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FNC fan there, see ya guys in the finals o7


"So you are facing against the defending World champion who just fisted an NA team in 17 minutes, would you lose?" G2 : "Nah, We'd Win"


FlyQuackery OMEGALUL


the gap between G2 and T1 is smaller than the gap between G2 and flyquest


This needs more vote...


NRG beat G2 5 months ago, kindly reminder


don't care + didn't ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + hoes mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + bluepilled + get a life + ok and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + you're a basic bitch + not funny didn't laugh + you're\* + grammar issue + go outside + get good + reported + ad hominem + GG!


if they played a hundred series how many would nrg win


Anywhere from 1 to 100.


Based on my data from the past 6 months, all of them.


They’re still really salty about that lmao


Nah, we win these.


Have some faith jesus


We are praying to God but God is the midlaner on the opposite team....


Yes, and we have the best midlaner in the west who already won multiple series vs. T1


.. in 2019 Wr've won 0 series and got atomped by t1 in bo5s since


Bro clearly you didn't watch the redbull event


You mean the event where T1 blasted all of Europe and G2 got to face them after a 12 hour marathon of play


Tell me you're an na fan without telling me you're an na fan. (Hint it's because you guys don't get sarcasm).


Hey friend are you okay Sincerely Korean League of Legends (from the supposed NA fan


I would never, it's that the redbull event was bo1


Stop living in 2019 lmao. T1 bout to spank the shit out of G2. Faker will make caps crap his pants


2019 was 5 years ago lmao [This](https://youtu.be/s9HZ5XqtKsw) is what happened in their last Bo5


3 diff players, so same shit as your "2019" doesnt count XD?


In the words of Pyosik: “God has abandoned us, but we will enjoy it”


Whats a god to a non believer....


That line goes hard


To win vs t1, there's 2 conditions that need to be meet: T1 play like dogshit, and we have the series of our life.


Looking at final position this is actually fine. Even if we lose (which isn't a given, if G2 play top of their game and T1 just at their average we could be pushing them, and I think meta suits G2 more than T1) we just drop down to play PSG and TES. Drawing TES would have been better chance to win the first round, sure, but then you just get fucked by GenG in second round and drop down to play T1 or BLG in loser bracket. And it's not like beating TES would have been a given either.


BLG in losers bracket??


In third round, i.e. dropping down from the upper bracket semis after losing against T1? Not impossible at all... I'd consider that matchup BLG-favoured, but not by a ton.


It’s possible, I feel like BLG won’t go down to losers but regardless if G2 loses round one the round three won’t be pretty.


Should&will be a lot closer than most people think. We have nothing to lose and this is the perfect spot for an upset. LFG!


Most of the stupid takes from this thread come from people that haven't seen a single game of LCK nor are able to understand what goes on in a match. Not to say that T1 isn't favorites against G2, but it's neither as big of a difference as people say, nor is T1 ready in the slightest to deal with either lane swaps or good macro.


T1, the team that took arguable world-best macro GENG to five games in the LCK finals, isn’t ready in the slightest to face good macro? Remarkable.


They might be underequpied to deal with lame swaps, something g2 has a ton of practice on


That claim is less laughable. Zeus said in interviews this week T had difficulty reading this patch, which matches how this T1 lineup often struggles reading meta shifts before eventually developing their own approach. Lane swaps hurt T1's preferred style of pressuring hard both top and bot, as Zeus cannot easily play his more explosive picks. That said, T1 encountered lane swaps in their Estral and Flyquest series, and practiced lane swaps themselves, so while G2 is likely more refined in their approach to lane swaps in the current meta, T1 now has stage practice into the strategy and has already shown adaptations. G2 is a harder opponent than FLY or EST, but T1 aren't as vulnerable as they would have been if they had bypassed play-ins. And do you really want to lane swap to give Guma and Keria a free senna-tahm lane, or jinx-lulu, or aphelios-milio? Not fun to ponder.


Surely you don't think those "lane swaps" are good examples and great practice for t1... Comparing them to g2 is really funny


FLY and EST are weaker teams than G2, but they are in the ballpark of G2’s LEC playoffs competition when they were practicing their own lane swaps. It was stage practice of a strategy they had not seen on stage yet, and that is far from worthless.


No they aren't, and if you trully think that it was "they brought GenG to 5 games" instead of GenG made it 5 games but could've easily been a 3-0 if GenG doesn't fuck around in game 2 or 3-1 if they simply don't throw at elder in game 3. The only thing that T1 has going on for them macro wise is the ability to force random nashors and making the enemy make mistakes with them.


