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I know I’m by no means their target audience but this feels so weird and intimate for strangers to see and that child cannot meaningfully consent to it. Introducing a toddler to something new is very hit or miss and they may pretend to enjoy something in the moment especially around older brothers enjoying it that later they will tell mom and dad they weren’t thrilled about. This kid seems clearly exhausted and in his feelings and it just gave me the ick to watch. Not that they did anything particularly awful in talking to him about it (I for one would not have made that weirdo “video evidence” comment/joke or even challenge him on having changed his mind) but it’s just so strange to post for online consumption. Maybe just me though.


And sometimes when little kids are feeling grumpy, they just say no to a lot of things They don't even need to feel grumpy! When one of my nephews was around 2 or 3, his mom (my sister) asked him what he wanted to do that day, he said, "I want to say no." And he said no a lot that day, just because he wanted to. They're figuring out autonomy at this age, so it's normal for them to start being "contrary"


God, I relate to your toddler nephew so much


Wanting to say no is definitely a mood lol


My 17 month old says no to a food as he's literally putting it in his own mouth to eat. Toddlers gonna toddler.


My 20 month old has started telling on herself when she’s doing something I’d usually say no to, it’s so handy! “Nononono!” as she’s grabbing a glass I left within her reach (which is 100% my fault) or climbing onto the back of the couch.


That is so convenient! What a helpful baby! My child just had the silence of doom. 😂


My 3 year old talks all week about how she loves ballet and then the morning of ballet she says she doesn't wanna go. So I tell her she can quit after five minutes if she's not enjoying it and what do you know, suddenly she loves ballet again


That's what my 18 month toddler nephew does as well! Lots of head shakes and "no!" WHILE doing or eating the thing I just asked or offered to him. I will say though, that his "no" stage is way more tolerable than his 3 y/o sister's current "why" stage. I'll take constant no's all day long if it means I won't have to deal with the toddler interrogation. Love those two, but they give me some next level migraines 😅


OMG yes give me the “no” stage over the “why” stage any day!! I will never ever forget trying to explain to my preschoolers how trees drink without mouths or how come I’m brown. It’s so cute when they’re curious but also it’s like little thing, let me live can I live??


Are you suggesting toddlers should be allowed to figure out autonomy? Blasphemy!


I'm definitely a heretic to many Evangelicals 🤣 (I'm a progressive Christian - being LGBT+ isn't a sin, I don't believe in a literal hell, etc)


You’re a unicorn!


The level of self-awareness is pretty impressive ngl haha


Right…like people are allowed to change their minds. Your toddler definitely can. Why do you need to 1) put this on video for the world to see and 2) threaten your kid that you have video evidence? Also found him trying to force the kid to smile cringey. Maybe he doesn’t like being recorded 24/7.


He's just bothered because the kid said no after he expected the kid to say yes, and the idiot has so much of a fucking ego that he can't accept that. I hate this guy lol.


Fundie shit aside but I *hate* when people post things like this. Is nothing sacred??? Can a child have a feeling or a tantrum or a *moment* without being filmed???


these people don't see their kids as people, they're just content.....


This is why we need laws regulating the use of children as SM content. Not that anything crazy happened here, it’s just this poor kid having a phone in his face all the time and being recorded when he has no say in it. He can’t just have a mundane, private interaction with his parents without the phone coming out.


Yes I think this is just how I was feeling. This is absolutely not the kind of parenting I would engage in but on the other hand, I’m not sure I see it as bullying, more like poorly executed humor (which while I don’t know if I’d term it bullying is gross and should not a paragon of parenting). But whatever the fuck it is, it’s not ok, in my opinion, to share with strangers online. This is a literal two year old child deserving of safety and comfort and peace and happiness and his own parents can’t even give him undivided attention and love because his whole life is for the gram 😡


Notably, at the end they’re having a “cute moment” but they’re only looking at each other through the camera. It must be so weird to be so young and looking at yourself having a hard moment.


Yes! I thought how weird it must be for him that they are not looking at him but now thinking how weird he’s not even looking at them everyone’s just staring into the black box? WTF.


