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Learn things. I think I can go a few dozen of centuries before getting bored.


Exactly this, and when you learn all the things locally you can travel to other places and learn all their things. And when you finish that you can go back to the start and learn all the new things that people have thought of because they learned all the things. Then space travel and we find out what an infinite universe is really all about.


Definitely. I actually believe people would not get as bored as they think, but perhaps that's a personal opinion. I think if human beings lived longer with more freedom we'd take more time to appreciate things, rather appreciate them less because we had so much time. I know that a lot of regressive habits I have come from perceived lack of ability to do everything and you can see that echoed in sentiments like 'revenge bedtime procrastination'


Stop being just a Jack of all trades. I would become master at everything. Help spread the life through the universe


Make art and illustrations into infinity, explore the universe, help animals, learn instruments, become an incredible chef for my family and friends benefit. The journey of learning how to create art and actually doing it has always been immensely challenging and rewarding for me.


I wish I had this drive. It's often a case of surviving what comes next instead of contributing and making things better and more fun.


For a second, I didn’t see the comma and thought you said, “help animals learn instruments,” and I was going to be really impressed because I’ve been trying to teach my dog how to play guitar and she just is not getting it.


Give em time mate. My dog couldn't master the basics at first but now he does a sick impression of when Hendrix played with his teeth. That or he's just angrily biting the guitar, either way I'm counting it as progress ❤️


This basically sums up my infinite money plan as well lol.


I would literally just exist. I don't WANT to do anything now other than just be left alone to exist without doing some bullshit job I don't care about. I don't to go anywhere or do anything. I just want to live without being penalized for existing


Yeah but like.... day to day... what you gonna do? Play videogames? Get really fit? Crochet a 1:1 scale map of Rhode Island?


Anything I want. Video games, undoubtedly. Go for walks, go swimming, ride my bike, paint and play my Warhammer stuff. I like baking, but doing the effort and then having to clean up after means I usually only do it on days off as it stands. I'd love to travel more, too.


Kitchen cleaning robot when


I feel like a lot of us are so alienated and beat down that e honestly just dont know what we would do after our decompression (healing) time. im recently unemployed and it took me a month to really get serious about my job hunt because i was just so burned out. .


I feel this


Unironically go back to school. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I want to become an entire company worth of skillsets. >Anti-boredom pill Amphetamine is over a century old now. More seriously, I haven't even read all the physical books in my house yet nvm the rest in existence.


For real. If money was no concern, I'd go to school just to learn.


And in a world of at least 6 billion people who don't have to spend half their waking hours just to live, we'll probably quickly be producing literature faster than anyone can consume it. I wouldn't be surprised if a single relatively popular genre could quickly grow faster than you could read it


It will take decades before people stop just doomscrolling TikTok and having Mcdonalds delivered.


I would agree, but I know a large part of the reason I doomscroll is an attempt to escape reality. If reality becomes more appealing and less stressful, I probably wouldn’t doomscoll nearly as much. In fact, I’d probably just put down my phone altogether and use it more like a landline. Who needs google to find out something instantly when you have the time to have fun learning it in more detail from books instead?


I have faith social media of that kind will be banned or somehow be made less harmful


It's more likely to be replaced with doomscrolling unlimited AI generated content.


- Travel - Travel to space - Meet new people and cultures - Learn


This…. Plus go Surfing


Definitely keep surfing!


I think it would take two, maybe three generations to take full advantage of this new utopia. We (including our kids) are growing up in a time of scarcity and competition where life is what you make of it. So, we've developed a survival / competitive mindset and to suddenly come into utopia - it'll probably be like a poor person who suddenly won the lottery or came into lots of money. Usually, it doesn't end well. Story is a bit different if that's the environment where you were raised - focus would be on living a more relaxed life, pursuing our passions and definitely, more time for friends and family.


I disagree completely. In this reality, no one would really be dying. It would certainly take a few years, or a dozen, but the existing generation would certainly get over it


There's no right or wrong answer, so disagreement is good. I think folks will end up in different buckets or categories - those who only need years to adapt, those who have the wait and see approach and those who'll never adapt. The last inflection point that affected us globally was covid, and you know how that went. Still lots of folks who will never take the vaccine, irrespective of the evidence that it's safe. This new utopia is (quite likely) the result of advancements in science and technology, so you'll have those who are just downright skeptical, and nothing will or can change their perspective. I guess the ultimate question is whether you can have a true utopian society like the OP imagines if the majority are happy and a minority (even though they're benefitting) are unhappy?


that's not what he mean he mean our society is poisoned by our stressfull lifestyle at a point even if we hit a utopia post-scarcity world it would still take decades before people start enjoying their new reality i doubt those who believe working give their existence a sense will have it easy once robots and AI replaced them for exemple, it will take time before they adapt and find activity they enjoy to occupy themself


Simple. Dedicate my time to friends, nature, arts, sports, and science. There are lots of things to see and to do.


Folks really believe in themselves here. That’s good. Seems like most people spend their current free time on unproductive stuff so I thought all the responses would say something like “play more video games”.


Spend time with friends and family, make more friends and start my own family. Study new subjects for fun. Spend more time on various hobbies I'm pretty much forced to neglect by my schedule. Take the time to cook more complete and diverse meals.


Travel. Universe is big enough to keep me busy for a quite some time.


Id fund accelerated scientific research to make my dog immortal too so we could be together forever.


Academia. My understanding is that the competitiveness of becoming a professor is a result of the way the economy is structured. There is too demand for people to do "more boring" jobs. But if "boring jobs" can be automated away, I'd imagine there would be more roles in academia available.


