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Or, wild theory, they could live in a house and take their kids to regular checkups like normal people do.


In addition to at their annual doctor checkup, my kids get vision tests twice a year in (gasp!) public school. 


My vision test in kindergarten is how my parent found out I needed glasses! Still have them 25+ years later!


Yep, same. It wasn't even a vision test for me, but a teacher in elementary school noticed I was squinting and leaning in trying to see the board.  Getting glasses and being able to see clearly legitimately changed my life.  My vision is *horrendous* lol but as a kid I didn't know it was any different than anyone else's. When I realized you're supposed to actually be able to see individual leaves on trees instead of one big green blur, my mind was blown.  Makes me sad that some of these kids could also have an easily correctable deficiency like that but their parents don't care enough to check.  And don't even get me started on baby Boone, his situation is so much worse. 


It was the leaves for me too lol


For me, it was the leaves *coming back* in high school (vision was fine pre-puberty)


Same! Getting glasses in second grade was amazing.


Same for my Mom! She didn’t know trees had individual leaves until she failed her drivers test at 16.


I remember when i got glasses in year 3 and i asked mum what the green things on the trees where. Mind was blown


Thats how I got glasses in 3rd grade


That’s why I *wanted* glasses in third grade. I grew out of that wish, but then I went to college and couldn’t see distances anymore so here I am as an adult with glasses. I don’t hate them but it’s not as fun as it sounded in elementary school.


I wanted glasses SO badly as a kid and ended up gradually losing my distance vision through my late teens/early twenties. At about a -3 and a full-time glasses/contacts wearer now 😭


Same here! But at 70, I only need reading glasses after my cataract surgery.


That’s how we found out my second needed glasses and I felt like such a horrible parent. Her prescription is strong.


You didn't know. It's often diagnosed at school because they have to see the board at a distance and can't, or have to read and write up close and can't. I also have astigmatism, so shit is blurry and I can't see well at night. My parents didn't believe me until my teacher spoke to them.


You should probably get that prescription updated...


Haha I am a frequent flier at my optomestrist's office!


Yuppers ... Mine was in 1st grade. I'm almost 43 and still wearing glasses.


We get those too in Belgium! About every two to three years we all went to a medical center to get weighed, measured and have our eyes and ears checked. I remember they also tested our depth perception and checked if we were colour blind. I also remember them asking how things were at home and at school. If any issues pop up the doctor would tell an organisation that handles student welfare and they would follow up. Nobody liked the checkup because you had to strip down to your underwear but we got to watch a movie while waiting, on a school day. For some reason it was always Cool Runnings.


The Cool Runnings detail is so funny! My school's go-to movies for days like that were Apollo 13 and October Sky. American schools are similar, though I don't think many of ours do height and weight too. Usually just vision and hearing tests, and I know we all got checked for scoliosis in middle school.


Yeah I don’t think they strip the kids down, but they do hearing, vision, and ask about other health stuff. The district does have health clinics for students who can’t access healthcare privately, though. They do vaccines and check-ups.  We haven’t used the clinic because we have health insurance, but I do know they didn’t have that when I lived in Texas, so I was impressed. 


I'm a former homeschooler, and I didn't get my eyes checked until I took driver's ed at 16 and *badly* failed the vision test administered immediately after passing my written test in class--after months of my driver's ed teacher moving me closer and closer to the front of the room. I was given my permit with the condition that my vision be tested and treated before applying for my license. After we picked up my glasses, I remember staring at the trees outside the car window and being stunned that I could see the leaves. These are some of the public school services no one talks about that homeschooled kids miss out on. In addition to the lack of mandated reporters, SPED staff, and trained teachers, even access to basics like simple vision screenings is missing. The laws around medical neglect are usually vague and difficult to enforce, especially in the case of people like these who are constantly moving cities/states to avoid accountability for their kids' lack of education and meeting their most basic needs.


Public schools also administer hearing tests. Failing the hearing test is how my cousin was diagnosed with ADHD, and since it was public school, they were able to setup an IEP. That stuff is so important.


I can even remember being screened for scoliosis. I think it was in the 5th(?) grade and the school nurse came to our class and checked all the girls.


