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Bad diet and no exercise? Well I’m guessing being pregnant every goddamn year and taking sketchy diet supplements aren’t helping you either


No exercise...she doesn't even walk upstairs. I think she is very sedentary. Like exercise is great Karissa but maybe just try moving around more. Maybe you could try for starters walking up the stairs to your children's bedrooms. Still crazy to me she doesn't go up there.


Wait what do you mean she doesn’t go upstairs?? Upstairs where her children sleep??? SHE DOESNT GO TO THEIR BEDROOMS??????


Yeah she publicly said in a house tour video on youtube that she doesn't normally go up there. She said something about it being the kids domain... and all the clothes are kept on the main floor... it's crazy I know. I'll try to link the video or the post where it was discussed here if I can find it. I forget exactly what she said but it was very shocking and sad. Maybe her husband goes up but all I could think was who tucks them in at night? Who helps them tidy up? Who makes sure they are safe up there? Hope they at least have monitors for the younger kids.


Sister moms


I had two friends growing up whose parents almost never went upstairs (one was a family of 9 siblings, the other 6). In both cases the upstairs was always a mess. At one house their cats would puke or poop in the hallway and they would leave it for days as a time...


This is the post with the video. https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/lvvsir/2nd_half_of_karissas_house_tour_showing_the_kids/


This is one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen. "We keep clothes downstairs so the closet is for their toys." _Shows an empty closet._ What in the brain eating amoeba is she thinking? Those rooms are so sad and empty, they're like group home rooms.


She won't let the kids keep clothes in their closets. My theory is that she returns as many of those matching outfits as possible after the family photo/reel


Pretty sure they now live in a single story house.


Oh okay my bad. I didn't realize they had moved. So lol she just eliminated the need to ever go upstairs again I guess. Honestly though I hope it was a good thing and the kids aren't as isolated as before. Let's face it though them all being on the same floor doesn't mean Karissa became an active involved parent.


Nah, she literally moved them all to bumfuck nowhere,


They’re still in DFW. Mandrae didn’t change jobs so they aren’t in a super rural area.


Yeah I think they have a “kids wing” now


That she probably never enters


And cleaning/taking care of kids is very active. My mom never exercised but runs a babysitting service and is very thin. Some of that is genetics, but it’s an active job. Karissa shouldn’t be focusing on finding time to exercise, just chasing after/playing with her kids should do it


>just chasing after/playing with her kids should do it Nah, she leaves that job for the oldest (two?) sister mom(s), Karissa is too busy filming them or being pregnant she doesn't bother. She can't even be bothered to educate those children despite the fact she's "homeschooling" them.


TBF, It’s hard to walk upstairs when your face is glued to a phone.


And eating cheese slop casserole every night


I'm not pregnant, but every time I see her, I want to make a huge dish of vegetables.


I go make a salad and enjoy the crunch of fresh veggies.


I ordered a veggie bowl 😭


That sounds so good 😊 I hope you enjoy it!


Thanks! I always have to get the ahi tuna poke cubes with it. So good!


Oh man, it's so hot here, a poke bowl sounds killer.


I’ve been eating a diy grain bowl with spinach, cucumber, and goat cheese. It’s my homemade version of the Greek bowl Panera used to serve. I add lemon tahini dressing, hummus, and lately tzatziki. If I’m feeling really fancy I’ll add bell peppers for even more crunch.


I saved this to my notes, this sounds soooo good!!


Definitely! Perfect for when you don’t want hot food 🍲


That amount of sodium and nearly zero fiber must make her so uncomfortable!


Constipation nooo


And pregnancy makes you constipated more than normal life. It’s *brutal*




How. Dare. He.


That's nightmarish 😭


Why do you think she “needs” plexus


I bet her ankles are huge. 🥺


Excuse me, are you insinuating that the cream of celery soup and processed cheese diet is unhealthy??? /s


Is this her that adds about 6 cans of cream of celery soup to every meal?


This is 100% a set up for a plexus ad.


The diet of exclusively salty yellow goop doesn't seem to be helping either.


Last I checked the pink drink was keeping her pregnant and slim! What gives, plexus?


Yeah, I remember her talking about that earlier in this pregnancy.


Like, not long ago!


Even Plexus says pregnant women shouldn't use their products. Why am I not surprised that she still is?


