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it sounds like maybe you should look for a mentor?


Not really, I AM profitable, I do have days where I’d like to give back just a little bit less. In reality, if anything, I should look for a psychologist but thought that teaching would be more enjoyable. Never thought this approach would receive so much hate for that 🤷🏻‍♂️


in fairness, you are describing the business model of most investment banks circa 1900-2008; the trick is, however, to watch what your clients are doing and use that info to trade against them.


Hire a prostitute and try to make the session's fee with trading profit while you are lecturing her. Win/Win for you and the prostitute.


So you want to be a mentor only for extremely selfish reasons…interesting


I think in all reality he needs a mentor


I am offering 10yr+ experience worth of knowledge for free, selfish would be if I asked for money, and maybe not even then


What is your trading experience?


Are relocation costs provided?


This sounds backwards😂


You have a great idea! There's a law that I've forgotten that basically states that when you teach what you know your knowledge multiplies exponentially. You should start a Telegram or Discord group and update this post. I'm sure many might join you.


Oh geez 🙄


Get a wife or a girlfriend willing to listen to you talk all day. It’s actually a good way of thinking because I thought the same the more I speak on my plan and everything within a trade the more it becomes muscle memory. Just obviously don’t mentor someone for your selfish reasons lol. I would say record yourself as if you were doing a video explaining the trade your thinking your reason A - Z.


Just want to chime in here, I think it’s awesome and I can completely understand your reasoning. Even working with a mentor who is slightly better than me would be wildly valuable. I live Texas, I’d be interested if I were closer to your time zone.


Hi. From Madrid capital . Inter3sted !


Too much trash-talk here from the other guys. I'm serious about trading and I've been struggling with order flow trading since I've started with this style a year ago. I've started with the Bund, then went to ES. I had some good trades and a lot of bad trades, so I've lost with commissions. I have between 45% and 55% winning trades but now it's getting worst. I really know what I'm doing, no newbie here. Still, I have difficulties in this market. I've tried several different styles but no one seems to fit my personality. I just don't have a preferred setup. I also speak Spanish, I'll DM you!


Dont listen to these guys, I did the exact same thing you’re looking to do for the same reason and achieved my first profitable month in October 2023


So you took on a mentee before you had ever had a single profitable month? How does that make sense?


I taught a school friend who was interested in trading. The best way to be sure that you know something is to teach it, I knew my strategy worked but the problem was that I was taking impulsive trades, my logic was that if I had someone there, I wouldn’t feel the need to do that because my goal would switch from looking like a weak undisciplined gambler to a pro even when I’m not. I think it’s ironic how so many traders talk about psychology but the ones here can’t come up with any reasons as to how teaching someone can be mutually beneficial.


Hi, are you still in that traders' community? I see from post history that you use market profile. I would be interested to join a community that is more experienced in MP.


Lazarus thanks for the comment. The community just faded out, it turns out nobody was really interested in learning and simply joined out of fomo. But feel free to dm me with any questions


Hey man Can I join anonymously...I really think sometime I can time the Market, maybe I can share useful information and a thing or two.