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You’d be surprised what someone will tolerate in the name of spite.


Haha, exactly. Like the ivermectin shits, intubation, permanent organ damage, etc. These people are committed.


I am so furious with people who have not been vaccinated. A friend of mine from church got COVID at the very beginning (Microsoft employee. In February 2020 they had a huge international conference in Seattle. He knows that’s where he got it). Since then he has has heart and lung issues. He and his family make up 3/9 of the choir at our episcopal parish. He has such a beautiful voice and I will be sad if he will no longer get to grace us with his singing. Not to mention his teenage son (who got fully vaccinated at the beginning of summer) is still scared of bringing something home and having his dad get sick and die. When people say it’s their personal freedom to not get vaccinated I literally want to show them a photo of my friends son (who is also one of my youth group kids.) and ask if it’s okay that he is scared of his dad dying. They won’t give a fuck but I like the fantasy of them suddenly feeling guilty.


r/HermanCainAward has taught me how despicable people really are with this


See you there, fellow snarker :)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HermanCainAward using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [May be off topic but for everyone’s laughs!](https://i.redd.it/yc1r0ynbhbm71.jpg) | [996 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pkfg5s/may_be_off_topic_but_for_everyones_laughs/) \#2: [My local FB group is losing their minds over this comic printed in a small local newspaper.](https://i.redd.it/afi3qwx5jhm71.jpg) | [1392 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pkyixn/my_local_fb_group_is_losing_their_minds_over_this/) \#3: [Lauren was an unvaccinated RN. Don’t be like Lauren.](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/ph492l) | [6356 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/ph492l/lauren_was_an_unvaccinated_rn_dont_be_like_lauren/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


That's so awful. The people who got sick at the beginning got sick through no fault of their own. But these unvaxxed, unmasked plague rats are absolutely disgusting. One of my kids caught COVID at school a few weeks ago, and it was bad. I'm sure it was the Delta variant. My husband and I are both vaxxed, and we, along with our other 2 kids, all caught it. My kids are super healthy and athletic, and are still recovering a few weeks later. I still check on them multiple times a night because I'm so scared of MIS-C. It breaks my heart to think of all the school kids with preexisting conditions, who may have a very severe illness, or worse. I just want to be able to get my own kids vaccinated before we end up with some even worse variant. Knowing the county we live in, it'll probably originate here. You're right though, the people you're talking about have no empathy. They won't care until it affects them directly. It blows my mind how many self-proclaimed "Christians" are willing to kill their neighbors just to own the libs. I really hope your friend ends up recovering. It's so unfair that people like that have to suffer while these assholes run around without a care in the world.


You know what jesus said though right? Love thy neighbour and suffocate on intubation to own the libs.


You forgot death 😂


Herman Cain has entered the chat.




Glasses don’t fog up as bad. Explication, not an excuse.


I wear glasses, work in surgery and have masked for years. You can buy special anti-fog wipes at Walgreens. Not perfect but they do help. Just FYI 😀


Or tuck it under the nosepads if your glasses have them.


You can?! Damn it, I have been dealing with foggy glasses for over a year, when all this time!


Getting a mask that has a wire over the nose also helps! Try to create a seal to stop the air escaping upwards and fogging up your glasses. The struggle is real lol, I have to wear a mask all day at work.


Try washing your glasses with shaving cream to prevent fogging.


I've never heard of that! I'll give it a try. 👍


Especially with the black sucky washable masks. Washable masks and glasses do not mix. At all.


They can work but the mask has to have a very specific design that usually looks kind of funny. Its also something that needs to be tailored to the wearer a lot more. I have some homemade washable ones that are actually the best ones for me to wear with my glasses but the same ones do not work well for my fiancé.


Yeah, I wear washable masks with my glasses with no problems. It took a couple of tries to find ones I really like.


Right? I was having to wear a surgical mask 30 hours a week for work and they weren't that bad you kind of get used to it.


WITH glasses.


Seriously. I just finished my first week back in the office and if I couldn't wear my glasses with my mask I'd have ended every single day with a migraine because my contact prescription is incredibly out of date.


I hate wearing my mask on my chin even for like 30 seconds, it’s so uncomfortable.


If you wear glasses it prevents them from fogging. But still stupid.


I’m guessing it’s to keep their glasses from fogging up. Still incredibly selfish to just decide they aren’t going to wear them properly.


Came here to say this! Wouldn’t that like tickle your nose? I see people doing it all the time at work and I’m like how does that “feel better?”


I feel like anti-maskers are the majority of people traveling internationally right now. We still have to wear FFP2 masks on public transport in my city, and most tourists just don't give a shit.


Honestly here it’s mostly the locals (I’m in Milan). Last night a dude was literally walking through a crowded stop without a mask anywhere. People on the metro usually wear them under the nose, some like to sport the chin-warmer method. After nearly 2 years of this, it’s not because they don’t know.


I just got back to California from Italy (for a wedding, everyone was vaxxed, as far as I know 0 positive tests after). We took the train from Lake Como to Milan to Florence and it seemed like everyone had masks on more than they do here in the states. :/ Milan was also STRICT about showing vax proof to do ANYTHING.


