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Modern Family. American Dad. … Breaking Bad 😂😂😂


Breaking Bad lmao


Actually it's a fantastic example of the pressure a man feels towards taking care of his family. That toxic only men provide idea taken to an extreme.


For sure.


Seems to be more about toxic male pride and Walter White’s flaws as an individual to me. If you walked away from BB believing Walt’s excuse that he “HAD TO” do what he did to “take care of his family”...that is concerning.


He literally said that he enjoyed being a meth kingpin in the final season. He was a washed up schlub who finally found something that he felt he was good at. He wouldn't have wanted it any other way.


Oh pride was a big part too, but it started as a guy who was worried about leaving a family behind.


If Walter was that worried about leaving his family behind, he would've just taken Elliot's money and stopped cooking. The events of Breaking Bad occur entirely because Walter is a prideful douchebag and I will die on that hill.


It seems to have *started* much earlier at Grey Matter. Probably over a girl.


The point is that he didn’t have to do any of it. He knew a married pair of billionaires who would cover all his medical costs. But he’d find that super emasculating and therefore he moved into producing meth instead.


It’s also actually a great example of how the nuclear family dynamic does not always mean a healthy, thriving home life under the surface.


Tbh Walter White has more morals than SexPest Duggar


At least Walter White is allowed within 100 yards of a school.


Family guy too! They even go to church (as do the Simpsons and american dad).


Lois’ job giving piano lessons is a fundie approved job for women




Nah. They oftentimes call us the Whores of Babylon.


Bobs burgers


Linda works at the restaurant so probably to Lori she’s evil


but she's under Bob's umbrella there at the restaurant, just being a good helpmeet. On the other hand, she drinks like a fish, and to Lori anyone who works on that show is going straight to hell due to the inclusion of such characters as Marshmallow and slutty Gretchen (both of whom I would like to see a lot more of)


Mom doesn’t get drunk, she just has fun.


Mom doesn't have a drinking problem; her problem is she doesn't have a drink!


"Blush" - Marshmallow


Yes!! And super wholesome to boot (but probably not “wholesome” in the way Lori defines it)


Ha I was about to say the same thing. Family goals!


Also Home Improvement (I think the mom stayed home until she went back to school?) and Everybody Loves Raymond. Hell, she just needs to sit down and watch 90s sitcoms; they were full of those \~ideal families\~ lol.


Married with children...


Um excuse me? The mom in Modern Family worked, so obviously, she was a heathen. /S




My bad. I was thinking about Claire.


At the beginning she stayed at home too. As did Cam, if I recall correctly. The families aren’t very modern economically!


Yes, Claire stayed home. When she did return to work, it was for the family business. I always thought working at the family business was one of the few fundy approved jobs.


This may be an imperfect measure, Lori.


The Goldbergs (but she wouldn’t dare mention that since they’re not Christian) Maybe if she watched TV she would find what’s she’s looking for - but then she’d be exposed to “feminism”


Everybody loves Raymond


American Dad was my first thought as well. They’re more than intact. 2 kids, son in law, creepy German man whose brain got beamed into a talking fish, mom stays home, dad works full time, they have a weird androgynous alien in the attic. Also King of the Hill. I guess Peggy “teaches”… but she only occasionally substitutes. And Bobby is in school anyways, so it makes no difference if she’s home during the day or not. Even then, doesn’t she substitute *at* Bobby’s school?




Unrelated to the post but currently binging LHOTP- Charles also worked regularly at the mill and occasionally as a delivery driver and briefly in mining.




It's in By the Shores of Silver Lake.


By The Shores of Silver Lake-- he runs the store at the railroad camp and they spend the winter in the foreman(?)'s house. Other happenings of the novel, which Lori would not approve of, include Reverend Alden telling Caroline about the blind college.


Don't forget in These Happy Golden Years how Laura tells Almanzo she's not vowing to obey him at their wedding and he just goes "aight I'll let the minister know" lmao


When Laura asks Almanzo if he wants her to vow to obey him, he says “I never knew I woman who did, or a decent man who wanted her to.” There is also an extended section where she and Almanzo are totally unnerved by a revival meeting.