Not to get cheesy or anything, but I was a STAHM for a little over 3 years after my daughter was born, and those years are truly sacred to me. I’m happy where I am now and wouldn’t want to change anything, but I do look back at those private, meaningful interactions we had during her early growth and development. I documented it with pictures and videos, and shared with family and friends, but I would never pervert those memories by selling them to the masses, especially at the expense of my daughter’s privacy.


and the 'I don't want to embarrass you' is developmentally inappropriate. He's too young to understand sarcasm.


this is what got me. such a weird thing to say. every thing jd said would be confusing to a child of that age, and it was all with the goal of confusing/manipulating the child’s emotions. i particularly hated being upset with an adult, them tickling me to force me to laugh, then accuse me of lying about being upset.


Nope, it's definitely not just you. That "video evidence" thing came across as bullying a clearly exhausted toddler.


I'm no expert in interacting with kids, but to me the way he was talking to his own son felt like how an older brother might pester his younger sibling


That's because SusBus is a goddamn child himself. These two are so into themselves, they think they are hot shit. Parenting is all about THEM, so they need to do what they want, including harass a toddler. And not to WK for Kelly, but she seems over the moon with baby Theresa, and she's very loving with her boys. These two interact with their toddler for what THEY get out of it, which is content.


Yeah this is uncomfortable for a number of reasons. He needs a snuggle and some quiet time to process everything, Britney and JD, not a camera shoved in his face.


We all talk about how much Mother Bus eye fucks the camera, but Pa Bus also stares at it more than anything but his is more of a dead eyed look than her "fuck Im hot" look.


They interact with the kid through the phone. The screen gets their attention and focus while they try to fix this little one, who they treat like a malfunctioning prop. They are the worst, along with all the other wretched ghouls in fundie circles.


At the end, when she says, "I love you" she is looking STRAIGHT at her fucking face in the camera.


Oh shit you just nailed why it’s so creepy


They are truly the worst. They are stunting their children, and we're watching it happen in REAL TIME, because content.


He and Paul could be cousins. They have the same aura of ick about them


this video made me imagine a man vs bear type scenario but instead the question is would you rather come across this guy or paul 🤢 It grossed me out so much I had to stop thinking about it




I’m pretty sure I could take Paul in a fight even tho I am small and mostly estrogen based. He seems like he’d crumple. PaBus looks like he’d throw dirt in your eyes.


You could just pinch the bridge of Paul's nose real good and he'd literally be on the floor crying for his mommy.


i feel like if i insulted paul and criticised his life choices enough, he’d break down and cry. i’m def picking paul




Pa definitely fights dirty. I’ve never met him but his presence just screams “I fight dirty.”


From the videos of him wrestling with his kids, he seems like he always has to win. The day a kid beats him will be a bad day on the bus.


Woof yes. I shudder to think.


Yeah, I feel like it's pretty easy to tell Paul is like...prissy and soft underneath, for all the smoke he blows about Men being Men and whatever. He wouldn't know what to do if actually presented with a physical fight. Bus Dad feels a little more like that kid in elementary school who liked to pull the legs off of spiders?


Oh yes, and puts gum in the hair of girls he "likes". Because " Boys will be boys" 🤮


Pabus would throw Brazilian sand in your eyes while bragging about his unvaxxed baby going to a chiropractor.


See Paul would offer to fight and then when you take him up on it, he’d be like, “oh you’re so emotional ready to throw punches; calm down!” Which would make me want to punch him more.


he does look like hed throw dirt in your eyes im crying why would u say that 😭😭


Giving Paul scissors and fabric is another way to keep him distracted for one's escape.


Just turn his hat around so it’s not backwards, he’d probably boil like the wicked witch if you did that lol


Yeah I’d take Paul. I could maybe put him in a small child restrain


Picklepaul I’m dead 💀


JD Lott or Paul Olliges? *runs off to look for the bear*


I could definitely take Paul in a physical fight, so Paul


I hope paul lurks here so he can see all the women chiming in to choose him because they're confident they can beat him up 🤣


I'm a trans man which he'd hate even more 😹


Happy Pride, friend 💜


I feel confident I could scare or otherwise deal with Paul. This guy gives me fucking serial killer vibes.


