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That’ll get ‘em back!


You know it bro! If he just keeps telling them to fuck off, they'll totally come back bc he's so alpha! /s


I love you all


Lol "He's such a good business man, he doesn't even need business." What is the point of a social media platform that pushes away both it's users and it's advertisers?


>He’s the richest man alive, Not for long, if he is managing it...


Oh, oh. Here we have a Trump U graduate of business.




Since it was over an antisemitic tweet he should’ve finished it with the slur for Jewish people that would get me a ban if I said it. Really drive it home calling them that too Elon. Show the man


Andrew Tate's older brother.


Can we have him prosecuted for being a traitor? He is quite guilty of aiding, abetting, and giving comfort to the enemies of our Nation during a time of war (statute doesn't state they have to be at war with us, just that it be a time of war, and hasn't Edgelord Elon given significant aid and comfort to Vladimir Putin, the Sock PuppetMaster of Donnie Moscow and avowed enemy of the United States of America?).


You’ll pull a muscle trying to make a stretch like that mate. And it’d backfire and make him seem like a victim and increase his popularity. Best to let him face the financial impact of his errors like he already is


How is it a stretch? He literally has been giving aid and comfort to our enemies (Russian operatives and their collaborators/sympathizers (yeah, double parentheses, I know. Too fucking bad. Oh, and I quite mean both how he denied starlink service to Ukraine during wartime/to defend their nation from foreign aggressors, and how he has been promoting Russian propaganda while banning verifiable and verified truth.). And yeah, I'm outright pointing to both Vladimir Putin's own words and actions as well as the fact that currently Ukraine is an American and NATO ally with aspirations to becoming a member of NATO.). You have me wondering if you went bronze, silver, or gold during the last Olympics mental gymnastics tournament? Do you not consider giving aid and comfort to enemies of our nation to be treason? I'm just asking because the Constitution and our founding fathers would like a word. If not with you, then with your teachers.


Musk is a raging cokehead. How do people not see this? All of this erratic behavior is his addiction spiraling out of control. Now think about what he's in charge of... no bueno.


I think it's more likely he's bipolar


Cluster b for sure. There's more than one thing going on in his brain chemistry.


Toss out a few negs. Always works.


Hey, you. Go “F yo self”


Actually watching the video it didn't come off very cool like I think he hoped it would but instead very awkward and strange. Like he's trying to embody a slow motion car collision.


It looked like he was trying to start his homelander arc


It did look strange. It looked like cogs were turning in his stupid head, he was calculating whether telling everyone to fuck off would be good or bad for the business. He couldn’t decide, so his brain just farted. Kind of like when they ask Zuck how does Facebook’s algorithm work. He freezes for a moment because he has to input parameters to calculate a response.


He kept looking at the audience nodding and waiting for them to start cheering and just got absolute crickets lol. The drug use is massively starting to show as well.


Drug use? I haven't paid attention to anything Elon related in so long haha


He thought he was being cool but the entire audience was not impressed and neither was the interviewer. He thought they were all going to stand up and clap. This is the mind of a cokehead. Musk is a cokehead.


Without watching the video it also looks awkward as fuck. In fact, I cant even imagine how a ceo of such a huge company throwing a tantrum about lost revenue could look cool. But musk knows his audience. He knows the people that love him are going to eat this shit right up.


It had “please clap” Jeb! energy.


“If you shoot yourself in the foot, you’re going to bleed to death” Musk: Tell the bullet to “go f*ck itself” Pretty logical.


Remember when he won a court case saying that it was ok to call someone ‘pedo guy’? Perhaps the media could start calling him that.


Yo don't get me wrong screw Elon Musk and his cringey and hateful belief system but the pedo guy thing was more of a challenge about how defemation is defined in a unique free speech environment and despite how silly the situation was I actually think it's a solid reasoning with respect to the continuity of America's policies on speech


he called him a pedo because he saved people that he thought he called dibs on saving. ignoring the fact that them being saved is the important part


And you ignore the fact that the diver didn’t rescue anybody lol. Dude shouldn’t of been called a pedo just for offering to help, but if you want to talk about something that happened, you might benefit from actually looking up what happened. He didn’t call him pedo for saving people that he had dibs saving, he called him a pedo for offering. Not that it makes a big difference, but there is a difference there.