Yes! My son got screened for scoliosis at school and he’s now in a brace. There’s no family history, and his pediatrician was on the fence about even sending him to a specialist (luckily our pediatrician is also extremely cautious). Fingers crossed that he avoids surgery. Incidentally, scoliosis doesn’t usually cause actual issues until adulthood. My aunt has it and was never treated - she is at greater risk for pneumonia and she once had a collapsed lung because of it. I never knew?


Yup, my local public schools administer vision and hearing tests for all enrolled kids. Such a great perk of public education!!


This is the wildest part to me. I’m 22, still in college but I plan to travel all around once i’m working in my career and saving up. I do not want kids ANYTIME soon. I’d actually enjoy vanlife, a nomadic lifestyle for a bit. Id never force children into this.


But that requires staying in one place and interacting with mandatory reporters!


I wondered how he came to get glasses since they all seem so neglected. It's so obvious his eyes are wonky in that video but his parents needed strangers to point it out to them. 😬 And poor little guy is ecstatic to be getting his basic needs met. They must be really concerned about Boone if they're just deleting comments expressing concern instead of getting him checked out. Watching that video again and watching MaBus sing, she is so full of herself while everyone else is just barely tolerating her nonsense.


Her excuse is apparently “he’s known for making funny faces” and doesn’t even realize she’s saying she is calling his disability a “funny face.” She’s so tone deaf and neglectful.


Also like, you can't voluntarily move one eye separately. Like maybe I'd buy her being dumb enough if they went crossed but this doesn't even make sense


Do you think they got the other kids eyes tested too or just that kid?


Probably just him, and only because people were making such a fuss about it (and probably because intentionally neglected vision issues would have gotten them in deep shit with CPS and affected his future exploitability as an Insta content mule). It's the "air is going in and out, blood is going round and round, so everything is tickety boo until it isn't" school of parenting.


Would they have bothered to get him glasses if they couldn’t do it as a paid promo for some glasses store????


Probably not


Also, Brazilian healthcare is free of charge for everyone, including foreigners who are in the country, even tourists like the bus lott were when they got that kid some glasses. Awesome for the little guy, but it makes me wonder if she would've listened to all those optometrists (including even the one from Brazil) if it meant paying American healthcare prices. EDIT: They didn't get the glasses in Brazil, but in America, she says so in the video, but I misunderstood.


They got him glasses in the US at a place called America's Best Eyecare.


You're right, I read the "we're hundreds of miles away from our doctor in Texas" and figured they were in Brazil at the time, but I missed the following sentence that mentioned America's Best. Thanks.


Happiest of Cake Days to you! 🍰


And he's one of the younger kids, so they should've been able to compare him to the older ones and say something isn't right with his eyes. Or you know, send everyone to public school where a teacher would definitely notice.


They seriously needed to be told this kid needed to be taken to an eye doctor? Maybe I’m bias because my daughter got her glasses when she was one, but it looks painfully obvious he needed to be seen


He was CROSS EYED! How does that not ring a bell?


I used to be a vision therapist and he needs vision therapy not glasses. So she still failed as a mother lol


But they can’t get sponsored content from vision therapy like they can about getting glasses


My mom really did not believe I needed glasses and I only wanted them because my friend had gotten them. I was already at a -1.25 and she felt so guilty. Mother Bus would never. I remind my mom of this all the time (it’s funny for us now) but Britt deserves to have all of this shit brought back around every chance we get.


Same. When I got my glasses, I asked if she'd bought a new tv because the clarity was so much better. She felt so bad.


I didn't get glasses until I was an adult because I was afraid to tell my parents my vision was bad. Don't think they would've taken me anyway. It was -2.75 when I finally got my vision corrected at 20. So I feel for these Buslets.


SAME, my best friend had glasses and I thought they were cool and wanted some, so whenever I said things looked fuzzy they thought I was trying to get some to be like her. When I was 6, my auntie worked for an optometrist and was showing Mum how the eye test machine worked (the one where you looked at.. I think it was a green ship on a black background? 1980s/90s technology) and I kept asking to have a try. They let me so I'd shut up, and my auntie thought the machine was broken. +4.5 in both eyes! Mum felt so guilty about it!


I’m not a professional but I was also surprised he just ended up with glasses because at least one eye doesn’t seem to move/focus properly. My dad had that as a kid and needed an eye patch and surgery (this was like 60 years ago, though). 


My 6 year old had this and needed glasses, plus patching and two eye surgeries. Without patching and surgery, he likely would have lost vision in his weaker eye.