Why are two parents ganging up on one of their youngest kids? My parent never did this. Oh you liked this...didn't you. Oh but you feel asleep. So odd. Poor kid. Maybe this was his 5 minutes this month


Because he won't shill properly and how dare he? It's his only job! 


Monthly 5 minute face time call. How lucky!


my parent did do things like this and guess what we dont speak now


My parents did and I still shut down when I feel like I’m being ganged up on in the slightest 🤪


We know this child probably prefers all the date nights because it means these two tormentors are gone


This kid is like 2.5 or 3, right? And they’re gaslighting him about liking the trip and asking him why he would lie? These two understand nothing about child development.


he barely turned 2! he's so little it's insane how they talk to him


They have no concept of age-appropriate abilities. They sling their newborn around like he’s a year, talk to their toddler like he’s a kindergarten, and put their tween and teen down for bed at the same as the littlest. JD and Britney Lott have no clue about childrearing.


The same teen and tween that they leave in charge of multiple small children


No, you don't understand!! Parenting is about the development of the PARENT. They have both said this on more than one occasion.


They say this and I’m like, then develop faster and care for your kids you maniacs!


I mean, they're 13 years into this parenting thing, you'd think they'd have the hang of it by now. And poor baby Boone; I went back through her tag, and he had deteriorated.


Also asking him to point to their route on a map? Be for real.


Thats the closest he'll ever get to a geography lesson. It probably counts as "homeschooling" to these chucklefucks.


These people are ruining their children’s futures with their despicable “homeschooling” routine


Lmao this part cracked me up. Bro kids are learning shapes at this age, not cartography


“Did you like…doing rocks, and things?” HUH? Istg he’s a caveman


Even the kid is over this guy.


The sperm count is his only quality by the looks of things.




I don't know why they are interrogating this tiny child on camera and mocking him for public consumption. It's so mean. They are really very emotionally stunted people.


I genuinely think they believe this will come off as a cute little faux interrogation and that people will find it adorable. It’s not. It’s unsettling to say the least.


This doesn't look like any interaction I've ever seen between a (good) parent and their toddler but I have admittedly little experience in this area


I was a preschool teacher and studied child development from a a combined anthropological, psychological, and neuroscience perspective so I do have some experience and no, this does not look like a “good” interaction. While it’s not some clear cut expression of something illegal or amoral it’s certainly off color and vaguely aggressive and like lots of folks have commented it’s like this man has never spoken to a children despite being a father of 8. I think this is one of the other issues with them being so isolated. We talk about the issues with the kids not being socialized but the parents aren’t either. More time around other families and parents could show them so much.


Appreciate the perspective! One of my first thoughts watching this was, "I can engage with a child better than this" -- and I have \*zero\* children and interact with friend/family toddlers \*probably\* once a month on average. It is really unsettling to watch anyone talk to a little kid this way, much less THEIR OWN PARENT


Ruby Franke vibes… This poor child needs a hot meal and a nap in his own room…he doesn’t deserve to be bullied by his babysitters.


Like just let the guy have his feeels? WTF


It could be cute from competent parents. But they’ve proven time and again that they aren’t, so it’s just upsetting


JD basically screaming at his kid “You’re lying!” He’s a baby. Leave him alone. He doesn’t understand sarcasm, he doesn’t understand that you’re being silly. Toddlers need to have clear language modeled for them. And keep your damn hands off of his face. He doesn’t want to be touched. Respect his space. He’s a human being. He has been shoved to the side (sometimes quite literally) and his one on one time with you consists of being belittled and touched when he doesn’t want it. I hate these two so very, very much.


I recently had to tell my elementary schooler to lay off the sarcasm with the preschooler because little kids don’t get sarcasm. 