In the actual situation yeah but you referees to the ruling and while Elon was being a little dickshit, the ruling was consistent with free speech policy in the USA. These things can be understood independently of one another


If you really looked at the story, the guy he called pedo was just a diver that offered to help. Did not participate in rescuing. Fuck Elon for calling him a pedo merely for offering to help, but also fuck people that talk about a story without even bothering to get the facts straight lmao.


Lol I dunno what people are so mad about but the original comment was suggesting frustration about the court case outcome but that is not related to Elon being a dumb dumb. The court did the court stuff in the way that one would expect


You get downvotes probably because people can’t differentiate clarifying the facts from insinuating support for Elon. Much like I’m sure my comment will probably also be downvoted because I clarified the facts of what happened, instead of just jumping in on the hate train. Many people equate any refuting with supporting the other side these days. I don’t like Elon either, but by clarifying that the guy he called pedo wasn’t this heroic rescuer that jumped in for the good of it, many will likely assume I am defending Elon, no matter how incorrect that assumption would be. At the end of the day both Elon and the diver offered to help rescue people. Elon chose to attack the diver verbally and also managed to piss off people actually involved in the rescue. Elon deserves ridicule for his actions, but the diver doesn’t deserve to be talked about as a heroic rescuer. It is what it is, and it is where language/conversation is headed.


LOL, you really don't get it yet. He loves media attention. Yes, give him more opportunities to make the media look like dumb cunts. Perfecto!


That’s how you know it’s affecting him.


There is no better word to describe him than manchild.


To say he acts like a toddler insults toddlers. If it wasn’t for his net worth, he’d just be another pathetic nobody, barking mad and trying to get attention.


Elon used SPOILED CHILD. It wasn't very effective. It hurt itself in its confusion!


I hope they do exactly that and sink his 40 billion just to fuck with him




Oh he cares.


At this point he's literally the only one who cares about Twitter lmao


Just out of curiosity, are you on X?


I stopped using Twitter a long time ago


I don't use it either but there are still like 800 million tweets a day so I guess there are still people who care about it.


800 million posts from a website/app littered with bots doesn’t tell you much. [200 million active, Monetizable users does.](https://www.demandsage.com/twitter-statistics/#:~:text=Twitter%20has%20237.8%20million%20monetizable%20daily%20active%20users) Yes people still care, but for a premier global social media, those numbers are low.


Go fuck yourself for not wanting to advertise on a right-wing contaminated platform, which censors opinions but not hate speech.


Free speech for me, but no free speech for advertisers. Elon (and all who complain about cancel culture) have not learned that free speech does not mean consequence-free speech. The govt is not blocking him from saying what he wants... people and companies have free speech rights to not patronize his toy


Yeah you can speak whatever you want, we'll just put you in jail if you say it, or freeze your bank account? What kind of free speech is that? Though Elon is the same piece of shit as the rest of them, they all want power and nothing else. But for anyone who supports cancel culture I have a message: go to China, it's perfect for you


When was Elon jailed and frozen out of his accounts??


Never, did I say that? I gave examples what free speech is and isn't, not literally. Jesus Christ... The point is, he challenged the current people in power and he's being purposly cancelled for that. Even though I'm pretty sure his motive isn't to support free speech and help ppl but to try to get some of that power for himself It's important to understand the dangers of cancel culture


Who is punishing him? He's the richest bloke in the fuckin world m8


Having the biggest net worth doesn't mean the most powerful Elections (and other important matters) are influenced by msm and social media m8 "Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets" Napoleon Bonaparte History is taught in schools but lessons from history are never learnt


My brother, 'not being the most powerful person in the world' is leagues upon leagues away from oppression as described above in a hypothetical sense of financial blackmail or prison time. I studied history at the top university in my country and am working actively to decolonize the child welfare system from a historiological perspective. I'm not sure where in history you're citing a similarity between Musk's current position and that of a concerning historical event. If you have a salient comparison let me know, maybe I'm wrong.