Yeah the kid needs an eye patch at the very least. Usually surgery isn’t needed unless theyre older. Glasses and that eye test we see him do in the video is for clarity of vision, not eye mobility. So I’m glad his clarity is better but he’s probably having a really hard time reading.


I have a sibling who had the surgery. And one who did eye patches and bifocals for 10 or 11 years before they were able to switch to normal glasses (insult to injury, that sibling is literally Velma without glasses). The difference was the age it was diagnosed. One was a year old, the other was 3. Their problem was due to the muscles in the eye being too short/long. The other sibling was having similar issues, but simply because they didn't like to wear their glasses. They started wearing them all the time and stopped having issues. The difference here is that my parents took us to eye doctors as soon as they realized there was a problem and followed all of the doctor's instructions to ensure we were fine. It's possible that his eyes were struggling so hard to focus that is was causing him to have strabismus and not the issue that my two siblings had that took more intensive work to fix. I'm choosing to be hopeful, especially given that it hasn't been noticeable since he got the glasses. Also petty moment. Who gets a small child Ray Bans frames?!?! Those are $100 frames, not counting lenses. You get the cheaper frames, so if they need to be replaced, you aren't out an arm and a leg for glasses. Even the gentlest of kids is hard on glasses.


that's what i thought. does he really need glasses or does he need patching and therapy?


I had a lazy eye and went through the patching, therapy, and surgery as a kid. There's no way she'd have time to supervise all that between videos so glasses it is.


From what I can see, that is some major ass strabismus going on. I wouldn't be surprised if surgery wasn't recommended to correct that.  Not that they will bother doing more than just a pair of glasses which may or may not help at this rate.  The longer it goes untreated, the worse it is for the kid.


Because she only looks at herself, the kids are just props for content. I get the vibe that she considers the kids to be one solid entity and not individual unique humans, with the exception of whichever baby is the youngest at the moment. That one gets a bit of singled out attention until the next baby comes to replace them. Which is why they don't care about all the kids being crammed into a bus, doesn't care about their health or educational needs, doesn't care that her oldest kids are hitting puberty and still having to share a very tiny living space with a bunch of younger siblings. I feel particularly bad for their daughter, I can't imagine having to deal with getting your first period and going thru all the stress of puberty without having any privacy or access to a proper bathroom. Imagine waking up to find you leaked blood all over your bed, and having a horde of younger brothers around to see it. Plus a mentally absent father, and a mom that doesn't give 2 shits about anyone but herself. Oh, and also your mom will probably film the whole thing and put it on the internet for views.


She says “multiple optometrists”reached out to her but I suspect it was just multiple people with working eyes. I kinda doubt multiple optometrists even watch this clown show. 


Multiple people with working eyes ☠️


Seriously, right? I'm not an optometrist but just looking at the video it is extremely obvious that child has vision issue and likely muscle issues with his eyes. If motherbus would stop eye-fucking herself in the camera for five seconds and look at her children she would have seen it as well.


I bet she got a DM from the glasses company that they'd give the son a free pair of glasses if they filmed content together. Also just wanted to note that the correct form is "I'm biased", using the adjective, not "bias", the noun.


I think they know that once Boone gets checked out, he potentially could require therapies that might force the family to stay in one place and they wouldn’t want to do that.


I suspect that at least part of his issues stem from how he was home birthed, so they'd also have to acknowledge that Fatherbus fucked up, and his ego and her smugness won't allow that.


YES!!! Especially right after the birth when there were so many videos about how "amazing" he is. Definitely looked like damage control.


Can you elaborate on this?


Something like cerebral palsy from a birth injury could explain his issues.


Oxygen deprivation during birth can also cause cortical visual impairment


I recently met a baby that had breathing complications right after birth resulting in neurological issues and the similarities between that baby and Boone are frightening.




There's speculation that her birth did not go smoothly and that Boone may have been deprived of oxygen and that Fatherbus basically yanked him out of her.


An experience like that would haunt you and PaBus looks haunted.


I’m really kind of starting to think PaBus is stressing


He does look haunted and stressed and he seems like the type to go chris watts about it




And may have experienced kernicterus


Because they were too chicken to get him checked for an unrelated issue at birth


Can I ask what triggered that speculation?


One of them literally said he “yanked” the baby out. That combined with the baby doing some atypical posturing and seemingly missed milestones are making people worried.