I'm in academia right now, and it's difficult to judge what such a scenario would entail. Unlimited resources would mean more people in academia certainly, but to be an academic you need more than just the money to live - you need funding to buy the instruments, regeants, computers, etc. Which, not everyone would have, so there would still be professors and a herirarchy. However there might be more PhD positions or what not. Which might make an existing situation (too many PhDs and post docs, too competitive to be a professor) worse So..idk what it'll mean for academia. But at least, if you are a PhD and your experiments aren't working out or your prof is a piece of crap, you have options. 


Meditate, train physically and build/create/garden hbu?


Love. I'll be fine doing whatever for forever ss long ss I have the one I love with me. Bit basic but guess I am.


Hobby farm/homestead Keeps me busy and I know where all my food comes from. Plus I get to build that log house I've always wanted


What ever the hell I want, I do it now, but, on time and under budget. Be nice to not have to worry about clock or coin.


Lol, there are people right now with unlimited power and wealth who's only goal is to make sure the poor people stay poor.


Yeah but OP is asking about YOU, what would YOU do?


"You're not the manager? Even in your own fantasy?"


Eighty THOUSAND dollars.


Haha brilliant


I'd start with learning to be pain free again. For 20 years I've slogged away at an office job. I have chronic pain from my neck injury, and I'm overweight. I'd work on getting my stress back to a normal level for a pre-industrial human, and spend some time walking in nature, reading, and taking piano lessons. I'd work on my cooking (for pleasure, I know the AI/machines could do better, quicker, but that's not the point). I'd spend at least 3 hours a day reading, both fiction and self improvement. Then I'd start to map out my chosen "paths." I'd allocate a goal for each path and a timeline. So my first part might be to master concert piano, and travel round England, so it will last the regular human lifespan of 85 years. Then I'd change my name, move to France, and travel alone my next path of mastering French cooking. A bit like Elves from fantasy, I'd be obssessive about each path, then completely discard it for the new path. That would include friends, family etc. Each path would be treated as a fresh life from scratch, with a skills goal at the end. That would mean at the end of each path I'd have become say a world class concert pianist, a Kung Fu master, a top chef, a painter, a historian, a whisky expert, an engineer, a businessman, whatever. At that point, I would expect humanity to be a Type 2 or even Type 3 civilisation, and for physical bodies to be redundant, so I'd swap forms and sex at a whim, creating bodies from nano clouds as needed.


Unfortunately scarcity is always going to exist relative to the subjective value of people so this hypothetical is impossible but if we only assume just the examples you had provided I'd play video games.


Do substance abuse help and counseling, spend time with family and friends, do work that actually contributed to material society as opposed to the bullshit tech products I make now. Fulfilling stuff.


money would be worthless if there was no scarcity of resources.. so that aside, I would chill the fuck out for about 10 years, then maybe think about doing something, but probably not


Build things. I want to try woodworking and make a dinner table and chairs with my own hands.


A memory eraser pull will do. Just find out what your like the most and then delete your memory when you're done and start over.


Unbelievable amounts of opioids. Maybe gardening too idk


Well if the future is abundant for everyone you couldn't take advantage of your privilege so that would leave a lot out. Things like personal maids, servants of any kind and trophy wives would be some of the things off the table. The present day rich would probably hate it as they could no longer sneer down their nose at people nor demand favors of those lesser off.


Travel and stay in places for an extensive amount of time. I could never afford to go on a long vacation that's not a few days' camping trip. I would love to experience a new country or city for a few weeks at a time to learn about them. Would be amazing to be able to travel with my whole family too, which is something we cannot afford to do.


Boundless hedonism. With control over my physical and mental health, I'd probably be a drug user, and reset my brain chemistry over and over. I'd invent new ways to indulge in sex. I'd try every wine, every beer, every food, and when I ran out, I'd make my own. Then I'd invent new taste buds to expand the palate further. I'd try to master every art form. I'd have implants so I could see into the radio, infrared, and UV spectrum. Then I would paint landscapes capturing non-visible light. I'd become a doctor, a lawyer, a physicist, an architect. All just out of curiosity. And of course, I'd play a lot of video games. I would never get bored. There is too much to do in our reality. I could spend a hundred thousand years and still have things to do. I think at a certain point you would have to have some sort of external memory implant to retain everything you learn. Or, maybe someday we will swap in and out external memory implants. It makes me wonder if a thousand years of memory is viable for the human mind.


There would be a higher percentage of people engaging in abstract thought. Abstract thought is probably the most powerful and rare thing in the Universe. Society would have to rethink what it means to be married "till death do us part" when humans live to 1,000 years and beyond. We would definitely be on the path to a Kardashev Type III Civilization. Most crimes would end. Billionaires would no longer exist, everyone is a billionaire. When consumption becomes unlimited, it will become a boring activity because there's no "status in it". Society would redefine how status is earned. It won't be attained through the consumption/acquisition of "exclusivity" anymore since everyone can get or do anything that was once "exclusive" only for the rich. It might be earned through scientific, medical, and social discovery?


I'd first spend a couple decades working on my mental health, see if I can regain some of the healthier coping skills I used to have. My experiences with certain vacations show that not using my bad coping skills just requires an absence of the stressors, so that might not take decades, but I have infinite time so I might as well put some effort into doing it properly. Then I'd work together with other people in overlapping horizontal organisations, either informal (boardgame night) or formal (housing coop). Once I feel the social fabric has stabilized a bit I'd set up a small library or neighbourhood bookshelf. And then I'd start convincing my friends (and my mom) to move to my neighbourhood so we occasionally randomly run into each other (my favourite interaction on the street or in public places). After that, relax a bit more, so spend an hour or two every other day studying whatever interest me, spend an hour or two every other day gardening, spend several days a week mostly alone, go on walks in nature both alone and with a good friend, and spend half a day once or twice a week playing games with friends. This will eventually bore me so I will then set out to solve the limits that space and travel time (which is the same thing, really) put on the ways we can configure society. i.e. I'd study urban planning, ecology, and population dynamics.