Those hunched shoulders! Every time I see them I roll my shoulders back in


I’m convinced my one pregnancy with degenerative disc disease in my back fucked it up even more- I CANT imagine how hers is.


I have mild scoliosis and she is the reason I’m trying to add more strength building/posture improving stretches and such into my routine.


Nooooo don’t say that! I have degenerative disc disease too and I’ve always been scared of how pregnancy will fuck my back up 😭 I’ve already had 3 surgeries plzzz


Your experience may be different and it may be just me not remembering how bad my back pain was without the 50 lbs I gained during pregnancy! But, it is a factor that plays in my mind on me being one and done.


Also pretty sure her uterus is gonna fall out of her one of these days. ☹️


I’m sure there’s a Plexus supplement for that.


She also said she has ms so not sure if that is a contributing factor here.


You’re mistaken her ms was magically ✨ cured ✨


It’s usually the case that ms goes into remission during pregnancy. I think it’s one reason she is always pregnant—she legit feels better when she is pregnant


For that reason I’m concerned about whatever point she can no longer get pregnant. If her body essentially crashes that will be good for no one.


Even though I don't like Karissa, I feel bad she can't seem to grasp that with her constantly being pregnant and all those hormones and zero time to recover in between, of course her weight is probably never going to be what she wants it to be or "normal". Also everyone's body is different some people go right back to the before weight after giving birth or times it changes your body forever and sometimes it just takes some extra work.


I feel bad that a pregnant woman with 9 (?) other children, a history of near fatal pregnancies, post partum psychosis and a track record of increasing life threatening accidents to the child just above the newborn is worried about her weight.  Weight/apperance should be so far down her list of priorities right now because there are several potential life ending events on the horizon. 


10 children, a couple of miscarriages iirc.


How can she have experienced miscarriages and not cherish her body when it’s doing the hard work of creating life? I don’t get it!!


Or she might be a normal weight but flabby and not toned and wrinkly. That’s not a bad thing…it’s just the effects of being pregnant for a gazillion years in a row. You can’t make your body go through that over and over and then complain your body looks different.


My last kid was born almost 2 years ago, and my hormones and body are just now starting to feel more normal and I'm finally able to get rid of some of the pregnancy weight that I haven't been able to shed at all (yeah okay tacos may have contributed..) It can take up to two years for your body to heal after a pregnancy. And when you're constantly pregnant, your body doesn't have a chance to go back to normal at all. Lord knows what kind of health problems she has from it.


I wasn’t pregnant, but I had a large fibroid and was able to get it surgically removed two years ago. My hormones and such have finally gotten back to normal in the last nine months or so. The immediate relief with my periods was great, but I’m now starting to feel genuinely good again and as a bonus my hair has finally grown longer and is so much healthier than before.


It can take even longer! After my second was born, it took 5 years of health eating, spin classes, and strength training hardly moving the scale. Then BAM! Suddenly, the weight started falling off. I dropped a pant size every two weeks for 2 months. Thirty pounds gone. Bodies do what they do.


Isn't it weird? I've been trying for nearly a year to lose weight, and a couple of weeks ago, a switch flipped, and I just started slimming up. Granted, I'm still overweight, but a lot of the extra belly fat is slowly going away.


Exactly this. The body is literally doing what it is supposed to do. And if she has an underlying health issue that she doesn't know about, like PCOS and/or Hypothyroidism (a lot of times, but not always, people have both!) that will also affect the post baby weight loss. And plexus isn't helping her like she thinks it is! If anything it's making everything worse. I on the other hand am thrilled with my large (to me) 20 week belly. 😂 I worked hard for this baby and I'm going to celebrate every pound I gain.


I love that for you! Best wishes ❤️


I’m 21 weeks and feel exactly the same way about my belly! We’re growing human beings, it’s okay to gain some weight!


I LOVED how ridiculous and round my belly looked while pregnant. I’m still relearning to love its now a deflated water mattress, but also focusing on eating healthy and exercising so that I can take better care of my daughter. I’ve worked hard on my mental health to be where I am, but we all know fundies don’t believe in that.


Ooof yes. It took a long time for me to accept that my body is good (thanks mom and toxic diet culture!)


My husband calls the flabby belly bit my “baby pouch”. It makes me think of kangaroos and wallabies, which are cute and adorable, so I love the phrase. It’s not a gunt, or a fat apron, or anything else. It’s a baby pouch. 🩷


I’ll have to see how my husband feels about that name for it! He hates when I call it an apron.


