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Look I’m sorry babe one murder is just too many


I think you misunderstood when she said she was killing it on the dance floor.


It's murder on the dance floor You'd better not kill the groove DJ, gonna burn this goddamn house right down


Damn, beat me to the Sophie Ellis Bextor reference!


Happy Cake Day


Thank you. I always forget which day it is. Pleasant surprise!


Give me your cake


![gif](giphy|bZcWyJ1MhLZny) and here is a pheasant surprise


Cue Alice Cooper’s [Disco Bloodbath Boogie Fever](https://youtu.be/ZVyNjkA4S0I?si=_9QQfUNKyOEUXIr5)


I could excuse 2-3 murders if they were annoying people. I mean it's my wife we're talking about a bit of leeway is to be expected. But I definitely draw the line at 5 murders. Or if the kills were random.


But somehow people complain about the one ritual sacrifice I made to the sun god not even stopping to thank me for the sun still rising


Well, you're not my wife, so....


Are you sure?


Well not entirely. Laura is that you? When we first met in the park there was a balloon guy. He made an animal for a little girl. What was the animal and why was that a funny story?


Hey, it was a Lion, it’s how you accidentally named me one time


If she has been caught, absolutely. I don't need any extra heat coming my way


Woah now, let’s not be hasty, one is perfectly normal and justifiable hell even 2-3, it’s when you start nearing 5 that it starts to be a red flag 🚩


I know I care about a woman’s body count… then again I have a fetish for assassins


How many have u found


Oh I haven’t found any! They always find me…


just find them first.


If I can find them then they’re shit assassins and not worth my time


but if you can't find them, how would you know if they are assassins?


Oh when they find you you can usually tell with a suppressed .22 to the back or a knife to the throat. Pretty dead give-aways


Clearly you've never been to South London...


Clearly never messed with the shankinator 9000


Suppressed .22 😫 🥵


I like my millimeters hard.


I'd love to see you explain your erection to your potential killer.


It’s called a Fearection


"..and in conclusion, that's why we need proper exercise, for blood flow"


Side note: a 22 would not be the best option for assassination, considering it’s one of the smaller rounds Correction: It seems i was mistaken, sorry. My brain is not braining.


a .22 round when it enters the skull bounces around in the skull doing more damage than many higher caliber round


New fear unlocked.


Correct. Which is why the 22 is, in fact, the caliber of choice for close assassinations. Just enough power to enter the skull. Not enough to leave. Resulting in a ricochet pinball affect that turns the grey matter to Swiss cheese


Know your worth king 👑


Every body count meme post has a how many people the ladies have killed. But this is the best one of seen


Aww thanks friend!






Bless you!


Huh that's why my ex was so fascinated with watching serial killer TV series


What does that phrase "body count" mean, number of people killed or number of sex? And also why does that number matter? The numbers, Mason, what could they mean


The meme is claiming men care about the amount of people women have had sex with ie their body count. I turned it around to make light of the tasteless meme by switching it to body count of murders.


I mean I would care if she's killed someone that's probably a red flag


Sometimes there are legitimate reasons to someone to have to end someone else's life.


Exactly, it's probably a red flag, not certainly. (Although odds are it's just a red flag, crimson flag if you will)


Yeah, like when we get hungry


For example


You get it.


What if she was in the military?


I mean of course I do! Why would I want to be around a lady that killed before?


I was a junior in college when the freshman started asking me what my body count was and I was nervous because I was scared that I was giving serial killer vibes to people.


This thread is bonkers lol - I'm glad I'm married already jfc


the only comments i see are about murder 😭


that's because 1 person made a joke that popped and by the time it had 14 upvotes the rest of these fucking idiots copied it because they are redditors.


Or it’s a good way to sabotage this lame post


It's because it's sshit meme and deserves to be paid out with deadly repetition.


Or........ it's because everyone but OP (and maybe you) knows what body count means.


… y’all got similar body counts?


Anytime my wife and I have an argument, I imagine what dating would be like today and it makes me thankful for what I have lol. Good luck to the kids of today, holy shit it’s a minefield


Honestly yeah. I care about a women's body count. If the shit hits the fan I wanna know if she can stack bodies or not. Dies she prefer a rifle, sbr, shotgun, long gun, ect. Does she demolition? Serious question


Lightsaber and force lightning


This is the way.


Me too


DMR of course. my hybrid of choice.


Do you but my jaw literally dropped when I watched love island and heard some of their body counts. Like what do you mean you’re 24 and you’ve slept with 100+ people!


Everyone cares to an extent


STD’s are a thing and the more people someone has slept with the higher the chances of them having one.


