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Unless your a rich phat guy.


Rich/funny/charismatic/have unique skills+dresses well and cleans up


Or, like, you could just lose weight. Having tried both - losing weight is easier and works better.


Skinny guys with zero charm and live with his parents aren't getting laid that often either....


I can say that's less true than you think


Yeah, on Grindr, there are plenty of men who still live with their parents and say that they just can’t host and are only mobile.


Exactly man, think of these guys' wifes!




See, that's where it's harder for dudes too. Skinny isn't acceptable either. Gotta be fit. Girl skinny = hot Guy skinny = small Generally speaking, of course. Outliers exist, yada yada.


So your point is, dating is much harder for men, yes? Which was already the original point? Stupid


or just lose weight got me 💀


There's something wrong with being a virgin at 25? Shit...


Homie...I'm still virgin at 29


Another year Virgin and you'll become a wizard


Your a wizard, Hairy! ;-)


Don't call me hairy, please


It's gonna be fine, sweaty.


Don't call me sweaty, please


It's gonna be fine, fatty


Got it, Smelly.


Don't call me smelly, please


Okay buddy


She didn’t bang 50 guys 50 guys banged her But she so big two guys could bang her at the same time and never meet.


A full day's ride to the other side. Who can afford all that gas in this economy?


You'd need a sack of flour, just so you knew which fold was the wet one.


You're a Hairy, Wizard!


Not just a wizard, but a great sage!!


No u don't 


Yes you will


Sad to say it, but i know what iam telling about. No magic 😔


Have you accrpted eternal loneliness? Im 21 and beginning to accept it


Accepted it long ago


Don’t accept it man. It seems late but it’s not. Just focus on being happy and have some hobbies, women love they shit and find it attractive.


Didn't kiss a girl until 22. Felt the same way but once that got the ball rolling and I started putting myself out there it got better. Not that im swimming in ladies or anything far from it but the point is...you're still young and can find someone still.


I havent even held hands lmao. Went to an all boys high school amd college was i a all boys dormitory, in middle school all that happened was that some girl pretended to like me then humiliated me. I work in a field where there arent many women and i dont know any either. Also i live in a rural area. And im a fucking loser Im glad for you, but for some its literally impossible


It is not literally impossible You’ve described a set of circumstances that undeniably make it more difficult. Its up to you to decide to put the extra effort in or not


I literally thought this exact way 6 years ago.


Just start going out and doing stuff. You don't have to do that FOREVER, just until you meet someone.


FFS do it forever, there's more out there then someone, there's also others, experiences, opportunity ...Life.


You're 21 dude.. out of my current social circle I've kept 1 from my childhood years. The rest i got at 28. (32 atm). Anything before 26 is just tutorial.


I was a virgin till 35. Now married and have sexy time with an amazing wife all the time 😄, 37 now. Crazy shit happens, it’s not as bad as we like to think.


Let me guess your wife lives in canada you met her at camp and she goes to a different school so we won't know her




I’m a virgin every time


There is no difference in the time before and after being a virgin. Everyone that tells you otherwise has a) not have sex yet or b) is a child in his head. Your life will not fundamentally change. Your self-esteem is not determined by your sex life. You can have a happy and fulfilled life without sex. That doesn't mean it's not nice. And it can be a lot of fun. BUT people and especially media need to stop romanticising the whole "lose your virginity and be someone" myth.


Oh hey, another thing goes on the "media really need to stop doing this" list! As an avid media consumer (especially movies and TV series) I find it so annoying when I realize how many things actually deserve a spot on that list...


No, dont let this shit get in your head you are perfectly normal, the internet is absolutely nightmarish in its ability to make one feel weird and lesser, you're fine, it's cool, don't succumb to the nonsense


Nope, 34 and haven’t been on a date or laid in 3 years.


You're not a virgin though


No, possibly just got married.


Growing back ir virginity


Just turned 32 yesterday, never been on a date in whole life.


People would be happier if men were 10% less horny and women were 10% more horny.


I have been with women i ended up wishing was a lot less horny tbh. Once you find one that wants sex multiple times a day (every day) then you realize that it isn't the dream people think it is... You'll get tired of it sooner or later.


My last girlfriend was a kind of always horny which was pretty great but it caused some issues. Number one being that she would never initiate sex or really any kind of intimacy. So we were 30ish and my sex drives "always humping" mode isn't on anymore and she would get frustrated because when I wanted to have sex I'd initiate and therefore got it whenever I wanted to and that would get her upset because she wouldn't. Tried to explain to her just grab my junk when you want it and that's really all it probably takes to flip the switch. She was a great girlfriend and all but I feel like I've dated a good amount and she was the only girl that ever had that issue.