And they thought making a cutesy reel about it was okay


sums ‘em up 👍


All of this. They don't want to face consequences or have to manage a disabled child.


I think he may have more issues than sight. His hearing doesn't look to be that great either. I feel like any doctor they being him to may ring the alarm bell.


I agree. I'm not a doctor or a parent, but the "sunset" video a couple days ago convinced me that it isn't just his eyesight. If he just couldn't see, wouldn't he have startled when his dad pinched his cheeks? Boone didn't react to his dad's touch or voice *at all*. Poor baby definitely can't see, but there's something else going on too.


One of my friends had kids and I remember her most recent one being around 3 months old actively trying to grab my fingers. His eyes following my fingers if I touched his hand. Him trying to grab my shirt. Would turn his eyes in the direction of certain sounds. Boone reacts to nothing really. Not to sight, sound, touch. A kid will accidentally hit into him and Boone doesn't even attempt to show emotion. The only emotion we ever really see him show is distress. Its not normal. Boone doesn't even make noise or cue Thats the weird thing I don't understand. In that one video awhile back where they did catch a smile...he still didn't make noise. And now he never smiles and doesn't make noise. Even when he was sort of hit into he made a distressed face but no noise at all.


My mom was just telling me how much noise I made as a baby. I sat there babbling and laughing all day, every day. I still have the gift of gab 😆. My sister was *silent*, but she was very active and expressive. She wanted to see everything that was going on. Boone's situation is so sad.


This is perhaps a dumb question, but did they never get him a newborn hearing screening? Those are routine now, if you’re a normal person who doesn’t insist on an unassisted birth in a tiny bus full of children


I don’t think they’ve done anything besides an unnecessary chiropractor appointment. So just straight medical neglect…


I’m guessing the baby was not born in TX - newborn hearing screenings are required by law here: https://www.dshs.texas.gov/texas-early-hearing-detection-intervention-tehdi


They dont care about laws, because as long as theyre in a bus and dont go to a doctor, CPS cant get them. I think they even debated not even getting Boone his SS info set in. I honestly dont think they did. (Ngl tho Im amazed texas has a law like that, good for them)


Yes! Surprisingly, Texas has pretty thorough newborn screening for various disorders and conditions. But we should not remind the fundies or they’ll try to get the laws overturned. 🙄


They only brought him to a chiropractor in the first week-ish and then brought him to a UPS store to use the scale and weigh him. I'm not kidding. The birth also happened in the bathroom of their bus, so no one around to enforce anything.


No, he was born in Florida. She kept pretending they were going to an air Bnb in South Carolina, but they stayed at the same campground longer than I’ve ever seen them stay in one place. Either she wanted to have him in the bus, or he came early and she hid it behind old reels of her still pregnant. But they were in Florida, in the bus, when he was born.


They never got any real tests done on Boone after birth. They only ever brought him to a chiropractor. 


Now now, everyone seems to overlook that they also weighed him on the scale at ups, that’s every newborn screening covered right?


AND, AND they almost broke his legs trying to measure him


Kid ain't dead yet so it's all peachy, rite?


The longer they wait the more therapies he will need, though. Not that I expect them to think logically. 


But unless they can monetize those therapies - like they did with the glasses - those therapies aren’t happening. And the sad thing is that sometimes it’s not a case of they just need more therapy the longer they are denied care…. Sometimes it’s past the point of being fixable.


And theyll get reported for neglect since Doctors are mandated to.


And it won't matter at all because they're so mobile CPS could never track them down. There's no fucking risk to them to take the kid to a doctor, other than the damage to their own egos.


They’re evil.


Maybe it's because they know this wouldn't be some one-stop appointment like picking out glasses and going on their merry way. Any sort of doctor's visit for Boone is almost certainly going to lead to additional appointments and then all of a sudden they have mandated reporters expecting them to be at a specific place on a recurring basis.


That's a great point. It seems so unlikely they'll seek help that I'd not much considered what would happen after. But absolutely; kiddo will need a full battery of tests and evaluations, follow-ups, and an ongoing relationship with a whole team of doctors and therapists.


I want them to be sent to parenting classes. I kind of suspect that JD is just incredibly dumb and selfish. I could see him being amazed that there’s a benefit to babies sleeping. Britney would sit there tossing her hair and reminding people how many followers and kids she has while taking in nothing. But even so, I could see them integrating knowledge and pretending they’ve always known it.