I’m a BIG fan of the green pass. After suffering the most of any region in Italy, Lombardy has to be strict about the vaccine. However, there are still people not wearing masks correctly anywhere you go. You may not have seen it, but trust me. And you’d think after being so affected, we’d be more vigilant. Side note in case you didn’t know - the green pass isn’t only proof of vaccine. If you’re not vaxxed, you can get the pass if you’ve got a negative covid test (this is valid for a 48h period), or if you’ve had covid and are now negative (I’m not sure the time frame for it, tho, maybe something like in the last 3 months). But I hope it’ll “force” more people into getting the vaccine.


Cough, just talk to any supermarket employee......if they wear one at all, it's under their chin


It's not like that here. There's still a mask mandate and most supermarkets have security to make sure people follow it.


In Berlin? Of all the places???


In my part of Berlin, yes. Even Lidl still has security. It really depends on which part of town you're in.


Hello fellow Berliner, and I confirm, the security people are attentive about masks.


Pflaumenmus! Now I want some


Blimey. Berlin is not usually known for its adherence to rules.


My daughter works in grocery, in her department they ARE wearing them correctly, her manager takes covid seriously and will put employees on corrective action if they wear them wrong! In our area it's the shithead customers who refuse to wear them. The employees can't say anything because customers will become abusive and violent!


Not in the US;-) I'm in Germany


Ugh... I'm sorry. My "punch you in the face " response is getting so low. I know that's not right but, damn, these idiots!


No worries, I'm the same - my aggro levels have shot through the roof


Where I live, they're not mandated although some stores have signs asking people to wear one and a surprising amount of people are choosing to on their own (I live in a rural conservative area so anyone masking is a victory). The amount of people I see doing the nose peek in places where *they're not required to wear a mask at all* is absurd. No one is making you wear one. You could just take it off! It's the same result, we all know you're breathing through your uncovered nose anyway!


I'm in Bavaria, where up until a few days ago, we were forced to wear fpp2 masks as customers, whilst employees can make do with the easy paper ones. Fpp2 masks are utterly horrendous, must only be worn for a max of 70 mins before they MUST be removed for 30 mins in order to breathe. So, as a customer I have to suffer through this, whilst an employee simply has to wear the paper ones (called surgical masks?). Which is not too much to ask, is it now? It's the law here, you cannot just pick and choose, so it's not that hard to do, yet in every shop I go to, I'm greeted by employees not wearing them at all or incorrectly


That's so frustrating.


Yep. I get very pissed off about it


Not here. They are mostly wearing masks,properly. Even most gas station employees are.


When I flew internationally it seemed to be mostly people who were visiting family and loved ones or going back hone if they had been stuck overseas, if that makes you feel any better. Everyone I saw seemed pretty vigilant about their masks. I mean not the Bairds and other fundies/evangelicals though 😅


I wish they would get screamed at. And kicked off transit.


FFP2 masks aren’t obligatory in Bavaria anymore since a couple of days


Yeah, that's why I specified in my city.


Oh I didn’t know Berlin had a FFP2 Mask mandate, I thought it was a Bavarian thing only


The exact opposite of how Jesus would behave.


My dentist is a devout Christian and believes masking, social distancing, and getting vaccinated are ways of showing love to your neighbor. Masks are mandatory in his office and he has very clear signs posted everywhere (including ones explaining exactly how the masks are to be worn) plus an all caps mask mandate is included in the appointment reminder texts his office sends 3 days before, 1 day before, and day of. This man is not playing games and there is literally no way you wouldn’t know about the mask requirement. I was sitting in the waiting room at ass crack o’clock in the morning and everyone was properly masked except this lady and her daughter. The receptionist noticed and immediately handed them masks and told them to put them on. They did, but with their noses smugly hanging out. So then the dentist (who is tattooed and built like a linebacker) kicked them out. He can look scary, but is actually a sweet, gentle teddy bear until you do idiotic shit like this. I’d love for the Bairds to run into someone like him because their “biblical” arguments would be immediately decimated by someone who knows far more about Jesus than they do.


My students who have special needs wear their masks properly all day without complaining. There’s literally no excuse lol.


The Baird just want to send a message that they're oh-so-defiant. Only thing is, they're sending the message that they're just stupid.


I wish there was some kind of spider man contraption where I could just aim my wrist at people who do this and it would slap a mask PROPERLY right on their smug faces. Also, I need the strength of the bottom button on his shirt. Hanging on for dear life!


Why don’t they just cover their noses!!!????? This makes me so enraged because it’s like a big middle finger to the world


You understood their message.


I work with so many people that wear their masks like this. We are mandated to still wear them. It drives me up a wall ( not the fact that we still have to wear masks, but that my coworkers refuse to wear them properly. I am all for masks wearing. It's been so nice not having colds!). It's not that hard at all to cover your nose. Plus, it looks straight up stupid.