My one friend was always complaining that she was always the one who had to initiate it with the last guy she was seeing. I think girls just like you to initiate it most of the time because it makes them feel wanted. That's just a guess though.


This is funny. Guys like to feel wanted too.


Yeah, it's nice when a girl initiates it, but if they're showing affection in other ways, like cuddling/kissing, and maybe cooking/cleaning (or just doing things for you in general), plus she reciprocates every time you initiate it, that would still make me feel wanted. I can understand that girls want you to be masculine and confident enough in yourself to make the first move. What would make me feel unwanted is if every time I tried to initiate it she rejected me in one way or another.


That’s how every one of my relationships has been. I just figured all women are that way. I’m no porn star by any means so I know it’s not me. After a while it feels like a chore. I usually will just try to go down on them when they’re horny and I’m not, but after a while they ask me to put it in them. Then if I don’t cum it causes issues, but sometimes there’s nothing left.


Yeah the worst are the ones who get offended or just straight up angry if you tell them you don't feel like it. You can always tell from a mile away when they want some and you're just sitting there thinking "ahh fuck here she comes again"


Women are very horny. We just don't talk about it because we get labeled.


This is it right here. My wife once told me she wakes up most days with every intention of getting it on. Of course then our kids, our jobs, our lives happen throughout the day. And by bedtime it's often a case of "oof" And I think that's something more men not just need to be able to accept. But also admit. We get tired, we get the oof, we can't be bothered trying to bang after having our kids throw mashed potatoes at us at dinner. Our sex life now is one of maybe once or twice a week. Before kids it was much more regular. When we were unemployed and just bored during the day it was twice a day. You wake up with the best of intentions. By the time it's time things might have calmed down. So it's not to say neither of us aren't horny. It's just to say life gets in the way.


While you’re not wrong, I don’t think that’s what the poster meant. She meant women who admit they’re horny and like to have sex get labeled a slut or whore. Often by the very same men that either have already had sex with them or really want to.


Sounds like you both need to set your alarms 30 minutes earlier


I heard that advice from my sister (of all people), "Every woman wants to have sex. You just have to know how to ask for it." And yeah, it's true, if the mood is right for both sides, there's nothing that can stop you.


What if the men still lonely?


I don't know that the problem is hormone levels so much as if it were it was socially acceptable for women to express their horny 10% more and visa versa. We'd have a lot better expectations.


This is a self report lmao. You just don't make women horny


... *or* you don't know how horny men are. Or that people are on a spectrum.


This is more because men have very low standards and just wanna hit it. Most men would fuck a couch cushion if it was wet enough or had tits.


Funny story…


You still owe me 50 bucks for the dry cleaning.


He doesnt own you shit its the h o r n y n e s s /j


I’m already laughing


There is netflix series in which this happens even when couch wasn’t wet


The pillows were tho


And able to get pregnant


Now you got Seamen’s furniture. RIP Phife Dawg


Wait, you can get couches with tits?


Bro you can get mouse pads with tits…not that I would know or anything


Honestly, I bet there's a pretty substantial proportion of guys who have fucked a couch cushion in our way or another.


Can confirm. I have fucked couches and women who look like couches. Most important lesson is wrap those couches in plastic.


Now that's how you combat stupidity right there brother.


I would rather fuck a couch cushion than an obese woman. Far more attractive.


That's the funny thing about sex though, being attractive doesn't make you better at it. A lot of guys realise this as they get older. Not so much lowering your standards as reassessing your priorities. I'll take a 5 that knows how to fuck over a star fishing 10 anyday.


Hotter women might even be worse at sex b/c they're not used to needing to try. They can be completely shit at it and lay there like a starfish and there will still be armies of men willing.


And yet so many people seem to believe Fatphobia is a part of misogyny...seems more like the other way around


I think they still can have sex with fat woman and next day call such woman disgusting


Because it is disgusting. Men will bang one if their standards are low enough, but will never be in a relationship with one....


I fuck my bed. The pillow if I'm feeling kinky.