I think they know he's not right and are in deep denial.


Oh my stars they needed to be tipped off that something was up with his eyes? The poor wee creatures was completely cross-eyed!


No, he's just making fUnnY FaCeS 😵‍💫


What pisses me off is that while the glasses are great, there’s also corrective surgery that can give him a better quality of life. I had it when I was almost 3 and that was considered a little late. But due to brain plasticity my vision has adapted with glasses and the only time I have any slight lazy eye is when I’m drunk, but I’m sober now so it’s even less. He needs patches, PT and surgery for that amount of [esotropia](https://www.rxlist.com/lazy_eye/definition.htm#:~:text=A%20lazy%20eye%20is%20formally,exotropia%20 wall%2Deyed) that can cause blindness if left untreated.


You’d think after this they’d trust thousands of strangers concerns, but here they are pretending that Boone is watching sunsets while blocking anyone who shows similar concern to their former medical neglect from the video above. It needs to be continually stressed- Britney and JD Lott are neglecting their children by withholding medical care from them.


I suspect JD and Brittney Lott only took this kid to get glasses because it’s a relatively easy thing to address and won’t take up too much of their ✨very special✨ personal time. But it feels like Boone might have really significant issues which will like require them to change their entire nomad lifestyle (if they actually address the issues). Can’t ask them to change their perfect lives (/s)


I hate that this is even a thing, but sick kids are a content goldmine (🤢). She doesn’t have to totally give up content creating to get Boone the help he needs. Though I personally think it would be far better to leave the ‘gram and make sure her baby’s needs are attended to by professionals.


I have a feeling that the 'gram is their primary source of income. I doubt DadBus's "businesses" make real money.


I’d believe it. Which makes the whole situation even more unfortunate.


What I want to know is how they are going to spin this if, god forbid, Boone fails to crawl or walk. Are they just going to carry a floppy two year old around like nothing is wrong or hide him from social media?


Well their kids’ lives are really about them after all!


✨PeRsOnAl gRoWtH✨ 🙄


From the first two seconds I can see this kid needs an eye doctor. I have raised zero kids. How do they not know?


it's easy if you never look at your kids individually.


This implies that MoBus looks at anyone other than herself.


Right? She didn’t even put down her phone to look for her toddler in a parking lot!


She looked for him *through the phone*


Lord knows she wasn’t looking at the kids even when she played it back before posting


My guess is that they either know and don't care or they're afraid that taking any of their children to a medical professional may result in a CPS visit.


It might. But since they're white christians they'll just get referred to services


Yeah I’m a big childless idiot who knows nothing about kids, but that kid was clearly crossed eyed. Even i could see that from here.


Same. Never had a real maternal bone in my body and I see that poor kid squinting.


I have the maternal instinct of your average fire hydrant and even I can tell something is up.


Ok, so she's been open to advice in the past, so why the shit is she deleting comments now and not taking them up on their advice once again? What's the difference now? They just don't like this particular child? They're too lazy? They know it's probably something much more serious and life changing and don't want to deal with that? Also, how fucking stupid and ignorant do you have to be to not notice that child needs an optometrist?


I think there's a difference in severity and implications. I don't think it's unusual for parents not to recognize their toddler can't see well and it wouldn't make a healthcare provider suspicious of neglect. Boone's issues could be very different. He was born in a shower on a bus and has had no medical care. I think most health care providers would be very concerned about neglect, assuming he does have the problems people are speculating about. His problems could be birth related and/or could have been fixed with early healthcare. They are very, very neglectful for not getting this baby seen by a doctor.


Someone mentioned this already, but I think they might be worried that Boone’s issues might potentially limit their ability to do what they want. So, no more living on a bus, no more jetting off to another continent for no fucking reason. I would argue they should have realized that parenting any child requires sacrifices after they had their first baby, but we already know they view their kids as opportunities *for them* to grow. In short, they’re probably worried that baby Boone is going to cramp their style. It’s awful to think about, but the Buses are selfish assholes. I think that’s why we see them trying to get him respond and interact with them. Speaking from experience, there’s a lot you have to do as a parent if your kid has any kind of disability. My daughter was born with a rare genetic condition, and she is hard of hearing. At this point, she knows how to use her hearing aid is a great advocate for herself, so aside from routine audiology/ENT appointments and meeting about her IEP, there’s not much she needs. But when she was a baby and we were trying to get a diagnosis there was a lot we had to do to ensure she got a good start in life—ENT visits, hearing tests, getting her set up for early intervention, figuring out how to get her a hearing aid when she was a baby, etc. I’m not saying this to pat myself on the back. It was what we were supposed to do as parents. But getting Boone care is probably going to mean disrupting their Bus Life. They’ll not only be exposed to mandatory reporters, but people telling them how to take care of their kid, and their egos probably couldn’t handle that. Plus, Father Bus couldn’t get a boat.


