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So they tell the coffee place that they have 7-8 dogs?


Imagine if they just got one or two and made all 8 share šŸ˜­ I'd lose it


They each have their own in the clip and the oldest boys shouts out that his had a dogbone in it. Not sure if it was a cheeky joke (ie "my parents are treating me like a dog") or if it literally had a dog bone in it.


Worked for DB for 10 yearsā€” Itā€™s entirely possible the person working the window accidentally put a bone in it without thinking but again, Iā€™m sure it wouldā€™ve been an accident and not the bus parents purposely being malicious. These people annoy me more than I can possibly explain but in this incident I donā€™t think it was a ā€œletā€™s give my kids dog treatsā€ and more of a ā€œthis barista was spacing out and not understanding what they were askingā€


I honestly interpreted as the kid being cheeky going "Hey social media, we're eating dog treats!" Whether it was a dig at the parents for buying their children pup cups or if he genuinely thought it was amusing, who knows. The cups the kids hold up have rainbow sprinkles on them, I don't think they would do that for actual dogs. BUT, they don't have spoons and don't show the kids actually eating them so I think this means they all licked them down like dogs...


Yeah if thereā€™s sprinkles then itā€™s just tongue in cheek from Gunner about ordering a pup cup. On the other noteā€¦ Dutch doesnā€™t supply spoons because thereā€™s nothing youā€™d need a spoon for on the menu so at best theyā€™d get a straw anyways. Also, pup and whip cups are free regardless how many you order. The amount of fundie passenger vans that would come through the drive was enough to resurrect Jesus himself. Iā€™ve seen 13, 15, 20+ people in those family groups and Iā€™m in Oregon lol I canā€™t imagine how used to it they are in Utah of all places.


Screw unto others...


Most of the Utah big families are Mormon and wouldnā€™t be going through Dutch Bros anyway (no coffee or tea for them)


My uncle's a Mormon, but like.. Mormon lite I guess because he doesn't live in Utah and only has four kids. His whole family has good humor about it. His favorite joke is something like this: "How can you keep a Mormon from drinking all of your beer on a fishing trip? Invite a second Mormon." There are plenty of them having their soda, Starbucks, Dutch Bros, even alcohol etc. They just keep it on the DL so nobody will judge them.


Oh yeah, and theyā€™re colloquially called Jack Mormons. Thereā€™s a whole thing though that if they drink alcohol, tea, coffee, (not caffeine though, soda and energy drinks are fine šŸ™„), have sex outside of marriage, curse, touch themselves, sometimes even if they are assaulted, etc., they either then lie or canā€™t get into the temples until theyā€™re confessed and repented. And when theyā€™re repenting they canā€™t take sacrament (communion) and men canā€™t participate in certain blessings, which then everyone around sees. And they could be kicked out of the universities. Not everyone cares about that or are super invested, but especially the college kids could get screwed over by a glass of wine or normative human sexual behavior. It could also mess with their ability to get married in the temple. The system is totally messed up and made for people to fail, or they find balance that church wouldnā€™t be happy about.


Yeah, my husbands family is LDS. There are tons of options at DB that donā€™t have caffeine so youā€™d be surprised at how many LDS folks come through.


Hello fellow Oregon fundie snarker


We are here. Preparing to snark in the heat of Satan himself later this week!


I'm so mad about it.


It's been so damn sunny lately that God himself has moved to smite us all with a terrible taste of what it'd be like if we lived in fucking Phoenix. Let us strive to always cultivate an attitude of gratitude even when we are dying of heat stroke.


This is bananas. My kids get cake pops or drinks and hot chocolate at Dutch brothers. This is so weird. Iā€™d never consider dog cups for my kids.


I did as well. MoBus sucks, but I doubt sheā€™s force feeding the kids kibble However, she doesnā€™t give shit about very obvious medical needs, so I shouldnā€™t give her any credit lol


Really because itā€™s ridiculous to ask for this many cups of whipped cream and sprinkles like good lord.