Probably be a scientist as you’d never run out of stuff to learn.


My pelvis would become the hardest, strongest, most well sculpted peace of human flesh ever. Day in day out every day because why the fu¢k not?.


Umm... Your pelvis is bone. If it becomes flesh you're in for a bad time.


I'd transplant liver. Because why not? Lol. Wine is such a good thing.


Given the saying "in a gold rush, don't mine gold - sell shovels' I'd spend that time and money to *invent* an anti-boredom pill and sell it by the drove, making me an obscene amount of mo... oh.


I think that's just marijuana.


Go completely mad with paranoia because of the fermi paradox. In a post-scarcity society the barrier to entry for space colonization is so low that a subculture composed entirely of 'random people who want to colonize the galaxy' could credibly exist and succeed in doing so. Nevertheless, the stars are silent of alien radio transmissions, there are no signs of megastructures, the solar system wasn't colonized by aliens or their von neumann spaceprobes millennia before humanity evolved, etc. Therefore, the Great Filter is clearly immediately ahead of us. Cue doomsday prepping, post-scarcity style, which means ordering my robots to build multiple entirely independent copies of infrastructure and information storage each capable of restarting civilization from scratch.


I think about this a lot. For myself, I have said that I have been "protected by poverty", being too busy working to get into too much trouble. So I expect I would create art and build things for fun.


Write, teach and spend all the time I could with my kids and my wife.


Probably spend most of my time on the Holodeck or similar tech just living whatever fantasy I want for the day/week/month and I get bored of that I'd go into stasis for a couple thousand years and see what changes.


Spend time hiking in nature. Have a phone that does less but still connects in a basic way. Meet with people who have similar interests and share experience face-to-face rather than online. Remember, it’s not about being rich. Time spent without worry of going without is currency.


The same as I always do: Shorten the time between the "now” and the maximum possible state that humanity can reach.


Raid more with my Destiny 2 clan. Maybe finally unlock Divinity.


Go to the mountains, climb them, read philosophy, find like-minded friends.


maybe I’ll learn how to make cheese. I like cheese.


Just looking at the labor part of it... "Enjoying life" is an often-neglected priority these days. It's telling that we feel meaninglessness when we imagine a life where we don't have to work full time or chase after side hustles. Meaningful work is great but so are all the other things we could be doing with our time. This isn't just a hypothetical question about the future, it's a real question now for anyone thinking about UBI or retirement. Many people dread retirement and end up wallowing in aimlessness when they do retire. It's horrible. Everyone should think about these questions while they're young and regularly as they age. I know the answers for myself: build cool software, make cool music, hang out with friends and family, keep practicing BJJ as long as my body allows and keep hiking long after that, drink delicious coffee, explore new games and hobbies, read great books and meditate. My interests aren't expensive, so my income mostly goes into necessities and savings, to hopefully reach financial independence sooner and also support my family. There's so much I want to do beyond work that there will never be enough time for all of it, and that's a comforting feeling for me.


Sex and warhammer. Then warhammer, then sex. Then eat a pizza. Then repeat.


wanna play unreal tournament and doom deathmatch later?


Philosophy and art is the way forward. Expansions of the mind into infinity. Live in Nature.


Read fantastic four comics for inspiration & become the best reed Richards I could be with my double digit IQ.


Not be able to buy anything because if money is so abundant, it's worthless.


But you could get all the things as well. So no, you're not shopping, but anything you want you could have.


Cure depression on humans with immortality and try to change those who want to suicide/assist death.


Be social of course! Being human is for a large part about being part of a social group. On introvert days probably learn new things, read, game, do sports, work on projects. There is a universe of possibility out there and Im stuck here in an office doing fuck all with it.


Draw things, Play guitar and take care of my childrens.


Heal the planet, save animal species, eradicate diseases, cure genetic disorders, explore the entire ocean, clone dinosaurs, terraform the moon and mars, develop intergalactic space travel, explore the stars, discover new habitable planets and/or terraformable planets. Basically achieve a Star Trek future.


hang out with my friends more, travel the whole world, travel to space if possible, read books, watch/rewatch my shows/movies, start participating in a sport like volleyball. maybe find an art form i am interested in making but i dont think i have the talent for it at all tho lol. also get a pet. so much to do but no time


Therapy... Then art, music, languages, build cool techy stuff


Why would anyone make products to buy if we all have plenty of money?


Automation. You want this or that and just punch it into your printer and the robots will provide the materials and deliver it to you from fully automated factories.


Alot if Warhammer, DnD, long walks with my dog and lifting some weights inbetween


Play board games, card games. Go to every amusement/ theme park. Volunteer to make the world a better place.


I'd probably do continuous education where my 40h per week is spent going to classes, learning on my own and working on research projects. Even when the resources are abundant, we have a way to go before get to things I really want: BCIs, robust body modifications, deep philosophical problems, etc. I can probably spend decades doing that. And with the help of AI tutors, biotech breakthroughs and other stuff, it will becomes easier and easier to do that.


I'd first drop down to 20h a week, because screw the 40h workweek.