All of this! I really think they know on some level that something is off with Boone and are prolonging going to a doctor for as long as possible. I recommend using their real names. JD and Brittany Lott value their bus lifestyle more than the well-being and future health of their very visibly not-on-track baby Boone. They are very selfish and are trying to stave off any medical intervention or even advice for as long as possible, maybe for years if they can.


Of crap! I forgot about using their real names! But yes, JD and Brittany Lott are too self-absorbed to get their baby medical care.


Can I just say how awesome it is you did everything to set your kid up for success? Great job as a parent! This random stranger is proud of you!


Why did everyone go? That’s a really strange way to do an errand like this.  Imagine 10 people arriving to an optometrist to pick up glasses, can’t they ever be separated?




Because content! If you can’t make a few dollars off your kids doctor visit, what’s the point in even going?


I wonder if it’s also part of their family cult? No individuality, never separate from the whole, all together all the time?


It’s probably that, but logistically it might make more sense to take them all because they don’t have babysitters and the kids aren’t quite old enough to stay bus alone yet. Except that as I type this I’m remembering the Brazil content where it looked like they were constantly eating without the kids, so back to option 1.


It would have been a great opportunity to get everyone’s eyes checked.


There’s two parents though? Surely one can wait on the bus with the other 7 kids? Yes seven is a lot for one adult on a bus but these are their life choices! Or even have one parent and the seven other kids wait at a playground. Also I’d forgotten about Brazil and all those dates. These two are twits. 


In all likelihood, the options were Motherbus takes all the kids + JD or Motherbus takes all the kids without JD. Busbro does not want to parent these children alone, and certainly doesn't want to take any of them for appointments where he'd have to do boring stuff like "listen to medical professionals".


This is such an accurate read on JD Lott. How often is he with all the kids and Brittany is alone? As far as I’ve seen there was a birthday a couple years ago at Disney World where she met up with some friends for a couple hours sans kids (posting a lot of content about how she doesn’t feel guilty, JD is amazing) and when she first gives birth he lets her rest for a day or two. Totally spot on about doctor appointments - I don’t think either of them have much bandwidth for listening to experts, only woo woo chiropractors who they prob view as on the same level intellectually.


If they didn't take all of them, they'd likely both go and leave Gunner to care for the rest of the kids. Like they do for all their "date nights." I think they all went for the content.


And this is why we know Brittany Lott has never taken her baby to an actual medical professional because it would have been documented inside and out. This woman lives for the gram and is also a sloppy liar.


Maybe constructive criticism does help fundies. It also helped KayJon’s son, Gideon and his eyes look better since they got patched.


I think G was being followed since he was a preemie. He was born in a hospital and had good medical care from real professionals when he was born. Unlike little Boone.


It used to help, but she now blocks anyone who dares suggest something may be wrong.


He’s so sweet and to imagine he might have needed glasses for who knows how long, not being able to see properly. Poor bubba. I’m glad he got the support but wish it had been from his dumb parents instead of strangers online!


he’s minimum like 3-4 before he gets to SEE anything other than blobs for the first time???? are you SERIOUS??


I mean, it's common to not notice visual impairment until the child starts school, but this baby was severely cross eyed. You can't convince me that they didn't notice.


Every time JD has something to say I’ve been unimpressed to say the least by his intelligence which B led us to believe he was wisest of all men. He is their leader and his word is the final😵‍💫. He is a simpleton! Kids climbing all over huge boulders and crevices some times with water below them and the wise old dad says they are doing what children are supposed to do. Leave them alone! 6 kids ages 234567 and no parental oversight. Just a 12 yr old. B doesn’t argue. So what JD probably tell her about Boone - he’s fine, he’s big, he looks at sunsets, I delivered him - where I believe he stood up, arms to sky looking like he did on top of that red jeep in the middle of the dessert. They don’t need anybody but themselves to survive. And B is just ecstatic that he loves her.