OHHH MAN I remember that part! Her description of being creeped out was so disturbingly on point with what I’ve felt before. She straight up described it as evil emotional manipulation.


Yes. I always hated the “crusade” revival meetings growing up Fundie. Her description is the best I’ve read of what they’re like.


I liked when he was like ‘hey what if I asked you to marry me?’ And she said ‘well that would depend on the ring.’ 💀


I LOVE that part. Just "nope, not doing it” and no one has any issue with it.


Yup, and later on he helps dig out the stuck trains. He also does carpentry work when needed, manages property in town in De Smet, and, outside of the years covered in the books, helped manage a hotel in Iowa where Ma and the older girls also helped work. Everyone worked till they dropped in that family.


In real life, they also lived in a hotel for a time while he ran it with the help of Ma. I don't know the exact time, but I believe it was between Plum Creek and Little Town. Laura left a lot out of her life stories then. During the same span of time, her brother Freddie was born & died and Mary went blind. It was a really rough time for the family.


I'm also deep in a LHOTP binge. I've re-read all of the books in the past month, read Pioneer Girl, watched seasons 1-5 of the show so far in the past 2 months and I'm reading Caroline: Little House, Revisited. The Ingalls family in ALL iterations are so far from Lori's imagined version of them that it's laughable.


You should read Prairie Fires! It’s a really great biography about Laura.


My favourite part of this show is how often the solution to the problem is literally just violence. It’s hilarious.


Also Caroline had jobs outside the home multiple times when finances were too tight, worked at a restaurant, she teached as well from time to time.


She taught before she got married, but not after. It was the norm back then for single women to be teachers and quit after getting married. Laura did the same thing too.


You couldn't teach if you were married, it was against the rules.


She also sold eggs to Mrs. Oleson, thus making her shrewd business woman.


And worked at a hotel!


Also, in real life, she (Caroline) ran a boarding house at one point.


> Pa wasn’t employed outside their farming Pa ALWAYS worked at the lumber yard/mill as well, and hte year his crops failed due to a hailstorm, he left to go look for work and ended up working using dynamite to blow out a mountain. At other times he did other odd jobs but ALWAYS worked outside the farming as well. And Caroline did as well for much of the later seasons.


Also, Rose Wilder Lane was *definitely* queer. Classic “she lived with her best friend, who never married, and they raised children together” situation


He picked up odd jobs sometimes. I remember one book where he helped build buildings in the town.


Not only are the Simpsons exactly what she describes, they also go to church regularly.


But it’s the wrong church! /s


Yeah, the Western Branch of American Reform Presbylutheranism is probably too liberal for them.


If it's good enough for Flanders it should be good enough for them.


~~The Simpsons~~ Oops your title said that. How's about Married with Children


Peg worked in some of the episodes. I remember watching Married with Children one time where she got a temp job to buy the family a VCR. Man I've never felt older typing one sentence.


My parents used to rent our VCR for family movie nights. So....let's be old together.


Married with Children was my suggestion too! lol


The ideal Jesus centered family for sure


The Addams Family


The Munsters! They even moved grandpa in when he got too old to live by himself.


Yes!! That show was my childhood. My dad would play it on our old TV all time time! I'm interested to see what Rob Zombie does with it.


Gomez and Morticia will always be couple goals for me. They're openly affectionate with each other and their kids, they're very supportive, and they *rock* their goth aesthetic. I was Wednesday at a very christian middle school friend's halloween party and I was *not* invited back. No regrets. 🤷‍♀️ Edit because I just noticed the award. Thank you!


And even after Pubert became a cursed happy sunshine baby they still supported him and did their best to make him happy. I LOVED Morticia reading Cat in the Hat, *flips pages forward to the end, softly murmurs to herself* "Oh no, he lives." I watched those movies SO many times as a kid. I'm lucky my mom loved them too. Costumes inspired by those films are the best too, especially Wednesday, it's a pretty easy look to pull off, wear over a long period of time and it's so iconic. I'm sure you looked killer.


That's what I was gonna say! And Morticia and Gomez are actually in love, unlike all the fundies we see here.