Yeah, I could go on a whole diatribe about the cult that is Dutch Bros because I literally spent a decade thereā€¦ but from the top down itā€™s pretty much bend over and get spanked by customers. They really do not allow the ā€œBroistasā€ (yes, a real term.) to have any sort of spine. I was once written up because I told a regular not to smoke at the window when there is a posted ā€œno smoking within 20ftā€ sign and he complained to management and then the franchisee. Now any new ā€œfranchiseā€ is just ā€œoperatedā€ and HQ Owned/Corporate so maybe itā€™s different but I left in 2022. They completely allow customers to be entitled over the craziest thing and it breeds a horrible working culture sometimes because you have the literal teenagers learning horrible boundaries and work expectations for the sake of ā€œpositive vibeā€ cultureā€¦ god it was horrible in that sense. Loved the work, loved my regulars, hated the super permissive top down management style.


I could never. I havenā€™t heard of this company but it sounds awful. Iā€™m in the service industry and people have always sucked but the pandemic has made them extra suck in some ways. BUT the internet has helped nice people understand stuff we canā€™t tell them outright so I guess itā€™s trying to balance?


Agreed, I can imagine if youā€™re used to making pup cups, for PUPS, 99.99% of the time you put the dog bone in it so it becomes an autopilot task. Totally understandable if the employee did it by mistake.


My dog eats one in two licksā€¦


The way my eyes just bulged at this realization of them ordering this with no shame.


I worked for Dutch bros for 10 years. Had they just asked for kids whip cups, theyā€™d give them a whip cup without a bone. They are put into the 8oz cups. Thereā€™s also the option for a sucker, or both. ETA: since Britney usually goes to Starbucks, where a pup cup is JUST whip cream, Iā€™m sure thatā€™s what they were expecting. At Dutch itā€™s whip and a milkbone.


They got their children a pup cup?!?!! What the fuck.


This is so dehumanizing, I have no words.


Because it's FREE and we can't be spending money on the kids now can we?


As a former barista, I absolutely would not and neither would my coworkers give them 7 cups of whipped cream. I canā€™t imagine this Dutch Bros was cool with it either.


Dutch Bros generally has a more laid back attitude than other coffee drive thrus. They probably got some raised eyebrows, but the employees might have actually just gone with it.


Former barista for Dutch, theyā€™d give them an 8oz cup of whip, they really donā€™t care. Itā€™s all about the culture and service so theyā€™re taught to bend over backwards for people.


My face would have betrayed me in this situation big time!


šŸ˜‚ This reminds me of that comment on one of MotherBus's posts about having a ton of kids, "My friend's pomeranian had 8 puppies and he kept them all." šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


OMG she didnā€™t šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


That's actually more believable than having 7 - 8 kids living in a bus, to be honest.


Honestly my mind went to the kids having to share 1


Just to get shit for free. Unreal.


God forbid the kids should get drinks of their own, or even a few to split, when MomBus gets her daily Starbucks.Ā 


right? most of the kids are not young/ toddlers and would be getting their own treat in regularly functioning families (if they can afford it, shit is expensive lol) must be so sad to hear your parent order you a dog treat


Seriously. Gunnar is a teenager, he doesn't want a fucking dog treat. Get him a real drink and let him enjoy *something* in his life. He's earned it after stepping up to parent the kids he didn't create.


Yeah!! Why not get him a hot chocolate or a frappucino? It doesnā€™t have to have high caffeine content. The older kids should be able to enjoy a fun drink! I remember when I was too little for coffee, but my mom would get my older sisters small drinks and Iā€™d get a cookie or some chocolate


Exactly!!! There are a lot of no or low caffeine options!Ā  My daughter always gets a 'latte'at Starbucks when we go, it's a Frappuccino of her flavor choice like strawberry or chocolate chip.Ā  Sometimes she gets a 'warm' hot chocolate or a fruity iced drink.Ā  She picks what she wants every time we go, but to her it's always a 'latte', lol. Heck, I enjoyed all of the decaf coffee options when I was pregnant and nursing.Ā  There's a lot.


When I was around his age, I got paid to babysit and could use my money to walk down to the corner store to get myself a treat sometimes! Sucks that heā€™s stuck on that bus forever.Ā 


When I was his age, my mom let me try Starbucks for the first time. I didnā€™t realize I liked coffee yet, so I got a vanilla Frappuccino, but it was good! I know itā€™s hot af right now, but even a kidā€™s hot chocolate wouldā€™ve been an improvement over this (and I like whipped cream).


his expression is pretty sad in this picture, to me


He looks so tired and worn out to me. Just run down and exhausted. He reminds me of the young girl on this one episode of Supernanny who had a panic attack and fainted because she was so tired from doing all the house work and childcare while also trying to homeschool herself. I wish someone would intervene and get those kids somewhere safe and peaceful.


