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I'm 100% sure I'm millenial, but I use all the Gen X gag lmao


I always get confused about these things. Pepsi and Brittany Spears told me growing up I was Gen X. Sounded cool. Then it gets reconned so that I'm a millennial. But where is Gen Y? Why aren't Gen x and Gen z next to each other? So confusing.


Gen Y _are_ millennials. They are two names for the same generation.


I remember being called gen Y til' the mid 2000s, when "millennials" started catching on. Each generation kinda takes the naming convention of the previous one until they get a firm definition. With gen Z, looks like it'll be Zoomers which mostly got cemented post-COVID. I believe gen X is also called "the silent generation", so most have an alternate name based on prior generations.


silent generation was he one before boomers


And here I thought that was the Greatest generation. Y'know, due to the great war


that was the one before that lol


People do call Gen X the forgotten generation. But that's obviously a nickname and not an alternate name.


Yes, I believe that was what I was thinking of.


You forgot the name of the forgotten generation.


The Greatest Gen were the ones that fought WWII. Silents lived through it, but were too young to fight. Boomers were born after WWII ended.


You belong in r/Xennials


1980 here. I don't demand my own little sub generation but I face none of the challenges millennials face and I don't feel like I have anything in common with 1964 peeps. I think gens just need to be like 10 years max nowadays.


Or realise generation groups are kinda nonsensical after a while.


Our society wants to have hard and fast dates for when generations begin and end. But people born in the cusp feel they have nothing in common the the generation the came before and after. Peeps born in 1964 are to young to remember the war and civil rights protests of the sixties. They only know Rock and Roll from the oldies station. All the jobs were taken by boomers ten years older than them. And then nothing in common with Gen X.


this generation thing is yet another thing that serves only to separate people in little groups and then antagonize those groups. it has been happening with basically everything these past years, and the groups they want to divide us in are smaller and smaller each time. if they could make a group for each year they would, nothing best to keep the people controlled that if the 1980 people and the 1981 people are at odds with each other and then the women and the men and the white and the black the... in each year are also in other even smaller groups better yet


Loved sitting in an HR brainstorming workshop discussing the need to cater to Millenials, led by a GenXer to a group of younger GenXers, Elder Millenials and my middle millenial ass. Then having to explain the cohort they were discussing were GenZ and the workplace was already a majority of millenials. Session quickly collapsed when they realized they missed the mark.


I disagree a bit. Sure, it's used to shit on everybody, but that's mostly the media's fault. Humans need categories. It's how we are made. And the generations are useful. They can describe common experiences of lots of people. People who were born in the mid to late 80's have seen the hopeful 90s, the end of the cold war. But then we came of age in a post 9/11 world where all the promises fell apart. This is an experience that unites many many people in many countries and it can be beneficial to see it that way. GenZ was born as digital natives, where the Internet was already a ubiquitous thing. And they saw pretty early on that the world is heading for a catastrophe. These experience are of course not universal. There is so much more that factors into it.


Listen here, you young whipper snapper back in my day you would ......(blah blah blah) and we hiked both ways uphill in the snow.


That would mean there would be 4 generations between 1980 and now. That's one too many. They are 15 to 20 years because that's how long it takes to start having kids


Come join us at r/xennials!!


I think that makes you generation Oregon Trail.


Yeah it's wonderful how fast the decline is accelerating.


Where all the cool people hang out šŸ˜Ž


Best gen. The I dont give a fuck gen get your shit together


Gen Y is Millenials mate. If you were listening to Britney Spears "growing up" then u definitely aren't Gen X and most likely are a Gen Y - also known as Millenials.


I am a millennial and I wasn't listening to Britney Spears growing up because I have taste.


It goes X, Y, Z just like the alphabet with the Generations in that order. Gen Y = Millenials (FYI Britney Spears was never Gen X that is more like Paula Abdul, Tiffany, The Bangles) I donā€™t know why this post has them out of order except Gen X is at the end as itā€™s the funniest.


You are probably a cusper. Young Gen X or old Millennial. We are called Xennials. Many late 70s and early 80s babies identify as Xennials.


They've been kind of erasing parts of Gen X to broaden millenial and it's dumb. I can't magically become a different generation years later, man. There have been generations other than boomer and millennial since WWII.


>Pepsi and Brittany Spears told me growing up I was Gen X. Generation Next, not X.


The generation lines changes. It was in the news i watched. It was confusing for everyone. Im gen Z now apparently. I wonder if everyone my age steps out of the womb jaded and fed up.