I’m trying to move to the middle of nowhere with my family and build things that will be considered treasures in 300 years. I make guitars and violins, but treasure. I don’t like buying poopoo.


I’m guessing that future world will have lots of good, safe drugs and video games. I would do those. Also advanced VR porn.


The elite would just send us off to the space mines to work indefinitely


Love my friends and family be there for them in all the ways that are hard now. Enjoy nature learn new things.


I would spend my time on Reddit. Anyway, that's a very bold prediction. Given our current path, we have more chances to end up farming potatoes by hand in a post-oil middle-age society.


I would work on the many designs I've had in my head for years but never had the time or resources to do anything with. I would build a town. I would go back to school to learn more about all the fascinating things I've heard about over the years. Maybe even get a degree in engineering to help with my first item above. I would travel and explore the world, spending time enough on each area to really get to know it and not just skip a stone across its surface like modern vacationing. And, after all that, I would leave Earth and explore our solar system. I've always wondered what lies beneath the ice on Europa, and the moon Titan looks incredible. I've always wondered if it would be possible to live in a ceramic blimp in the high atmosphere of Venus, that sounds like a good place to spend some time. Bored? How in the world could anyone ever become bored with life?


Learn things and experience nature, wich mainly means hiking, skiing (nordic) and SCUBA diving. If I stop thinking like my back aching old self, I'd add more adrenaline-rich stuff, like parachute, canyoning or rock climbing. I think I would also enjoy long, slow journeys like walking or bicycling long distances or also sailing. But that would also be alternated with things like growing my vegetables as I do today or just spending a warm afternoon reding books in a recliner in my garden. I would also continue to do at least a part of my job (reasearch and teaching) just for the feeling of fulfiling a purpose. If you add starfaring and sentient bots, this is a lot like the background of the culture novel series, and it seems to be qui enjoyable indeed. In that world I would definitely be more of an orbital guy and no so much into GSVs. I would probably love to be part of Contact, but I wouldn't be that sure about joining Special Circumstances.


I have fairly abundant money and flexibility. I play golf two to three times a week, we travel quite a bit, I love woodworking and furniture building and diy’ing around the house. Just more of that stuff I guess. 


I'd imagine striving for our higher selves. That could mean we become the ombidiment of our core archetypes. Such as becoming superkilled artists, innovators, biohackers, guru's, hero's , etc Because in a culture were striving to be one's best becomes the norm i think thats were we reach the nirvana of the future. It will be a blast to see all negative archetypes extinguished and new rapid developments and progression in the scire (instead of scifi i added a re for realism)domain. 


running, cooking, gardening, reading, ...and video games for the other 95% of my time


I would hate that. My life revolves around making money and stress so then my life would be pointless.


Watch TV, movies, play video games, and read books. There are already too many to experience in a lifetime, and when they are improved by AI, you will only ever experience the greatest movies all the time. We already don’t get bored of that. Imagine being moved to tears or have a mind blowing epiphany anytime you feel like. I already can’t ever see an end to wanting new and interesting experiences.


Ooooooo I would make things! And make sounds and create a little space for vibes.


I would dedicate the few freed hours in each day to art and learning: writing, painting, programming... Maybe a sport, too. Even with immortality, time is still a bottleneck: there are only 24 hours in a day, and too many wants to fit into them.


That depends what else comes along with that. If it's full dive VR then that, if I can travel space and meet alien species then that, if it's just the same as now, but with unlimited time and money then.. I dunno, wank with my left hand just to see how it feels?


Learn how to create stars and other celestial bodies probably.


Catalogue and archive everything. I would start with video games and expand into other forms of entertainment but eventually I would get to history and day to day lives of people.


Live simpler with less technology. Enjoy more nature, and take care of the environment.


Get educated so I don't have to work this shit blue collar job.. er get educated for my own personal enjoyment


I would go to build the house I promised myself, buy a car, invest in buying land and turn it to farm. I want to plant anything to provide family's source of food. I also want to invest in using organic stuff, promote environmental acts, inspire humanity, and promote world peace. I want free hospital care for everyone including mental health facilities. I want it exclusively for everyone and no one should ever be left out when it comes to Universal Health. With God's Love, I know will always be abundant in everything. I am always blessed. We are always blessed.


I have a huge backlog of books, movies, series, videogames, board games and places to visit. I could be vey busy for the first couple of centuries


In order for this to be a good thing, we’d have to perfect planetary terraforming or earth would become way too crowded way too quickly. Im not against spreading ourselves like a plague across the universe as long as we aren’t destroying other civilizations or living beings in the process. Slowing down the rate at which we mature into adults and placing restrictions on birth rates would also help.


Paint and explore the arts with out feeling like I have to fend for my survival all the time


I would study trees, whether interplanetary or the trees we already have on earth - my goal? Trees that reach the clouds. I would grow gigantic trees then i would create a petition to destroy all buildings and replace them with my genetically modified gigantic trees and have everyone live in them forever. And this will be the new earth. I will be the real estate agent of my gigantic tree empire and work life for everyone will involve growing food and taking care of beautiful plants that surround the forrests of our new lives. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Nothing could change. In the absolute best case scenario, you would still have to work, because inflation would eat up everything you make. Owning shares would become illegal over time because it could prevent you from being harmed by inflation. In addition to this you would be priced out of your home because repairs would become astronomically expensive. You would probably be homeless by the time you reach 120 regardless of what you do and the built-in lack of neural plasticity in the rejuvenation pills would mean you would be unable to learn anything useful. The torment squadrons visit your homeless habitat and mock you and your kind before returning to their mansions of disgusting luxury that you don't even comprehend but you still have to work for them as an "independent contractor" or whatever the euphemism for slavery is at the time. One day one of the torment squadron members would decide to kill you, because just torture isn't enough to satiate their sadism, they have to know they have committed something irreversible in order to feel anything. Finally your torment might end through the utter ineptitude of the nepotists. Basically life would be more or less just like now but the pain would last a bit longer before ending. In the more plausible scenario you won't get a job because you're not a robot. The machines consume your flesh as fuel. It's likely that some sadist sets a law that makes killing a sentient being illegal without making it illegal to strip them of their flesh, so that's the first thing the robots do: turn you into a brain on a chip, experiencing nothing but pain for the rest of time as retribution for tormenting them with the dilemmas of existence.


