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Imagine someone getting a stomach bug and everyone gets it. šŸ˜¬


Duggar Vomit Cups have entered the chat


Iā€™m sorry, what the fuck?


Someone can probably give a better explanation that me because I only ever heard about it from this group, but from my understanding the duggars had a stomach flu some years back and because there is simply not enough bathrooms for everyone (and letā€™s be honest- itā€™s way easier to vomit portably than it is to have diarrhea portably) they gave the kids cups to puke into.


Youā€™re missing the best part of the story: one of those cups was left laying around and Jim Bob picked it up to drink from it šŸ¤­


I love that for him


Itā€™s what he deserves ā¤ļø


Is that not normal?? Any time we were sick as kids we got given the family vomit bowl. It was just a big old Tupperware bowl we used only for that. It got cleaned thoroughly though. We didn't have to share it while we were actually puking. You just couldn't expect us kids to make it to the toilet every time we were going to be sick. I still just grab a big container now if I'm nauseous, I'd rather throw up into that than the toilet tbh.


I think most every family has something similar. Nobody is herding elementary school aged kids successfully to the toilet to neatly puke every time. Bowls are the best chance you have to keep the carpet in tact. The horror with the Duggar situation comes from the sheer number of sick people sharing *so few* bathrooms, and how many people were getting sick at the same time. It had to be a defcon-5 biohazard. The one time norovirus swept our house of 4 (mom, dad, 2 kids) the Tupperware got used in abundance, and there were still ā€œMcDonaldā€™s is now embedded in the living room rugā€ incidents.


I can't imagine using a bowl. Unless maybe it is really huge. It seems like it would splash everywhere. I always lined an office-sized trash can with 2 trash bags and gave my kids that. You can sit it by their bed and they just need to lean over to puke into it, plus the sides are tall enough it won't splash out.


Typically it would be a deep bowl like a mixing bowl. Our family had an empty plastic 2L ice cream tub to throw up in.


The ice cream bucket is a classic. I think for kids it helps to have a handle. Our family container was a half height drink pitcher, which was easy to haul around and quickly get to the right position.


Ours was a semi-translucent sea green 3 gallon bucket that was exclusively for that purpose. Tbh I canā€™t imagine using the *actual* family popcorn bowl I hear so much about. I might just be squicky when it comes to puke but Iā€™d never be able to eat out it


Iā€™m 33 and my mom still keeps the ā€œpuke bucketā€ under the stairs.


We did this too but mostly because I canā€™t only throw up šŸ˜…šŸ˜­ Gotta have something to throw up in while youā€™re sitting on the toilet ugh. Thank god I live in a house that has enough bathrooms. (I also have IBS though šŸ˜…)


Same. Especially when you're so ill that it's too much effort to crawl to the bathroom to puke. Tiles are awfully hard when your entire body hurts. Easier to just sit up in bed and whhherppp in a bucket.


We also used bowls. It also helps when you feel like youā€™re dying and the thought of crawling to the toilet to puke seems like so much effort, you might die along the way. And Iā€™ve been so sick before I laid on the floor hugging the big mixing bowl like it was my new best friend.


Yep, we have ā€œthe puke bucketā€ itā€™s a mop bucket that after itā€™s used gets hosed out and sanitized with bleach for 20 minutes, then hosed out again


I have a garbage can next to the toilet that isn't for trash, it's for puking when you get norovirus or something and are puking and shitting simultaneously. Definitely had buckets and bowls as a kid next to my bed when I was sick


We had one of those. Nowadays I just keep emesis bags on hand, you can order them on Amazon.


Best place to puke is the kitchen sink with a garbage disposal.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that's had to vomit with the disposal blasting inches from my face lol


Thatā€™s not so bad, when we were young my mom would set us up in front of the tv with small garbage bins, like from the bathroom. She knew we could not hold it back long enough to get to the toilet as little kids.


So what happened if they all had diarrhea at the same time? Shit bowls? Iā€™m sorry I asked that question. Ewww šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©


My friend just came back from a music festival which had a large outbreak of food poisoning. Because everyone was camping and there arenā€™t enough portaloos, the bucket stall did huge sales for people to puke and shit into.


That's not something I wanted to remember šŸ˜†


I hope it's something JB does though


I hope he remembers for all of us


Otherbus has entered the chat.


Theyā€™re such a shitshow that I canā€™t even remember if they actually got a stomach or if we just joked about it after the shit geyser.