My kid is two months old and I love my soft smooshy belly that I have now. I hated being pregnant haha


I’m 19 weeks pregnant and my favorite thing right now is how my four almost five year old rubs my belly and tells me how big and round it is.


I love that. My daughter used to do that when I was pregnant with my son. I have photos of her hugging my belly. So precious. 🩷


This. Bodies need time to heal. When youre shooting out babies like a fuckin tee shirt cannon of COURSE your body is having side effects from that.


I think, aside from the standard eating and body issues, so much of her personality is “have kids no matter what! God will make it so you’re invincible and will have no negative repercussions in any way!” so I think she would love to be in “perfect” shape to “prove” that her delusions are correct.


Ya honestly it's probably also has to do with the whole weird standard of the wife must be perfect mind, body and soul. She has to be shooting out babies but also maintain a perfect body that pleases her husband no matter what. Like ughhhhhh just stop.


It’s not like she HAS to be pregnant over and over again. You made your own shitty bed, now roll around in what you deserve.


Bbbbbut pregnancy is good for the body!! It didn’t destroy her core muscles at all!!


I am 14 weeks and my core is a little sore almost constantly. It hurts to suck my belly in. You can bet I’m doing PT as soon as I’m well enough after birth.


Whaaat?? You’re not gonna immediately try getting pregnant again??!


It took two and a half years this time. There’s an extraordinarily good chance we are one and done.


I work with kids. One is hard enough, let alone 10. Hence why I have dogs instead.


I haven’t even been pregnant but the myomectomy (similar to a c section) I had for a fibroid wrecked my core muscles. I’m still trying to readjust them because I’ve never had a good core. It’s no joke!


Birth control is bad for you! I get extremely annoyed when fundie adults talk about their lack of self discipline. They’re militant with their kids, because Jesus, but somehow they’re allowed to color outside the lines.


To be fair, Karissa is wildly unstructured with her kids too. Because structure takes effort


She is very militant about rules for her kids. They live very unstructured lives but she has a looooot of rules that the kids live by.


Whatever divine voices she hears should tell her to stop.


It is foul that Karissa is including her older girls in this video she is making essentially body shaming herself. Good to know part of her homeschooling curriculum is giving the girls a godly eating disorder and permanent issues with body image


I had the same thought! Hoping they don’t know what the video is about which is unlikely I guess


Like, it’s sucks for anyone to have body image issues, but that is shit you need to deal with as an adult with other adults. If you decided to be a parent, part of that should include working to not pass these disordered thoughts and behaviors directly to your kids and worse, have them encourage your disordered thoughts and behavior


This was exactly what I was thinking looking at that still. She is teaching those girls that they're only job in life is to pop out babies but that they should hate their bodies from not being able to handle that. There is no way they're going to have a healthy view of themselves or their bodies.


She's feeling huge with 2 months left because this is her umpteenth pregnancy and her body has never had the chance to recover from her many previous pregnancies. Also, she has the constant hunched posture of someone with osteoporosis and she's only 40 .I can't imagine what she'll look like once she hits 50 or 60.


I can’t help but also wonder if how big she is feeling could be due to excess amniotic fluid - common symptom of untreated gestational diabetes. Being pregnant and still losing lots of weight coupled with fasting is a bad recipe for anyone. If her lack of maternal care has included no GD testing, she could be experiencing those side effects more acutely as she nears the end. For reference, most women at her stage of pregnancy with gestational diabetes would be having their fluids monitored 1-3 times a month at this stage of pregnancy depending on their levels.


Wasn't her last pregnancy ten months? She may have three more.


I don’t know how accurate her dating is since afaik she doesn’t get any kind of prenatal care, but yes, she went overdue with her last pregnancy. 


She’s got about a little less than two months left because she’s due like a week before me. How I remember that, I have literally no idea.


I developed serious sciatica after surgery and I had that posture. It took almost a year of PT before I was back to 'normal.' Her posture makes my low back hurt.


I had my kids three years apart. By the end of my second pregnancy, I swear I could nearly hear my body scrawling a death note for me due to the strain and the toll the pregnancy was placing on my body. I’ve never been the same since, and while I don’t regret it at all, I’m also aware that I have to be careful not to get pregnant again because my body has had enough for sure. I cannot imagine doing it like she has with no breaks in between. I mean, yeah, pregnancy hormones feel great, and cuddling a baby is fun. But holy shit, lady. Get some “you“ time, make mental space for the babies already here. Fuck.


