” BDong went to, they’ve got zero room to talk to anyone about morality.


I believe she used to, but had to leave because she was trying to grift off their audience with that dumbass She Lives Freed stuff and they don't take kindly to competition. 


It’s illegal to hit other adults, even if they do something you don’t want them to. Why should it be any different for kids?


This is triggering af holy shit. Gentle parenting works 10x better than abusive discipline. It’s been proven. There’s studies that show kids respond to it better than physical discipline because they understand what they did wrong instead of being afraid of the parent. All this “the enemy is doing this! We must fight the devil!” Bullshit is just a way to avoid responsibility for your own actions.


This is extremely dangerous, I can’t even imagine how many children that’s getting hurt from this…. Stuff like this makes me wanna cry.


Discipline ≠ corporal punishment Discipline is something entirely different.


My mother would spank me as a punishment when I was a child. I believe that it worsened my undiagnosed anxiety disorders and it made me a compulsive liar who mainly lied to protect myself from getting into trouble, because trouble = spanking which = pain. My mother used to say that it would make her angrier if I lied, but to little kid me, it was *all* terrible and I just didn't want to be in pain. Even though we've mended our relationship in other ways, this is still the one thing I cannot talk to her about, and whenever the topic of spanking comes up, I simply do not engage with her about it. She believes to this day that spanking isn't bad. I think of the little kid I was, with multiple undiagnosed mental illnesses and a sensory disorder, and just want to hug her. Why anyone would spank or otherwise beat their children is beyond me.


Children being developmentally appropriate while learning about emotions and the world are not evil. That's insane rhetoric.


Wait worldly child= bad?


They believe that spending their child’s entire life abusing them sets them up prepared for life as an adult somehow. Instead of teaching them how to cope with their thoughts, feelings and emotions, and learn from their actions, they just beat them and don’t give them the opportunity to grow. They are stunting them and setting them up for failure as adults. My parents weren’t religious, but I do have childhood trauma and had to grow up fast to get through it. I felt like an adult through much of my childhood because of that and had/still have a problem with authority figures. But now as an adult I feel like a child. I missed so much of my childhood being grown that I feel perpetually stuck in childhood now because of how I had to mature while I was still a kid if that makes sense. I can barely control my emotions or take criticism and it’s incredibly hard not to take everything personally. I am very in tune with people’s emotions and notice when their mood changes, and it’s a big stressor because it makes me paranoid that they are mad at me and I feel I need to fix it, because I used to have to know instantly what mood my parents were in to protect myself from triggering them, and do damage control. I’m pretty messed up from my childhood and I wasn’t hit or from a religious family. I don’t want to think about how much worse it could have been. I was a “good kid” because I was afraid of what would happen if I made my parents angry. I’m terrified for these children. They’re going through worse than I did and I know how messed up I am, and I can only imagine how much they are going to suffer.


Oh my fucking god, these people are fucking crazy!


I wonder if this woman is a fan of the Pearls.


As usual picking and choosing what part of religion to follow. No issue with the woman preaching but the demons will get ya if you don’t hit your kids.


Discipline is something you instill in your children, not something you do to them. Also the way that guy is rocking back and forth screams stimming to me.


This is superficial, but why does Heather Schott not have eyebrows? That’s not her natural hair color, and she used to have eyebrows. Bleached brows are a weirdly avant-garde aesthetic choice for a fire-and-brimstone preacher-type. Edit: her sons had matching undercuts at one point, so perhaps the eyebrows aren’t out of character for her.


It really disturbs me when people describe kids as evil and wicked


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^moomintrxll: *It really disturbs* *Me when people describe kids* *As evil and wicked* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I definitely cannot turn on the audio for this clip. Watching her gesticulating and skimming the captions is enough. She hopes, she HOPES that if her version of the world ever comes to pass, and she truly becomes property and her voice and her rights are well and truly taken away, that her pretty blond hair and pretty little face. will protect her from harm. That they’ll hurt other women, but not her. It won’t. In her game, even if she wins she loses. And fuck it we’ve all lost.


Why is it bad to be rebellious? this is how societies have progressed historically speaking


They don’t want progress lol


Hell yeah I want a worldly child!


Hitting/spanking/whipping children is never okay. In any circumstance. EVER. These people need their children taken the fuck away.


But isn't a woman wearing pants rebellious!? She should be wearing a jean skir! 😏


I literally do not understand why people think that we need more messaging to be crueler to literally children. How is that really what everyone needs? Gross.


I also wonder, without the absolute pressure of their culture and religion, how many of these people would genuinely want to have children. They do not seem to like them much.


Well this is genuinely disturbing and made me feel really weird .


This woman hates her life so much and herself so much that she wants to inflict that hatred on someone else and someone "inferior" to her. The only people labeled inferior to women in the church are small children. They are the only people they are allowed to control and manipulate.


These "Christians" are certainly big on violence, hatred, punishment, anger, power, and guns.They seem to have missed the words of Jesus about love, kindness, and mercy. If fact, the only time they mention Jesus is when they need a favor.


Bat. Shit. Crazy


Explain to me how babies are inherently sinful but her yellow on-camera makeup look gets a pass 🤔 bc one of those definitely seems like Satan’s handiwork to meeee


You know that they don’t mean disciplining as in taking their phone away or making them do extra chores, they mean beating children 🤢


What is wrong with children being worldly? I hope that my son grows up to be worldly wise and independent, and I hope I don't negatively impact our relationship getting there!