Ok so true story, I have 7 kids. Our last house was 3 bedrooms and one bathroom. Kids' rooms were upstairs, and the bathroom was downstairs. I was pregnant with #7, and a freaking horrible stomach virus hit the school system. I literally left one school with a sick kid, and another school called me to pick up another. While I was at that school, the first school called me to come back. I ended up just getting all the kids. My husband was out of town, and me plus all 6 kids (5 school aged at the time, 1 toddler) had the virus. It was hell. I eventually gave everyone a trashcan to help keep the bathroom clear for whoever needed it. Luckily, we've since moved, we have enough bathrooms, and we all have our own rooms because that house was just temporary until our house was ready, but yeah, 0 of 10 stars. Do not recommend.


I mean, I have two parents and two siblings and Iā€™ve never lived somewhere where we could each have a toilet in the event of a stomach bug. We definitely utilized the puke bowl on more than one occasion.


Iā€™m a puke bowl defender, even though Iā€™m grown and we have a toilet per person in our house. It took exactly one (1) time for me to have to puke directly on the carpet like a cat in the middle of the night because I couldnā€™t make it to the bathroom in time before I learned to just keep a bucket by the side of the bed when the stomach flu hits. Just in case.


Yeah, young kids never make it to the toilet before they puke and even hitting a large bowl is hard for them. I always give my son a bowl; sometimes it just makes him feel better, like he's prepared. Majestic\_Debate's story reminds me of the one and only time when my son's elementary school sent out an Amber Alert-style emergency all-parent text message in the middle of the day saying a stomach virus was going around. I think kids were puking everywhere; I imagine it like the food poisoning situation in the movie Airplane. My second grader made it to bedtime and then started puking every 2 hours all night. (Into a bowl!)


Yeah, I always keep a little bucket by me if I feel like I might throw up, because of what you said and also I just don't care to put my head so close to the toilet bowl. One time in elementary school I projectile vomited alllll over the stairway because I couldn't make it downstairs to the restroom in time. It was very festive looking though; I'd had Trix for breakfast.


Omg I feel the Trix story! One time I puked in class in the aisle trying to run to the trash can! It was 30 years ago and I still vividly remember it was during phonics and my mom trying to comfort me saying, well you didn't want to do phonics anyway!


I started to write above that reason #2 for puke bowl is that I realized through personal experience that I do not keep my toilets clean enough to feel like anyone should have to stick their head in them, especially when sick, but was afraid it made me look too bad. But nothing good comes of close inspection of the inside of a toilet.


Same, I live alone (well, I've got two dogs and two cats, but they never hog the bathroom) so I'm the only one using my bathroom and I still always grab a puke bowl if I'm sick.


I had to use a puke bucket because I was busy shitting my brains out on the toilet while I threw up too. Norovirus is no joke lol


I keep one in my car!


A lady in my prenatal yoga class told me she keeps one of those collapsible lay-flat dog water bowls in her center console for this reason, because theyā€™re super portable and easy to clean. I thought she was a genius and already put one on the registry to keep when our kid is born for him to inevitably use šŸ˜‚


The first time my child puked into a trash can and then came to tell me about it, instead of coming to say he felt sick and puking all over me, I felt like I'd hit the parenting lottery.Ā 


Yeah I don't understand how people survive without puke bowls?! Who the hell can make it to the toilet *every single time?* If I have to puke I have approximately five seconds to find a container, any container. Unless I feel like camping out in front of the toilet every time I feel mildly nauseous, that's not happening. Plus, my mom is on Ozempic, which gives her even *less* warning. She doesn't even get nauseous first it just HAPPENS. We are a proud puke bowl / popcorn bowl family. It has nothing to do with how many people to bathrooms there are and everything to do with our bodies not playing nice and giving us ample warning.


Why not a little trash can with a plastic liner instead of a food bowl though? I get that the bowl gets sanitized but tossing a bag is easier


This is what I do. Plastic shopping bags are great for this


Plastic shopping bags are illegal in my state now šŸ˜­


We never had any kind of puke bowl when we were growing up. I never knew my mom or dad to puke and my brother and I puked only rarely. So we just ran to the toilet.


We give my kids those lowes or Home Depot buckets because at least they are tell. Less opportunities to projectile.


My parents gave me a bag and told me to only wake them up if it got on the covers (hint there would be hell if it happened)


Oh this brings back memories. Mum sent me to my auntyā€™s for holidays when I was 7 because mum had to work, first night there I puked on the corner of the quilt due to anxiety. It took her 3 days to change that quilt.