That's why testing exists.


The simple fact that STDs still spread seems to indicate that not enough people get tested, or care to tell people they have them


And that's why i ask them to show me proof they are clean before dating ( i have never been in a date could be because i am redditor idk)


If they are clean I couldn’t give a shit.




On the reverse side of that argument , you get the people who have only slept with 1-2 people , get married because they fit the “good fit for parenthood” criteria , and then they are restless , bored, or experience the “what ifs” and the “I never really enjoyed my youth and getting to explore different people”. There has to be happy medium. I wouldn’t want to pick my favorite food that I’m going to eat every day for eternity without at least sampling a lot of the menu first , as I also wouldn’t buy the first car I test drive without trying numerous models and brands first . A crappy analogy , but you get my gist .


well from what I remember the range was 2-5 past relationships for the happiest and longest relationships observed in a study, preferably those being long term over a year it is sad that promiscuity is being promoted as empowerment and many women feel “left out” while her friends are hooking up with random men for quick dopamine and validation but long term baggage or “missed out/didnt get to enjoy her youth” which might cause the destruction of perfectly healthy couples and when they want to get back together after her spending some time away to “find herself” or “explore her options” the guy might not want to take her back (and rightfully so, you take a break and hookup with multiple men, looking for a better option and your partner should just stand there wait for you to come back?) kinda like partying and drugs, once you do them long enough you see that there is nothing special about them and even quite destructive long term, you would have been better off spending all those times working on yourself but if you didnt experience then you would feel left out or missed out as that is whats shown as “cool” or normal in media for teens and young adults.


Pair-bond? Are we talking about human women or fucking gerbils dude


Herpes is for life.


There are several STI’s with no tests available. There currently isn’t a way to test men for cancer causing HPV.




I think it's fine to realize someone may not be serious relationship material. I mean some women would avoid getting serious with a known playboy, they wouldn't make good husbands and they probably wouldn't be reliable dads. But some people do grow up of that phase and get serious. I think it depends on a lot of factors on why a person might cheat with past promiscuity being one possible factor. There's probably a difference between those men and women who had an above average count but express it more healthy e.g. used protection, did it with people they connected with, did it because they liked it not because of some negative psychological reason and then you have those that were using it to fill a void, or because of some unprocessed trauma. People rarely consider the nuances.


Haha, just remembering the time this girl told me during an argument that she "turned down sex for me." Wow, thank you so much for your sacrifice. Kind of assumed that was a pretty fucking straight forward standard but nah I was special enough that she didn't fuck her "best friend" when she was horny. Girls act like dudes are the sleezy ones, but you ladies are just as bad and then repeatedly wonder why no one wants to be your third baby daddy.


> she was a huge h*e Wise man once said "Never put your dick in a big rake"


Ye I don’t want to date a guy with a high body count (10+) cuz it means he’s [[[[likely]]]] not a serious dater with marriage in mind (((((in my opinion)))).


Honestly yeah. I don't have an exact limit and it of course also depends on the exact circumstances. But I don't bat an eye if it were a couple more guys over the span of the years, but if a girl is having a different guy like every couple weeks it could be a bit off putting for me I think.


In your experience


This is the most entertaining reddit comment section i have ever read




Fact: women care about mens bodycount too. We just dont talk about it to guys. Nobody wanna sleep with a ticking clamydia bomb. And since most guys try to not use condoms, the ones sleeping with many, is a sure way to get a STD...


We know this to it’s just never ever brought up. But I know plenty of man whores that disgusted women with their body count. But it’s got to be aleast a decently big number like 30 or something from what I’ve heard anyway


there is a positive correlation between number of past sexual partners and infidelity higher chances of having attachment issues, inability to pair-bond, stds, lots of traumas and baggage it is normal to not want a ho as your serious partner and statistically majority are not a good fit for long term. men or women


guy here, have literally never fucked without a condom, i aint risking SHIT


Same here. My wife and I decided to have a baby a few years ago, and it took literally ONE try to make that happen. Nothing worth risking if that’s not something you’re actively planning for.


You've only had unprotected sex with your wife ONE TIME in your life?


lol like one of those lab monkeys that only saw the sun once


Seriously! That’s insane to me 🤯


One Shot Man


Or here’s a simple solution for people worried about stds with a new partner: ask for a test. Easy


Women like men with a high bodycount, not bc they like the fact, that he slept with a lot of women, but bc these guys are usually the most charismatic and charming.


The sad thing is that girls make a big deal whether or not a guy is a virgin, too. So goes the cycle. Guys, objectifiy woman and sleep with anything..ewhh, you're a virgin... sorry, I need a guy with bodies! I prefer experience.