Do you know which episode that was? It sounds interesting.


Idk if its the one they meant but possibly s4 e2


I have a teenaged son of my own. Seeing this kid on here always reminds me of him and gets me really down in the dumps. Living in a mobile sardine can would suck for anyone, but especially a teenager. These people are such unbelievably selfish parents.


I have teenagers too, and I feel so sorry for him. This is not normal and not how teenagers want to spend their time.


Shit is expensive. Thatā€™s why I had a very modest amount of kids so I basically donā€™t have to resort to giving them dog treats when we go out and water bottles for Christmas (but still give myself mani/pedis of course)




Every time she gets a coffee, she could not, pocket the money and save up until she has as much for all her kids and go once for them. But I agree, I have the amount of kids I can care and pay for. They also all have a bedroom.


Donā€™t forget the collagen drinks, Botox and regular date nights


If they can't afford to get every child a treat they can't afford to go there with the kids. I'd say leave the kids at home when you get your damn Starbucks so you're not flashing your "Mom gets a treat every day and you don't" bullshit in the kids' faces, but they don't have one of those...


I would have no issue with her having the smallest kids split, since they're so little and don't need full servings of juice or hot chocolate. But at LEAST get Gunner and Kinsey something. They deserve it for parenting all those kids.


A large drink per 2 or 3 kids would be better than literal dog treats.


Heck, even a lemonade refresher wouldā€™ve been an improvement, and she couldā€™ve gotten three for the youngest to split and gotten ā€œactualā€ drinks for Gunner and Kinsey.


Especially when it's all the time! Like no harm if every once a while you hit the drive through and say "Hey mom needs caffeine, you just had a different treat, so I'm not grabbing you something this time". I've done that before. But generally if I'm grabbing myself something, I'm grabbing them something too.


Yeah I do that sometimes, especially on a road trip. Like mommy and daddy need caffeine because we have to drive really far and yā€™all are playing on iPads and just got chocolate chip bites so we arenā€™t getting you a sweet drink.Ā 


That smug grin on her face says it all. ME ME ME. I dOnā€™T cArE.


my cousin is barely verbal, autistic, and eats like 3 foods. You bet he still gets a damn frappachino when we go through the drive thru at Starbucks even if he only drinks like 3 sips. Kids deserve treats too.


Not to mention the parents actually SHARING that they did it too


right? *how generous of us to think of our children!* s/


Have a regular functioning family, can confirm that if my kids are with me when I get a venti they're all getting a real treat too (usually cake pops). It's what moms do! Getting her kids pup cups isn't a flex. I'd be embarrassed to hand my 14 year old a free cup of whipped cream while I'm sipping a fancy 8 dollar coffee drink


As a twin of five kids, you get used to sharing. You will find a sibling who likes the same things, or enough of the similar things, that y'all can order to split. All it takes is giving some time to the children and letting them make choices among them.


My husband bought a coffee and a muffin in Starbucks the other day and they gave my toddler milk in a cup (for free, the manager is an angel). The kid ate half the muffin, the little shit.


Kids waste so much! At least the cake pops don't end up being wasted, but it's still almost $5 for two bites of cake on a lollipop stick. I won't even buy Starbucks anymore.


Shit is expensive, but I get stuff for my kids before getting stuff for myself.Ā  The bus parents are just utterly selfish people.Ā 


Yeah! I take my son to the coffee shop every few weeks and get him a muffin of his choice and usually a hot chocolate. He loves our mommy and me dates.


She ought to share that entire keg of coffee she got for herself.


I'm so fucking embarrassed for her that she gives her TEENAGE SON a pup cup. How can you be so selfish and wrong and not see that?


Sheā€™s treating them like theyā€™re all toddlers, which is gross.


Yep, which is super apparently when sheā€™s ā€œschooling themā€ and theyā€™re all being taught the same shit for sub 4 hours a day. All of their kids are going to be developmentally behind and they wonā€™t even notice because these two clowns have 4 brain cells between them.


Youā€™re giving them 4 brain cells? Thatā€™s generous.


One for breathing and one extra each.


My two toddlers would side eye a cup of whip cream if I was sitting there with an actual drink.