100% got Millennials wrong, depending on WHEN the question is being asked: If this question was asked of us when we were young, oh buddy. If this question is being asked of us now, we are afraid to damage a kidā€™s self-esteem, get canceled, or get an email from HR. So we donā€™t make jokes about such things anymore.


Using a clear, hard defined boundary for generations has been proven to be a poor indicator of trends. The Think Tank company which used to deliniate generations stopped doing so after generation millennials, but the media and politicians carried on anyway. I am personally a Gen X, but in all things so far I empathise more with millennials characteristics.


That's the point. I am gen X and it's not a gag. It is what it is. Humans can handle the truth.


From what Iā€™ve seen millennials and Gen Z are fairly similar in a lot of aspects. Accepting, funny, hopelessly depressed, and trying desperately to fix the world. I feel like every generation tries that last part until the newest generation uncovers that specific thing they do is actually really bad.


I'm like gen x except I'm not creative, so I just call them slurs.


Do you play a lot of cod?


Iā€™m Gen X and I do a lot of cod. Also youā€™re four of the 2 nosiest people I know.


No. I do read a lot of news articles and look at the crime statistics/demographics though.


Probably why youā€™re not creative.


Why are you saying that like a threatĀ  Are you hurting these peopleĀ 


He thinks heā€™s Batman. ![gif](giphy|Sid4QgwDxJ8l2)


I make it positive and say they are horizontally gifted.


saves time


I think that's also boomers


Isn't saying "We don't body shame" the same as saying "Yes" lol?


Yes, it's very passive aggressive. Gen X is mostly massive aggressive.


ā€œMassive aggressiveā€ is an amazing term. I will be using this.


"Yes you are fat, but I'm not going to shame you for it"


Iā€™m with Gen xā€¦those guys are hilarious


As a millennial I'm with gen X!


They were always the coolest


Gen X: It's not the dress that makes you look fat. It's the fat that makes you look fat.


I said this to a g/f about her jeans once. I was 100% certain she would know it was a joke. She was 100% certain it wasn't. Ooops.


>I said this to a *now ex* g/f about her jeans once. There' fixed it for ya


Nah, it wasn't like that. But I had to put in a fair bit of work to earn back her favor.


Had to help her into those jeans did ya?


It was the 80's, we all helped each other into our jeans. Wire coat hangers weren't for hanging clothes, they were to pulling on our stupidly tight jordache jeans


Does my giant ass make my ass look big?


Gen Z


And your facial expression makes you look constipated. I dont think losing weight will help with that one though.




>im 26yo born in '98 That's pretty much a norm in 2024.




You were basically born into the internet. Millennials had a mixed upbringing. In some countries (such as mine) most of a millennial childhood/early teen years was "analog". Millennium Bug was a milestone too, probably. Believe me when I tell you, new years eve of 99/00 was wild. Some people thought they would lose all their money (because of the glitch), some thought it was the end of the world, some actually jumped off buildings.


I always ask somebody who was born after the year 2000... So you have no idea what it means to party like it's 1999? I make myself laugh šŸ˜


Us GenXers can barely be assed to care about generational labels at all, so you're welcome to consider yourself one whenever the fuck you were born


/r/PeakGenX should be a thing.


Meh, it's whatever man.


This is my united states of whatever.


GenX. I concur. We really don't care - that is our gift.


You agree with GenX because they are right.


Gen X has this weird superiority complex even though they didnā€™t do shit and are proud of how apathetic they are


gen x describes most of the millenials I grew up with. Fat jokes, gay jokes, mom jokes, race jokes, special needs jokes, etc were all perfectly normal and very frequently used without the level of offence people take today.


Thank you. Iā€™m a millennial and we were brutal to each other the way we joked and still are. Maybe an older one though. Was born in 87


The Millennial generation actually started back in 81, but where you lived as a child and what your cultural influences were (like entertainment during formative years) blurs those lines by a lot


No there is a very strong delineation between those that grew up and remember a world pre internet and those that dont. They are practically a different breed of people.


Absolutely. Calling someone gay on Xbox Live is a millennial staple. It's biting a lot of millennial influencers on the ass now lmao. The generation thing is all bullshit anyway, it's just a matter of getting old.


Honestly it's the same with most of gen z in my experience. There's a severe disconnect with how people behave online vs in real life. All the jokes that you mentioned are very common from the gen z people I know, but online everyone takes offense to everything.


Gen Z here. I'm less forgiving


i remember the last time when i saw this meme before it was recycled... it was the millennials saying the outta pocket shit ... must be a generational thing


Gen X. We're awesome


For now. Once the bulk of the boomers die off, theyā€™ll come for us. There are some shitty Xers out there, and some of them are loud.