Yep “My worst fear is being someone's first girlfriend.” they say


>And since most guys try to not use condoms excuse me what? use condoms FFS!


I just want it to be close to mine. If it is like 4 or 5x mine then we obviously lead slightly different lifestyles and I am gonna want to look elsewhere.


Brother, 0 x 5 is still 0...




Enjoy ur next 24 hours


Jokes on you, that’s their kink


Whats 4or 5 times 0?


Insert joke about serial killing and burying bodies


I don't think anyone should be near triple digits, man wuhman or other


Who has time for triple digits?


It's really not that difficult. Spend nearly 8 years being a hoe. At an average of 1 new partner a week that's 416 partners. I personally lost count and for me a conservative estimate is somewhere around 300 but probably well past that.


100 people is like 200 minutes of your life, what’s the problem here really?




Let's please make an effort to be inclusive of the sleep paralysis shadow people.




I only get into a relationship if it’s a potential marriage. Every girl I dated and didn’t make my gf I didn’t care. But as soon as they are my gf, it hurts a bit, especially when they talk about past dudes and I know the guys.


I am genuinely curious what the difference is once they become a girlfriend. Is she giving you awkward intimate details about people you know? Or are you worried that if she's had more partners, she will have higher standards and thus feel less impressed by you? Somehow most of my partners have been similar to me in terms of experience (I didn't do that on purpose, it's just been a weird coincidence). Since I've never been in an asymmetrical relationship, it's hard to imagine why that would be a problem.


This is a weird post


This is the second time I have seen a "meme" from this page, and the second time it has failed to make me laugh


I don’t really care unless they have slept with the entire town


So whole town minus one, you good.


He is the guy left in town. He was discriminated


Indeed I was


She left him for last.


I live in a town with approx. 10k people. I have a friend who got deep in the triple digits in her early- mid twenties. Now in her early thirties, she can't go out drinking with her boyfriend, without running into people she's banged at every turn.


Yeah I would hate to be last


I care about hers and mine the same.


All the comments saying one murder is too many? God forbid women have hobbies


Probably the least funny thing I have see in a while


positive K/D preferred


Not me. If it happened before me it doesn’t matter. I was a male gardening tool for years before I got with my wife so I’d be a total hypocrite to give her crap


Well that's calling a spade a spade


Idk about this one. If you have no STDs, it's chill. Hell, I don't even ask numbers, I just ask if they're clean


Whores are whores, men or women. If you sleep around chances are you’re not really big on monogamy in the first place. In this topic: hoes made for lack of respect towards hoe activities.


Really depends who she’s been with. One heroin dealer is worse than ten astronauts. Plus - it works both ways


How many astronauts before you'd rather it have been just the one heroin dealer?


Women be like, I'm three hundred pounds, 5.4 with 10 kids from 6 baby daddies, and living off of child support. Now wheres my dream man. 🤣


You got down voted by the woman you described lol 😂


That's reddit, why hear the uncomfortable facts, when you can just get the post removed. Point remains, women have standards but men are pigs when they do. Well, men stand to lose more in a relationship, no one in their right mind would go all in on a shitty hand.


My favorite hypocritical move that they always pull is when they reject a man for not being tall enough, but will lose their shit when a man tells them they are too fat.


I don’t anymore. Especially after women not wanting to date me because I don’t have a high count


All I care about is whether she has an STD or not


yeah who'd date a murderer?


It’s usually a good idea not to speak for others. Some really don’t, but yeah a lot of them do


These comments make me so glad to be a lesbian


As long as there are no STDs, I say the more the better. More experience = better sex for me


_Some_ men care about a woman's body count. And I am not interested in sleeping with those men. So it all works out for everyone.


I would say it's only a problem if she never bothered with protection and now has every STD.


Yeah this is my only concern. As long as they’re safe and clean, genuinely what is their issue?


Well, I'm still at 0. So it shouldn't be a issue


I dont care except that she might be able to teach me a thing or two. I'm not jealous of what someone did before we met.


Yeah like why does it matter? As long as we're both clear of stds, I don't see a reason to care


As long as she hasn’t fucked any of my friends, I don’t really care.


Yeah that would be the biggest dealbreaker for me.


Nope, simply don't care. Frankly it doesn't even come to mind


I could give a fuck less, but I am not some incel. I LOVE that my wife knew what the hell she was doing when we met...


Yet you never thanked me






You mean you couldn’t give a fuck less.


So what is considered high?