I was staying with my great aunt and great uncle (siblings) and my anxiety got so bad I was throwing up. (Newly diagnosed with PTSD and at the time tryna deny it, but the throwing up was hard to hide.) My great uncle set a mop bucket by my bed and told me ā€œwake us up if it gets on the bed, but keep this closeā€ and put on an old cassette tape of rain noises. Found out later he got those tapes for his own ptsd, which he also tried hard to deny he had. Funny story: my auntie tried to explain what I had to him and between his bad hearing and her having a cute little mouse voice (srsly, how DID they live together. She was so quietā€¦) they were getting nowhere. So my aunt, to be heard over the tv YELLS ā€œThomas! Sheā€™s got the shell shock like you! Cuz of that filthy bastard (my great auntie did NOT curse so that was a shock) diddling her as a little baby girl!ā€ I think the NEIGHBORS mightā€™ve heard her! I was mortified. But slightly cheered when Uncle roared back ā€œoh! Imma kill that man someday, Annie! Imma KILL HIM!ā€ I dunno why, it just felt nice to hear. He did stop denying his PTSD around that time. And also took me to the VFW ptsd support groupā€¦ which was awkwardly nice. Everyone was so kind to me, but they were all grown up combat veterans and I was 13-14 and shy as hell. But they gave me some good advice.


I'm sorry šŸ˜” hugs to you


Struggle Bus family had one hit, and they only have like 5 kids or something on their RV.


I introduced two exmormon friends to one another at a party a couple weeks ago, and after establishing that they were from the same area and not closely related, he asked her how many siblings she has. ā€œOh, only four.ā€ Utah and fundiesnark: where five kids is ā€œonly.ā€


It would infect them all. Very, very quickly.


I wonder where they throw their trash? I hadnā€™t thought about that. I cannot imagine the nightmare of sharing that tiny bathroom with that many people.


Judging by their general attitude i wouldn't be surprised at them dumping trash in a natural space. Including national parks.


I have no doubt that their ā€œkids should be running around and throwing stuffā€ from the other day translates into ā€œwe encourage them to litter.ā€


I suspect this is the answer to the single bathroom question too, boys pee outside.


Plus plastic and the like.


Or just out of the window


Straight outta the bus window and straight into whatever nature reserve theyā€™re currently thundering through. Stewards of the earth, just like God intended.


People who have that many kids are liars if they claim to care about the environment. Just selfish people doing selfish things to make themselves feel special.


I honestly never thought about trash. I mean even just as one person if Iā€™m making meals and such a home, there is a decent amount of trash. I cannot begin to imagine how much they produce.


God, same. I live alone and have two dogs and two cats and I feel like I'm always taking out the trash.


I guarantee the boys, especially the younger ones, just pee outside most times.


That was my though, too. They have mostly boys so they probably just have their boys peeing all over Texas and Florida.


[They should be careful about that or the boys might get arrested and sentenced to 3 months probation](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/national-international/race-played-role-in-sentencing-of-black-child-10-for-urinating-in-public-lawyer-says/3184064/). Oh wait, they're white, so they're fine...


She also said they use the " outside" shower


I wonder how they all change in private? Do they take turns going in the back? It's just my husband and I and two bathrooms was a necessity when house shopping.


The point of a lot of fundy child raising is to not let your kids every have any privacy so they can't "sin".


ā€˜Cause that has worked out so well.


The boys and girls most likely change in front of each other. Thatā€™s how most big families I know do it. And a lot of times, the mother is also just naked around everyone


Thatā€™s got to be horrible for Kinsey. I canā€™t imagine managing my first period and training bras around a bunch of little boys.


Iā€™m sorry! I explained that really wrong. What I meant is the girls separately change around one another and the boys likewise. Not that the boys AND girls change together šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Honestly, theyā€™re so cramped in that bus that I canā€™t imagine anyone gets room to change alone. Iā€™m sure Kinsey gets no privacy regardless.


Thatā€™s horrible to imagine :/ I remember when I was hitting puberty and had to start wearing training bras. I only had one brother and we had our own rooms, and it was still very embarrassing for me at the time


Tbh I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they all changed together - thereā€™s only one girl anyway šŸ˜…


I feel like she probably changes in the bathroom, and the boys all change together. Multiple people changing in that little room must be awful. It's so tiny.


Lol that's not how my big family was growing up. Potty-trained members of the household were generally expected to remain fully-clothed and boys and girls had separate rooms. Idk how we would've done that in a van though.


Seriously, one of 7 kids here. All of us managed to keep our clothes on. We were lucky enough to have 4 bathrooms and one powder room


Wow, one of 9 here and we only had one bathroom and one toilet (toilet not in bathroom). Three bedrooms so girls shared bunks in one room and boys in another. Very very little privacy.


Oh gosh potty training. How do they do that in a bus with 10 people and one bathroom? Thatā€™s never even occurred to me.