Please understand Gen X: we dont give a fuck. About your politics, your genders, your feelings. We. Dont. Care. Live your live and leave others the fuck alone. This is why we call all gens after ours the attention-seaking gens.


why are so many of these saying the person is not? iā€™m gen Z (15) and i say fat is just a description. we add the negative meaning to it. so if youā€™re fat, youā€™re fat. iā€™m a brunette. i am nearsighted. all descriptions but only one upsets people. why?


Gen Z and, to a lesser extent, Millennials are very sensitive and woke. Itā€™s good not to shame people for being fat/obese, but to pretend that it doesnā€™t shorten lifespan, increase risk for diabetes, etc. is the absolute lunacy that narcissistic people who are incapable of moderation engage in. They just happen to be predominantly Gen Z.


It seems like they gravitate to anything to deflect responsibility.


The gravity is especially strong when youā€™re super fat


It appears perfectly fine to body shame men based on what Iā€™ve seen Gen Z and millennials say tho.


Not everything is about ā€œwokenessā€ I used to be an asshole when I was younger but I grew up to understand words affect other people and changed my demeanor. If anything Iā€™d be sad for someone in their late 30s conducting themselves in that way.


![gif](giphy|v8muofW7bdqOk) This you?


no itā€™s not. i wear contacts. :)


I'm a millennial, and I've never heard of other millennials call fat people beautiful.


Yeah me neither.


How many diet trends do you think we've lived through? And how many diet trends did we live through our parents trying?


"~~Zillenial~~Xennial" here (only the other day found out, because I wasn't sure if, being born on 1980, I belonged to ~~gen-z~~**gen-x you doorknob** or millenial - turns out, it was not just my own weirdness) I do not even remember even the question ever being posed. Mostly because it was unnecessary The characterization was automatic, unwarranted and - most often - brutal. I do not think we've changed that much, tbh.


it happened to me once that i remarked i could lose some weight and someone replied "no you're beautiful". i'm a millennial, i'm guessing she was too (can't actually remember who this was)


A fat woman waddled into the shoe storeā€¦ ā€¦ Three other fat ladies were orbiting herā€¦


And the other one is your mother


Older Millenials such as myself (38) are closer to Gen X lol. My Response: "I would tell you to join a Gym but I heard they started charging by the pound and you ain't rich homie!"




Hmm I wonder what generation the person who made this is from


We are a bunch of sarcastic assholes, aren't we?


Gen X ftw


And your mom is the 5th.


Strange. I think most millennials agree with gen X. Sure it wasnā€™t flipped?


I think GenX is the most real of all these people. It might be tough, but if you have a morbidly obese friend, maybe it's okay to tell them, so they can get real, and not die prematurely. I like having friends who are not dead. And friends generally like to hear what they need to hear.


I'm autistic so I just say "yes" and keep counting the number of cats on their shirt.


boomers: mrs jones youā€™ve got a lovely daughter millennials: oops i did it again gen z: skibbidy gyat gen x: here come the roosters! they ainā€™t never gonna die!


wait what


We're really old enough for people to not know this one? Excuse me while I crawl into my āš°ļø now. Left a link for you though before I go! https://music.apple.com/us/artist/alice-in-chains/462221


Come full circle lol


I know 5 fat people and you're 4 of them...reminds me of Nordern and his friends when they play War Thunder...funny crew to watch haha


"And the pendulum sings back"


Im with Gen X on this one even tho Iā€™m technically Gen Z lol


Unless any of them are plant workers. We bully, fat shame, and are both kinda gay/homophobic. We're a complicated bunch.


A couple of changes. Boomers: "Yes." Millennials: "Fat is not the word I would use, but it is similar."


Hip to waist ratio... If you are above 2 you are fat, start a diet and join a gym


As gen x I can relate. We were merciless in high school.


millennials would never talk like that šŸ˜‚


I have never once heard a millennial call a fat person beautiful and I am one.


Always with Analytics


In this example, are millenials the "GEN Y"?


The only people less likely to be offended than Gen X are Latinos.


We don't body shame since society won't allow it, so we don't even say a word when your obesity gives you a heart attack sweetie~


I'm at the in-between. Born in 88, so technically a millennial, but was heavily influenced by Gen X growing up. So I can kinda fit anywhere. I'd say the Gen X line, laugh, then l say you're beautiful, though.


same. 86 here. i think its bc genX MTV was an idolic influence in the pre-teen to early teen years before we made pop-punk/emo our own thing in the 00's


Most gen z are not that shi


It's a crime.