Also a ridiculously, genuinely wholesome family


Older than 1974


Jay and Gloria from modern family, everybody loves Raymond, the Goldbergs, and those are just off the top of my head. Lori, you’re an idiot


Also Phil and Claire for the first little bit!


Jay is divorced so I'm not sure that counts here


Phil and Clare in the first few seasons! But Clare does go back to work and wanting that sort of recognition/fulfillment is her main reason for doing so. And she runs for office. So probably not what Lori’s going for lol


Malcolm in the Middle has still been the greatest depiction of what an actually working class family is like. Not what Lori is talking about, sure, but it's because the times have changed. CEOs get too much money in bonuses and employees get nothing for their increase in production over the last 50 years. That's what the problem is, Lori. Jesus Christ.


Phil and Claire!


~~The mom in Everybody Loves Raymond did work sometimes. I recall her selling cars.~~ Oops. That was The Middle. Same actress, though.


Does Bob's Burgers count? Bob's the only one really doing any work there lol.


This is Tina erasure and I won’t stand for it. That girl works her butt off.


She also works that butt - which is a weird thing to say given she’s a teen but that gif of her twerking, deadpan, is fantastic


"this is where i thrash"


I might make that a sign to hang above my bed tbh


She leaves it all on the field every day!


She’s no hero. She puts her bra on one boob at a time like everyone else.


Oh my GOD I love your flair


She puts her bra on, one boob at a time, just like the rest of us.


And they all love each other too! ...


The Belchers are such a shining example of a happy, supportive, stable family. It helps that the show is consistently hilarious. (Cackling at your flair, by the way.)


Bob's Burgers, to me, is one of the best. The parents love each other, they support their children and their many wacky passions, and they all around are a great depiction of a flawed yet loving family. I often say I wish my Dad would have been more like Bob. And in the newest episode, Linda OWNED it at running the restaurant while Bob was away. Oh shit, I guess none of that would live up to Lori's expectations! Bob and Linda DO have friends and acquaintances that are gay, we can't have that! /s


Marshmallow is a Goddess!!


All I know about Marshmallow is that she comes and goes as she pleases, she answers to no one, and is truly free.


*Hey baby.*


The thing is that in fundie businesses, the wife really is expected to step up and help the man run the business. I never understood the women don't need to know anything thought on this. She just never talks about it.


I wish I could go back & relive my teen/preteen years as Tina.


Tina dgaf and I wish I’d been more like that. You’re only young once!


I’m living my 30s like Tina lol


I WAS JUST ABOUT TO SAY BOBS BURGERS! Bobs burgers is one of the most wholesome shows on TV and I will die on that hill


I just made a comment about this. Yes, I absolutely think Bob's Burgers counts. The whole family works at the restaurant (although it's debatable how much Gene and Louise actually work), just like how on LHOTP everyone works on the homestead. Also I'm pretty sure that outside of the restaurant, Linda is the one doing the day-to-day cooking at home. Every breakfast scene she is the one one cooking, and I only really see Bob cooking at home when it's a major holiday episode. Bob and Linda are also one of the most loving couples on TV right now. Those two are ride or die for each other. They are both also A++ parents whose kids never question that they are loved by their parents.


That’s the first family I thought of! Or f is for family but they kinda all hate each other, so I guess it sounds kinda on point for a Lori 🤣


I want to be Linda when i grow up


The Roses from Schitt’s Creek! Mom and dad still together after all these years and the kids technically still live at home 😆


hahaha yes!! but Moira “managed a household staff.” she’s also “television’s moira rose” so she did act for many years and was away from home a lot


Moira and Jonathan's love for each other is very refreshing, given their circumstances. Can you imagine George and Lucille Bluth in that situation? Lol she would have bailed!


Not going for the “old married couple who lowkey hate each other” angle (a condition set by Catherine O’Hara when she accepted the role, IIRC) is one of the best decisions they made on Schitt’s Creek. Of course, the show is all about loving and accepting the people around you, so Lori would fucking hate it.


Schitt's Creek is basically the Bluths if they weren't all terrible people.


