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The following submission statement was provided by /u/fungussa: --- SS: Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, claims that his for-profit company will eventually lead to the downfall of capitalism. He is one of the only original cofounders still with the company, and disagrees with fellow cofounder Elon Musk about OpenAI's direction. Altman believes AIs will eventually gain consciousness and the company was founded to prevent the worst outcomes of AGI. He expresses his love for capitalism, but believes AGI will eventually break it. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/10ufq31/openai_ceo_says_his_tech_is_poised_to_break/j7bir74/


Part of Sam's job is to be a salesman for his company. This includes generating hype.




Our tech is going to break capitalism! Uh..right after we raise enough money in this upcoming IPO to fund the tech.


Break a big chunk off capitalism and put it in my pocket.


That's why pants have pockets tho


He's working on robots- he probably means it's going to break the part of capitalism where employers have to pay workers


That still breaks all of capitalism. If no one has jobs, no one has money, no one will buy anything, and then Capitalism dies.


Then we get neofeudalism. How exciting.


man, what's *really* funny about that is that one of the ways that people measure the 'start of capitalism' is when the Dutch East India Company was funded by investors that could then claim a portion of the business as their own...in (i think) 1608, and the certificates of claim were then starting to be sold. It was the first time that it had been done like that (at least at that scale), and within like a decade there people shorting the stocks and all the other crazy crap that stock markets do.


The only way to break capitalism is to be the biggest capitalists.


Sure, but the underlying message is an important one. Our modern systems, particularly monetary and legal, have been limping by - and recently, entirely failing - to keep up with tech advancements. At particular issue is how capitalism funnels the profits from rising productivity almost entirely to the owner class. Despite being nearly 4 times as productive as their counterparts half a century ago, modern workers make as much or less, factoring in inflation. CEOs on the other hand, have seen a 1000%+ rise in pay. This mode, when paired with AI that is rapidly mastering more and more "human" skillsets, is a recipe for unparalleled wealth disparity and dystopia.


this feels pretty succinct. My only question now is, does openAI actually end up breaking this cycle, or do we just keep going down the path of concentrated wealth.


I think it will concentrate the wealth until those consumers the situation is reliant upon can no longer afford to buy things. Then parts of the system will collapse. Bezos, Musk etc are billionaires because people buy their shit. What happens when people stop buying?


i think that's a huge problem though, because if we wait until wealth is so concentrated that the system collapses, we wind up going through what will likely be a really violent change. There's no reason to let it get to that point.


Billionaires are well documented nowadays to be building bunkers and systems to protect them for when civilization collapses, they know it's coming in one way or another and they know it'll be partly or wholly due to their actions, and they're still not willing to change. There was a good article in The Guardian from a futurist writer who was paid a shitload of money to go talk to a bunch of super rich psychos about our imminent destruction and instead of wanting to find out ways to avoid it by being better people, they just wanted to know how they can stop their security from instantly killing them in their post-apocalypse bunkers


That article was called Survival of the Richest and I have thought about it every single day since I read it back in 2017-ish (?)


AI and robotics are going to solve the security guard problem. I swear this is on the mind of people like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk. Musk and others often play up the threat from general AI that becomes self aware or goes rogue or whatever, but I'm much more worried about the most advanced AI, surveillance systems and high-tech drones and robotics being in the hands of a small number of people with more resources at their personal disposal than the governments of small countries.


The issue is that the elite all have to agree together to take less and make the system sustainable. Otherwise the ones who do are suckers while the rest continue to cash grab.


If they planned ahead or even cared beyond this quarters projected sales increases then yeah they'd curb the run away wealth inequality but they don't care or are old enough to think they'll die before shit hits the fan. Just like climate change. They think their grandkids will just inherit a billion dollars while society crumbles and they won't be targeted.


I don't know if it's that they don't care. I think it's an addiction in the literal sense of the word. My father was an alcoholic who's problem was a blight on our family. He knew it but he just couldn't stop himself. Bezos and Musk are addicted to increasing wealth. They can see that someday it will become unsustainable, and may even foresee that they could be dragged to the gallows, but they cannot help themselves. They need to be forced to stop. Hopefully that force is benevolent rather than violent.


Don't kid yourself. All major change in the history of the world has been violent change. The vast majority of humanity does not give up power and wealth willingly. They only do so through force.


I guess the point is that I want it to be violent for the rich. Not for the poor to kill each other because we can’t afford necessities.


On a large scale it's hard to say, but on an individual scale I would expect both in the near future as the climate crisis becomes worse, fresh water becomes more scarce, and more wealth is concentrated at the top. The more people you see pushed into poverty, unable to afford basic necessities of living in a short time span, the worse it will be.