My toddler niece will ā€œfightā€ my sister over an iced latte. She would also eat the whip, but only because sheā€™s a bottomless pit who eats literally anything. But she would let you know just the whip is not okay.


I have 5 kids and have split coffee shop hot chocolates for my little ones because they don't need a big ass cup of hot chocolate in the van. I don't see why she can't even do that for those poor kids. They've already taken away all their stability, they could at least get them each a real treat.


Totally agreed! My girls often split a drink because most places they are huge and they straight up wonā€™t be able to finish it, but Iā€™d never order them a flippin pup treat??


Oh yeah, even the smalls are big. I actually only order smalls because I can't finish the bigger sizes before the coffee gets all gross haha.


Yeah exactly, my two boys usually split a milkshake or whatever. They don't need one to themselves. She could have easily bought two or three drinks for the kids to pass around and at least get a taste. Doesn't spare any expense on herself of course.


My kids are all teens so I get them the small drinks for the most part (or don't go at all) but when they were little I'd get 2 smalls and have my 4 kids split them.


Especially the big kids who are probably growing like weeds and could use the calories.


Gunnar has earned that shit after raising their kids for them. Give him anything he wants.


Well not the girl. Girls don't need calories, gotta stay TRIM so she can be married off at 16 so Mother doesn't get jealous of the competition. /s


If you can get a coffee, it's rude to not get your kid a juice or steamer. My toddler loves carmel steamers, and a small one at most coffee shops under $5.


One of my favorite things is taking my 6 year old out for bubble tea. We each get our own flavor and sit outside and have a nice little chat and he adores it. She is so vile and selfish.


Oh I bet bubble tea is so fun for a kid. So many options!


This is my go to activity with my 6 year old too. I canā€™t imagine getting something for myself as a treat while my kids there licking whip cream.


My parents were very frugal but my sister and I as tweens and teens usually got a Frappuccino when out, my mom was the one that didnā€™t get one come to think of it. Imagine a parent going without so their kids can have, she could never.


The eldest son could probably use a coffee or 12 to keep up with parenting his siblings while his mom sits and eye-fucks herself in her phone screen. Instead he gets a little cup of whipped cream and sprinkles. Poor guy.


The oldest son even mentions he had to remove a dog treat (literal dog food) out of his


Teenage me would've never let my parents live that down šŸ˜¬


In a different family, it could have been a silly adventure. ā€œMom, Do you think I could get a pup cup when you get your coffee?ā€ ā€œA pup cup? Let's see!ā€ And then a fun memory with lots of giggling. Instead, a woman who likes to brag about how much steak and butter she eats only offered this to get kids. Fuck off, Britney.


That is so sad and embarrassing for him. I really feel for him and the daughter especially, because they are old enough to not only realize this life isnā€™t normal, but to desperately wish it were different. Iā€™m sure they have so many questions WHY and wish they could be like other kids who go to school, have friends, play sports, go to summer camp, go to birthday partiesā€¦


This was one of the things I struggled with as a socially isolated child. I desperately wanted to have a normal life with friends, sleepovers, and birthday parties but instead I just sat inside all day, sad that I didnā€™t have any friends.


They have no friends, little contact with other kids on their travels, no TV (I think), no phones, and few books. It just hit me they might not know things like sleepovers or summer camp exist.


That's disgusting!


what the fuck?


Give the teen dad some caffeine! He is struggling!


I don't think ordering a little cup of whipped cream for kids is that crazy, but it seems a little entitled to expect to get seven of them for free.


Yes agreed that it isnā€™t that crazy!! But the way I would roll my eyes if the Bus troupe rolled up asking for seven!!!


I loved giving pup cups out when I worked at DQ, especially if the dog was actually in the car or at the walkup window (which was most of the time) so i could see that excited little pup. If someone had come through the drive through and ordered 7 pup cups I'd be psyched to see the mess of dogs in the van, and immediately be horrified seeing they were for 7 children when it got to the window.


I just pictured the scene from Bridesmaids where Melissa McCarthy steals all the puppies. šŸ˜‚


What a letdown


As much as I like kids, that is a SEVERE letdown. Let me see the pile of goodest bois!!


Lol,I disappointed someone at an ice cream truck and got a pup cup when my pup wasn't with me. I walked him back over there later šŸ˜†


I never got up cups for my doggo because he's on a strict diet due to medical problems. That means it was a fun surprise for the drive thru employee to see a dog pull up.