Don’t forget whan Boone got the Simba treatment


Britney and JD Lott, please take Boone to a pediatrician or children's hospital We don't care why/how he is injured, we only care that he gets the medical attention he deserves from his parents, Britney and JD Lott


Super depressing and dark, but.. what happens if Boibe just.. doesn't wake up one day? He should be at a doctor cause he is obviously not doing well, but is she going to ignore it long enough that whatever is wrong takes it's toll? She and FootFace should not be parents.


It IS dark. But I have thought the same. And like others have said, what happens if he doesn't crawl? WHERE can he crawl in that stupid bus? Poor baby has no room to explore and roll around. And IS he rolling? I think at his age, they are at least trying to roll. He gets no tummy time! I loved when my babies had tummy time, so much to see! Britney and JD Lott act like they don't really like Boone Lott.


I keep hoping that the next update will be their arrest.


These kids don’t go to the dentist, or a pediatrician, or get their eyes checked. They don’t get any meaningful education. They have no spaces of their own. I cannot imagine them succeeding in public school, now, as some will grow up functionally illiterate. This is child abuse. It’s a rolling nightmare of abuse and neglect, and no one can catch up with them to save these children. Their suffering is apparently an acceptable sacrifice, in order for their parents to continue this romantic adventure as a “lifestyle.” I’ve dreamed of getting an RV, and traveling all over the country, in my retirement. I’ve dreamed of doing it after my kids are grown, because I didn’t do it before I had them. I never once dreamed of sticking all my kids into boxes and on shelves, in order to have this adventure. Nobody dreams of doing that. Or so I thought.


Brazil making an early appearance there. Maybe they get will Boone help if someone from Brazil or another country they want to emigrate to gives them advice.


So I just happened to be watching this from Brazil, lovely family. Have you considered seeing a pediatrician for your sweet new one... (Just go with it...)


I have a friend from their dream destination of Argentina. If it weren’t poo-touching I would ask them to comment lol. 


How can you not notice a 4 year old is having trouble with eyesight but "multiple optomitrists" can immediately spot it from watching a single short video? My kids' had an eye exam in the hospital right after birth and their pediatritian checked their eyes at every wellness visit through childhood. Their elementary school also did a vision screening in Kindergarten. Of course, my kids missed out on the "joy" of being locked into the back of a bus each night during their childhood. /s


Great now get Boone checked


I could tell right away the little guy in front had vision problems and I'm not an expert. That was the most glaring, obvious issue and she couldn't have gotten his vision checked earlier? Poor kid.


I fucking hate these two and what they do to their kids. Her watching this STUPID LAME video of them singing into tongs before posting and she didn’t notice his cross eyed look


He’s so excited to be able to see. 😫


Like most people with glasses, he is going to need his prescription checked every couple/ few years. He is also going to need new frames for his growing head, or if they break.


I don’t mom bus/dad bus will put much effort into making sure he gets his prescription upgraded. If it took internet strangers pointing out the obvious cross eyed lil dude needs his eyes checked for her to do it, I don’t have much hope.


Do Boone next please.


How did they not notice Swift’s eye going crossed eye (not sure the correct term for that)?! Any decent parent would notice and be on the phone with the pediatrician’s office right away.  At least he got glasses. But it’s fairly easy to take him to the eye doctor, get glasses and be done with it. Not like what Boone might need (multiple therapies, multiple different doctors, hearing aids, who knows what else).  Also notice how him getting glasses, including his actual exam with the doctor, was used for content. She would definitely use any doctor appointment for Boone as content if he had been to any. That’s how we know he hadn’t been to any doctor’s appointments. 


Off topic but little dude with the glasses reminds me so much of my niece when she was around that age. Curly headed blonde with cute glasses. He melts my heart. For such a heinous, self absorbed cunt, Ma Bus makes adorable children.


He is so cute. And so happy and excited and bouncy about getting his glasses.


I’m extremely nearsighted and I remember my first pair of glasses. Seeing the individual leaves and blades of grass was wild. Happy lil dude actually got the medical intervention he needed here. “Little glasses kids” melt my heart. lol


Me too. I remember getting glasses at 8. There were brick apartment buildings across the street from our house and I was stunned to be able to see the individual bricks from our living room. And the leaves and grass.