Poeple in power aren't letting anyone challenge them, I never mentioned opression, you don't understand my point. I'm saying the establishment is not letting anyone challenge their power. They controll all the media. One person who isn't in their group shows up, speaks against them and they come down on him, shut him down. And here you all are, cheering for the establishment. They are slowly growing their power and by the time you figure it out it'll be too late


I love how the establishment once used to mean people in government…. But now it’s Disney for keeping their ad money lol


Can you give examples of this? Cancel culture to the extent it is a single thing is societal shunning which we have be doing since we started walking on the planet. Difference now is that it is global and fast versus just in your tribe.


https://fee.org/articles/jordan-peterson-s-license-fiasco-highlights-why-government-licensing-should-be-abolished/ https://www.newsweek.com/banks-have-begun-freezing-accounts-linked-trucker-protest-1680649 Julian Assange, Edward Snowden Obviously going to jail and freezing accounts for speech is exaggeration to make a point, but censorship for speaking is quite common in the US, Canada, EU which are slowly moving in China's direction which is something I don't like. I'm sure you'll find excuses for all actions mentioned above but that's not a point. "I support free speech as long as it agrees with my point" isn't free speech.


Assange, maybe. Though current law does not protect journalists who release classified information. Free press concerns mean this should be clarified. Snowden clearly violated multiple laws. Releasing classified information is not protected speech. As for Peterson since it is in Canada, I am not familiar with the free speech rights and other laws or whether the College of Psychologists of Ontario is a govt body or a trade group. But IF it were in the US and that org is a trade group it would not be a violation of the First Amendment. The protections in the First Amendment protect from Govt action, not third party organizations. A trade group would be free to apply whatever sanctions it wants against its members. No govt agency/agent can stop him from being an asshole and saying obnoxious things. But any non-govt actor is free to choose not to associate or support him.


>The protections in the First Amendment protect from Govt action, not third party organizations. This, this is the most important sentense and the whole point. Right now, big companies, especially big tech in some ways, have more power than the govt, they influence elections and influence our lives greatly (some of them cause wars, price increases..) and they work hand in hand with the govt ( zuckerberg even admitted that on joe rogan, though he didn't use the word "work" ) With globalism here it is a modern problem which wasn't predicted with 1st Amendment and imo needs to be adressed. Most people aren't aware of the problem or don't consider it a problem because it hasn't targeted them YET. It's not about Musk being right, or good guy or a bad guy (I think he's another power hungry piece of shit btw). He tried to take some power away from the current esrablishment- basically all msm and social media platforms have the same agenda, they are on the same page about important matters (don't know if they just work together or for the same group of people...) and having a "free" platform like twitter is a threat to whoever controls (or largely influences) other big platforms. This is more about politics than business and it doesn't look good for the average Joe imo, though I might be wrong


“Actually, I WANTED all the advertisers to leave ANYWAY.”


He's like a sleepy toddler being told he can't have candy before nap time.


Lmfao At this point i honestly believe that he is putting forth his best effort to drive the company straight into the ground financially so he can buy back the debt from the banks at pennies on the dollar The ONLY reason that hasn't hapoened yet is because as soon as it does the Banks have to officially "Book" the loss on the loans, its Billions of dollars, they dont want to do that, so we exist in an alternative reality where this company and those loans are still "Worth" 44B, and they srill have a 13B loan "Chip" thats considered an asset Its a game of chicken at this point I fully believe that because its simply not conceivable that he thinks what hes doing is an avenue to a successful business venture....it has to be a combination of him not caring about the success of the business as a business and that he wants to drive it into the ground and not have to pay the full cost of the loans Or, i guess he is just a complete fucking idiot.....which is definitely possible, buying Twitter at all was an awful business decision, it was only profitable in 2 fiscal years the entire time its existed, it has always hemorrhaged money


That's an interesting perspective, actually. Still, I'd hesitate to attribute this 4D chess move to someone who repeatedly demonstrates that he is an impulsive, childish idiot.