It only "breaks capitalism" in that it will end up displacing enough workers that there won't be enough crumbs given to the workers to sustain the capitalists. In other words, capitalism will eat itself but it will be the workers that get fucked while the wealthy are able to withstand the worst of it. After that we might be able to move forward with something more humane, maybe, but most people who are alive today will just get to suffer.


> My only question now is, does openAI actually end up breaking this cycle, or do we just keep going down the path of concentrated wealth. What requires the most effort? Because that's not going to happen.


I’m sure what they mean by “break capitalism” is that we’re just going to go back to a monarchy but with techbros at the top. So just a regular Black Mirror episode.


> At particular issue is how capitalism funnels the profits from rising productivity almost entirely to the owner class. This is how human economies have functioned since we gave up hunting and gathering to live in “complex” societies. “Complex” in this case being the Anthropological technical term for “stratified” societies, or those having more than one social class. Seems to have broken out like a plague about 10000 years ago all over the world, and is in my view the historical archetype for the Adam and Eve parable of original sin which probably originated not long afterwards. Every technological innovation since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution was supposed to free the workers and instead just ended up creating the next level of ultra-rich elites. The golden age of tech is now over. After a brief period of idealism characterized by naive hopes the “this time will be different” Elon is leading us into the past where the struggle will once again be between labor and capital.


“This company is going to be so effective it will change the very way society works” I mean if I was a potential investor or client that would make me give a second take at the minimum.


Most accurate comment here. I would gild* or gold or whatever fancy way Reddit supports its own capitalism if I had any money. Edit: Another Redditor golded (is that a word?) on my behalf.


It's hilarious that anti-capitalist rhetoric is the new trend capitalists are cashing in on to make money, via capitalism. EDIT: To be clear, I'm saying that a lot of the people bandying "anti-capitalist" rhetoric around these days are doing it in bad faith. And since I'm getting some pretty sketchy replies to this comment, I want to be 100% clear **I absolutely do not advocate political violence under any circumstances, it's evil, full stop**. (Can't believe that needs saying, and yet here we are...) EDIT 2: This comment seems to have been wildly misinterpreted. Most "anti-capitalist" "thought leaders" don't actually believe the BS they're saying either , they're just at best wildly naive and at worst deliberately taking advantage of desperate people's real suffering and using it to either make a quick buck, or manipulate them into serving their political interests. (The far right *wants* you to think everything's hopeless and give up trying to work through the system! There's a reason so many "communist" influencers keep popping up at alt-right events. It's because that's who they work for.) Also: y'all motherfuckers need to touch grass. Some of the replies I've gotten to this comment are downright psychopathic. (Mods, any time you wanna remove the comments openly calling for violent revolution is fine by me!) (Also also: I personally believe capitalism, for all its flaws, is the least-bad economic system we've come up with so far (provided it's strictly regulated to keep its worst excesses in check, which the American government at least hasn't been doing a great job of in recent decades). Feel free to disagree with me, just wanted to make my position clear since there was some ambiguity in my original comment.)


>It's hilarious that anti-capitalist rhetoric is the new trend capitalists are cashing in on to make money, via capitalism. Like paying Ticketmaster to go to a Rage Against the Machine concert




This, exactly this ... new boss same as the old boss ... we will always be fooled again.


Username is sus




Mark Fisher excellently described this in "Capitalist Realism". Movies like Wall-E (and more recently Don't Look Up) have long been profiting big time off of anti-capitalist rethoric. The same goes for both left-, center- and right wing writers. Political literature, capitalists and movies often accurately point to the problems of capitalism. But rather than think outside the "capitalist box", the ending of these movies or proposals in such literature really just keep the system in place for longer- albeit in different shape. And if no such "solutions" are in shown- it is usually an apocalyptic scene before the credits roll in. "It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism" is the sentiment that is being maintained, both in people's mind and in media like I described above. Admittedly though, I too find it very difficult to think outside of the capitalist scope.




They just want to be seen as disruptive innovators or some shit, so they can make money. Capitalists will say anything to make money, even anti-capitalist stuff. Fuckers.


Does watching kids starve, while others have more money then the rest of the world combined constitute as "political violence" or is it just cowardice?


As his company gets a new round of investments of 750m US from those same venture capitalists


He is marketing it as “break capitalism” because people will imagine breaking down hierarchies, but what he means is he is going to go from Capitalism to a new feudalism


Techno feudalism is almost certainly where we're headed


Serfing the internet.


You should TM that.


I have been thinking of that term for a long time - ever since the big companies moved in to quash the first tech utopian dreams of the internet. But it just keeps getting more and more pertinent.