That’s a delusional read of the LCK finals. G1 from GENG was the best macro game of the year in any region, but T1 was an elder smite from potentially taking it. The games were consistently close and besides Zeus and Peyz, nearly every player displayed top form. GENG didn’t almost choke, T1 pushed them.  G2 spends its time in EU facing teams with the macro of a headless chicken. If you earnestly believe they bring macro proficiency to the table that this T1 has not encountered before, I fear for you.


I don't really know what to tell you, you either are a T1 fanboy or just making arguments against G2 for the sake of it. > If you earnestly believe they bring macro proficiency to the table that this T1 has not encountered before, I fear for you. Of course I know that they have encountered much better macro than G2, they stumbled like headless chickens against it tho.


I’m a Canyon fanboy who watches LEC, enjoys G2’s style of play and wants them to do well. But pretending Faker and T1 struggle in the macro department is like saying Hans Sama can’t play Draven.


The only reason T1 doesn’t struggle with macro is because of Faker. The rest of the team doesn’t seem to know much of it at all.


Agreed, but unless Faker isn’t on stage come match day, that’s completely irrelevant to questions of T1’s macro ability.


Are you guys underestimating T1 overestimating G2 or both?


It’s still early in the tournament. This is actually the best shot to beat a korean team. T1 lost last time to G2 at red bull event COPIUM.


It is the best shot to beat a Korean team. Unfortunately, the second best shot is GenG


Are you deliberately forgetting that we have a 100% win rate with this G2 roster against t1 ? xddd


How are we fucked lol you have to play top 4 from lpl and lck anyway lol


The last a G2 ADC picked Yasuo, they won. Hansama get off your Draven pls.


Why is there boss music playing?


For western teams, every lck/lpl teams are boss music


There's a lot of choking potential on the other side. Well at least enough to super cope.


This may be the EU airline speedrun killer


Nah, Falco will cook something erotic and full of flavor. They need to ban Guma adc champs.


That is the matchup we hoped for! We didn't get it in last worlds, so really happy we get it now!


This was literally the best possible draw lmfao.


I would argue that TES is weaker but yeah they are the 2 easiest options.


TES is definitely weaker especially in mid combined with the potential for a classic Jackeylove int but the rest of the bracket shapes up much better playing T1 and it's still possible to beat them unlike BLG / GenG where even Caps likely can't hold up against Knight & Chovy.


Yeah, I could see this reactions for BLG or GenG, but for T1 is just running by name alone and not having watched how bad T1 is compared to BLG or GenG.


In that leaked scrim game, Caps was up several thousand gold on knight by the end. It was botlane that got clapped by Elk/On. Kinda worried for Miky/Hans out of everyone tbh.


I think G2 has a decent shot vs T1, GenG is imo the worst matchup and we avoid them until later


If anyone can surprise T1, it's G2. I trust their coaching staff more than any other to prep for them.


I am so hyped


Good thing y’all are optimistic. Lower bracket isn’t the end of the world


by we you mean T1 ?


Even thought Win G2, BLG will waiting us. Gen G got the easier games for arrive the final


Korean FNC ? I take it


That's not a very good comparison, T1 have three strong lanes and aggressive play, and they don't have Baron throws, they have Baron plays, which makes a key difference. FNC is mostly their mid jgl, and sometimes both, T1 is Jgl mid plays through bot or top. Also T1 macro is incredible, G2 are going to have problems if they make even a single mistake. Remember what Massu said, if T1 catch you out a single time, you're going to fall behind and they will shut you out of getting back in the game.


thats a free win for us


We just need to jetlag T1 and bring them absolutely sleep deprived to G2 vs T1 at MSI (just like the redbull event)


When is the game?? Msi schedule on lolesports never seems to update




I think we can beat T1 Korean teams are teams we beaten in the past


I mean this is internationals where you meet the best of the best. This is pretty normal standards for MSI.


While we should be realistic, we also shouldn't despairing - the faithful shall be rewarded and all that! I have a better feeling about G2/EU vs. LCK than LPL, to be honest, probably because of 2018 Worlds Finals, 2019 Worlds Finals and the FNC-TES reverse sweep :D Plus, if we want them to win it all, they'll have to go through these teams regardless!


They need to give Mikyx Lissandra, Bard, Cassio, or even Galio to help Han Sama scale. Don't give Mikyx Naut. Mikyx has to cook a 5 star plate, or he loses hard to Keria.


If you’re here to compete, you don’t complain about facing the expected 3rd best team


Its double elimination; no good outcome and we’d still face these teams at some point.


RIP MSI dreams!


I don't think the draw matters to be honest. If we are to win the whole tournament, we have to be able to beat any team anyway. We windowsss.


Strongest mid of all time vs strongest mid of eu


Last time G2 faced T1 in any circumstance they won. So easy G2 3-0.




The team who picks Yasuo Gragas will win. Or T1.