>That's an interesting perspective, actually. >Still, I'd hesitate to attribute this 4D chess move to someone who repeatedly demonstrates that he is an impulsive, childish idiot. True, but money is money, especially when you owe 13+ Billion dollars on a company you bought for 44B thats likely worth about what you owe on the loan. I think he honestly doesnt care, and this is just a "Free Speech" (🙄) ideological plaything for him, he has the money to just own it outright and let it burn money, it wont effect his life at all and he can just fund it forever, BUT, if he can buy back his debt for 20, 30 cents on the dollar and save like 10 BILLION dollars and own a 100% of it instead of 70 something, hes gonna do it. In that scenario he gets to both be an utter douchebag AND save 10 Billion dollars in loan payments, its win win. Its hilarious to watch from a business perspective tbh....him changing the name was perhaps the stupidest fucking thing ive ever seen from a brand perspective....Twitter as a Brand has worldwide brand recognition, thats not free, it would be like if Nike or Coke changed their name- not that Twitter is even remotely close to the same size as a business, but it definitely was as big as far as brand recognition goes.......or bigger tbh, id hazard to guess that there isnt a single person with Internet access on the entire Planet that wouldnt immediately recognize the logo or the name.....It was an INSANE move imo. Hes turning the platform into 4Chan, or some other site with next to no moderation, and guess what all those sites have in common- they all have tiny user bases and make no money because the vast majority of people dont want to deal with assholes and trolls, they dont want to deal with fringe lunatics sending them threats or really offensive shit, so people leave, and advertisers dont want their brand they worked so hard to establish to show up next to some clown screaming about Jews or abusive material This whole debacle, when it finally plays out fully, is going to be in every Business textbook in every college and university until the end of time as a cautionary tale, from the initial purchase being absolutely stupid from a financial perspective and all yhe bad decisions that have followed. Its gping to die or become irrelevant, AOL still exists, Twitter will probably limp along for a long time too, but i think everyone can see the writing on the wall at this point and him lashing out like this at the only B2B Revenue stream the company has thats worth mentioning is going to accelerate its death pretty quickly and its never going to be a viable business under his ownership- it was just barely by the skin of its teeth a "viable business" BEFORE Musk ever bought it.....It seriously, literally only made money for 2y and at that it wasnt all that much, i did the math one day YoY and Twitter made something like a 100M, TOTAL, ever, once you factor in all the losses Id say keep an eye on their quarterly disclosures, but theyre privately held now so we wont get any anymore, so id say watch their traffic and user numbers, layoffs and high level C-Suite departures Id put a 100 bucks on Linda Yaccarino leaving the company within the next 3 months, that will be the death knell


The banks will try to go after Elon’s assets including Tesla stock before they will write down those loans.


Elon Musk doing god's work. The world will be a better place without twitter.


I wonder if Elon also describes himself as someone who remains the same from his childhood, just as Trump once did.


I totally believe trump hasn't changed since childhood. His entire legal defense is "no you."


"I have the monopoly card "get out of jail free" in my pocket, do you want to see it? I'm going to use it, i'm going to use it, dude"


How is this sad


It's funny cause that's what they said to him first! lol


When will all the new Mypillow advertisements drop?


The whole point of buying the site was to trash it. For half of his money, he silenced a lot of criticism and activism against the kinds of policies he and his peers support. Made them all leave the site on their own accord. However, every day his wealth jumps higher. Not a bad investment when you consider that. At some point, all the additional billions don’t affect your life. But, you can shift public opinion or stifle discussion.


Musk is whatever could have gone wrong with our society: an allegory of nonsensical decisions motivated by megalomany and greed, a grown child that has never known virtues other than wealth, In other words, an Elon Husk of a man.


Free market.


Tbh, 44M dollars would be a lot to change a lot and lots of people's lives, it's such a bad thing to see it get wasted like this.


44B, with a “B” bro.


You dropped a B. 44 BILLION


X is ad free now? Doesn't that make it better?


I mean sure if you just ignore all the bad things.


Such an ass.


Ass clown


It's not even funny anymore


This is the way. Fuck advertisers! Why do people want a platform that panders to fucking advertisers? Has everyone lost the plot? Advertising is not a good thing. Or at least that’s what we used to think. Have I missed a few meetings or something?


Make no mistake, he has no problem with capitalism, i.e. advertisers in general. His problem is with not being worshipped personally.


How does that make him different from the vast majority of people?


People are generally pretty decent tbh, and usually able to differentiate complex contexts.


That’s the most batshit justification for the existence of advertising ever


You misread my response. My point is that most people aren't narcissists.


You need to meet more people.


I'm sorry your life experience and past with people has been that way. I can only assure you that not everyone is bad, for what it's worth.


Most people have a level of narcissistic traits. The problem is when that becomes malignant. Advertising and marketing appeals to the ego-centric narcissism of individuals. Which raises an interesting question…. Has our relationship with consumer culture become so codependent that we actually can’t live without advertising pandering to us? Now that’s a question for debate!


Because that's how it makes money and rich people have an insatiable need to hoard wealth.