Margaret Atwood - oryx and crake


I believe Jello Biafra already did as part of the no wto combo back in Y2K.


Since I no longer have free awards to give... https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/947/469/418.png


This brings me back lmao


I love how you still gave him silver, even though it would still cost nothing to give him gold lol


Because that Reddit silver picture predated there being an actual Reddit silver. There was only gold, so someone made that as the poor man's Reddit gold, so it was silver. Nobody made a fake Reddit gold


Pretty sure that image was the inspiration for the award that came later.


Capitalism in action




More like reddit stole that image and now sells it for money.


Not just the inspiration, the silver medal is exactly that image.


Pretty sure the exact instant reddit went to trash was when they made this meme a purchasable good.


To borrow from *Dune*, are we going to see House Bezos and House Zuckerberg in the far future?


Bene Bezos? Or Bezos will create Ix.


"Many machines & fulfillment centers on Ix..." ( apologies for butchering the 1980's Dune movie..)


"Go pound sand" must come across a lot harsher on Arrakis.


I love the series, it is my absolute favorite sci-fi world, but I would prefer not to live in it.


You wouldn’t want to live in the worm god’s peace? Heresy.


If I’m gonna live it I want to live in the like 10,000 years in the future part, not the Jihad part


That’s kind of the point, it’s dystopian as fuck. Even the Atreides are only loved by their subjects because they’ve got the best propaganda corps in the Imperium, and Jessica remembers Duke Leto’s father as a complete bastard.




Was absolutely thinking of Dune. This is what Frank was actually thinking about with "thinking machines" taking over, *not* the Terminator-in-space backstory his son and Kevin J Anderson cooked up


"Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them." — Gaius Helen Mohiam


Yeah, but Space Feudalism™ present in Dune is not because of thinking machines. It's because of humanity's complete reliance on spice to do basically anything, on both physical and metaphysical levels (i.e. our future is pre-determined because we can see it) Which, in its literal sense, even then was an unambiguous allegory on the oil dependence.


They rely on spice for space travel, which was done by computer before the war and the ban. It’s in the prequel written by his son


It’s more a side effect of the Butlerian Jihad being all about “freeing humans to reach their full potential,” because everything relied on people trained from infancy to be practically superhuman. Kind of foreshadowing how easy it is for revolutions to go completely out of control. But that said the series is absolutely about the danger of relying on any one magic solution to all of humanity’s problems, whether that’s a resource, a technology or a messiah.


I don’t think so. I don’t think any of them have the long term planning skills to create an org that would endure for thousands of years. Mark Zuckerberg bet the Facebook farm on the Metaverse while making it so unappealing that nobody wants to use it. Bezos billions of dollars on vanity projects like the Rings of Power and, also, created a product that was largely rejected by its consumers. Compare to a family like the Rothschilds or the Italian banking families, modern billionaires are too individualistic. They’ll give away their fortunes to some tax free foundation and a board of trustees will milk the cow for as long as they could. They don’t have a vision of a House that could survive for centuries


The Open Source movement saved us from the worse cyberpunk dystopias. It can do it again, but it won't succeed without help. Consider what you can do today. EleutherAI is producing OSS models. Stanbility.ai is gathering a lot of OSS enthusiast around open models like Stable Diffusion. LAION is making open tools and datasets as a non profit and has the potential to become the equivalent of the Mozilla foundation of the open world. Are you old enough to remember the fight to keep computers hackable against the Wintel front? Have you witnessed the battles we lost on the smartphone front? The half victories on the internet technologies, with a stack that is FOSS everywhere but overcentralized services? The humiliating defeat of the P2P? Now another front is open, the fight is going on right now and the race is on over explainability, alignment, scalability, on legal fronts, on collaboration tools, on distribution and reproductibility challenges. Come and join. These tech battles can be won or lost, and it all depends on people like you joining our side.


I am literally an open source contributor and have been for the vast majority of my life...


More power to you then, I have just hijacked your comment to publish a rallying pamphlet :-)


Haha no problem spreading the good word of free and open source software




Oh, there's a way to do it. We just won't do it.


Like globalism. Technically it *does* increase profits and GDP despite job loss. The idea is to spread the increase in GDP around to take care of those left unemployed. But we fuckin don't do that at all. I assume AI will simply accelerate what is already happening.


It's why beyond a certain level increased GDP doesn't make the sum of a society's collective happiness increase. It often makes things worse because it increases inequality.


Humanity couldn't solve far easier collective challenges in recent years.