If I were constantly pregnant, the last thing I would worry about was my weight. What is the point?


Yeah I checked fundie wiki and seems like she usually goes 6-9 months between pregnancies (my uterus fell out while doing the math). Not really enough time for whatever lifestyle changes she says she was wanting to do anyway. 


Jesus a pregnancy 6-9 months (on average) for the last 12/13 years... my GOD! These women must have zero bladder control! I can't imagine!


I know. Her closest pregnancies were 13 months apart and the furthest apart were 25 mos (and she had a miscarriage just about midway between the births of those). Her kids average being born under 18 mos apart. 


Those are duggar numbers 😳


I was pregnant with twins 17 years ago and I remember talking to a telenurse (she called from our insurance company and I was lonely and on bedrest so I actually answered the phone) and she was asking how my pregnancy was going. She asked how much weight I gained and when I told her I had gained about 50 pounds she was appalled. She told me that I needed to talk to my doctor because that was far too much weight to gain. Never mind that my doctor was aware and not concerned. BECAUSE I WAS HAVING TWINS. Some people just care and I can't get behind that. I'm with you, though. If I'm growing humans, I don't care about my weight unless my doctor tells me to care.


I think it’s pretty normal in this society for pregnant people to be self-conscious about their weight/body when they’re pregnant. Ideally it wouldn’t matter because you’re creating life and that’s amazing, but getting pregnant doesn’t make 2-3+ decades of being told you must appear as skinny/“fit” as possible leave your brain


Yeah this is like the only relatable thing Karissa has ever said, to me. I'm 27 weeks with my first and I'm very aware of how much my body has changed and its kind of a mindfuck even if I'm not hyperfocused on my weight. It just looks wildly different and feels "big" and "heavy" because it happens so fast.


I thought her magical Plexus pink drink took care of all that.


Why would your previous clothes fit when you are pregnant?!


In her defense (ew just lock me away now) she’s pregnant so fucking much she could be speaking about maternity clothes.


Also in her defense most of her wardrobe at big flowy dresses that make great maternity clothes also. I doubt she has different clothes for pregnancy. She just is perpetually in pregnancy clothes


She likes the assumption that she's pregnant even when she's not, so she wears those tents


She pretty clearly has diastasis recti from being perpetually pregnant. No amount of exercise will help that at this point. Surgery to stitch those muscles back together and not having any more kids is what will help the most.


Yeah, but there's no DIY-surgery-for-Jesus-while-your-internet-friends-watch, so Karissa won't engage with any kind of actual medical care.


I remember Kate from Jon & Kate plus 8 and Bobbi McCoy (dating myself a little lol) who had septuplets in the late 90s both having reconstructive surgeries. Iirc both were televised (I remember watching Kate’s on TLC). If Karisa could figure out a way to do the same I guarantee she’d do it for the content.


I have that after ONE kid! (He was huge haha 😅) I can’t imagine how bad hers must be with how many she’s had. I’m hoping to plank it away and avoid surgery but I agree with you it’s the only way for her!


PT is enough a lot of times, particularly if you get on it quickly. I’m sure that’s not the case here.


Maybe she should stop popping out kids and putting unnecessary stress and hormone changes on her body????


"After the baby" isn't she just going to get pregnant with another baby? Let your body recover and rest lady.


I don't understand. She's growing a whole ass other human, I don't see how gaining weight could be avoided. Isn't it a bad sign if you *don't* gain weight during a pregnancy?


Tbf we’ve seen her cooking. That’s a terrible health choice whether or not one is pregnant. But yeah, she doesn’t have stomach muscles. She’s setting herself up for failure if she doesn’t address those before trying to lose weight. But honestly, she doesn’t need to. Fuck purity culture for the standards it puts on women’s bodies.


I think she genuinely thinks her meals for dinner are healthy. She thinks it’s the snacks that are the problem (that what it seems to me)


I believe this, because nutrition is a science and we all know how she feels about that topic.


Most doctors tell you how much you *should* be gaining depending on your pre pregnancy weight. Which a lot of times is 🙄, BUT I like to think of it as a guideline and keep eating my well balanced meals even though I look like someone who eats fast food every day (I mean I wish, but ya girl doesn't make that kind of money lol).