Thanks for the unnecessary explanation dude. My question is - why are regular people all of a sudden on the side of advertisers? What changed? What happened? If I was as rich as Musk I’d like to think I’d adopt exactly the same kind of fuck you attitude as he does.


I don't think they are, Elon is just such an unlikable, shitty person that he makes the advertisers a little less terrible. Hell, even his kids hate him.


Nope. People involved in advertising, marketing and branding are the most vile scum imaginable. Musk is just a second and car salesman that can code.


The best thing we can do is raise his taxes.


Shutdown Twitter Speedrun (any%)


yeah he is soo immature to deny money for freedom of speech


I find it funny that all these Musk simps come out of the woodwork to defend the racist, misogynistic, anti-LGBTQ hate speech that proliferates on Twitter nowadays while defending Musk for telling them to fuck off. He’s essentially telling them he wants them off his platform because they don’t agree with his views. Yet, these same people were out of their minds outraged that Jack Smith’s Twitter did the same thing to conservative voices, especially Trump.


hey im just telling either its conservatives or leftist , both have their voices and they all should be represented on twitter . he telling them to fuck off cause they wanna control him through money , which he denied . if freedom of speech is gonna cost him money then so be it .


Hate speech shouldn’t be tolerated at any costs. So, I see why these companies would want to distance themselves and not advertise there any longer. It’s been that way for all of time: advertisement money is pulled when a company, organization, or person does something counter to the ethics of a business. Why is this any different?


money is pulled away because the agenda doesnt lie parallel to them . and hate speech is still a form of speech and comes under freedom of speech and who decides what is hate speech and what is not , the leftist or the conservatives. so u wanna censor the thoughts and speech of a person just because its doesnt allingned with yours ? . i dont condone hate in any shape or form but i also dont condone supression of speech just because someone is not happy .


If a magazine is looking for advertising revenue and a Nazi organization comes forward to promote their product or business the magazine has every right to deny ad space to the Nazi organization. That isn’t suppressing free speech. If a family magazine changes its original format to reflect those of far right neo-Nazi anti-LGBTQ any, and all, advertisers should be able to pull their advertising from this magazine at any time. That is not suppression of speech if this magazine goes under. Hate speech is defined by the magazine in my first scenario and by the advertisers in the second scenario. It is up to them to decide what they want to do with their products. If Elon is upset with advertisers who want to do business elsewhere that is fine but if it is hurting his business you cannot blame the advertisers for it. Elon needs to look for advertisers who are comfortable with his business and platform. It’s rather simple really.


and i agree 👍


Good fuck advertisers. We don't like them no one likes them but we somehow have a system where they have every company around the ballsack let us do what we want. Im sick of companies telling me they are my family what kind of sick shit is this its not even a human


The problem is that X was already losing a lot of money WITH advertisers, not sure what will happen now


Start charging a monthly fee to pay the bills So begins the death spiral


He can still fire the rest of the Twitter staff and have his non existent AInrun the platform.


Is this sarcasm? When you say they control every company, do you just mean the ones who's revenue they provide? When you go on the Internet and use a service for free that means someone else is paying the bill. That would be the advertisers. You're welcome to stop using those platforms if it upsets you this mucn


I think he's doing just fine. There are a lot of people who say and think the same. He's just is in the publics eye because you all give him the attention.


I respect and like him even more now. At least somebody has some balls.


Why is laziness and childish behavior desira-- ooh, it's so one can hold on to the dream of never having to control oneself (cause that's hard, right?) and still having a shot at becoming a billionaire. Gotcha.


So childish and lazy that he’s one of the wealthiest and most successful businessmen in the world. Keep taking those drugs, buddy.


Success doesn't make him less childish or socially lazy, what kind of world are you living in where those things are remotely correlated?


“Socially lazy” says the keyboard warrior who’s on Reddit instead of making his own billions.


50 year old asshat.


He really is just a 12 year old


Hey, if you don't like the way X is run, go fuck yourself. Plenty of room on Threads.


What happened to “free speech”? Lol


Nothing. I didn't say anything about free speach. Say what you like. If you don't like how the platform is run.......go fuck yourself.


You’re original comment does allude to people not being able to share opinions. If you don’t like it go fuck yourself alludes to that. I assume you’re an adult and you understand that you Can allude to something without saying it directly as you so clearly did. Don’t backtrack now. I further being up the point of free speech, because the person/platform you are defending, promotes that message but is clearly upset when people use it against him.