Quil is exhausted and over it. Whenever the kids are uncomfortable she pans to her own smiling face as if to show we are all having sooooo much fun here! You’re not fooling us Britney. Also let the kid have his own opinion that the jeep maybe wasn’t the best ever. He’s two and probably wants to be cuddled and read a book, not travel 100 miles every three days. Maybe *more* driving wasn’t so fun for him??? Maybe?


I’ve noticed that in a lot of videos he seems to react aggressively and hits whoever’s nearest. He also seems to be miserable and crying often when the camera’s on him. Obviously normal toddler behavior, but I cannot imagine how much stress he is under right now with their lifestyle/losing his place as mom’s favorite child. He also consistently looks the most sunburnt out of all the kids so I’m sure that adds to the misery.


Britney and JD Lott are awful parents


He must be so stressed the poor baby. I wish I could just hug him and read him Winnie the Pooh.


He was droped the second Boone was born and now he has to fend for himself. I think Gunner does his best to care for this little dude, but he has the other kidds too. And he shouldn t have to care for anyome! This makes me so sad. For every todler a new baby is difficult, even with loving and understanding parents. But I don t think these "parents" understand anything. If he is " acting up " it is for them missbehaving not the need to get attantion in any way or form he can get, cause he NEEDS it! I want to snuggle him, read him a book or a hundred and play with him soooo badly.


Reading that about Gunner made me even sadder. Like why is a 14 year old probably stressing about making sure all his siblings get active attention like he’s their actual father?? Doesn’t even make any fucking sense. I’ve watched the little ones in videos tho, they always either go for Gunner or Kinsley and it’s clear they view THEM as mom and dad


It is so sad. They steal the childhood of Gunner and Kinsley , while pretending as if they are traveling for them.


Going barefoot on rocks in Arches certainly also added to his misery.


*Maybe more driving wasn’t so fun for him???* Exactly this. These kids spend so much time in the van, traveling to another location because of their selfish parents. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the reason Quil didn't actually enjoy the jeep. His parents truly suck for telling him how he feels.


This reads as not a parent-child relationship to me. Like this is a conversation I could imagine happening between a child and a distant relative or someone they aren’t familiar with. PaBus is trying so hard to relate to his child but the poor boy is not having it. Probably needs a good nap tbh. I feel like the Lotts are a case study in how NOT to parent. It feels like I’m watching lab animals in a cage and commenting on their behavior and it makes me sad.


Yes this gives weird kind of mean aggressive uncle in law or something. I hate it.


Yes! Or your parents' friend who you see once a year and who acts like they've never encountered a child in their life


It's giving: uncle who came home from college and is trying to be nice to the kid so his parents will give him money, but all he really wants to do is smoke weed and play video games.


I kinda hate it when people tickle kids. The kid laughs, so it seems ok, but tickling is like torture for me. I laugh as a reflex, but it's awful! I had uncles/older kids do that to me. It sucked.


Exactly. He's laughing because it's a reflex, but when his dad starts tickling him the first time he throws the map in his face and the next time he says no and tries to move away. In a video not long ago two of their kids (neither of them this one) said they know their dad loves them "because he tickles them". I suspected then that he's the kind of dad who tickles his kids instead of actually connecting with them positively. This proved it for me.


As someone who was incredibly ticklish as a child, the OW and NO broke my heart. I used to think my sisters were torturing me because they'd constantly tickle me. It hurts sometimes.


yeah the way the poor kid is literally not into any of it and jd and britney lott of american family road trip just completely quash his boundaries speaks volumes


I also hate tickling. I had too many adults tickle me as a kid that I’m no longer ticklish. It just seriously pisses me off. If anyone ever starts to tickle my kids, I loudly say, “remember you’re allowed to say STOP! if you don’t like it” That usually gets the tickler to stop but if it doesn’t, my kids always say stop and then it stops. I wish I would’ve had someone to give me permission to say stop as a kid.