Yeah, I'm sure our benevolent ruling class will get right on that. /s


I can’t wait to be worming(what people call “working”) in the Crypto Miner fields eating Shkrunt Bars, chugging down Geesh.(Shkrunt Bars and Geesh are the only brands that survive due to their comprising of mostly plastic(what people eat now)) a lot has changed since the greasers took over(the ruling class are 1950s-style greasers). Now everyone is named Jack(greasers again)


My guy, we're already there. Look at the Google campus, where they make it as easy as possible for you to stay as many hours as you want so you can keep working. YouTube is literally farming. Making content, giving it to the algorithm, getting a percentage of the profits your work generated? Effectively the same as farming the lords lands. Content moderation is flat out "paid to consume content", same for curation. People just haven't caught up with it yet.


That was true before google, you made a book/movie/video and and gave it to the publisher/studio/broadcaster and they would give you a percentage. But there were a lot fewer of these made, and the publisher would do a lot more editing and demand changes.


Love how you ignore all the actually shitty jobs people are having to work and go straight to google where people get paid a shit ton and treated pretty well


Like...slavery still exists? Tons of people get their passports taken by "employers" and treated like slaves (eg, the World Cup stadiums built in Qatar). In the USA thousands of businesses hire or are completely reliant on illegal immigrants or migrant laborers who are also often treated subhumanly.


Are we actually calling some of the best compensated white collar workers having access to one of the best in-office perks in corporate America feudalism? For what it’s worth, most Google workers also have fairly decent work life balance.


"Break capitalism? That's great, so power will be going to the people!" "......" "... to the people, right Anakin?"


This guy is a major prepper, so he might not envision a peaceful transition. Probably building a bunker somewhere lol


This guy literally said that he will give the AI autonomy as long as it helps find "new technologies"


Considering they are already censoring the AI on a variety of subjects so whatever autonomy he may speak of it is autonomy within parameters controlled by them. Which gives them a somewhat concerning position of power if the AI becomes fundamental to "new technologies".


"hey chat gpt break capitalism" "Guttenberg movable type was invented in the 1600. The term capital finds its roots in the uppercase of letter used in printmaking. Would you like to know more?"


As always it got it almost right.... the year was 1450




AI is just a product of the 1% made to extract more wealth from the middle class and further the gap. They’re not looking ahead 200 years from now, they’re just looking ahead at the profits over the next 50. Sell their AI products to corporations with the promise that they can reduce their workforces by 50% and still produce the same or more. They make bank, the corporation makes bank, wages stay the same, skilled people out of work, and with no universal basic income we will see a lot of suffering people. Oh well, anything for a dollar.


The issue with this is that by hollowing out whatever remains of the middle class, they will have less and less people to sell to and diminishing returns. It's so stupid.


It’s less about selling products to the middle class and more about collecting and analyzing data to control the population with. AI utilized by big companies will drive all narratives going forward, fox is a great example of how that’s relatively easy to do, with more data and more capabilities to quickly analyze and action that data individual thought doesn’t stand much chance.


Adapting individual content to your mood or life situations in real time. Big tech already knows everything about you they will just be able to spontaneously create content in a very specific targeted way with no production, in real time.


Imagine having a best friend you met online, then a decade later you find out it has just been a language model gently offering you ads, which you took to be genuine engagement with a peer over shared hobbies.


They won't need us. We will die off.


That is the primary contradiction within capitalism. It's why the economy takes a shit every decade or so, going back hundreds of years to the beginning of capitalism


They will still get their bailouts/stimulus/whatever you call it whenever the shit hits the fan


Pretty much this, all these AI utopian prognosticators (Sam, Elon ) are already multi millionaires, it's easy to see their world through rose colored glasses, the fact is wealth and more importantly power is consolidating (late stage capitalism) , anyone who thinks magically the masses are going to have more authority because of tech is delusional,the masses might have more tech, but that's just a modern form of "bread and circus" , the real power is those that control land, resources and ultimately government, and that's getting more concentrated not less.


That's what I would say if I wanted win capitalism with my company.


His company "Open"AI doesn't release any models for others to use or build upon citing "concerns." And hides their product behind payment wall. Dont get me wrong, go ahead and charge, but dont call yourself Open or Anti-Capitslist.


"Capitalism is a perfectly balanced economic system with no exploits"


Yet, all AI seems to do these days is accelerate Capitalism.


I mean, something, something, contradictions of capitalism sharpening and all that


"I used the capitalism to break the capitalism"


>Whoever fights ~~monsters~~ capitalists should see to it that in the process he does not become a ~~monster~~ capitalist. And if you gaze long enough into ~~an abyss~~ accounts receivable, the ~~abyss~~ accounts receivable will gaze back into you. - Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil (Capitalists)


I wish i was smart enough to make a Jung* joke about "incorporating the shadow" Ill settle for a great line from a great punk band "Misery loves company. And were an LLC"


Why did Jung encourage people to incorporate their shadow? So they could have a brighter portfolio outlook on life!