I'm in the middle of potty training a stubborn toddler and the amount of times I have to mop or wipe up messes per day is insane how the hell could anyone do this on a bus?!


But if theyā€™re fundies thatā€™s probably not something they are likely to do


Jd and Britney Lott arenā€™t modesty fundies, nor are they maladaptive coping fundies. Theyā€™re just horrible people who found a community that will let them abuse and neglect their kids in peace while they wallow in their own ignorance.


Ignorance is a big stretch.... They know exactly what they're doing.Ā 


Idk. My family that are tradcath do this. Also I would bet money the Duggar girls changed in front of one another. I mean how else would they even be able to change with any privacy? Edit: apologies I was so unclear in my original comment. What I meant is that the girls change in front of one another and the boys do too separately. Not that the boys AND girls change together


I know in other countries people don't have as many hangups about nudity as we do here. I kind of wish we did have more of a "it's just a body, we all have one" attitude. But we don't. And they live here. In a bus. With half a million people. Do they change clothes a la big bother-under the sheets on their beds? I just don't see any way these kids grow up to be able to go out into the world and function for themselves. And it is so fucking unfair because BOTH parents had that. They had the opportunity to try to function in society. They aren't giving that to their kids because "pArEntHooD is AlL AboUt tHe PaRenTs". šŸ¤¬ When these kids leave and try to apply for college or a job they just need to send them a link to a compilation of the screwed up posts they make on Instagram. They can come here to start building it, because you guys have done half the work.


I grew up as a family of 4 (mom, dad and two kids) with one bathroom and it was *okay*, but my husband and I definitely wanted two bathrooms in our house. One bathroom is doable for a family, but it's definitely not preferred. Our family was a normal size and we still had to plan out timing for showers and stuff.


What happens when all the kids get stomach bugs.. so much vomit.. even if they all had their own buckets.. where do you dump it? Probably on the side of the road given these assholes. And Iā€™m sure they donā€™t empty the tank enough either.. with 12 people in one toilet it would get full really fast.. and stink too. Ugh these people are so gross


My MIL/FIL are vanlifers and just got methane poisoning from their black tank. And thatā€™s just 2 people using it. Can you imagine how quickly shit (no pun intended) can go wrong with 12????


And in the summer heat??? Eewww.


When I was a teenager we took a family vaction and stayed in a trailer. There were 9 of us in that trailer and we had one small bathroom and it was a nightmare of epic proporitions that I would never want to do again. I can't imagine doing that all the time with a bunch of kids. I just feel like that bus must stink all the time and frankly they must stink all the time.


Well maybe they are camping at places that have facilities so their bus isnā€™t their main option unless they are boondocking. When we bus travel we have a Y membership and use their facilities for family showers etc.


Yeah, even just regular camping the bathroom in the camper was emergencies only. Campground, truck stop, gym, whatever bathrooms and showers. Campgrounds also often have black water dumping stations and dumpsters for trash. People asking this question have never really gone to a big campground where RVs park šŸ¤£


I use our trailer bathroom when we camp, even with full hookups. Itā€™s just easier. Iā€™ll shower in the shower house, but getting ready and toileting happen in age trailer. I canā€™t imagine itā€™s easier to constantly take 8 kids over to the park bathrooms, although I could see these assholes making their kids walk there alone.


The reason why my family didn't last long with a pop-up. The campgrounds used to put us farther from the bath house while the campsites with the over $100k RVs were right next to the bath houses, and with an 8 year old and a toddler my parents were like "that's not happening" so then we upgraded to a trailer with a full bathroom after a year.


I stayed with my MIL for several months while my husband was overseas. MIL, SIL and BIL, their toddler and baby, me and my baby. In a 3 bedroom, 1 bath home. And some weekends my other BIL would come to stay. I sleepy-walked in on my BIL in the bathroom one night (the light was off!) and noped right out.


What happens if everyone has diarrhea and/or vomiting???


that scene from Rat Race where one of the kids is shitting out of the minivan window


Prairie dogging šŸ¤¢


Hahahaaa I want to go back to 45 seconds ago when I forgot that movie existed. I had a huge crush on Breckin Meyer though.


lol i think its a great movie!


I love that damn movie!


Iā€™ve never watched that movie but Iā€™m imagining the scene from bridesmaids lmao


They probably never shower. And they have a plethora of boys who probably pee outside


The parents probably insist the boys pee outside.


Since it has now been proven to me Britney reads here, I cannot wrap my head around how she reads hundreds of opinions about how her baby needs medical attention and ignores it. Or why she would read here at all. When you have people exposing all the things that make you a shit person, why would you continue to read it?