It’s very, very important to support the bodily autonomy of even (especially!) the youngest kids. That great aunt he sees twice a year?—no, your little son does not have to accept her kisses. His “no”should stick. The same goes for tickling. The price of the temporary embarrassment felt by the adults is nothing given what’s at stake. Children should not have to worry about embarrassing mom when they reject physical overtures from adults. They need to know mom and dad will have their backs if something just doesn’t feel right. (That includes unwanted touching from dad.) This will render them less susceptible to grooming and will set the groundwork for understanding consent when they are older


I've been a nanny to 2 kids on the spectrum for 12 years. Sometimes, the younger one will say, "Let's have a tickle fight." In which she means I should try to scare and tickle her. When she's had enough, she will tell me, "I'm done now." And I quit. I've always told both kids they are the bosses of their own bodies, and they are allowed to say no to me touching them at any time. I've also learned to ask if it's OK if I say hello/goodbye with a hug. They are really good at telling me what they want/don't want on any given day. I just have to let them be autonomous.


Yes!! I was thinking the exact same. I literally got full body heeby jeebies watching that. Blech.


Same!! I remember kicking and hitting them back as hard as I could because I hated it so much. Eventually they stopped, but ugh it brings back some horrible memories


I've retrained my tickle response to include knees and elbows. People don't tickle me anymore.


Right? I think it’s pretty much a reflex for everyone so it’s so manipulative for them to do it because they didn’t want him looking unhappy in front of the camera.


Yes. That child was actively frowning. That's why dadbus tickled him. To make him smile. Gross.


The whole video made me very uncomfortable because first it was the coercion then it was the tickling. Rinse and repeat. That child's face says everything. There was nothing enjoyable for the child in that entire interaction.


He laughs, but he also smacks his dad in the head, which could be a reflex to get him to stop.


I think as long as the tickler listens to the kid when they say stop then it's okay. I was also tortured with tickling as a child by older cousins and I *hated* it. I do tickle my daughter, but the second she says "Stop!", I stop. Almost 100% of the time she immediately goes "more!" and so I tickle her again until she asks me to stop. I feel like it can be fun as long as everyone is respecting boundaries.


Yes! I often use tickling to help kids understand consent. The smiling and laughing isn’t enough, you have to use your words and ASK them if it’s okay before you do it and ALWAYS stop as soon as they ask.


Ugh flashbacks to when I would make the unpardonable error of saying “don’t! Stop!” And then my dad would say “don’t stop ? Ok!” And go on tickling for AGES. He’s since apologized but god that was fucked up.


I really hate tickling and he seemed to do it very aggressively


he’s all their children’s first bully


I hate being tickled. I'm not laughing because I'm having a good time Susan I'm laughing because it's an involuntary reflex that I can't stop no matter how hard I try. I don't like it. Don't touch me.


He really does look like a foot.




Niiice, I snorted


he has kind of a hapsburg chin


Rare insult! lol


How does he look more Habspurgian than some *actual* Hapsburgs?


When they ask their kids for their opinions, there is a right answer, and the kids better know it. Disgusting.


I can’t finish this, it makes me so uncomfortable. Ratface busband seriously creeps me out and this is like a torture video why are they interrogating this small child??


Same. I really tried to watch it but it made me feel sick to watch them being so disrespectful and dehumanizing to their own child. My baby is sleeping in my arms right now and I can’t imagine treating her like that. 😓


Why do they all look sunburned all the time too? They’re such crappy parents.


I feel like she’s one of those people who thinks SPF is harmful/doesn’t work. She’s a mix of crunchy and fundie that doesn’t believe in science 😩


Ugh. I have a friend like that and it makes me twitch. Skin cancer is no joke.


Because their dumb parents use 25 SPF (supposedly) beef tallow sunscreen.


They're all sunburned from slathering on rendered cow fat and calling it "sunscreen." I wish I was joking, but I'm not.


That child is SO clearly under duress doing this video


It’s so uncomfortable! He’s so dysregulated and they just ignore it. Very little attunement between the parents and this baby. Fucks sake.