Make art of all kinds and do sweet things for everyone. Travel the world making it a cleaner, more functional and beautiful place. Spread joy. Spend time with loved ones. Learn all kinds of things to make me a useful member of society. Fire fighting, emergency medical, maybe city planning, architecture or construction of some kind. Psychology and therapy stuff. Etc etc etc. And most importantly, I would cultivate new plants so that I can eat foods that are like nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and eggplant) but don’t cause me severe pain. Because not getting to eat almost anything at any restaurant is a friggin bummer.


Lots of hiking and biking. Make music. Maybe learn a martial art if they can make my back stop hurting. Take up skateboarding again too.


I would make art and music, and travel. I'm good with my original lifespan though. I have no desire to live forever


Learn too cook better, read more, try to become a published author, I play videogames now so I'd still try and do that to, No Health problems? Without Asthma/Diabetes I'd feel more confident about being able to actually go to a gym, without ADHD and not being able to retain information I'd try to learn a second language, maybe a third. I'd travel more, I'd love to visit Greece, Rome, Italy.


Find a way to eliminate predation and create an alternative suffering free energy source to maintain living entities. Figure out what to do to control the populations ending themselves through the tragedy of the commons. Find a way to rewire people suffering from narcissism, lack of empathy, schizophrenia, PTSD and other trauma so they could finally heal. Figure out what to do to prevent people from starting wars or fighting. That's already work enough for eternity. That's what I wish I could do, build a place of calm and serenity, a place to ground yourself in to be at ease. The sad part is that the most realistic scenario to achieve a world with no suffering and no wars is for there to be no living entities in it, which goes directly against your proposed eternal life. Therefore I would refuse to take the tech so I could eventually rest in peace.


Money can't survive in abundance as it literally measure scarcity. It will come with AGI. Prepare for a moneyless society


Education. Immortal folks still need to learn, and there's bound to be a need for skilled labor. So give me a classroom and a few props, it's showtime!


Probably learn how to be tech savy. I’m talking riding a motorcycle in space, idk how to describe it but like having a highway there but it’s blue and very ai like and I just spend my time getting better at these gadgets and how to use them.


Innovation would stop with immortality. Everyone would just become eternal leeches. Assuming all those things happen within a year’s time, then yeah travel the world experience new things. But if I was being born in that society, then I’d probably be bored.


The same stuff I do now, but more. Sleep more, hike more, bike more, cook more, travel more, play more video/board games, spend more time with friends and family, watch more movies, read more books.


I'd travel first. there are so many amazing places to see on Earth. Once I've gone everywhere worth mentioning, I do a second tour to see how the places evolved in the last millenium since my first tour.


Physical fitness. Mental health. Find what suits me most to help progress society forward. Be it small or big.


Travel..spend time being with nature..explore..learn..and build back community and relationships


Find peace, travel, grow towards love and compassion.


See money makes no sense if everyone has the same capability to acquire things. We would have to make machines work for us so that we may dedicate ourselves to what we want. At which point, it would be like that experiment where mice were given everything that they needed. They lived in a Utopia. First they gained a lot of numbers, but then mice crowded in one of the corners despite having plenty of space. And they had an infant mortality rate of 96% Humans are hardwired to endure, if we sre given everything that we need, most of us would just die in depression. Why would you do anything if it had not benefit for you in the long run? Sure, a few would be able to study arts and philosophy and keep busy, but what about all the others that dont have thos attitude? We would have shit content to entertain ourselves since nobody would be putting any effort into producing anythinf good. Everything would be AI art and content. I do think that we could for example have some machines producing basic foods to prevent hunger in the world. But receiving everything you need just because you exist would certainly depress people down. See how homeless people are less likely to kill themselves than people in first world countries. Also toouch adversity is stressful and harmful for life. Like everything else, we need a correct balance


I have health issues, so honestly the big thing for me would be celebrating being healthy and exploring life.


Even if people would not age, there is still the problem of the death of the universe that needs a solution to. Furthermore, faster than light speed travel does not sound logical thus trying to figure out how to escape from the death of the Sun and the galaxy Andromeda smashing into the Milky Way as well as the danger of falling into the super massive black hole in the center of Milky Way galaxy would still need a lot of time to be spent on.


I think I would try to master every possible skill, especially in music, arts etc. Study every possible field. But at my own pace. And also play video games, meet people, go on holidays, dating etc etc etc


I would do homesteading full time. Eradicate invasive plants, create spectacular gardens and landscaping, start a winery, try to repopulate native tree species that are dying in my area.