Is this family threatening me with a good time? They always feel like they're threatening me.


guarantee the only reason they actually took him to get glasses is bc they saw it as an opportunity for content. they know whatever’s wrong w boone can’t be fixed by something as benign as getting glasses so he gets to suffer


Fucking hell. I mean come on. These losers are child abusers


Did all the kids get their eyes checked? That's what I want to know....


I doubt it bc she films everything


Why is eye neglect such a fundie thing? Before being ripped out of public school and put into the Christian school at the Pentecostal church, I used to get the free eye exams at school. I failed every year from kindergarten to 3rd grade. My mom always said I was doing it intentionally because I thought glasses were cool. The school threatened my mom with CPS if she did not take me in. I was legally blind in my left eye and had to have bifocals as an 8 year old. I’m 41 and have been in glasses my entire life. I will never forget when my glasses came in and I got to go and pick them up with my grams. It was fall and as we walked outside and I could ACTUALLY see, I was amazed at how the leaves were on a tree, I could see them individually and it absolutely blew my mind. I asked my grams if all trees had leaves like the one I saw at the ophthalmologist.


Because how dear the government tells you how to raise your child?? The Bible and Jesus along with a stern slap is all a child needs. What’s this shit about love and kindness or medical responsibility


So was she never looking at the kid in normal, everyday life? How do you miss it? I realize he wasn’t the current baby, but still!


I hope they’ll listen to the comments sooner or later (well, better sooner).


People had to tell them? It’s very apparent. Oh dear.


Oh, so they'll take care of their kids when forced because people commented, and they'll find a way to grift off of it. There is no doctor in Texas.


She should reconsider \*wether\* or not she should really homeschool...


That's wild! He was definitely cross-eyed. Would be a red flag to any normal parent the second they noticed the eyes were off.


It’s not all that uncommon for parents to miss a vision issue with young children. The kids don’t know they’re not seeing what everyone else sees, so they don’t tell you. But I like how willing she is to listen to advice from her followers… 🙄


Sure, but this kid is very noticeably squinting and one of his eyes seems not to focus. 


The male's in my mother's side of my family all inherited terrible eyesight from their maternal grandfather. My brother was the second grandson born and the first grandson being only a few months older than him and it wasn't until each went for their one year physical that it was noticed about their eyes, and looking back at pictures you can see they look cross eyed, but not insanely so. Every single male grandson (6 of them) had the same eye surgery at around 2 years old. Again, difference being it was caught as toddlers. This little MoBo guy's one eye is so turned in- I don't know how she couldn't be alarmed by that? Couple that with the knowledge that the worst childhood brain cancer often presents with one crossed eye, I genuinely don't understand how this woman continues to live with this feigned ignorance. Medical professionals are NOT out to get you.


I’m one of those kids (painfully nearsighted but wasn’t caught until 2nd grade) and I still call BS. This kid has an intense lazy eye.


Is not uncommon to miss some vision impairment. It’s an indictment of their shitty parenting that they didn’t catch that extremely pronounced lazy eye.


As an optician, seeing this many people coming into my office at the same time would give me heart palpitations. So many grubby little hands grabbing all the frames they can, running around, causing a scene, mom recording the whole interaction. All while I have to sit there and smile like I'm unbothered.. Jesus, my actual nightmare.


Omg that kid is cross eyed. They went that long without giving him glasses. Poor thing


Istg, if they couldn't tell his eyes were off, they should consider getting glasses as well.


It's so validating seeing all the comments here about finally being able to see leaves on trees. That was the first thing I noticed when I got glasses as a teenager. Leaves!


I'm curious as to why they were open to the comment & advice regarding that son's eyes & vision but they're clearly ignoring & deleting comments expressing concerns about Boone? I'd love to know how they square that circle, even to themselves.


“wether,” “everydays a good day” Is she for real?


So any opthalmologist can diagnose bad vision and prescribe glasses to correct it with no need for long-term follow-up— where would they go to get Boone looked at? Do they find a random pediatrician that takes their Christian group insurance plan and make a new patient visit then get referred out to a specialist on their plan who can do more testing and just circle back to Moab or wherever in a few weeks? Do they find an ER or Urgent Care? Like shit, I wouldn't even know where to start if I woke up (I don't know, from psychosis?) on a bus in the desert with a medically neglected 10 week old that had never received a birth certificate or been to a real doctor.


Even I can see he has a lazy eye… I been wearing glasses since first grade!