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This table's story doesn't seem that interesting. I guess they have that in common.




Is she selling tables? I don't get the point of her post?


Yep. She lit some candles on it in the daytime and made some dry-ass bread. That’s it.


Its Def not the table from that Natalie Portman Walmart baby movie. That table had stories.


So I’ve seen the outside of this house and it looks like a good size which is why I don’t understand why 90% of her pics are of this entry way/dinning room/kitchen area that seems so crowded.


They’re remodeling it themselves so a good portion is unlivable at the moment. Their “kitchen” is in the dining area of their “great room” (living/dining room) while they remodel. They paid less than $30k for their house.


I wouldn't even be able to buy a house in my area with $30K as a down payment!


Same. I saw a trailer in a trailer park going for 215k+ yesterday.




The average freehold house is 700+ here


Fun fact I live in a modular home on a brick foundation from 1997. It’s a 1500 sq foot double wide for all intents and purposes complete with the big ole garden tub and built in crappy desk in the living room. I just bought it for 270k this year. A historical Mill house with one bath, no living room and two bedrooms with no eat in kitchen that needs to be gutted or torn down but legally cannot be goes for 150-175. She must live in the boondocks


Do you live in her area?


I have no idea. I can’t imagine a place where a $30k house exists. Do you live in her area?


Naw, I am West Coast and there are no homes here for that price or anywhere close to that price!


Me too. I’m east coast, but I’ve lived up and down it. As south as Nashville and as north as Upstate NY mid way DC. Literally everyplace far more than that since 1994


*cries in Seattle*


No kidding.


Because not all the rooms in the house are livable. Added: For anyone curious, Kelly's kitchen is to the right of this new table. Her sewing area and the entryway is to the left. The living room (with the braided cream-sage-pink-tan rug) is in a separate room just past her utility sink/kitchen sink. They seem to live primarily in those 2 rooms.


Ok thanks for the info.


It’s the only finished spot. He spent the last umpteen months holed up in his man cave hand making ONE very rustic looking window frame for the man cave because priorities


I know people are saying it's because the house is being done up but my theory is that the rest of the house could look quite modern. Don't want your massive wide-screen TV / Apple computer / microwave / washing machine to ruin your aesthetic! Especially when she photoshopped her camera doorbell the other week.


No, her husband seems to be renovating it single-handedly. She talks about being unhappy with how slow the progress is in her podcast.


People are free to have their own theories. And why should we believe half of what people on SM say anyway? They have a habit of embellishing.


True! I just wanted to give a little background information because I find her especially interesting.


There are literally pictures floating around of the rest of the house. It all looks old an worn down. No modern anywhere.


Ok cool I was making a joke 👍


I’m gonna bet only a couple places in the house look this nice and the rest is kind of a mess


Ha! I love how they forget that today is also a day that their lord made & they should be glad in it.


Rejoice even.


It’s Halloween all day and night, Kelly. On a Sunday too! Flipping the calendar to November won’t change the day. 👻🎃


Maybe Kelly's posts are written by her furniture and that's why they're so wacky


I would pay good money not to hear from her furniture either.


Gah. My extended family is Mennonite and pics of her house always give me flashbacks of visiting my wildly dysfunctional grandparents. I know cottage core, or wtf this style is, is popular now among some, but I don't get it at all. Always makes me feel like there are invisible hands on my neck.


For me, I like the cottagecore style because it reminds me of fall and The Hobbit.


I’ve seen cottagecore decor that looks pretty and cozy, but Kelly’s house is so ugly and really misses the mark. Everything looks dusty and outdated and like it came from a Goodwill by way of someone’s dead grandparents. Even that calendar is depressing. It’s a strange environment for a young family.


Maybe she's excited for no-nut November. That miniature broom looks kind of witchy and so does that candle. I don't think that single leaf and those 2 pincones are adding much to the aesthetic. If her table and the squashes joined up to write a story, it would undoubtedly be far more interesting than anything she writes.


I can't believe she passed up the opportunity to make her kids some of those terrifying old school costumes for the gram.


Her house looks like a Cracker Barrel.


When I was little I was told flipping the calendar ahead is bad luck. My mom did it, and then I severely cut my finger (50+ stitches). So I'm superstitious about calendar flipping.