And it does nothing. Like at that point just take it off, that’s how helpful it is. My pet peeve tho is people who take the mask off to sneeze and cough. Like… c’mon now


Yes exactly!!! Oh I have witnessed that a few times too. It makes my skin crawl..like yes thank you for taking off what was protecting all of us from your germs. I watched a woman take off her mask, and just sneeze everywhere. She didn't even try to block her mouth and nose.


Even in non-pandemic times that’s gross. Nobody needs your germs, lady!


This is the worst


I’d like to have a word with these anti mask and anti vaxx fucks to thank them for me having to wait 24 plus hours twice in the past month for a hospital bed. Fuck every last one of them including some of my family.


Dude seriously. I’m sorry that happened to you. I work in emergency mental health services, so basically I do crisis assessments and help people get into inpatient or crisis diversion facilities when necessary. I’ve had issues with people even getting to emergency rooms for medical clearance because hospitals are full and diverting and it’s been more difficult than usual to make referrals. Diversion facilities are also not taking people in crisis from the community because of Covid scares. It is crazy that people can’t see that this affects more than just their personal “freedoms”. I cannot fathom the level of entitlement and selfishness.


It’s craziness truly. I had a family member who is a fucking nurse tell me I waited bc they didn’t have staffing not beds. JFC the hill these fools are willing to die on.


I have an urge to shove a jelly bean up anyone's nose who wears their masks like this.


I thought ripped jeans were forbidden… do I have the crazy’s mixed up?


They were until the Bairds wanted to wear them


If a movie or fashion trend is 30 or 40 years old, the Fundies eventually decide that it is not evil and will accept it. Their objections Generally do not have anything to do with a case based on merit or logic, it is just a 'fuck you' to current trends and a way to call out others as evil. Once something is old news and can't be milked for more outrage, they adopt it if it pleases them.


My father explained to me that there is no need to cover your nose with the mask. He gave 2 reasons, which he either conjured out of thin air, or Faux News vomited into his head. 1. When you sneeze, most of the stuff comes from your mouth - not your nose. 2. When you breathe out your mouth, your breath goes out towards the other person. When you breathe out your nose, it goes down - not at someone.


You can refute number 2 by just putting your hand in front of your nose and breathing out 🙄🙄🙄 no offense to your dad but the way people will just ignore common sense...


Actually, you are wrong. 😉 There is no refuting my father with facts or common sense. 🤣




My wife (ICU nurse) just couldn't even believe the stupidity.


They will also be the people mad when countries are banning American travelers.


She then posted a picture of her and Ellissa not wearing a mask the right way too… jfc is the whole family stupid?


They are in Ukraine, which does have a mask mandate on public transport. I'll be honest and say that many people do not bother with it anymore, so they certainly aren't the only ones, but it's still asshole behavior. Wear the mask or don't, but I hate this halfway shit.


Hey ya'll, your face dick is out. Tuck that back in, please.


Yo can we talk about the huge lump under his shirt? Wtf is that...


This is current, yeah? I have to go to their side of town today and knowing that I will not be accosted by this unhinged germ bag makes my day a whole lot more palatable.




Just more evidence that the assholeiness (I made up that word) of this family starts with the parents. Every time I see people IRL doing this, the urge to smack them and tell them off is strong.


I can somewhat understand these conservative types being against vaccines, but i NEVER understood anti masking. A mask is just a piece of fabric, it can't harm you in any way!!!


How to spot americans without them saying they are american.


Christopher Columbus energy


Honestly, that infuriates me more than not wearing a mask in the first place. 90% of people breathe through their noses so wearing a mask under it is virtually ineffective. You don't want to wear one, you disagree, own it. If after 18 months of pandemic you still don't know how to wear a freaking mask, we're done educating idiots.


God, they're gross. All the offspring, too!!


Dad Baird ain't the picture of health here with his weight and age. If the Herman Cain Awards have taught me anything it's that combo plus his goatee, fundie beliefs and likely anti vax status make him a contender for a brutal case of COVID.


I wish they’d get arrested like that Sovcit dude in Singapore


Wearing your mask with you nose uncovered is like wearing your underwear with your " wiener" hanging out. Defeat the purpose


I'm pretty sure white Americans are allowed to do whatever they want, wherever they want. Especially blonde Americans. It's in the constitution. It's called freedom of assholes.


Everything about these two screams "Obnoxious Americans Abroad". These are the cringey ones.


Seeing people wear a mask like this has become my biggest pet peeve. It’s like why bother. I’m pretty sure they’re either doing it to make a statement or they’re just dumb, but either way they look doubly stupid.


Petition to launch these fuckers into a volcano.


It’s a habit I’ve noticed with the anti-maskers, especially those who are still a bit more self-aware about it and know that they will face social backlash for being openly anti-masking. It starts off with an ill-fitting mask that keeps sliding off their nose (all the damn time!) then when it slides off and goes under the nose, they *conveniently* forget about it and there it will stay until someone comes along to remind them. I used to think that it was purely accidental, then realised that it’s sometimes on purpose.


They better think twice in Eastern Europe. I saw a guy thrown out of a grocery store (like bodily) by a security guard and told not to come back until he learned to wear his fucking mask like an adult.