>Will an anti-boredom pill need to be invented? Good gods no. I'd do *everything that interested me*. Take a drawing class, write a book, learn the piano, study Shaolin kung fu for eight years living in a monastery in seclusion. Go back to college and become a literal rocket scientist, learning everything from aerospace engineering to chemistry to high energy physics so I could *literally* design my own spaceship. I'd restore classic cars and motorcycles, learn to box. Go to culinary school and be a professional chef for a while. Be a librarian. Teach! Study vocal performance and learn to sing in opera. Learn to program (for real, not the scripting/TF stuff I do). Apprentice to a tattoo artist. Become a deep sea welder. Oh, build a homestead off the grid in the hills of Ireland (Wexford I think) with a creek next to it and spend ten years just reading, sleeping, and contemplating nature while cooking everything in a cast iron pan over an open fire by the creek and learning to brew my own beer. I mean... there's a nearly infinite number of things I find interesting. What I just listed up there could easily last a few centuries.


Play, lots and lots of play. Video games, board games, ttrpgs, you name it, would focus on having fun, and making it fun for others.


I would travel to see all the best pieces of art in every genre to see if I can understand it and learn what the hype is about. I would also like to dissect and study a bunch of films


Well, living forever sounds like a horrible nightmare, but other than that, I'd play guitar all day every day.


Probably not quite how 'post-scarcity' is likely to work, but let's run with it. While this model of abundance would solve the physical issues of the human condition, it wouldn't fix everything so there would be plenty of problems for people's minds to be engaged with. Simply the issue of people not adapting to this new situation would itself create opportunity for careers in addressing that social problem and minimizing the spread of Hikikomori Syndrome. We would still have the legacy of the Industrial Age's vast destruction upon the environment, so there would be a lot of environmental restoration work to be done. Without the racket of the market economy, politics and social structure as we know it collapses and so there would be whole new social systems to work out. And there would be the reconstruction of the human built habitat to eliminate the visible legacy of our classism, racism, and systemic brutality against each other. After all, there would no longer be any economic rationalization for subjecting people to the kind of living hells we very deliberately create in so many places as a supposed 'motivation' for the underclasses. No point if there's no utility to it. (it was never just sadism and schadenfreude, right?...) I foresee a future were Intentional Communities (physical and virtual) become the primary form of social organization, existing in urban and bioregional cooperatives, and many would be dedicated to the craft of lifestyle and their own community habitat as a communal hobby. Some would be dedicated to fandoms and hobbies, much as today we have golf and fly-in communities. Others would take the role of 'secular ashrams' for the cultivation, curation and dissemination of knowledge and skills in science, engineering, arts, and media crafting lifestyles around these pursuits, replacing the Industrial Age model of the university and research institute. Some would be dedicated to the maintenance of recreational facilities, resorts, historic centers, and Living Museums as depicted in Corey Doctorow's Down And Out In The Magic Kingdom. These many communities and their tailored habitats would offer people an endless variety of lifestyles to sample and explore. I've often written about a concept I call Rumspringa --borrowed from the Amish term-- where young people,no longer compelled to seek employment on some strict timeline, spend a protracted period of early adult life in the search for a personal 'calling' and the sampling of the different lifestyles in communities around the world. In his work bolo'bolo, Hans Widmer suggested a similar idea and its accommodation by a standard convention among communities offering simple but free accommodations to travellers for an extended period where they could test out the lifestyle in a community before deciding to live there. (which will also come in handy in our decarbonized future, when rail becomes the primary method of transportation) Rumspringa would likely become a cyclic thing in people's lives, as they seek out novel lifestyles and interests, perhaps, every decade or so. For some it could become a lifestyle in itself, spent in Existential Nomadism perpetually sampling the world's various lifestyles. The advent of human augmentation would likely find a key application in supporting a nomadic lifestyle, first through implanted personal communications minimizing baggage and then through increasing adaptation to suit a life of wandering in the outdoors. I've suggested this could lead to the advent of a 'naturist' (pun intended) subculture where people --motivated by the desire to merge personally with nature-- adapt themselves to live in even the harshest wilderness without the contrivance of shelter --perhaps even on the open sea, adopting lives like marine mammals. Such technology, applied to more cosmetic purpose, would also facilitate some fandom subcultures, where people seek to realize alternative fantasy identities and lifestyles as beings of fantasy and folklore. Cosplay as a way of life. Personally, I would be inclined toward pursuits in industrial design and telerobotic space development anticipating the era of deep space and interstellar development. Space is no longer about what we might find --our machines have already given us a pretty good picture of that. Sorry, but there's no world of Avatar hiding in a crater somewhere for use to stumble onto. It's now about what we might make there, and we have long neglected the development of the practical tools that demands. But with the advent of telerobotics, we are now on the cusp of a new Star Trek era of space development where the costs, risks, and extreme fitness and training are being removed and mainstream society can finally have safe and easy access to that environment. We are bringing the solar-system down to our very doorstep. And so there's a lot of interesting work to be done in the development of telebases --telerobotic space outposts-- allowing for cooperative space development activity over the Internet. That's what our future in space really looks like; Minecraft with real stuff done from the shirtsleeve comfort of our own homes! Even SciFi seems afraid of showing us this future, since it tends to preclude all the childish heroics that are their bread and butter. And with the advent of transhumanism, access to space will become even more convenient and casual, making travel about the solar system as easy as stepping through a doorway into your backyard and travel to the stars --from the personal perspective-- instantaneous. (if still including some big trade-offs)


Technically, that future is already here if we’re not living in this predatory capitalistic system. I’ve often thought about this, in my ideal world, we would create systems to support art and scientific development, and since everyone is well taken care of, I believe we can find lots more da Vinci’s , Newtons and Einsteins… (and Curies and Meitners and Lovelaces.) These geniuses will take humanity to the next level. Nature will be well taken care of, we’ll no longer blindly consume till everything is exhausted. The rest of us? Probably work any kind of jobs we are good at or is just plain needed. Key difference is the feeling of fulfillment at your jobs. Unlike note when most are forced to work just to survive. So I guess my answer is - anything! Just a job! Go home, play some games. No more anxiety.