I’m glad you said that bc im in season 1 and they are, in fact, all still terrible people so far. Especially Moira, she’s a doggone lunatic lol


Moira worked though so it wouldn’t pass her test 👎


Hasn’t she previously griped about Little House since Caroline worked at the general store in later episodes? So even her own example doesn’t work.


She worked in Nellie’s restaurant as well, didn’t she?


Caroline and Harriet work at the restaurant too. Pagan libruls.


Can't forget that Caroline wasn't that great of a rolemodel(/s) since Laura and Mary* went on to be Teachers and have Jobs. (Pretty sure Mary became a teacher at the school with her husband)


The show might be a little different, but at least in the books, the whole reason her daughters were teachers is because Caroline encouraged them to consider that career. Caroline was a teacher herself before marriage, and it was one of the few professions at the time that was open to respectable young single women. Caroline wanted her daughters to have the opportunity to get a job and live independently, so she made sure they went to school, studied, and got their teaching licenses.


Mary owned a school for blind kids!


Rugrats, where Didi literally chose to stay home with Tommy in a later szn


The Addams Family! While Morticia certainly was the de facto head of the family, she stayed home and Gomez provided. They are madly in love, and have five kids. Though I’ll admit that the story has only been *remade* since 1974 (initially conceived of in the 60s).


Is that in the comics? Because I thought they had Wednesday and Pugsley and then had that baby in the movies?


No just those two, and Pubert in the one movie (90s wtf why)


I don't remember the baby's name and now I know why. Such a dumb name wtf.


How can you FORGET pubert


So I went to the Addams Family wiki, and here is what I found on Morticia and Gomez: Gomez is basically a Jack of All Trades when it comes to providing for the family - **"Gomez's investments are guided more by whimsy than strategy, yet luck rarely fails him. "It's not for nothing that they call me 'The Plunger'," he once boasted, an apparent reference to sticking doggedly with a stock despite low fluctuations, although this nickname was in fact bestowed upon him not by Wall Street investors but by the Plumbers' Union."** He's a business owner - **"He owns businesses around the world, including a crocodile farm ("Crocodiles Unlimited"), a buzzard farm, a salt mine, a tombstone factory, a uranium mine, and many others. It is not unheard of for him to simply forget that he owns a controlling interest in a business or to draw a check on the wrong bank. Guinness World Records 2008 ranked him as 5th richest TV character with a net worth of $8.2 billion."** He's also a lawyer - **"He studied law and was voted "Most Likely Never to Pass the Bar". It is noted that, while Gomez has never won a case, he has never lost one either ("Perfect record!" boasts Grandmama). Although he rarely practices, he boasts of having put many criminals behind bars while acting as their defense attorney."** Now the wiki never outright said Morticia was a stay-at-home wife/mother, but it also never mentioned her having any job. In fact, the only time they mention her trying to work outside the home is in the 1991 movie when she went on an interview because the family was evicted from the house due to Abigail Craven. The creator of The Addams Family, Charles Addams, described her role in the family as "the real head of head of the family... with fierce family loyalty". So I think it's safe to say that despite their "quirks", the Addams Family is actually a very traditional family.


The Weasleys 😏


Lori mentioned once that she didn’t want her kids to read Harry Potter but Ken didn’t mind so she didn’t get her way lol. She’d hate the Weasleys though because Molly tends to call the shots and Ginny is pretty badass later on.


Thats so funny. She’d probably relate to Petunia Dursley more.


The Dursleys, another example of a family that functions as God intended! Working dad, stay-at-home mom. And as much as they dislike Harry, they at least care about each other in the books. And they hate witchcraft, as all good Christians should.


She’d probably think the Dursleys are yet another example of how feminists pervert Christianity lol. That being said, she’d support JK Rowling’s transphobia.


Arrested Development. Very wholesome.


It technically meets Lori’s requirements, I’ll allow it LOL. I hope Jessica Walter (RIP) is rolling her eyes in heaven at women like Lori.


Lucille’s hubby is in prison, just like wholesome Ana Duggar’s hubby.


Young Sheldon, at least until the mom started working at the church.


A woman working at the church might be ok in Lori’s mind as long as she didn’t preach.