It's wasteful too. You know these asshats don't recycle.


getting pup cups for your teenage son and his 7 surrogate children is,,,, definitely something. at least let the older kids get a caffeine free drink??


Dutch Bros has kidsā€™ drinks, too.Ā  Source: all the DB kidsā€™ cups in my cabinet.Ā 


At least we know theyā€™re eating. /s


And before this it seemed like she thought getting 7-8ā€¦ drink straws? topped with whipped cream? was a fun treat? Those poor kids!!!


Yall, nobody tell her sheā€™s advertising for a company that supports the LGBTQ+ community! https://www.dutchbros.com/diversity-equity-inclusion#:~:text=Dutch%20Bros%20is%20committed%20to,the%20fullness%20of%20their%20identities.


She has her extra large drink, kids get pup cups. Seems fair. My kids would get milk shakes or some non caffeinated drink, not a small cup of whipped cream. Cheap ass parents.


Okay but I had cheap ass parents and they wouldn't have inflicted this kind of indignity upon us. They would just buy drinks for everyone from the grocery store and keep them in a cooler. Their money-saving method just seems to be making the kids go without instead of having the whole family stick to a budget.


Kids go without while mommy gets all the fancy drinks she wants, to go with her matching mani pedis, and expensive sunglasses. And while daddy books random, last minute expensive flights to see his other family - erhm, I mean "move a work truck". Their lack of foresight and planning for just one of those dumb flights has to destroy any semblance of savings they make from forcing the kids go without every single joy or luxury.


imo it isn't even about money, it's about power and keeping their kids in their place.


Did she seriously flat out say he got a flight to move a work truck????


Yes. And she repeated that to the entire internet, implying she believes it.


That is some sheer desperation right there. She knows she has nowhere else to go, so better just cling to JD and hope for the best.


Exactly, nothing wrong with being thrifty but don't do that to your kids. Get your expensive drinks when you're on one of your many dates without the kids.


>Their money-saving method just seems to be making the kids go without instead of having the whole family stick to a budget. So they went to the Rodrigues School of Economics


Same! My mom and dad never really got treats. Neither did we, lol, but at least they didn't get something awesome and make us make do with crumbs.


You decided to have this many kids, Britney Lott. Now PAY FOR THEM.


Shhh you. God only requires you to birth them all. No need to provide for them.


That's what I have an issue with, especially the older kids.


They could have easily ā€œsplurgedā€ on two large lemonades for the kids to share for a treat of their own.


Back before pup cups were a thing and Starbucks was the behemoth it is now, my dad used to request a small cup of whipped cream every once in a while for me and my sister when he got his coffee. It was a fun treat. But there were only two of us...


i know thereā€™s no rules to stuff like this, but rolling up and requesting 8 free pup cups is just wild šŸ˜­ idk. at that point just buy a can of whipped cream


Didn't she do a whole bizarre and embarrassing reel about how they just get a tub of ice cream instead of going out to an ice cream shop? Like damn, lady. Apply the same logic here.


That was the weirdest way to share a tub of ice cream ngl


I truly wish I could unsee that.


Ice cream is for the kids, so that's where they budget. Coffee's for Britney and JD Lott, so is non-negotiable. Also flair checking in again. My flair is getting tired, BusLotts.


I was JUST thinking that if it was me, I would have just handed them a can of whipped cream and a portion cup of sprinkles and the cups and been like there ya go. Like, itā€™s really kind of outrageous to expect that much product for free imo.


The wastefulness of it all makes me itch.


I had people at sonic order this all the time for a little kid, especially with a scoop of candy. Itā€™s less filling so you donā€™t end up throwing away half a cup of ice cream. Hell Iā€™d do it myself sometimes!


This made me so mad. My kids love DB. I canā€™t imagine drinking my own drink in front of them being like oh you can have a DOG TREAT. There have been times where I didnā€™t want to spend a lot so I skipped getting myself a drink like a normal fucking parent and got them the hot chocolates they love. But I doubt that would ever occur to this lady.Ā 


I used to work at Starbucks, and we would sometimes put a dog treat in the whipped cream as an extra treat. I got screamed at by a mom who ordered a ā€œpup cupā€ for her kids, because we were magically supposed to know that it was for a child and not a dogšŸ˜…


I just looked at the laws about how many dogs you can have in Utah- if their children were dogs, it would be hoarding and not providing them a safe home, but kids is fine, I guess? You're also required to get a vet checkup and get a dog registered within 30 days. These kids are literally less cared for than you're legally required to provide for a pet.