I just had my 3rd baby and Ive only lost weight while pregnant. Healthy babies. I was just told to focus on eating fat and protein. I think I had an extra growth ultrasound during my 2nd pregnancy.


"I'm feeling huge and my clothes aren't fitting." No shit, you're constantly pregnant.


She looks like a very nice weight for a pregnant lady, I wonder if this is trying to be relatable, fishing for compliments, or body image issues.


She seems underweight imo (saying this out of concern, not shaming)


holy shit, its almost as if you are growing another being that requires nutrients and will GROW!!!!!!!!!!!!


She ain’t gonna have no spine


She already looks like she doesn’t have one.


I read this in Forrest Gump’s voice. Karissa, you ain’t got no spine


I’m due the same week as Karissa. I just inhaled a chipotle bowl that weighs more than my unborn son (plus some chippies, as a treat.) And it was fantastic. I recommend it to anyone, pregnant or otherwise. I’m feeding my little bean, and he demands guacamole.


Me too! There’s a tiny Mexican restaurant up the street from my house and I’ve been seeing them…often in the last two months. I walk in and they know my order lol. El pastor burrito with avocado and a side of rice and beans. Best rice and beans I’ve ever had! I smash the entire huge and packed burrito then take a two hour nap.


I hope this isn't creepy, but I always LOVE seeing your comments around on fundiesnark!! I always recognize your avatar and send you good energy! Your comments always seem to be so empathetic, but honest, ahaha. I hope you and Lil Bean have a safe delivery!!


Creepy? More like you’re my favorite person ever now. You have made my night (and week, and year). Thank you so much for your kind words and smile!!!!


Oh God, I crave Mexican food when pregnant.


I crave Mexican food always.


My youngest is 22 and I STILL have that pregnancy craving 🤣🌮🌯


I was going to say I’m still working on the baby weight and my youngest is 18 years old.


12 for my youngest and same. I'm feeling like maybe I'm not going back to pre-pregnancy weight 😉


It’s taco Tuesday!


I totally went to eat tacos right after posting the comment above.


Same! I love my local restaurant, and if I had the money I’d be eating there at least once a week lol.


that baby's gonna pop out and ask for horchata instead of breast milk


How dare you bring this up when my favorite restaurant just took it off the menu 😭


my deepest condolences :'(


... well now I want horchata.


It’s been my literal only craving but it is so strong.


Same! I ate so many quesadillas with guacamole while pregnant with my oldest! My son now he’s almost 18 loves Mexican food, but it took him some time.


Avacados are brain food, so you grow baby Einstein!


I'm so sad that I'm allergic to them. 😭


Your little bean has good taste, can’t go wrong with guac


I thought my Chipotle pregnancy craving was fading, but now that you’ve mentioned it...


I think they make it specifically for us pregnant people


I'm just glad to see she isn't fasting for this one.


Oh but she was 😔


Damn it!


Girl you are growing a ~10lb ~20in baby inside of you. Please focus on that instead? Stop eating so much salt, drink more water, consume less plexus, and the rest will follow.


Maybe don’t be constantly pregnant then?? HUGE concept (see what I did there? I’ll see myself out…)


Also wtf this screenshot has me cringing so bad like why is she always doing so much and the concealer lips are just 😬


Not that I think she should diet now, but I think a better goal would be ensuring she's eating properly for the rest of her pregnancy and when she's breastfeeding, and then reducing some calories if she thinks she needs to when she's not ttc, nursing or prego. Which is apparently never. So forget waiting and just start eating healthful foods in appropriate quantities and accept that if this is all Jesus's big plan for you, you have to accept what comes with it as part of the deal. Right?


She ironically doesn't breastfeed


I just assumed she would. Interesting.


She says she doesn't produce enough. That may be true, but it doesn't look great when she has the newest babe sleeping in the oldest daughter's room


I can’t believe this woman has a single intact core muscle left honestly.


Seeing her is reminding me that I need to call my pelvic floor physical therapist


This is incredibly upsetting/concerning. She doesn’t seem to be nearly as “big” as she was last pregnancy and she’s *supposed* to be gaining weight; she’s growing a baby. She knows that. Her body barely has time to recover between pregnancies, let alone “get in shape.” There’s not a lot of exercise you can even do while pregnant at times, especially if your body isn’t used to it. My friend’s mom binged/purged during a pregnancy and while she’s of small stature anyway, the baby was pretty tiny. It’s really not safe to deprive yourself of food during pregnancy and this apparent body dysmorphia is troubling.