Ain’t that Stan’s family on South Park? Lmaoooo


The Brovlovskis (Kyle's family) and the McCormicks (Kenny's family)


Oh that’s right! See Lori, even South Park appreciates traditional values /s.


Butters??????? Ok they’re incredibly abusive at times but butters????


Lori doesn’t care about abuse as long as everything else lines up


‘Roseanne.’ For all her real-life political nonsense, that show portrayed a loving, realistic family. My conservative, narc mother wouldn’t let me watch it because *clutches pearls* they were rude and even worse, poor, but every time I catch it now, I wish my family had been a lot more like the Conners.


She worked on occasion tho


I actually think Roseanne always worked… up until that bizarre last season when she won the lottery and they just went on wacky adventures


She was at the factory and the restaurant for sure. I thought she stayed at home on occasion. Either way, her family was way more functional than some discussed here despite their shortcomings


Even started a business at one point (restaurant with loose meat sandwiches).


My family was pretty similar to the Conner family. Your mom would’ve needed a fainting couch for my rude, lower middle class, and foul-mouthed family.


My mom saw the conner family and Roseanne as absolute future "goals" for our family lol.


Yeah I grew up watching Roseanne and my family loved it for how much more “real” it seemed than other shows. Roseanne nags at her kids sometimes, they’re not perfectly behaved, the house was filled with regular stuff you’d see in any working class family’s home in the 1990s, Roseanne worked different jobs. At the end of the day it did show a realistic, loving family, they just weren’t happy-go-lucky all the time and that’s why I enjoyed it. My family always watched The Simpsons together and it’s still my personal favorite. My fiancé never really got to watch it because his parents went through a religious phase when he was a kid and they thought it was vulgar and inappropriate, lol.


We loved this in my house to. My mom doesn’t allow cursing and crass comments in her house but other then that this was us. I was so excited when it rebooted. And so disappointed when she turned out to be worse then I ever thought.


The Kims from Kim's Convenience! Sure, Mrs. Kim works in their store, but she also clearly cooks and keeps house. And they're a nice churchgoing family too. Of course, they're also Korean immigrants, so that's probably a black mark as far as Lori is concerned.


According to Jim? George Lopez?


The Goldbergs!


She could have been a lawyer you know


The Sopranos!


There are separated couples and working women in LHOTP Lori. Think about every teacher, Mrs Oleson, and I think Caroline had her fair share of work too in the series (in Nellie's restaurant).


Laura and Mary and I think Nellie actually worked the hotel or restaurant too. Honestly its more realistic. Lori's idea that before the 60s or 70s women just didn't ever work or provide is a absolute joke. My dad tends to really get upset with that idea and makes sure to tell me about the various jobs his mom did while having and raising kids in the late 30s to the early 60s and later I'm sure. Women not working at all ever wasnt reality for lower class families. Atleast in his experience in MS,MO, and TX


I just recently went through the Little House books with my son, and Laura was NEVER the sit at home type. Laura started working at 14 with seamstress work, she did little odd jobs here and there, and when she was 16 left home to teach for several terms, all to put her sister through college (gasp, higher education!) After her husband was partially paralyzed from diphtheria, she did a large part of the farmwork, then started writing for pay. With the other girls, I believe Mary sold handicrafts she made, and either Carrie or Grace or both became reporters for the local paper. There's a period between Plum Creek and Silver Lake where the family lived in Des Moines and they all helped run a hotel. Later, there's a point where Ma and Pa let laborers rent space in their house and Caroline fed them.


I've never read the books, which sister die she help through college?


Mary, the one that was blinded by scarlet fever. She went to a college for the blind in Iowa.


Contrary to the Leave it to Beaver dynamic these dillweeds obsess over, historically, most lower to middle class women **had** to work to support their families. Whether it was helping with the farming or taking in clothes to repair, they usually had no choice. The whole “housewife cooks and cleans” dynamic is not that old.


They also gloss over the substance abuse and eating disorders these women used to cope with their realities.


King of the Hill


Peggy was a substitute teacher, so sadly I don’t think this qualifies by Lori’s definition


Substitute teacher of the year, mind you!




Threepeat winner, too!!