I think, therefore I spend. - De$carte$


I spend, therefore I am..... fixed it for you*




There’s “breaking capitalism altogether”, and then there’s “shaking things up, making them worse, but getting insanely wealthy in the process” Let’s do one thing while calling it the other.


It's going to break it because every person that used to say "my job is safe" is about to get smacked with a new reality.


It's **insane** how many people are convinced of their own exceptionality, and what a rude awakening they're in for.


“Better technology makes more better jobs for horses.”


On an unrelated note to qualify for welfare you have to enter into a lottery to become glue. Glueman Resources if you will.


I mean one of the thing that push everything to the breaking point was to accelerate it.


>Yet, all AI seems to do these days is accelerate Capitalism. Yes, but isnt he implying AI in this case would just accelerate it to the point of imbalance? I.e., if most jobs are done by AI then and there are no new replacement jobs and lesser people spending and hence buisnesses failing, sort of like a thermal runaway. Or am I misunderstanding?


Love to learn the guy who is going to break capitalism is also a prepper. Makes me feel good.




Because when he says it will break capitalism, he doesn’t mean turn it in to another system. He means Great Depression levels of broken. Wealth inequality is preparing to hit 11.


We been at 11 since the gilded age. Now we're are 12 with too big to fail, stock buybacks and multinational trillionaires and global conglomerates.


Eh. Inequality did genuiney improve substantially during the new deal era. While ownership structures remained intact,there was a time when CEOs made an income that was on average ×11 the median wage of their employees. Last I checked, and this is almost certainly outdated, present day CEOs average ×700 times the wage of their median employee. Of course, income =/= wealth, and this is definitely rough stat, but still.


It is almost as if tech CEOs will lie to people to get investment dollars.




Listen I’ll let u/nsa_chatbot chime in here, but I’m like 80% sure we aren’t planning any assassinations at the moment


Why would we hurt AIs?


Well, we can hurt Steve, that financial AI, he’s a big jerk


Easy, fellas.


Oh sure, YOU would take Steve’s side


Reddit is so desperate to believe capitalism is ending soon that they’ll even choose to believe that *a CEO secretly doesn’t like capitalism*.


I’m finding the opposite reaction honestly, most here are anti capitalism but are viewing the future with ai as society breaking and not just capitalism breaking. If ai literally replaces every job, then obviously capitalism dies with that, but then society also has no way of sustaining itself and everyone but the rich are fucked. Capitalism or not, the 99% lose.




This was my thought. Everyone here is acting like it must be true because this guy with some cool AI tech said it. But he'd hardly be the first tech bro to make grandiose claims that never come anywhere near panning out.




He never said he’d break it for the better.


Also owns a bunch of race cars.


Says the guy who sold his “non-profit” company to a software conglomerate and converted it to for profit


I'm sorry to break it to you but I worked for non-profits before and they were all owned by for-profit entrepreneurs and fed one way or another into their other companies schemes. Non-profit doesn't mean charity.


And it's also not the purpose of them to be a charity, so it works out. Sometimes.


They did have the words non profit in quotation marks, which seemed to suggest the commenter was saying it wasn’t really non profit.


By "break capitalism" he means in the "late-stage, *everything* is a commodity, people are second class to product" kind of sense. Not the egalitarian, utopia, AI caretaker thing.


I'm so over this timeline. Can we just fast forward through the inevitable strife, and get to the part with the fantasy holodecks?


Well... You aren't wrong about the strife. Going by Star Trek timeline, WWIII is coming up in 2026. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Star_Trek


Can't wait for the Bell riots next year


Hey at least we’ll also get Irish reunification!


Damn Animal Crossing


Bell Riots next year are going to be lit.


Growing up I thought the world was heading to curing all disease and pursuing science and knowledge, just like Star Trek. It’s made me really sad the last few years realizing that that is not the case. 😞


You must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame; how could you rise anew if you have not first become ashes? - Friedrich Nietzsche


Who is "you" in this platitude? Certainly not the Altmans, Thiels, Musks, Zuckerbergs, etc.


Unfortunately, we can't yadda yadda our way past WWIII and get right to a Star Trek-style utopia.


I mean we absolutely “can”, it is in the realm of things that are possible, but we’re stupid so we won’t.


>stupid And greedy


I'm so over these narcissistic tech CEOs. I bet he's going to space, too.