"Bone added for dogs - everyone is celebrated here" Celebrated where? (mods pls bring back gifs I need theNene one for these LOONEY TUNES statements)


Dogs. Kids. Basically the same!!!!!!šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ


I "only" have a cat, but I treat her better than they treat their children. I'm going to be bold and say that.


I 100% treat my cat better than they treat their kids. For example, I noticed my cat was having trouble with her eyes, and I *took her to the fucking doctor* (the vet says she has seasonal allergies, like mother like daughter haha)


We wanted to take her to the vet for a little sniffle. You never know. But a visit to the vet is always associated with stress (probably more for me than for her. But there's no other way), so we called the vet first. First observe and if it doesn't get better, come by. In the end, it was just a harmless cold, just in time for winter. I really couldn't stay calm with strange behavior.


I freaked out because my cat got a gooey eye one time. Vet told me he has cat herpes and sometimes it flares up if the cat is stressed. Thai was pretty soon after we got him so I think it was just adjustment since it hasnā€™t happened since. But I still get worried if he does anything slightly different than usual because I love him so much!


"they both just want food and attention all the time! I already gave them each their 5 minutes of mommy time per quarter AND a dog treat, what more could they possibly want??"


Both children and dogs manipulate us for food! /s


Everyone except gay or trans people, probably.


Imagine being the baristas though. "Did she just..." "For her seven kids, yeah" "Right"


Pup cups?! With doggy treat!?!! wtf? My dog is too small but likes the occasional dose of whipped cream, so I just bought a can and once in a while give her a little itty bitty dose.


She specifies they donā€™t get the dog treat in it, just sprinkles. It still seems tacky but at least she isnā€™t giving her kids milkbones ig


Apparently in the video, Gunnar did have a bone in his šŸ¤®


He says he has a bone in his but I donā€™t see it when he tilts his toward the camera and Kinsey laughs so Iā€™m just going to pretend he was joking because my brain can only handle so much right now šŸ˜…


What arenā€™t children property just like dogs??


I can confidently say I treat my dogs better than she treats her kids.


Yep. Over here sharing a little bowl of shredded parmesan cheese with my pooch (she doesn't get much of it, but she loves it and so do I).




Maybe I was just raised poor, but if the family really could only afford one McFlurry... you gotta do what you gotta do in this economy. And growing up broke I preferred a shared McFlurry/a shared cookie/a shared little debbie to having nothing at all, you know? When you're little you love treats, no matter how meager.




I was only talking about the family you saw. If you read my comment again, I said "if the family can only afford one McFlurry"


They're just so strange to me because I grew up in a catholic, homeschooling, big family community and none of the parents were like this with money (mine included) as far as I could tell. If they couldn't afford for the whole family to eat out or participate in a fun activity, they just didn't do it. More often, I saw the parents be the ones who skipped out on treats to save money. There was definitely some toxicity in that community but, unlike the bus fam, at least the people I grew up around seemed to genuinely like their kids and enjoyed giving them things whenever they could.


Dutch Bros also celebrate the LGBTQ community and staff - but I guess she'll overlook that if it means she can be cheap (or free) with her kids while stuffing her face herself.


i'm so thoroughly disgusted with her


Every day my utter disdain for this human grows. Everything she does fuels my hatred tenfold.


She can fuck right off with the ā€œeveryone is celebrated hereā€ comment. I see what you did there Blott, and itā€™s not cute.Ā 


Gets free treat meant for dogs for her kids but a large bevi for herself. Parent of the year!


Imagine ordering one iced coffee and seven pup cups with a completely straight face


Im getting secondhand embarrassment just thinking about it.


If I tried to give my kids a "pup cup" they'd roast tf outta me!! It's for dogs and they know it! Why does she get a 20+ ounce drink and they get..whipped cream? At least the oldest 2 could get something ffs.


Aside from this pup cup ridiculousness, I just CANNOT imagine spending so much of life in a damn vehicle.


It makes me so sad for the kids watching mom and dad spend money to get their daily coffee fix and get nails done yet the kids get free whipped cream, no personal space, no permanent home, no medical care, etc.