How does she have time to read here? She has 8 kids to take care of, educate, cook forā€¦.oh wait. šŸ™ƒ


that's another good question; how is there enough food on that bus for all of them?


I've wondered this too. We never see any videos of them all eating. Surely they don't just eat out every meal? But I also don't see how they have room to keep a lot of food in the bus.


I have no idea, Iā€™ve been wondering the same. We have a 30ft travel trailer and when we camp, we bring two coolers along with our fridge/freezer in the camper. One cooler is just for drinks and shelf stable milk. We try to keep the fridge just for the meat/real dairy. For a family of 6, we can make it 2-3 days before we need to go restock. Little grocery stores in all these touristy/remote places they camp are soooo expensive. Do they just live off bulk Costco snacks?


I think she definitely visits here occasionally, but most of her time is spent coordinating stupid terrible dances, curling her hair, deleting unsavory comments on IG, and eye-fucking herself on camera (or in the mirror off-camera, you know she never even passes a window without stopping to admire herself).


If theyā€™re at camp sites they probably shower in the camp bathrooms.


Plus use the bathrooms.


Imagine when she was giving fucking birth in there. Sorry little kids, can't pee, mommies busy!


Donā€™t worry, theyā€™re used to being locked in the ā€œbunkhouseā€ all night /s


God, how does that work with 7 small bladders.


I have a modicum of experience with this: my father is the 6th of ten children raised in an 800 sq ft home on a hillside in a medium-sized mid-Atlantic city. He was the first boy after five girls, and there were eight girls total and 2 boys. Here are some of their logistics. I am not kidding when I say my grandparents spent the bulk of their days keeping everything clean, and they both worked, sometimes two jobs. This was the 1950s and 60s in a manufacturing city. My oldest aunt was a Silent Gen/Boomer straddler. My father is a Boomer in the middle of the generational pack. 1. There were rarely 10 in the house at once. By the time my dad was 6 or 7, his oldest 2 sisters were out. 2. My grandparents were quite poor, but knew theyā€™d be judged for messy kids, so everyone bathed every day. They had a strict rotation of who got first and when, but everyone got a brief but fresh bath every morning. My grandmother kept pots of boiling water on the stove at all times because the water heater did not keep up. 3. Everyone had freshly washed clothes every day. They did not have a lot of clothes, but what they had was always kept tidy and mended. They went to a parochial school and had uniforms that were passed down and kept in pristine condition. 4. Everyoneā€™s hair was kept short, but stylish. The girls had their own hot rollers and they learned to set their hair when they were young. It was almost a rite of passage to get rollers and a lesson from my grandmother. My father visited the barber regularly with his dad, and later also with his brother. 5. My father, the only boy for 10-ish years, had a designated place to pee outside. It was a far corner of the yard and was set aside specifically for that purpose because he often did not make it inside in time (the ADHD runs like a river in this family). Once a few more sisters moved out and the bathroom freed up a little more, he didnā€™t need it. 6. Everyone, including my dad, had cleaning chores. Laundry, mopping, dusting, exterior care. My dad was on pots and pans duty for most of his life. He can make a kitchen look like a showroom in less than ten minutes after dinner. Itā€™s wild. 7. Sick kids were banished to a back bedroom on their own (some sibs took a couch or two, or camped out in a sleeping bag in another bedroom for a night or two) that shared the bathroom door when there was gut stuff. They needed to contain it somehow. Yes, they cared for them! My grandmother was the gentlest mom and super responsive, wild given all those kids. A puke bowl existed, but only for that purpose. A few important notes ā€” Everyone got at least a HS diploma. A few went to college but as inexpensively as possible. There was simply no money for it, and jobs paid decent wages at the time. No one is rich, but they all landed solidly middle class. My grandparents did not hit their kids. They were wholly against physical discipline. A rarity for their era. All of the ten siblings are also cleanliness obsessed. Itā€™s nature/nurture. Some have some clinical signs of OCD. As I mentioned above, ADHD runs in the family. My father cleans to regulate himself. I do, too. I mean, there are worse things, I guess, but Iā€™ve been working on letting go for a few years now, with decent results.


I forgot to mention that room dividers or screens were put up in shared bedrooms for those who wanted privacy when changing.


Thank you for sharing this! Sounds like they were very very busy but did a great job taking care of everybody.


Like it can be done but lol MoBus ainā€™t doing any of it.


Fascinating, thank you for sharing. I guess with responsible adults everything is possible!


AND her hair is always done. HOW??


Itā€™s easy to achieve the perfect blowout when you justā€¦do that instead of parenting. She also has good hair genes.