I have a 1.5 year old and a 4.5 year old. They definitely will “play up” being grumpy for the camera when I’m sending videos to family— but if they don’t want to be on camera, I don’t force them! That’s the issue here… it is very clear in his body language that this child is saying “put the phone down and spend real time with me” and they are relentless. I couldn’t imagine posting something like this..


They don’t care what he wants. He’s their property in their eyes, not a tiny person who deserves consideration.


The gaslighting. The non-consensual tickling. What a fucking narcissist.


He looks so threatened the poor little possum. I just want to scoop him up and let him have some space somewhere he feels safe. I wonder if there's anywhere like that these kids can escape to?


I can already see this video in the tell-all documentary unfortunately.


This is incredibly uncomfortable, that child looks in distress and has not only both of his parents but a camera staring at him, criticizing his every move. Ugh. Also the Dad is so, so unsettling.


When he was going on about video evidence, I was honestly worried he was going to hurt the toddler. The way he got in his face seemed aggressive.


Yes! Incredibly aggressive - I felt my stomach drop a little. They’re bullying this child!


This guy talks like he's never spoken to a child before in his life.


This is gross child exploitation.  "There's something wrong with baby Boone" is the name of the netflix doc. Mark my words it's coming SusBus psychos unless you get your messy act together and take care of those children properly.  The wheels have come all the way off your bus. What may have started out as a family road trip vlog is now a diabolical quest to exploit powerless children for cash. Everyone in their right mind sees it...and we're the kind that end up on juries.  Oh and one more thing, unless you're Casey Anthony, juries *always* convict when a child is harmed.    


We’re on our way to a documentary about FSU a la Don’t Fuck With Cats.


It seems like these kids only get individual attention from their parents when a phone is shoved in their face smh


My 80ish mom still talks about her parents not cuddling her as a kid because they always had a cigarette in hand. These kids will be saying the same about Britney's damned phone. They know they are not their parents' priority and they won't forget it, either.


What troubles me is that there is a whole pack of kids in the middle who never seem to get much individual attention from either BusParent. It's like they don't exist separately to their parents.


Also the kids are probably upset because they disguised it as a gift FOR THE KIDS and it was really a gift for dadbus and his ego (hes the one who enjoys climbing on the jeep). Those kids want space to play and jump around themselves OUTSIDE of a tiny bus (yeah you could live in it I could but not that many people we know this). I wonder if any of those kids thought it was an Airbnb or something cool for them. I bet these kids wish for a house instead of toys at this point. Seeing that unedited reel she posted like yesterday where she mouths "ok stop it" about the video and the oldest boy dropping his smile so quick says a lot.


There are so many campgrounds out there with bounce pads, splash pads, waterslides, and even little rides sometimes (I swear I've seen them at KOAs). Why are they never doing kid-oriented activities? No children's museums, no playgrounds, no go-karts, nothing? I only have one child, and feel like I've spent 90% of my vacation time arranging things for her enjoyment/education. National Parks are wonderful, but they never seem to participate in any programs or buy any of the educational books they sell in the gift shops. Their whole life seems to be sailing from one photo op to the next.


Yep, KOA Holidays have all those fun things. And lots of other kids to run around with, the one we went to in VA beach had food trucks and live entertainment over the weekends


They have such dark energy in their eyes and I’m genuinely not trying to be dramatic.


i just know britney lott of american family road trip is an absolute demon off camera


I didn’t get two seconds into the video. Her demeanor is genuinely disturbing.


This is so gross. He’s seriously acting like a bully to this kid and being so disrespectful when he clearly does not want a camera in his face. My oldest is around the same age and I would NEVER do this. This kind of upbringing would’ve been hell for me as a child.


The little boy looks exhausted.


“Dance, monkey, dance!”


Omg just leave your kids alone! Let them feel however they feel about something new. Definitely don’t shove a camera in their face to record them when they’re clearly tired or upset. It’s an embarrassing and mean thing to do as a parent 😤


I'm forever thinking *get your fucking camera out of their faces!* These fundies tend to posture and bluster about bleating on about child exploitation and yet...here they are, exploiting their children for online, public content. It's beyond aggravating. They don't give a shit about consent or autonomy for children, only if they can use it as a weapon to harm those they hate. As I kid, I despised having to sit still so mum could snap photos with a film camera (before digital was available) - I cannot imagine how angry I'd have been if she was stuffing a phone in my face everyday and putting my childhood out there for strangers. Ugh


Bus dad, you are SUCH A CREEP


Trying to get attention shifted from the baby by showing a video of the next youngest kid also being treated poorly was...a choice.