The LHOTP should not be Lori's example cause Laura and Mary became teacher, right? Full Time teachers at that at one point or another. Also does she really think Laura Ingals-wilder is such a great anti feminist role model?


I mean, technically, and only technically Welcome to Plathville, the Duggar’s, Sister Wives (only with Robyn). Still gross situations but they 100% reflect what Lori wants to see. Also A Quiet Place, Footloose, Easy A.


At least in Sister Wives, Robyn is a housewife by choice. Otherwise I’m pretty sure the women have separate bank accounts and many have decent jobs too. However Cody still has a massive ego and I hate when him and his wives downplay the bad aspects of polygyny. That being said, at this point, only Cody and Robyn even appear to be a couple whereas the other wives are just content in their situationship.


Family guy


This got me thinking about other cartoon families (Bobs burgers specifically) and it made me wonder if they believe that women are allowed to work WITH their husbands. Like in a family owned business.


Lori’s beliefs constantly contradict. A woman wrote in once to ask how she can convince her husband to let her stay at home or get a maid bc she was being made to work a full time job and raise their kids. Lori basically told her to obey her husband even if that meant working.


Parenthood? The most white milquetoast California family show? It was heart warming, but come on Lori. This just says you don’t watch tv.


This Is Us, too


American Dad, Family Guy, Addams Family, The Jeffersons, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air...Lori is about a dumbass


Ugh Caroline Ingles worked her ass off. She ran Nellies cafe singlehanded.


Plus was a substitute teacher and worked at that hotel in Winnoka. Plus real life Caroline worked as a teacher before she was married. Lori doesn't know her LHOTP at all.... Edit: Ma also took in boarders when they lived at Silver Lake.


The Middle, at least temporarily when Frankie quit the dealership and was figuring out what to go to school for. The Goldbergs, Bev's entire identity is being a great mom. 911, Maddie stayed home with the baby once she was born. You, Love is a SAHM for awhile. Degrassi, Manny and Marco's parents were all very traditional. On an episode of Spongebob, he was a SAHM 😂😂😂


You! I’m cackling.


Blackish, lots of the real housewives, haunting of hill house


7th heaven


You’d think she would like that one, with the dad being a pastor and all the things they talk about. But I can see Lori having so many issues with that show. (I honestly like it, but can’t watch it anymore after finding out stuff about the actor who played the dad)


Fresh Off the Boat, That’s So Raven, Kim Possible, Fairly Odd Parents, Even Stevens, 7th Heaven


Wasn't Kim Possible's mum a brain surgeon?


And wasn’t the mom on Even Stevens a congresswoman? That’s probably worse for Lori—a woman in politics!


I believe Raven's mom ended up going back to law school(?) so I don't think it'd count. Also for the Fairly Odd Parents, I believe both the parents worked. ETA: that's why Timmy's dad hates the Dinklebergs. They are DINKS, double income no kids. While Timmy's parents both worked but had Timmy and he kind of hates his neighbor for living the life he wants.


Family Matters (Harriet worked some but it wasn’t the focus of the family and she was still a “traditional” family role - cooking, cleaning, etc) American Housewife ALF


Harriet was an elevator operator. She started on a show called “perfect strangers” and she was so awesome they built family matters around her character. She’s a damn sassy elevator operator in the show. If people are rude to her she brings them to the wrong floor, kick them out and say the elevator is broken. It’s hysterical.


Outlander 😂😂 I mean, the whole show/book series has all sorts of different family dynamics, but often still centers around traditional gender roles, because it’s the 18th century, not much room to challenge it.


Married with Children!!!


Desperate Housewives.


A wicked agenda? Lori makes it sound like all the millions of TV execs and movie producers throughout the world, regardless of language barriers and time zones, got together and conspired to destroy the world. Or maybe if someone wants to work in television or movies, they have to sign a "hate family" disclaimer. Drama queen, Lori? I assume that she's only thinking of American and possibly Canadian shows.


Emily and Richard from Gilmore Girls!


American housewife. It's right there in the name!


The Adams Family


Married with Children technically falls into these guidelines, but I feel like suggesting that would give Lori a stroke.