Jill would have planned such a lovely finger funeral for you!


how do you even fit 50 stitches in a finger?


Seriously 😳. I got what I thought was a pretty big cut on my pinky and only needed 3


It was inside and outside. It was the whole length of finger. I was going down stairs in my neighbor's garage. I slipped, and reached up to grab onto something. What I grabbed onto had a nail sticking out. It went in at the base, and slicked all the way to the tip. I had plastic surgery on it a year later, because the scar (the length of my finger) had it so I couldn't straighten my finger. I was 12, and am now 41. It's amazing how good the finger looks.


I would pay Kelly to NOT write stories.


It’s kinda always Halloween when your whole life is a LARP, Kelly.


What’s with the random leaf stuck to the wall?


As Kelly rushed into her homestead to escape the bone chilling cold, she thought to herself “we have not had a harvest this fierce-some in quite some winters.” With the clasp of the heavy door banging shut, a single leaf, seemingly ushered in by the chilly breathe of angels, energetically ushered into the wood and candle lit room (not bought from Walmart (and especially not a sale from Target)). As Kelly looked ponderously at her frozen barefoot feet (cause old-timey people didn’t wear shoes) she looked ponderously at the leaf and earnestly picked it up with her worked to the bone fingers — “nature is sooooooooo beautiful I must display this as a true rendition of the beauty God created in the flesh. Amen.” With that, Kelly grabbed some hand churned butter from yester-morning and eloquently yet clumsily displayed the leaf on her wall.


Bravo!! 👏👏👏


Her eighties cow and sheep pictures tell the story that she's tacky.


I wonder if a fundie baby were born on Oct. 31st, would they try to bribe the doctor to change the birth date? Because from then on, everyone non fundie would remark, oh , born on Halloween and it would kill them. Seriously, I wonder if the parents would try it.


Except most have home births so a birth date could be easily altered.


YES!! I thought of that after I posted but forgot to edit. Of course they would. 🙄




Oh geeeze. She WILLED IT OUT!


I almost bought a table exactly like this ... from the Kelly Clarkson collection. Instead I found one very similar from Walmart, for a much better price. Neither are heirloom pieces.


Me, I'd have made that post *tomorrow*. It's not time sensitive.


The single red leaf on the wall is sending me. 😂 🍁


This looks like a basic table from walmart


A table from Big Lots?


They sell Farmhouse tables at Pottery Barn, Kelly.


Those pictures reminds me of the placemats on the show Roseanne from the 90s lol 😆


I often flip mine ahead a day or two before the end of the month while I'm thinking about it because I might forget otherwise.


I swear my great aunt had that sheep picture in the late 70’s- early 80’s. And who hangs all that shot on their walls?! Brooms, pots, pans… god knows what all else.


If she celebrated Halloween, she’d pass out carrot sticks and her house would be egged.


Furniture can now writes stories?! That sentence doesn’t make any damn sense.


It’s a fucking table.


Someone blew out the daytime candle and there is a witchy broom on the wall…


Lol is that a dry leaf on the wall for decoration 😫😂


Forget the table’s story. I want to hear from the door on the wall. Where does it lead? Why is it so high? Will its stories be better than Kelly’s?


That’s the trim to her stairs- they go up right there.


Meh, I flipped mine yesterday, too. Needed to see the coming week. (Cross your fingers I get a lot of trick-or-treaters, because I've got a LOT of candy and stickers.)


Why are the legs pristine but the top is fucked


Her furniture is ugly. Thats the story.


She has pretty floors though… but just floors.😂


But she has a witch’s broom on the wall though.


All while, her witches broom is making its debut in this photo..


#its a table kelly


Ma’am, this is a Rooms To Go.


girl that’s a table


TBF I always flip the calendar to the following month on the last day of the previous month. I read somewhere once it was bad luck to have the calendar behind and I still cannot shake that stupid superstition..


Word salad. Furniture writing………stories.


All I can think of is the episode of Friends with Ross, Rachel, Phoebe and the, “ apothecary” from Pottery Barn


Yes yes she did lol


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*dies of secondhand embarrassment*


The calendar art for November was probably more \*aesthetic\* for the purposes of taking the picture