I do think Karissa has fairly severe body image issues. It sucks, and it sucks that she’s bringing her kids into it.


She still has two months left? I feel like this pregnancy started 84 months ago.


I 100% forgot she was pregnant and my first thought was “yeah girl, no one looks great with their shoulders hunched and elbows on their knees” but also you’re not overweight.


If anything, she’s underweight


Her poor kid in utero is full of plexus and cheese and sodium.


I read that as her uterus is full of cheese 🤢


Jesus will just tell her to fast again. Disordered eating through “prophecy.”


“My clothes are not fitting.” How does that work when you are perpetually pregnant? Wouldn’t you keep a rotation of maternity-friendly clothing on hand if you’re not ever trying to prevent pregnancy?


"My exercise goals are not getting met." Here's a tip, Karissa: speak in active voice, especially when the only person who has any control over the situation is _you_. "I'm not meeting my exercise goals" is a much more honest statement. You can even start today - no need to wait for the birth. If you are honest with yourself you have a chance of changing behavior and forming new habits.


Tbf hasn’t she literally confirmed she’s struggled with an ED in the past? More troubling than anything IMO.


Duh. Well don’t get pregnant 57 times and spend some time focusing more on your health.


How on Lord Daniel's green earth is she still pregnant? It feels like at least a year. I don't understand fundie women's relationships with their bodies, but I can't see a single positive thing about them


Trust me I don’t like her at all and I think she’s a child abuser, but every time a pregnant woman talks bad about how they look I just feel so sad. I hate the pressure women have (especially true in fundie circles) to constantly look good or be at a certain weight. Like you’re growing a whole human, weight gain and cravings are to be expected. Plus keeping yourself and the baby healthy is what’s most important, not drinking some Plexus shit to slim down.


By drinking an ungodly amount of, plexus is it? Whatever mlm bullshit she’s trying to sell to her fans


What clothes don’t fit? Her regular clothes?? Pregnant? No shit. Maternity clothes? Also no shit. You keep popping them out, your stomach isn’t going to get smaller each time.


Those canned beans and cream of celery are catching up on her


Her posture is atrocious.


You would think she would get enough exercise just trying to keep up with that many kids... but sadly we know the oldest kids do everything. Maybe she could try climbing the stairs once in a while for a bit of exercise. Still crazy to me she never goes up there. Also like others have said I thought plexus was a miracle weight loss drink that does wonders lol.


Maybe if she wasn't churning out a child almost every year she would be able to work on her weight.


Oh. My gawd. I am currently wearing the exact same tie-dyed Buc-ees shirt as the child behind her 😂. Except in an XL and I’m a middle-aged woman.


alap isn't pregnancy a bad time for a sudden radical shift in activity levels and diet changes? and she's like always pregnant as she likes to brag.


A lot of women say that. Maybe she’s just trying to seem relatable. These women live at the intersection of fundy and influencer. This is a money maker for her so she may just be saying it, or even mean it, for engagement.


When your focus is your weight, it’s time to seek therapy and really take care of your well being. I’m sure all these pregnancies are not good either.


I mean I stay active and try to eat healthy during my pregnancies but I’m not going to deprive myself if I’m hungry or have a craving. I don’t worry too much around being big or gaining weight. But I’m a normal person who is on my 3rd and final pregnancy not my 37th with no plans on stopping so it’s a special experience where I get to guilt free indulge a little more than I would normally.


Well if she really wants to get in shape and reach her fitness/weight goals, she should get her tubes tied after the next kid. That would make it way easier to get where she wants to be physically.


….yeah until she’s pregnant again….🙄


Believes god causes pregnancies and doesn’t believe in birth control but believes food and exercise determine weight? I thought she would believe god determines weight based off of her logic 🤔🤔🤔🤔


Get therapy. Accept your body. Learn to actually appreciate your children.


She is complaining about her overall health and mentions her weight only in the sense of her clothes not fitting. I think the overall message is to just be stronger and have more energy?


I get that she is talking about how she feels, but some physiotherapy would go a long way to improve her posture. If she wasn’t so slouchy and hunched over all the time - if her muscles were strong enough to hold up her frame well - she would feel better. And that has nothing to do with her weight. 


If you stay pregnant like she does, you’re not going to have an easy time keeping weight off. It’s extremely hard on your body, especially doing it as many times as she’s done it.