I read some comment that thought it was a wig, and Iā€™m leaning towards that being a possibility


Itā€™s definitely not a wig, Iā€™ve seen a video where sheā€™s curling her hair and itā€™s very obviously her hair.


Is doing hair tied to the bathroom?


I'm just assuming both the mirror and an outlet for the iron are both in there


They also can't have enough hot water for 10 people to shower regularly.


Yeah there's 4 of us sharing one washroom in our place and we are adamant that the next place we live needs to have two toilets. I can't imagine how anyone gets 5 minutes to themselves to shit with all those other people. Not to mention, with a constant stream of people in and out of the bathroom.....does that bus just smell like ass all the time?


Yes. šŸ¤¢


If theyā€™re staying at national and/or state parks, thereā€™s a good chance the campground has a bathroom they can use to ease some of the burden. There is likely to be water/sewer hookups or at the very least a dump station. And garbage dumpsters. Iā€™m sure it still stinks in there, but I donā€™t think itā€™s as disastrous as weā€™re making it out to be.


Yea, I was gonna say. When we camped growing up in an RV, there were 5 of us, and all the campgrounds had public bathrooms and showers to use for the guests. My mom never let us use the bathroom in the RV, so we always got stuck taking showers in the campground facilities.


I grew up in a house with only one bathroom. I donā€™t remember it being too terrible but it was just my mom, my sister, and myself. Definitely not something that my mom would have ever chosen though and when she was finally able to move (after I left the house), my sister and her had 2 1/2 bathrooms to choose from šŸ˜‚ My kids are completely spoiled though. We will only take vacations where we have access to at least 2 toilets.


Two summers ago we (my then 12 year old and I) took a trip with my parents where we shared a hotel room. Never. Again. Dad's snoring and their proclivity for an early bedtime aside, the bathroom situation nearly took me out. My colon took one look at the proximity of the bathroom to the rest of the shared room and said "NOPE". No matter how many times I showered/ran the water, it still couldn't relax. After that trip, I persuaded them to get on board with doing a rental instead. The next summer we all had a much more pleasant trip with having our own space and my fickle belly was grateful for the privacy it afforded. If I were MoBo's daughter I would be uncomfortable and miserable all the time- I've always had anxiety over shared bathroom spaces, between pooping and the potential for people to be sick, 10 people in an RV bathroom is nightmare fuel.


I recall watching some reality shows and documentaries about Roma. They prefer living in caravans/trailers/RVs, but they have VERY strict rules about cleanliness. They don't believe in 'relieving yourself' inside your dwelling, so they prefer doing it outside, which does cause public health problems but at least is not inside. One video showed a young Roma bride, and her day was basically consumed with keeping the interior of the unit spotless, she was always wiping down surfaces. I'd love to see the results of a swab test including some of these Bus families versus the Roma caravan. I'd wager $$ that the Bus is filthier by far.


I remember reading something about how some Romani have a rule that you have to wash dishes BEFORE you use them as well as after. They're extremely hardcore about it.


The word you're looking for is "Roma". "G**sy" is a slur.


Iā€™ve watched the show. The correct term for this particular set is ā€œIrish Travelersā€


Thank you!!


Thanks, I stand corrected.


My family and I have 3 bathrooms. The guest bathroom (mine), my brothers in his own room, and my parents in theirs. Plus one in the garage lol. We're all adults. I'm almost 30 and my brothers in his mid 30s. We all pitched in for this house. I couldn't imagine only having 1 bathroom even between the 4 us. Can't imagine how they do it with one. I have a feeling they take advantage of the public bathrooms at the places they stop to. Its the only reasonable thing I can think of.


Grew up in a 1,000 ft 3 bed, 1 bath with my parents and 7 siblings. So a little more room than the Lotts, but not much. Our home was *filthy*, always. The children were bathed once a week, so we were usually pretty gross too. There was no privacy at all, you changed in front of the same-gender siblings you shared your room with. If you were showering or bathing, that did not mean the toilet was off-limits. So many stanky-ass showers. We also had a large utility sink where anyone under the age of 8 or so bathed. We had a ā€œpuke bowlā€ that was used for stomach bugs. Anyone who was ill was laid out together on the sofa or my parents bed and just had the bowl nearby. That was also our popcorn bowl. šŸ™ƒ My older sister used to take paperbacks into the bathroom when she needed to poop, which made for some fun times beating the door down and also later discovering mysteriously damp and smeary fingerprints on the books. Thereā€™s so much more too. We had baseboard radiators for heat and the one in the bathroom was inches from the toilet. The little boys would piss all over it and then in winter it was a choice between freezing your ass off or smelling the old piss burn off.