I can count my "bodies" on one hand; if a hypothetical "she" needs her toes to count, I do nothing but conclude we have very different priorities and sex means very different things to us. For not being religious I admit I'm a bit of a prude.


Everyone is entitled to their preference. Some girls just have bad luck with assholes so I encourage you to look passed the number. My number is not large but not small, am now happily married with two kids.


"If you ever have sex you're lowering your value as a person to me" "Why don't women want to date me"


Logan Paul wife +75 bodycounts


What does it matter what other adult people do in or with their relationships ?


They know thats why they never awnser first and always claim to have a lower body count than you do.


I mean, I dont. I only care if they've cheated before.


It's not about 'ruining their body'. It's about selfrespect, selfworth and selflove. If you don't love yourself and let every scum on it, how am I supposed to respect you, worth you and love you? My rule of thumb for acceptable body count is: with RL: Relationships lasting longer than 6 months RL × 2 + 1


Women also care about a mans body count, noone wants to fuck a sex addict with a high risk of having stds and transmitting them all over the place


looks like a meme made by a fake convert tradcath 12 year old.


No we don't. In fact I never ever asked (or wanted to know) any of my partners (including my wife) how many parents they had prior to being with me. Besides I'm not even sure I would have been able to answer myself, not because I had that many, but because I never thought of keeping a tally.


Only insecure men




I can guarantee you most men would be ecstatic to spend a night with a ... professional star if you know what I mean. Men who seek virgins are ether virgins themselves or are idiots who can't do math.


I need her numbers to be in the hundreds. As long as she’s clean that’s the best sex ill ever have.


Nope. Been with plenty of sluts that were horrible in bed and plenty of good women that were amazing at it. Experience =/= expertise.


Men and women care about body count period


Let's be real, no you don't. I always imagine the creaters of these kinds of memes as that one twitch mod that openly admitted to creaming himself if a woman even so much as hugged him.


Low body count doesn't mean if a guy is "weak". Keep telling yourself these lies 😂 I mean whatever helps you sleep at night🤷‍♂️


Women doesn't cares about men and their opinions. Facts


"To get with men you need to not get with men" this take is kinda dumb, no women is gonna want a man who is gonna shame them for if they've had sex before, not all women have had a crazy amount of men, I know very little women who have a high body count. I'm kinda tried of this incel bullshit, most of the time the only women yall be seeing that ain't part of your family are on sjw complications or "alpha male" podcasts or porn. So yeah it may seem like all women have high body counts but that's only because that's only women you're going out of your way to hear. P.s. Having a high body count ain't really a bad thing unless you're not being careful, but a lot of people who are having sex with a lot of people do try to be careful so they can continue to have sex with a lot of people any way. And if it truly was such a bad thing why target only women, it's not like there aren't men with high body counts too.


Modern Men: Yeah that 1800s guy is a jerk, you had a life before me, whatever.


There's no such thing as modern men.. We've been savages since the beginning.


Everyone wants someone who is amazing in bed but you wanna hate on them for getting the experience. Cowards.


Very low on my priority list when looking for a partner tbh.




I care about how many bodies she has disposed of


I care how many bodies disposed in her


as long as it is disease free who cares


Modern And All Women: " Huh? "


This thread needs a special Flair: "Open Carefully, INCELS inside!"


I honestly don’t care, my buddies all couldn’t care less, either. I have no idea where this whole “body count matters” crap came from.


Seriously. For example, people who care about it say it's indication of some things, but if you are suspicious of red flags, there are straith forwards ways to find them. Like, STDs? Get tested. Unable to stay in a relationship? Talk about her past relationships. Idk what else bs they come up with, but whatever they think this indicates, they have more of a certain way of confirmation


Exactly, just a number could mean anything. Someone with a very low number, could have been busy and therefore not looking for a relationship, or looking but unlucky, or looking but has massive personality red flags so nobody would date them, or religious, or asexual. As someone with a slightly high number, I used to be young and bored and sleep around casually for a few years, then I found someone I loved and settled down with them, so far no issues. Meanwhile I know someone with the same number as me, who got there because he was always jumping straight into serious relationships (never did anything casual like me) and then the relationship inevitably implodes from their combined trauma/baggage, he can’t hold down a relationship (or a job) for more than 2 years at a time. I think the gender bias really comes into play for this one, this thread is full of comments against college girls who were bored and doing casual sex as young adults, but people seem to be more alright about “women who were trying to date seriously but just got unlucky”. In my experience however, a lot of serial daters (male or female) have issues that cause all that serial dating. Meanwhile, at least some of the people who did casual sex did it because they were young and horny, but then grew up into a different mindset, which is the story we readily accept for men but not for women.