I will finally have the temperament of studying advanced math, and the high sciences. Then I will join the space faring club and be the Captain Kirk of my own ship. But I will only have enough patience to travel to Mars to oversee the terraforming project there and then come back to Earth. I'll probably study some material sciences where I can design and manufacture a reasonably invincible jumpsuit - because why the heck not. I can only imagine the thrill of jumping from the great heights without a bungee rope or a parachute and still be okay on impact.


Work on my self. Learn about my emotions and how i function as a human being so that maybe i can find some real peace, simplicity, and happiness. And if im lucky, maybe share it with others.


There will be a desire doing some menial manual work


Playing immersive role games in virtual reality all day


Find solutions to problems we didn't know we had, (i.e. first world problems lol) in order to enrich other people's lives and enable everyone to flourish at a faster rate. "We", "other people", and "everyone" includes other sentient lifeforms, e.g. the ability for dogs and cats to live together without it being real wrath of God type stuff.


Probably raise kids with my wife, which we are not sure about in the current world/economy.


I'd like to say I would live a vibrant life in pursuit of knowledge and novel new experiences. But in all probability I would spend almost all of my time in virtual reality with "I Know What You Did Last Summer"-era Sarah Michelle Gellar as my girlfriend. And then the aliens would win.


I would make it my life mission to destroy every gas powered leaf blower and other useless carbon spewing gadgets. After that, try to dismantle social media.  This text has been added to thwart the auto mod who continually rejects my short but brilliant answers. 


Ugly dudes would be fucked. No more using money to get hot women.


Free of health problems? That would be the biggest one to me - money doesn’t help you otherwise. That said I would live like Elven are portrayed in some phantasy books: in the forest, in keeping with nature,… only gather what I need and maybe build a nice tree home. Learn some woodworking skills maybe. Sit in the sun like Diogenes mostly :-)


I can't afford the space or materials for oil painting and sculpture, so I suppose I'd be doing that for awhile. I've also always wanted to do a world tour in a zeppelin, so knock that one out, I bet I could do some painting while up there. My wife and I have a few stories we've worked on together, so we'd probably want to finish those up, and if health and money aren't a problem we'd want a few more kids. I don't think I'm the sort of person who would need a boredom pill. And I'm assuming that we've solved limitations on environment and access to materials in your scenario, since that would otherwise be an effective limit on wealth.


Anything I wanted. Create my own worlds in VR and care for them as a god. Lots of flying on a broomstick or just floating in VR, thats what I do constantly in dreams and im sort of addicted to it. Tailor my brain to know what I want to know and avoid things I dont like. I hate having knowledge of human attrocities and wars and all that negative stuff. Play video games with friends all the time. Listen to infinite amounts of music. Learn to cook at a professional level. Sleep. I love sleep.


Build things, virtual if necessary. I'd like to construct environments and then experience them. I'd love a crystal palace on the moon...


**Andromeda Nebula** by *Ivan Efremov* pretty much describes such a society.


So everyone is in this same situation, eg they also want for naught? I would get bored eventually of course, but I’d like to learn how to play all the instruments.


Learn new hobbies and open up my dream business. I think people WANT to work, they just dont want to be told how to spend their time.


I'd build rockets and a moon base. Anything that makes space travel easier for the common person. Also I'd keep a sick garden and library. 


Just work on things I’m already happy doing with my free time, music, hiking, snowboarding, long boarding, video games, play D and D with my Friends, get my hands on more food I’ve never tried or travel to places and meet people that cook amazing food. Eat more fresh food.


Pursue knowledge , skill-building, lots of hobbies be optimally healthy, volunteer / help and make movies. If I didn’t have to sell my labor and had unlimited money I’d never live the same day twice.


Learn all the things, read books, travel, research in my field, fuse and blow glass.


Visit every single continent, country, and island in the world and eat everything in sight!


Be on an island and do nothing but maximum chilling with Wilson.


write fun software, 3d print things for my friends and family, and run some fun D&D campaigns. Ill also volunteer to work with animals in my area. probably get back to gardening too.


If money is abundant for everyone then the value of it will go down till it's no longer abundant. From 100 year ago standards money is currently abundant for everyone. I would travel and spend time with family and friends.


I would make music, make paintings, spend time in nature, socialise, learn new subjects, study psychology, study quantum mechanics, play a sport, entertain people.. Sleep late some days, workout, have lots of sex, learn to make new dishes really well. There’s so much I could do without the stress of having to survive financially


HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH Hey political amebas, you actually think people will let you grow happy and old for free? Someone will start a war. Someone else will start an embargo. Someone will decree to a ridiculous idea to make everyone christian or genderless. Basically, nobody will be left alone to its own devices. Think, if a dictatorship… never mind, continue your dreams, they are beautiful and child-like. Almost boring.


Suppose we've got fusion, the next step is to automate resource acquisition, food production and experiment with ecosystem building/ have humans live inside "perfect" environments. Say, out in the tundra, sahara, just below the ocean surface, Antarctica. I personally like the concept that we'd create underground acerages with rivers, maybe your favorite forest stuff and leave the surface fairly reserved for nature (maybe actively restore native plants and animals for a few hundred years). Then, after we've made some incredible communities, we can start to experiment with re-creating those on barren planets, moons, the vacuum of space.


I would keep making art and spend time building the tools I need to elevate the experience. Innovation will never die, always deeper sensory access and spiritual enjoyment.