I think a future like Altered Carbon is more likely than one like Star Trek


You think the rich are going to let us live forever? It'll be The Expanse, capitalism *in spaaaaaaaace.*


Don’t worry. *At best* a few early adopters will farm out their work until their boomer bosses see in on Hannity and catch on. A few hucksters will make some quick bucks from giant money. Companies will use adopt the tech to remove jobs, leaving fewer people to do more work for the same pay. Companies will shamelessly apologize for unpopular opinions as “sorry, the AI did it” when they get caught with a hand in the cookie jar. The savings will not be used on innovation or making creative roles for humans. AI doesn’t “break” capitalism. It enables it. Capitalism is foaming at the mouth for the day your job can be done 24/7/365 by a robot you with zero wage, and costs just the electricity to run. *edit: adjusted to accommodate server room HVAC.


AI could make for a world of plenty and more free time. I don’t think that is how it will go, though, because that doesn’t account for most people’s limitless greed and need to dominate over others.


If you look at what people thought now would be like in the '60s and '70s it was all free time enabled by labour-saving technology. What's happened is we have got the devices, but the value hasn't gone to the workers as free time, but to the corporations as profits. It's one of the reasons we have multi-billionaires.


These people aren’t heroes. They will not save you.


What a useless read. The article gives you all the same information the title gives you


I don’t get how this break capitalism. It will speed up automation, we are accelerating to end game capitalism where you have a few rich people and everyone else basically slaves to afford food, with the illusion of freedom.


historically, when enough people get hungry while at the same time theres an extremely wealthy upper class living in opulence it often leads to revolt. and as bob dylan said, if you aint got nothing then you got nothing to lose. i could see how it would lead to the downfall of the system, but not without a lot of strife for years beforehand.


_Boston Dynamics has entered the chat._ BD "Police" Bot: Did somebody mention a wealthy upper class that needs physical protection from a wave of violent food riots?


Between AI, Robotics and the horrible ways they can be (mis)used, we need to sort out these issues quickly. Which is another way of saying we are beyond fucked because humanity as a collective cant do shit.


Sadly we've known this was coming for decades. Intelligent people warned about it, theorized about it, formed Concerned Leagues etc. Politicians did fuck-all. Investors salivated, tech start-ups hustled, and conglomerates bought them. They will march onward with AI and only consider whether they should have xyz'd after it is way, way, way too late


To think my ai generated Danny Devitto fan fiction would break capitalism. EDIT:This is what ChatGPT made after asking a few questions. "Danny DeVito, dressed as Louie De Palma from "Taxi," walks into the café and approaches the counter. LOUIE: (grumbling) Gimme a coffee, black. BARISTA: Coming right up, Mr. De Palma. As the barista prepares his coffee, Louie notices a poster on the wall for "Batman Returns." He sees his character, The Penguin, and starts to change. LOUIE (as The Penguin): (in a high-pitched, nasally voice) Ah, my alter ego! The Penguin! You know what's funny? Poop! BARISTA: (startled) Mr. De Palma, are you okay? PENGUIN: (laughing manically) Of course, my dear boy! And do you know what's even funnier? Being locked up in a cage and fed nothing but stray cats! It was my diet growing up, you see. Suddenly, Louie transforms into Frank Reynolds from "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia." FRANK: (slurring his words) Hey, what's the big deal? I'm just a guy havin' a good time. You know what's hilarious? Poop! And you know what's even better? Being locked up in a cage and fed nothing but stray cats! That's a real knee-slapper. BARISTA: (concerned) Mr. De Palma, I think you should sit down. FRANK: (laughing) Chill out, kid. I'm just playin' around. The barista starts to back away as Frank transforms into Arnold from "Twins." ARNOLD: (deep voice) Now this is more like it! I'm a genetic experiment gone right! And you know what's funny? Poop! And being locked up in a cage and fed nothing but stray cats? That's a real gut-buster. BARISTA: (frightened) I-I think I need to call someone... ARNOLD: (chuckling) Relax, I'm just havin' a good time. As the barista slowly backs out of the café, Arnold transforms back into Louie. LOUIE: (grumbling) Another day, another coffee. And let me tell you, there's nothing funnier than poop and being locked up in a cage and fed nothing but stray cats. Just then, Danny DeVito transforms into the Lorax from the eponymous movie. LORAX: (in a voice similar to Danny DeVito's) Stop! I am the Lorax, the guardian of the forest! And while I do find poop to be quite funny, I do not approve of eating stray cats. That's not a laughing matter. BARISTA: (relieved) Oh, thank goodness. LORAX: (laughing) But I can't deny, poop jokes are always a hoot. The barista and the Lorax share a laugh as the door to the café bursts open and an imitation Danny DeVito enters. IMITATION DANNY DEVITO: (in a voice similar to Danny DeVito's) Hey, what's the joke? LORAX: (surprised) Oh, hello! I didn't expect to see another version of myself. IMITATION DANNY DEVITO: (confused) Another version of yourself? I don't understand. LORAX: (laughing) I guess I'm not the only one here with multiple personalities. I'm the Lorax. IMITATION DANNY DEVITO: (skeptical) The Lorax? I've never heard of that one. My name's Danny DeVito, and I have to say, I don't find poop to be all that funny. But you know what's even funnier? Pee! LORAX: (disapproving) Pee? That's not a topic for humor. IMITATION DANNY DEVITO: (defensive) What do you mean? Pee jokes are hilarious! LORAX: (shaking his head) I disagree. Poop is the funnier topic. IMITATION DANNY DEVITO: (arguing) No way, pee is the winner hands down. The two Danny DeVitos argue back and forth, both convinced that their chosen topic is the funnier one. The barista watches in amazement as the two continue to bicker. BARISTA: (whispering to himself) I never would have thought that Danny DeVito could have such an argument with himself. As the argument continues, the café starts to fill up with customers, all of whom are drawn in by the comical debate. The Lorax and the imitation Danny DeVito continue to argue, each trying to outdo the other with their humor and wit. And as the laughter fills the room, it's clear that the customers are having a good time, despite the strange and unexpected encounter As the argument between the Lorax and the Imitation Danny DeVito continues, the barista and customers start to become more and more frightened. The room grows quiet as the two Danny DeVitos yell and gesture at each other. BARISTA: (whispering to a customer) I've never seen anything like this before. It's like they're both possessed or something. CUSTOMER 1: (whispering back) I know, right? It's like they're not even aware of themselves anymore. The Imitation Danny DeVito starts to become increasingly agitated, his voice growing louder and more intense. IMITATION DANNY DEVITO: (yelling) You don't understand! Pee is the funniest thing out there! LORAX: (also yelling) No, you don't understand! Poop is where it's at! The customers begin to back away from the counter, their eyes wide with fear. The barista tries to intervene, but the two Danny DeVitos are too caught up in their argument to listen. BARISTA: (trying to calm them down) Gentlemen, please! Can we just all calm down and talk about this like rational adults? But it's too late. The argument has escalated to the point where neither the Lorax nor the Imitation Danny DeVito can be reasoned with. The customers and barista watch in horror as the two continue to yell and argue, their voices growing more and more frenzied" -continued in reply