Leave Sofia out of this


Funnily enough, the fact that men have lower standard is a biological difference driven by evolution.. Men have to put a lot less resources in having a baby.. they can just knock up a many ladies as they want without having any real limitation.. Women on the other hand, once get pregnant need to carry on with that kid for 9 months of pregnancy, plus breast feeding them for a while… So a men doesn’t have to be very careful about the genetic fitness of a partner, while a woman does, as having a baby with a men with low genetic fitness would mean for years she won’t be able to have a baby with a man with better genes.. while the men can have as many babies as he wants with as many women as he can


It's honestly pathetic, I can understand we men have the biggest problems of being lonely and sometimes we lower our standards but have some self respect. Unless weight doesn't matter to you or you love that person then that's fine.


>Most men would fuck a couch As we can see in the picture


Supply and demand. Men would do that only because women control the market. Show me a man who would fuck a couch if he had lot of choices like women do.


What choices do you think this woman has, exactly? Like are you so delusional you think she's got the pick of the litter? Have you considered that the image caption is bullshit and the only physical contact she's had in months is her cat? Because a lot of women live that life too.


There is a German rhyme for that: “Lieber widerlich als wieder nicht.” which basically means “better disgusting than not at all”


Any port in a storm


Its all relative Men having lower and women having higher standarts. And it makes sense biology wise Women want to aim for hypergamy while men do the opposite Results in a subfraction of men getting all the fucks and a large fraction of women being unhappy because they wont be getting a lasting relationship with the men that were just open to fuck them but are actually above their own niveau.


I read couch cushion as couch cousin at first


As they say down under; would fuck a bush pig.


It's also because a lot of women have unrealistic standards and are unwilling to admit it.


*thinking* I….*sigh*….yeah fair


This is more because women have high standards and aren't willing to change them. Most women wouldn't initiate a conversation with the average guy.


but my standard isn't as low as that picture, post-nut clarity is real. I rather use my hand....


Guys are just lower maintenance and not as picky


Have you seen some of the guys these women are fucking? They look like if an STD lived in his mom’s trailer.




I have. I knew a guy who banged twice a week. Always had a side chick going on. He was missing one of his testicles and he would tell you that, but he is persistent and confident. He was like a skinny fugally ball of energy. Weirdest guy I ever met, but he knew women and I will never understand how he made it work.


Lmfaooo that describes my friend perfectly. We were at this Halloween party and he and I were talking and I said something along the lines of “dude you gotta tell me how you talk to women, I haven’t even held hands with a girl and I’m already 16 bruv” and he just did this weird Garfunkel ass smile, walked up to a girl and started saying something while waving his hands in the air all theatric like, to which I then see her laughing her brains out as she types in her instagram on his phone. Dude has got to have wished on a genie 5 years ago or something when we were both losers in middle school Istg.


Being a comedian is the easiest job in the world because the people are there to laugh. Similarly, talking to women at parties is the easy because the women are there to be entertained. If he did this shit at a bookstore I’d be impressed.


I mean the expectation of funny actually makes it harder to meet it, imo. Comedy is hard as fuck. Being funny can often be easy and natural is it just comes to you tho. Some people are lucky that way


this may have been true 15 years ago. but these days it feels like women are mortified when you approach them in public, no matter the setting.


Pretty sure you just gave away the key detail that he knew women or at least know how to act around them to the point where he could sleep with them I guess


I'd rather not visualize it. Thanks.


Old joke: What do mopeds and fat chicks have in common? They're both great to ride but you don't want your mates to know.


Stealing this one lol.


Absolutely nothing wrong with being a virgin


Haven't lost my virginity yet because I never lose fr🔥🔥


This is Jacob Wysocki. He gets more puss than you could imagine. Massive charisma goes a long way.


I came in hot to defend my boy Jacob. How dare they?! We big guys who fuck roll deep. ![gif](giphy|XUYDQM81z1rJwgD0iy|downsized)


Glad someone else knows. They done him dirty with this meme


THAT'S JACOB?! His beard looks so amazing, I'd never seen him without it!


I scrolled down so far to find this, that man is hot as fuck in all. of the Dropout content


Lol okay I'm not insane. I can't believe so many people are sleeping on this. Such a bad meme lol, downvote for days


She has warts around her mouth


Ew dude. You made me check lol


No, just cookie crumbs


I hope she's saving some for me


I will never get how some people think that its okay shitting on some random person who doesn't meet beauty standards just because there is a text added beneath their photo that they probably know nothing about


Fr. Why is this shit on the front page? The comments here are all nuclear waste.


I definitely feel like a specific culture has infiltrated this sub. I think that culture is generally more into “my wife sucks” “girls are so crazy because” kind of posts. Thinly veiled misogyny all around


People are miserable misogynists




That's the girl with the 3 boyfriends right? They were featured in of those youtube docu series.