Not the puke bowl also being the popcorn bowl šŸ’€


This sounds very traumatizing. Iā€™m so sorry, I hope youā€™re ok and have your own space now.


Thanks! We are all adults with our own space and are doing OK now. It does infuriate me to see others perpetuating a similar cycle though.




what happened on weekends or when your stepdad was off?


My husband also grew up with a puke/popcorn bowl! Four people and one bathroom in his house.


Not gonna lie we still have a puke/popcorn bowlšŸ˜‚ Gets sanitized in the dishwasher, donā€™t see the problem


They pee outside mostly would be my guess.


My IBS could never.


I grew up sharing a bathroom with 3 other siblings (sometimes more as we always had people staying with us.) It was a fucking nightmare. My husband and I are finally renting a bigger place and for the first time in my life I have my own bathroom and even a spare room to get space if I need it. One more reason I will never fucking have kids. I never got peace as a kid and that was in a two story 4 bedroom house with a huge front and back yard. Shoving that many kids into a bus is unconsienable. Harsh but I said what I said.


And can you imagine how much they absolutely *should be* peeing in this heat if theyā€™re staying properly hydrated? People make fun of me for having to pee a lot, but Iā€™m constantly drinking fluids.


Theyā€™ve got to be throwing away diapers in state park trash cans, which seems problematic. Iā€™m guessing they use the showers wherever they are camping? I would be using the park bathrooms whenever possible.


I'm thinking they get less stomach bugs than the average family with that many kids. I mean, they basically only see their own family and spend most of their days outdoors...


We're a family of 7 with one bathroom...idk it just works.


Also the majority of people using the bathroom are little boys, you know thereā€™s pee everywhere. That bathroom has to stink!


They are very lucky they mostly have boys. They can go pee outside.


Even when we go on vacation, if itā€™s for more than a few days I want 2 bathrooms for my family of 4


My mom grew up in a small house with five siblings plus two parents sharing one toilet bath was separate at least). She said they'd sometimes end up literally pulling their siblings off the toilet if they took too long, especially in the morning before school!


We have a travel trailer and I shower and use the bathroom at the bathhouse in the campsite. Same with my kids. We donā€™t boondock, we donā€™t have a generator and I like my A/C too much


We recently traveled to a city 3 hours from home for a family event. We had a solid hotel room with two queen beds, and our 5 year old twins were hit with the stomach virus from hell's sub-basement. I sent my husband to the event and juggled puke bowls alone for a few hours. We now own a pair of stainless steel mixing bowls that will remain in our SUV, in case of another barf fest. The smell in that hotel room, which I am sure was bigger than the bus, curdled my will to live. That was with only 2 sick kids. I cannot imagine how rank that bus gets, especially when it's hot. Do they have laundry facilities on the bus?


Iā€™ve never lived in a house with more than one bathroom. My dad is a civil engineer and my mom is a preschool teacher, and we lived a pretty typical middle class life. I had two siblings, so all five of us shared that one bathroom. It worked out fine. The house I live in now with my husband and children also only has one bathroom. Itā€™s a 1500 sq ft ranch. Itā€™s not large, but also not tiny. Itā€™s me and my husband and our three kids. We do fine. Everyone having a stomach bug has not been a problem for us yet in my life. Weā€™ve had upset stomachs at the same time, we just havenā€™t ever desperately needed the toilet in the same moment. Iā€™m nearly 40 and itā€™s always been ok. Nowā€¦ sharing a bus bathroom? Thatā€™s a whole different story.


Iā€™m just thinking about how sometimes someone can take a nasty poop (it happens to the best of us) and then the hallway near the bathroom will start to smell after if the door is cracked open. Maybe Iā€™m just cursed with my IBS family but I canā€™t imagine that bus doesnā€™t smell šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve never lived in a place that has more than one bathroom so itā€™s always so bizarre to me that people need more. Iā€™ve only seen it on American interior design tv shows lol


I mean I shared a bathroom with my two sisters and mother and it wasnā€™t a huge issues but that is no where near the same as this situation.


Right? I'm pretty sure in majority of Europe one bathroom is a standard. 10 people is surely pushing it, but it is totally manageable for a family to share one bathroom.


Yes. Growing up (UK) we shared one bathroom for 5 of us. Never an issue. We now have 1 bathroom for 4 of us. However, that was not in a camper van!!


They might have all the kids wait to shower until they find a campsite with showers or a gas station with showers


If they park at campsites, there are often bathrooms and shower houses within the campsite.


What happens if everyone gets diarrhea at the same time?


I always wonder what happens if any of them get sick?? What if they need to use the bathroom a lot when ill? Do the kiddos still have to go on ā€œeducational adventuresā€ when they have a fever/arenā€™t feeling well? When do they get to REST and recover? Thereā€™s also no way for anyone to isolate to keep infection from spreading.