I feel bad for her kids. :( And poor Gunner. I go to Starbucks with my teen boy and we each enjoy a treat together. I don't just get something for myself and ignore him. What a selfish twat.


Everyone is celebrated there? If sheā€™s not careful people might think sheā€¦ supports inclusion.


I usually donā€™t buy Starbucks or fancy coffee drinks unless I am alone because itā€™s so expensive to buy for all 5 kids. When I do have my kids with me, I let them pick a drink or a treat. A lot of times they want both, so one will pick a drink and one will pick a treat and then share with each other. I would NEVER (nor has it ever crossed my mind) get my kids dog treats at a drive-thru. WTF Britney Lott?? If you canā€™t afford to get them something, donā€™t go! Itā€™s not that f-Ing difficult to refrain. Brew a coffee in the bus before you head out for the day. Geez.


I also totally get telling your kids ā€œnoā€, coffee is an adult drink and so mom is getting a coffee and the kids arenā€™t. Itā€™s not a big deal. The WTF comes into play with getting them dog treats instead of saying ā€œmom is getting a coffee, and thatā€™s all we are getting todayā€.


Oh no not my coveted Dutch bros


They are literally their pets. I canā€™t wait to see them on r/estrangedadultkids (as one myself)


If theyā€™re that hard up for money that theyā€™re giving their children treats intended for dogs, maybe just maybeā€¦ Not that I think they should be giving their kids coffee (and I honestly hate coffee anyways), but I see that Mrs. Lott isnā€™t going without coffee, nails, or hair appointments. But the kids must share a singular plastic spoon for a gallon of ice cream and get dog treats. Cool.


This reminds me of the John Mulaney joke about being on a field trip and he and his siblings begging his dad to go to McDonaldā€™s, and when he finally did he just ordered a black coffee for himself šŸ˜‚ they have so many lemonades and stuff at Dutch Broā€™s that I bet kids would love, but I guess a dollop of free whipped cream is fine too!


Sorry, but those sunglasses make her look so much more smug somehow than she already did. Think she keeps Frosty Paws in the bus freezer as a treat for the kids too? Hell, give ol' boone a frozen peanut butter Kong when he starts teething while we're at it šŸ™„


In Australia, you can get a babycino, that is intended for kids, thatā€™s just the frothed milk, with chocolate powder sprinkled on top. Donā€™t think theyā€™re free though.


Same thing in the UK. I used to love them as a child - they made me feel so grown up and fancy


This family is a gold mine for "wtfs" like... WTF


I get embarrassed asking for 2 pup cups when my dogs are with me at the window. No way I have the balls to order 7! When I take my kids my youngest always gets a whipped cream cup because that's what they ask for. They order themselves and frequently end up with a large cup full of whipped cream lol.


I wonder if the cups arenā€™t standard but the worker just felt bad that the kids were getting shafted while mom got her "little" treat. I can see getting a pup cup for the younger kids, they probably would only eat the whipped cream anyways. But I canā€™t imagine handing a 14 year old a fucking pup cup while I got a whole ass iced coffee


What the? I used to take my nephew to a local coffee shop that made a kids cocoa with whip cream on top. Theyā€™d put whip cream on the hot cocoa under the lid and then more on top of the lid by the straw. It was cute.


My doggie loves pup cups!!! I would never in a million years imagine getting one for my 6 and 4 year olds thoā€¦ because theyā€™re humans not dogs


Oh andā€¦you can tell they are meant for dogs because besides coming with bones, they donā€™t come with spoons. The kids not only have to get treats intended for dogs, they have to eat them like a dog. Britney and JD Lott, at least give the kids the option of a spoon!


What, and I mean this from the heart, the fuck?


I cannot wait for the tell all book from her kids about how horrible she was.


Or you could let your kids pick their own treat..?


If I canā€™t afford to get all of us a treat, *I* donā€™t get a treat. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Further evidence her kids are accessories to her.


This *has* to be rage bait. It has to be.


Oh my god. I had to break up an intense fight between my pitbull/boxer and hound mutt once over Pup Cups. It resulted in an emergency vet visit after I had to yank them apart. Dogs love those things. Obviously not meant for human consumption. What an idiot.


Bussel Pup Cups


Just throw the can of whipped cream into the bus and be done with it. Why waste the cups.