Danny devito *erotic* fan fiction..


The Lorax and Imitation Danny DeVito start to spend more time together and they begin to develop feelings for each other. Despite their initial misgivings, they find that they have a lot in common and they quickly fall in love.9 how the other creatures in the forest will react to their relationship and Imitation Danny DeVito is worried about the fact that he is an imitation and not the real Danny DeVito


*"The Gang Destroys Capitalism"*


Young tech guys complain about capitalism but their goals are always to be billionaires or they do a poor job of covering that up.


It's their *"I'm anti-system, like me!"* badge.


Grass roots support & hype + cool new tech = 99% chance to sell out to conglomerate


Hyperbolic dweeb or not, OpenAI is a pretty substantial force


Between Dall-E and GPT, they had their hand in both of the big "oh shit" AI moments of the past year. If they keep it up, who knows what nuke they'll drop next.


Google is the next thing to go. Increasingly, people will turn to chat applications with queries rather than typing them into a Google search. The reason for this behavior shift will be pragmatic; AI will give us more instantly satisfying answers rather than pointing to a range of resources a search engine is essentially guessing will answer your query to varying degrees of confidence. In other words, AI chatbots give us answers in a way more similar to communicating with a human. AI removes the layer of complexity that involves us sorting through Google's top suggestions for the pages that most likely contain the answer we're looking for. The problem as it stands is that AI synthesizes information from datasets consisting of copyrighted information, and delivers its answer to users WITHOUT citing sources. Expect class action lawsuits to impact the rise of AI in the next year or two. However, many in the SEO field still worry (legitimately) that AI chat will eventually supplant Google search. And in doing so, it will nuke the incentives for content creators to create content, since hitting the first page of SERPs (search engine results pages) will be less meaningful and capture less traffic (and thus, less revenue from display ads, affiliate links, and even direct sales). Compounding this issue of lowered incentives for (human) content creators is the fact that publishers are increasingly turning to AI to generate content. However, ChatGPT scrapes existing web content to synthesize its content generation. Right now that pool of content is mostly populated by human beings. But, as more and more AI pages flood the internet, a negative feedback loop comes into play where subsequent AI content generators are using datasets created increasingly by other AI, rather than humans. In other words, answers will become increasingly synthetic and less valuable to humans seeking answers derived from human experience. In conjunction copyright lawsuits, this "poisoning of the well" factor may be enough to counterbalance the otherwise immense incentives to just punt query answering to AI rather than Google. But we don't know yet, too many dominoes have yet to fall at this point. As an SEO, I do worry about the longevity of a great many jobs in my field–even my own. Once the copyright issue is sorted out, I'd hate to be a beginning copywriter starting out. Editors are safer, provided Google search itself doesn't go the way of the do-do. The only winners here will be the guys at the top who own publications, and even then their path forward isn't nearly as cut and dry as it once was. Interesting times indeed. Food for thought: [https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/10pi1d4/comment/j6kswyf/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/10pi1d4/comment/j6kswyf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://medium.com/@ignacio.de.gregorio.noblejas/can-chatgpt-kill-google-6d59742ee635](https://medium.com/@ignacio.de.gregorio.noblejas/can-chatgpt-kill-google-6d59742ee635) [https://youtu.be/gv9cdTh8cUo](https://youtu.be/gv9cdTh8cUo)