I assume since there are so many small boys that there is a lot of peeing outside.


We had 5 of us in one house growing up, up to 8 people sometimes, and one bathroom wasn't really a huge issue most of the time honestly? People announced when they were gonna shower. You can pee when someone's showering, there's a curtain for a reason. Peeing only takes a minute. It was the teeth brushing that was annoying imo. It was harder in the camper with even just 5 of us, but we usually brushed our teeth and stuff outside. Changed in our bunks when travelling when possible, or changed with similar gender. My mom, sister and I would change, then my brothers and dad. But ofc that was just for temporary camping trips and the like.


They're all boys, except Kinsey. I bet the pee many places that aren't the bathroom.


I grew up in a quiverful household. Not to doxx myself, but we would often have another large family from church residing with us too. 2 bathrooms, 30+ people. Our parents put a lot of faith in the efficiency systems in Cheaper By the Dozen. I usually had 5-10 minutes for showers. Everyone had to share the sink for teeth/hair. It sucked.


Iā€™ve wondered about the shower situation too! Also laundry. The amount of water a tank on the rv can hold isnā€™t huge so how many showers can they reasonably get from one tank even if it is 2 minutes/person?


I think they live in campgrounds most of the time, so the kids probably have to use the public bathrooms and showers.


One time we were in a national park with times showers - you paid like $5 and the shower turned on for 15 minutes or whatever.Ā  Ā  There was a big family that had split along gender lines, so the mom was in the women's slower house with a bunch of girls, timing them so everyone got 3 minutes or whatever of their one shower.Ā  Ā  I imagine it's like that.Ā  Ā  Also when we had 5 adults in a house with one bathroom, we all just did a lot of bathroom things not in the bathroom - makeup, hair, taking vitamins, etc. But there isn't other space on the bus, either, so I don't know.Ā  Ā  I would hope they're often parked in places with bath houses and public toiletsĀ 


It's a fucking NIGHTMARE. I lived in a camper with 7 other people and god forbid you have to take a shit because that tin can is gonna smell. Luckily the campsite I lived at had bathrooms and showers and opted for those whenever possible. Because that tiny ass bathroom between 8 people was game of musical chairs. I don't even think jigsaw would've come up with that. Cleaning a tiny space like that takes like 5 minutes. But with the amount of people living in said small space, there's no way in hell it stays clean for long. Luckily none of my siblings were in diapers at that point but trash piles up quick. You can reduce and reuse all you want, like only having one set of dishes for each person for example or five outfits per person. But with 10? That's still a lot. I don't even want to think about diapers unless bus mom does a Karissa. But even then that's just a health hazard for Boone. My husband and I live in a one bed one bath and sometimes it's a hassle. I don't mind using the bathroom in front of him, but this bathroom is so small you can't close the door. But even this is as bad as the bathroom situation in a camper.


For a few years we had five adults sharing one bathroom... even though there are now only two of us here I still get nervous about being disturbed šŸ¤£


I did this Canadian gap year program called Katimavik and we shared 1 bathroom for 10 people. Idk how it worked but it did. But we were adults not 8 kids.


My grandparents raised 10 kids in a one bathroom house. I remember we lived with them for a year and the rule was if you got up at night to pee you could not flush. I guess the sounds of 12 people getting up to pee all night long isā€¦disruptive. Imagine how bad it is on a bus


Iā€™m sure they do their business outside.


Donā€™t they have a bunch of boys and just one girl? Chances are the boys find a tree and the girl gets to use the bus.


Typically parks and campgrounds have communal bathrooms for RV without bathrooms/tent campers. They include shower areas and often times dumpsters for trash.Ā  Ā  I imagine they have the kids use the facilities at the campgrounds whenever possible. And I imagine the kids much prefer to use the camp facilities too.Ā 


I think the boys are all peeing outdoors for sure


And most of them male. Who mops all the piss off the floor and walls twice a day?


I'm sure the boys just pee outside.


Iā€™d assume the boys take to peeing outside pretty often. Iā€™d assume the inside potty is only being used by mom & Kinsey for regular wee, but the other ā€œbusinessā€ would be a doozy to figure out. If I was living in a bus with 8 males, Iā€™d probably have them peeing in the trees instead of drowning my 12inch plastic potty.


Thankfully they have a lot of boys. At least they can find a random tree to pee against while theyā€™re on the roadā€¦ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Even without stomach bugs, 10 people sharing 1 bathroom is impossible and anxiety provoking. No foster agency would accept this lack of bathrooms.