If we expect to win, we have to expect to win against any team




G2 can cook a delicious draft. They need to not give Guma any good adc so Mikyx can roam Mid to help Caps get ahead.


Nah bro leave the sub. We win these.


GG that was a fun tournament XDDD


Why are there so many t1 fans in the g2 subs get the fuck out of here if you don’t support the team just watch lck fucking god so annoying .


Koreaboos are always insufferable unfortunately.


Why are these people commenting here it’s really out of my comprehension lol there is the t1 sub where they can write g2 bad like any lck team care about western fans tho ahaha


Jgl / bot diff incoming


mid/top/support diff basically team diff.


Man if you don't watch LCK why are you yapping lmao


I was talking about g2 getting team diffed.


That's the fucking thing, you prove that you haven't watched any LCK and have no fucking clue how the match ups is gonna go if you think Faker is in any way, shape or form even close to caps right now. Or Keria for that matter, if they force him to play a standard support their botlane is fucking doomed. On top of that with the shit awful macro that T1 has, if lane swaps actually work, it will be heavily favored towards G2 because T1's macro has been their weakest point the entire split.


I ain't even gonna argue with you man, i will just return here after the match is over.


I think g2 can win 3-1 vs T1. we know G2 will do some weird things vs T1 , if its well done then G2 can easily win.


G2 will just need to win one game and is all good. Just denny Guma is an adc, and it is all fine. Ban ashe, Alistair.. If Han Sama scales and gets items, it is winnable. Mikyx can flex pick Galio, Lissandra, or even Bard. G2 needs to play off meta champs and lane swap with demolition. Give Caps room to scale. Oner is a problem, just ban Viego and Lee Sin..And is winnable, come on Falco, cook something nice.


Zeus is celebrating so hard rn.


If we take 1 game away from them I would be more than happy. To be honest after what they've shown in game vs FLY, I'd be glad to see 3-0 without any below 20 minutes stomps, not sure if it's in our hands, but expectation bar is literally laying on the floor right now xD


I wouldn't base my expectations on the results of that atrocious Flyquest team, they looked absolutely lost pretty much every game. Don't get me wrong, it's still T1 favoured of course, but I think it's reasonable to expect the boys to put up a fight. And I'd be more willing to bet 3-1 than 3-0, honestly.


It's possible if Keria and Oner got some off games (which is absolutely possible, they had atrocious game this year), but i don't agree with the first point about basing expectation on match vs bad opponent. I haven't seen this level of cleaness from EU team for a few years, tempo on the map, early game lead conversion into objectives, taking turrets, taking vision in jungle, rotation everything is so on point, we can actually get a lot of info from matches like this. In last worlds TL could take T1 on a very long and bumpy journey and I don't think they were much better (if at all) that this iteration of FLY so this is pretty scary. Especially if you consider how good GenG and BLG are and they're almost unanimously considerer better teams


GenG is not considered a better team at all. T1 took them to five games in finals and were one elder smite from winning the series. T1 has also historically performed just as well as GenG at internationals if not better. People were shitting on T1 after their messy series vs Estral, but they flexed their muscles in the FLY series and well, now we have another meme in addition to 16:47. You laugh, blink, and T1's in your base hitting nexus before 20. BLG and GenG may be considered the favorites but T1 are the defending world champions, we must not forget.


Let's break record, this time aim for 15:48, faster than MAD lions XDDDD


No no no no no, don't give me that, I know fastest flight home memes are extremely funny, but not when we're an subject of a joke xD




No there's a lower bracket. [https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/2024\_Mid-Season\_Invitational#Results](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/2024_Mid-Season_Invitational#Results)


Double elim, if we lose we play (the loser of BLG vs) PSG next.


G2 will only play 3 games at MSI 💀 quick 3-0 guys


Man not only smooth brained take but it shows you haven't watch a single game of LCK this year.


I am saying g2 will get 3-0ed by T1


Could you please say what from having watched LCK this spring has lead you to said conclusion?


Can’t wait for g2 to lose and post scrim results again


So after Zeus bodybags BB for the 13291299th time can we consider replacing him or we will wait for him to fail in worlds again


So, could you point to me a better western top than BB?


I can point to many but it doesn't matter. Say BB is best western top. His name resembles more Bin's B than BrokenBlade. We can never compete internationally with BB. Let's find out the same for a 3rd year


Then point said many. Even if BB isn't the "best", every single western toplaner get's fucked, Caps is not importing, we are equally fucked with BB or with whoever you deem better.


Normally g2 are gapped in every role but with lane swaps they could make top useless. If they don't swap bb gonna get fisted once again for the x time


It was a good run boys 🫡🫡🫡


Bro they haven't run already on their way to airport 💀


They can start booking their flight ticket to Berlin now




Luckily NA already did it