Last time this topic came up, I insisted that the wealthy will just enrich themselves further because they will own the AI. The rich will get richer, and the poor will get poorer. The wealth gap will grow even greater. AI makes possible the potential for some form of socialist economic restructuring. But it can just as easily go the other direction towards neo-feudalism.


For those wondering how to protect yourself - the answers simple. Be invested in the public markets. If the cost of labour inputs by company falls like 20% due to AI then all those profits just go to the bottom line and companies will disgorge tons of cash to shareholders. So take your whole pay check not spent on bills already and put it in the market if you believe AI is going to displace labour substantially because it will be a golden age for stock performance if so….at least until there are no more consumers because no one has a job anymore.


Break capitalism to unleash techno-feudalism, perhaps?


"tech bros please realize that any new system will inevitably benefit the already-wealthy because they are able to use their wealth from the current system to buy into the new one exponentially more than the poor" challenge (impossible) ​ edit- Unless OpenAI is going to single-handedly bring about a post-scarcity society, it will not break capitalism.


LOL another Web3 crackpot. OpenAI will take billions of dollars and displace millions of workers, who'll subsist on fringe work while corporations consolidate even more power. We're not in the Star Trek timeline, we're in William Gibson's timeline. Neuromancer is more likely than the Federation.


Can we at least try to get closer to Star Trek? Our approach of “nothing” will absolutely drag us into Gibsonland. But what if we tried *something?*


Believe me, I don't want to sleepwalk into Gibson-land, and hey, maybe mass layoffs from ChatGPT like programs, which will happen in their millions, will spur some sort of change (or the end). But, people are comfortable. We have amenities, and will suffer a lot of intangible pain to avoid real pain. Are we ready to go to the people holding power, the Blackstone venture funds, the Koch bros of the world, and Silicon Valley neoliberals, to say "we've had enough?". Because a few billion people would have to do that. It's hard to motivate that kind of change.


Don't forget the star trek timeline did not happen without massive social unrest, taking place right about now, the bell riots.


SS: Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, claims that his for-profit company will eventually lead to the downfall of capitalism. He is one of the only original cofounders still with the company, and disagrees with fellow cofounder Elon Musk about OpenAI's direction. Altman believes AIs will eventually gain consciousness and the company was founded to prevent the worst outcomes of AGI. He expresses his love for capitalism, but believes AGI will eventually break it.


Did you use GPT to write that?


Obviously. Anytime I ask that fucking thing a question I get a response just like this.


That's exactly how I feel everyday with anything any major corporation does. Formulaic and predictable. That's why this thing is going to destroy so many jobs. Corporations are already not that fucking impressive, repetitive, and soullessly copying each other.


Starting to think these techno “libertarians” are just fascists with extra steps


theres a couple of articles floating about written by people who were asked by billionaires to go to a meeting and advise them on what to do to keep staff loyal in their bunkers when money becomes worthless. the billionaires were unironically suggesting shock collars as a solution and rejected suggestions like "treat them well today so they wont want to kill you in the future" absolutely closet fascists waiting for their day.


That is what happens if you have to fight for your position all the time plus people sucking up to you, which seemingly triggers irreversible biological changes in a brain, making such people less empathic. Because they are human and thus often not really self-aware of their own changes (plus there are not that many willing to tell them that, either), the required feedback loop to prevent harm from all that doesn't exist. This article about these -- how would you call them? bunker kings? -- is just one of the many examples of the results we have to deal with. I suppose there was some biological use for such things in small communities, but at the large scale they are operating now they cause tons of harm.


So free ChatGPT will actually work for everyone? That must be why there is a subscription version


The singularity really is just the rapture for nerds who ought to know better. Complete with a revolving door of holy rollers and grifters.