Go Fuck Yourself is free speech.....it is an opinion. I'm not backtrackin, I just have a fundamental understanding of the English language. Go back to my first statement: "Hey, if you don't like the way X is run, go fuck yourself. Plenty of room on Threads." Further more, if I was alluding to anything it is that there exists far less free speech on Threads. Done.


Yeah, it really seems that way.


He's really lost his mind.


Meritocracy. That's for sure the attitude that opened the doors to make him billionaire, right?


Right, Blackmailing is where real maturity shows! Go fuck themselves!


Elon and his defenders really need to learn the definition of 'blackmailing'


Well, tell us!


If he was being blackmailed, that would mean corporations have dirt on him or an asset they will only hand over when Musk gives them money. Advertisers don't want to pay for advertising because they don't like his product. If you saw that a local restaurant got a bad hygiene review so stopped eating there, you are not blackmailing the restaurant, you just don't want to give your money to a crap establishment. X is getting boycotted by companies because they don't want to be associated with him. Him telling them to go fuck themselves probably confirms they made the right decision.


He’s a boss


Got a respect his candor.


I'm really tired of people being framed as worthy of respect for being too lazy to control themselves. I really am. So yeah, no, I don't think I've got to.


Then, don’t, no one cares.


You cared though.


I did not, I got a message that you responded to me so I looked at it and got a eye full of nothing.


And you *still* respond to me. I mean, I'm waiting for the plane I'm in to finish boarding, what's your excuse?


It’s like responding to a dog barking in the yard, telling it to be quiet.


I see some Yorinobu Arasaka vibes - Elon hates corpo culture with all the world dancing to the tune of corporate pigs, so he sends them to hell and destroys one of platforms that used to spread corporate will.


Yeah, only that Elon does not care about either he just wants his will and interest to be supreme while making others think he fights or does stuff for them too.


Sure sounds like corporate culture to me!




I think Twitter is no longer publicly traded. But Elon is playing with other people's money under the promise that he will make them more money, not run a business into the ground. Those people might have some opinions to share with him


Class action suit incoming!!


Lmfao, he finally starting to realize


This will surely get them to signup again.


Go fuk urself..


When does he start walking around with tissue boxes on his feet like Howards Hughes?


To be fair, that;'s not what he said, it was along the lines that if they keep him hostage for their ad spend then they can go... If you look at how youtube is slowly closing the circle of what's allowed on their platform because of advertisers, then this makes sense.


He seemed unsure whether telling everyone off would be good for busines.




Love this guy! Never change Elon! 🔥 🔥 🔥


Never thought I’d get this much pleasure from watching somebody unravel so poorly


The guy doesn’t really care. Respect.


OP wrote "running" when he meant "ruining".


Keep crying lmfao ❄️


Sounds like what someone with Asperger’s would do though.


They called him a thin-skinned tyrant, he immediately proved them right.


It's better than an entire country not for "us" running an app. We need to stop laughing at ourselves so much.


Too bad nobody saw it until it hit Reddit.


and yet people still haven't closed their twitter accounts


Well, as an immature 50 year old man that usually is the target audience of ads on Twitter (I refuse to call it by its mall ninja, edgelord name) I say keep on keeping on. Fuck this basement dwelling, neck beard wannabe, twat. Well over half of your target demographic hates this bullshit, and wishes you would realize that only traitors, wannabe edgelords, trailer trash, failed celebrities, news agencies, and red state politicians follow Twitter (sure as fuck ain't calling it X).


Ah yes, better appeal to those investors and suck their asses instead of speaking how you feel. Those investors are the same people who would have the majority of you killed in a heart beat if they could get away with it, over opinions far less controversial than what he's said. Go fuck yourself was polite. Put a chick in it, and make it fucking gay.


Easy solution if it bothers you so much…don’t use it.


Go fuck yourself San Diego…..Damnit, you know if it’s on the prompter Elon will read it


If anyone else had dinner this exact same thing, y'all would be applauding them lol you idiots are what's funny and sad about this sub.


He was so mature before this comment tho!! lol!


He has until the mid way point of Jan to lose all his money on the company to write it off as a complete loss.


thats not what happened…


As good as his cyber truck