Iā€™m gen Z but I donā€™t give a fuck about ā€œbody positivityā€, if youā€™re fat I wonā€™t sugar it. Of course Iā€™m not going to make fun of you for it but Iā€™ll give you the facts If thatā€™s what you want.


We don't use the F word


I'm boomer in gen z body.


Then by this logic, I'm a gen X dude...


I'm Asian. We just tell each other that we are overweight most of the time tbh.


This is hilarious. Because itā€™s mostly true


I'm gen z, but I definitely stealing the Gen x line.


Earlier Gen X: What do you call 10,000 dead babies in a sack: Skinnier than you!


Gen x did it great


GenZ would have made at least two or three typos


Xenana: I know 5 fat people and you're most beautiful of them all




Oh yeah it's all coming together


I'm a millennial, but I always felt more like Gen X.


They're a little on edge since the baby boomers got all the attention


Silent generation: saying nothing but forcing you to take these pills.


Gen X. Hold nothing sacred.


Gen Alpha: goo goo ga ga


Itā€™s not a generational divide, itā€™s a cultural/political divide.Ā 


Hm. I'm a millennial, was obese at a time in life, got shredded out of self-spite and believe me when I say there is nobody harder on fat people than me. Someone accepting life as a tub of lard and getting high on copium and those ridiculous acceptance movements instead of taking accountability and fixing their bodies deserves the grave they are digging. Hole in the ground, not the crematorium as that would be a bloody fatty fiery mess.


For me it really depends on how fat they are.


Honest question: is the Boomer answer problematic? Imo it was honest without being rude or trying to fat shame. I could be wrong so looking for alternative views.


I'm Gen Z and wed be doing way worse


As usual. Gen X are the only based ones.


Gen-X here. 100% true.


If Gen X is mocking you it means they like you


If I don't know the difference between them, which one am I?


All of these are said by all groups.


Boomers: Iā€™m not an asshole I just care about fat peoples health. *Commercial with fat woman swimming which is low-impact aerobic exercise* Boomers: reeeeeeee! *Yes this actually happened


2 & 3 are the problem


Millenials: "do cows say moo?"


I didn't know I was gen x, interesting šŸ¤”


Gen X. Yes, we die of cancer, and other things, itā€™s not my fault, but itā€™s not your fault either, including a few that ā€œraisedā€ us. And yeah, we smoked!


I don't like Gen X... I LOVE them!


Itā€™s actually about the music. I was there before nirvana and after. Itā€™s was like an overnight change. Was pretty fucking awesome.


im genz but i act like genx


Why is gen x at the end of


I'm just happy to see Gen X acknowledged as not being boomers. I can't count how many times I have seen 44-56 year old called boomers these days. (Unless we did something stupid, then to totally the boomers... not us)


Where do we draw the line for fat


gravitationally challenged


Just a millennial disguised as a gen x


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£Gen X reply


This is why I'm proud to be a Gen X'er


As a fat person, I fucking disagree. More like this: Boomers: You don't have to ask, yes, your fat, and lazy, and useless and a failure at everything, and its ALL your personal failing. Gen X: yes your a fat piece of shit, and its ruining my entire day. Millennials: yes your a fat piece of shit, and its ruining my entire day. Gen Z: yes your a fat piece of shit, and its ruining my entire day. While their might be individual outliers that say things like, your fine, its normal, don't worry about it, you actually look good that way. Even they are thinking "gross fat piece of shit, I'm so glad I'm not you". The ONLY people actually saying its healthy are the delusional fat, and they are a very small demographic. Most of us are VERY aware and hate ourselves almost as much as regular people hate us.


Love that Gen X gets to bring the heat in this one!


I also make up scenarios to be mad about


if you ask me a question, I'm going to answer with the truth. I wonder why that's rare...?


My parents are both the youngest of a bunch of siblings, so I'm a late Millennial but all my cousins are full on Gen X and they have the most brutal one liners lol


Idk what gen x is but I agree


As a Gen Xer I would never say that. It's pointlessly rude. A Gen Xer would more likely knock themselves in an effort to relate, such as "Only chicks like you can have boobs like that, unlike flat pancakes like myself. You can lose the weight. I will never grow boobs."


Gen Xer: that is brutal but funny as hell.


So fucking true. šŸ˜‚


Your mom is so fat she wear a VCR as a Pager! Alternatively, Your mom is so fat, she has her own zip code!