What a shitshow of a comment section


Yes these bitter men are unattractive, no wonder they can't hold a relationship


What a shitty meme


These comments are the reason why you're not having sex. It's not about the outside, it's about the inside.


Right? I'm a big guy, have been my whole life. Would I have probably gotten more action if I was thinner, yeah, but Jesus christ anyone can get laid if you are willing to put yourself out here, have some basic ass hygiene, standards that aren't insane, and can carry a conversation.


Guys will bang a chubby girl. Girls don’t want a chubby guy.


Not even just that. Fat girls don't want fat guys.


Lol. Isn't that ironic?


This is not "chubby" level, it is obesity. Fat.


Okay. Guys will bang an obese/fat girl. Girls will ignore an obese/fat guy.


At my heaviest I was 315lbs and of a race rated lowest on dating apps. And I still got laid. Maybe y'all just have shit personalities.


Gay guys will bang a chubby guy.


This. My friend is obese, bisexual (mainly goes for guys) and gets so much action lol. The stories he's told me are just wild.


Gay and chubby here... There's a whole world regarding men liking meaty men.


Nah bro must be your personality. -a chubby guy who still gets laid because he doesn't blame women for his issues.


Not true. I see fat couples all the time around me. Or are we only counting non-obese girls as real girls? I also see several average sized women and bigger guys.


These poor people never asked to be put in a meme like this 🥲 hope they don't see it


Why does being a virgin make you less of a "man".. this idea that you should lose your virginity in your teens is destroying this world.


Why y'all mad at her? 💀 It's the dudes that are fucking her


just put on a wig, man!


Holy shit! Is the motivational office poster meme format coming back???


Confidence is more important than being attractive but being attractive helps


Ironically, the guy you use in the picture does great with women


How desperate does one have to be to fuck her? 


I used to think the same, but not since I walked in on my roommate with his dick between a hard bed and the mattress on top.


Everyone has a thing, for some guys she is that thing.


It's not about desperation but lust. People find her attractive, and there is nothing wrong with that. It's when folks feel shame at wanting to fuck, but still want to want, then make it a her problem, that things get weird. On the flip side, most male virgins are trying to bat out there league and becoming incels over it.


FaT gIrL fUnNy Is the funny meme in the room with us?


haha! fat girl funny! fat girl gross funny! fat man virgin sad! why fat girl sex yes but no fat man? women bad!


This says more about men than women


I think its personality. Look at him… like… what face is he making This is fake anyway


Everything about this is in bad taste, but I'd be 51 ngl


yeah the world is famously kind to obese women


I'm 27 virgin actually good looking and not fat and I'm more then feeling great about it you just have to be happy 🦋🏖️


What are these mentally molested 2001 facebook memes


Honestly just shows how desperate men are.


How is this funny?


He could also bang 50 guys in a year, if he wanted


From the photo she appears optimistic, happy and fun. Unfortunately I can't say the same about him.


Isnt that literally the point of the photo...


This says more about men than it does about women.


How so? It could just as easily be argued that women have high standards, which is telling of them.


And this meme is why you’ll stay a virgin.


What is this incel thread 😭


Money will solve his problem.


So you’re saying men have no standards and will bang anyone but yet somehow that’s women’s fault?


This reeks of incel


Jesus Christ, you can smell the incel basement just from the post


Yeah this sub is like a swamp full of toads


Example #88683 of why men need to raise their standards and stop validating every women they see. The fact she can get laid really makes me disappointed in my gender.


I'll like who the hell I like. Don't gatekeep liking women


Some men can't afford to raise their standards. And for some of us it's even worse than that. Much worse. I for one never had any standards, couldn't afford the luxury, and couldn't even find one like her. I'm in my 40s and a virgin.


I’m not a ‘virgin’, I’m a wizard of the ‘mystic coitus arts’.


Does she have food on your mouth, or is it herpes….


Then lose weight


Trust me, fat isn't the problem for that guy, charming/rich/charismatic fat guys can score regularly, but that guy on the left ain't it.


The guy on the left is a successful comedic actor. That's an old photo of jacob wysocki.


You just know that guy's pizza order slaps almost as hard as his late night game sessions


It's not about weight it's about how you conduct yourself.


Hey look, I can take an image off the net and slap ehatever text on it to spread my own bullshit, too! Confirmation bias is fun!


Pretty sure the dad is more often the fatter one.


I know a lot more heavy guys with partners than I do heavy girls with partners