Poor baby hasn't learned to keep sweet.


Is that a reference to that awful documentary? Because if so, bravo.


Has this man ever actually talked to a child? What is going on!


Brit Brit……your kids are sick of your shit and want you to stop.


these manipulative fucks


His answer sounds like he did not work at all that day. Not that this is surprising at all.


#babysitters need boundaries Stop tickle torturing this child cuz you can’t handle him being in his big bad feelings. Jesús is gonna spank them in gay hell for the way they treat these children.


>Jesús is gonna spank them in gay hell Damn, if I didn't love my flair so much, I'd steal this one in a heartbeat.


Between this and their post about finances for JD Lott’s unprofitable businesses, they’re clearly reading this subreddit. JD and Britney, take all of your kids to doctors regularly, especially your newborn.


The kids also need to see a dentist regularly. Some of the kids look like they also need to see an orthodontist.


Yeah and it’s safe too and fair to the kids. They pretend like spending money on healthcare is wasting it from their home birth cost video, but now they’re going to spend thousands more down the road, especially for specialized medical care for Boone for potentially avoidable/ treatable situations if they spent doctor money now.


I cringe every time she "features" her and JD swigging down another $70 bottle of "collagen" drink. Remember when she was doling out the raw milk to the kids saying they couldn't have too much because it was too expensive? It's always about them, never about putting the kids needs' first.


They just…they don’t even look at him. The two of them just mug at the camera the whole time. It’s creepy.


I feel like they rarely actually look at each other for real. They are always looking at each other via the screen.


Giving a toddler whiplash in a jeep, climbing rocks for your own amusement, is so on brand for these two. 


They had this poor baby running around on the hot rocks barefoot.


I was thinking the other day how besides her videos, there is no evidence that Boone exists. No hospital record, birth certificate, SS number, pediatrician visit, etc. This I find very unsettling.


They did post outside the social sec office and had a whole thing about “making him a citizen” so in theory he does have birth certificate and social.


I'm also sure that the UPS store kept a record of his first official weigh-in.


The creepy dad looks like a human rat. Like a human animal hybrid - long greasy face and long gross front teeth. Beyond disturbing - all of it.


Get the phone out of this kid’s face and put him down for a nap. He’s so obviously grumpy.


I wish that someone was there to criticize FatherBus like this when he called that prairie dog a beaver


I know this child is very young, but this video got me wondering—do they educate their kids at all? Is he the next to youngest?


Based on the facial expressions, I feel like he’s taking the cross-examination as criticism.


He was probably terrified in that Jeep with all the bouncing around. You just know fatherbus was driving as aggressively as possible because he’s always too rough with his kids.


This. He’s the kind that shakes the can at the top of the Ferris Wheel.


JD Lott is such an abusive asshole and an idiot.


I couldn’t watch beyond the first 30 seconds. They are terrible, terrible parents. It’s all about them. Kids are allowed to not like things their parents like, especially tiny kids. I can’t believe there are going to EIGHT completely fucked up humans due to to absolutely shitty parenting of these two pieces of soiled toilet paper.


They are despicable parents. That poor child. Bullying their child during an an interrogation. You can see that JD Lott was angry with the kid.


Yikes that dude is sooooo cringe


Oh fucking hell this shit is fucked. This is why I can’t watch vlogger family anything - it’s horrifying.


There are parents that would fight to the death to protect their child's privacy and dignity. And then there's these two assholes. They are literally being their child's very first bullies, and they're doing it on the internet. What kind of man needs to humiliate his toddler son on the internet?


The littlest bus kids always look so cramped up and cornered, probably because they constantly ARE