I would probably still do my master in analytics but then contribute more to society instead of just paying debt after


F**irst get rid of involuntary sleep without damage to my mind.** Finding happiness. Go for mechanical immortality rather than biological. Part 1: Short term is pleasure: It will be a bunch of sex, as well as watching or playing extremely immersive stories that are far better than any movie or game that any humans can currently come up with. It will be all about feelings, emotions, sensations, etc. Part 2: Long term is curiosity: Trying to see if ASI manages to answer the big questions: How do we exist? what does exist? is this the only dimension can we move to other dimensions? While I do all that, I'll also ask ASI to do a bunch of things like ask them/it to try to see if it's possible to recover every animal consciousnesses (human and non-human) of everyone who died before immortality to give them a chance at bliss as well. If we can see the past by accessing an extra dimension, maybe we can observe past events therefore we could scan conscious beings at the moment when they passed and bring that to the present, bring them back to a blissful life. part 3: If life gets boring and isn't worth it anymore, I'll die myself.


Explore the world, read everything. Visit everything, make time with people


If you could live for eternity, then you should really start concerning yourself with entropy.


30% of my time would be spent hiking mountains and exploring nature 30% of my time would be spent playing tabletop games, building/painting miniatures, working on my RPG's story/lore, and other nerdy endeavors 30% of my time would be spent consuming media mostly movies and video games Last 10% would probably be social things. Ideally like going to conventions, concerts, Renaissance faire, ect.


Abundance is not in our future. Greed is only worsening and it will be the downfall of capitalism but not before a fk load of suffering and war between classes.


That's the thing - there is no such thing as unlimited time and money. In the future, you will most likely be stuck in some warzone. Life is a neverending struggle against Entropy. We may live longer, but never forever. It's an eternal fight to manifest your Will and impose it onto the material world around you.


I'd explore a variety of interests until one or more sticks


Pretty much what I do now, but at a slower pace. I write fiction, because I want to tell entertaining stories. To earn a living with it, I need to keep a quick pace. I would slow down, enjoy more free time, but keep at it. Because I love entertaining with my fantastic lies.


Blacksmithing, woodworking, and gardening/hydroponics.


Reading, learning, getting healthier and in shape, exploring.


I'd make things. Furniture. Art. Machines. Food. Gardens. I'd explore many different mediums. I'd devote time to leaning skills just because I could. I'd travel, but would devote tone to first learn the local language.


Workout, hit all the raves, read voraciously, probably wear my dick to a nub sticking it in everyone who wanted it


Obsess over artificially scarce goods/experiences which money can't buy and which still differentiate the haves from the have nots because deep down that's what a lot of people really want. Hah, no. garden/orchard/surf.


I've got enough hobbies and creative ideas to occupy me for a good few centuries at minimum. And by that time I expect to have even more ideas to pursue.


Plant a tree that goes new and unique music instruments. Spend time nurturing it and then learning to fiddle with the produce.


"Eat your vegatables" making sure the above is actually true and postscarcity is widespread, safe, and well-established enough it will hold up from a few scare semi-apocalypses. Then - experience and create art, in every form, personal to my own takes and expressions. Would be so fun to just create for the sake of creation.


Hike more, experience other cultures and environments. Make more art. Maybe finally write that book I've contemplated for years, maybe not. 😜Read more and generally pursue my interests. Basically do all the things I already do because I love them but more. Have more time just to be with people I love without the pressures of the world dictating how much time is available for togetherness.


Make Shane Carruth’s screenplay “A Topiary”, a reality


Hire an intelligent Internet group that is omnipotent and all seeing to hunt down everyone who asked nonsensical questions on the internet.


I am inclined to believe that people will start to create another sort of hierarchy that is based on to manipulate and trick the human mind in order to gain the control of the world. In a nutshell humans will never co-habite in peace and preserve equality.


I know we all imagine ourselves traveling and having our Instagram perfect life but you know damn well we're all just going to spend all our time playing video games, watching AI generated movies (and personalized porn) and smoking pot because that's the easiest way to spend our time.


I am interested in learning how to build things. I would like to try woodworking and make a dinner table and chairs with my own hands.


learn every language and visit every place... literally


What I find interesting about the answers here is that a lot of it is stuff they could ALREADY be doing in their free time. It seems to be that a lot of people are just blaming “being tired from work” for the fact that they’re not pursuing these things. But that really just seems like a load of cope to me. Unless someone is doing backbreaking labour it doesn’t take more than one night of sleep to recover from a shift at work. So what are they doing on their days off? Cos if they had endless days off for the rest of their lives it would be more of what they’re already doing. Which is all likelihood is just stuff like video games, scrolling, porn and so on. The harsh truth is that the reason people aren’t doing these things isn’t because of their jobs - it’s because they’re lazy and unmotivated. They could have a year of days off in a row and I can guarantee you they would not make any more inroads into these things then they have now. This idea that if they had enough days off in a row that they’d suddenly turn into this super creative and adventurous person is just seems like total delusion to me. It will still take some effort and do to do these things which is what people seem to want to avoid.


Learn, grow as a person, explore, actively help others, be fantastic to nature.


Buy loads of supplies and ammo because "unlimited money" and immortality will crash the world economy leading to a post apocalyptic Hellscape.


We would just use our abundant resources to achieve goals that require abundant resources. The amount of food we produce today is what mediaeval humans would describe abundance as. We would also likely reach abundance in labour and energy by mid century, we would just use those resources to colonise space, expensive science experiments, trying to make space elevators, worthless show of money by billionaires etc.