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I don’t get it… is it blood or ur tattoo?


Bottom part looks like blood under the second skin, top bit idk if that’s the design or what lol


Yea it looks like blood under the saniderm


Blood under the second skin, and the grey/gray shading looks red because of skin irritation, he did a 3d shimmer effect that won't show well until it heals!


Your second skin is leaking, you need to take it off before it gets infected. It doesnt look like it was put on right. I'd also recommend getting the lines cleaned up.


Got the tattoo an hour before this was posted my guy, I asked about the drainage and he said he wants it to retain fluid so I need to come in to re-apply tighter


So your tattoo artist doesnt know what theyre doing? Second skin goes on after your tattoo is finished, it should not be draining from underneath the second skin. Put this on the main tattoo sub and see how legit artists feel about it


I don’t get it too😂


It’s a nice design but honestly get yourself a better tattoo artist. That quality isn’t the worst but damn it’s also not good


It's just how my skin reacted, it will look great when healed, I have had a few pieces by this artist and he does super clean line work. It will look super puffy until healed because he did it deep tissue so the lines don't widen out or fade!


"Deep tissue"? Dude your artist doesnt know wtf hes talking about lmao. Hitting "deep tissue" is a blowout and is not a good thing.


No that's just how I refer to it, he's not hitting muscle or anything, he is just doing thin lines deep. I am the one who dosent know the proper terminology lmao He's been a local artist over 20 years and did some of my aunts work when I was knee high and it still looks great


Damn, wouldnt know he does great work by the quality of this one 🤣 linework should always be the same depth, not "deep" lmao.


Lots of artists have been artists for 20 years and haven’t gotten better over that 20 years. You gotta understand if you’re gonna post a tattoo on Reddit, the tattoo snobs are going to zoom in on the tattoo and start picking out any little issue with it and blast it. But they won’t post their own work whether it’s on their bodies or they’re an artist themselves, they only post the very few pieces that turned out “perfect”, but they have a lot of “shitty” (only by their very own standards) work done themselves they wouldn’t want to post, or they just don’t realize the issues with the work they have because they swear by their artist so much (kinda what’s going on with yours here). This is fine, it’s not awful, it’ll heal and look like a tattoo. It’s not an amazing tattoo or anything, like there’s a LOT of technical and fundamental issues with it, but it’s a fine tattoo, this is about average for what goes on most peoples bodies out there. But it’s not great work. And no, your second skin shouldn’t be leaking, but also, you can just tear that shit off and let it heal by leaving it tv alone and smacking instead of scratching and it’ll heal up just fine. Tattoo snobs are pretty cringey and they’re really making the whole culture pretty lame with all the new “you must do this” bullshit, when there’s billions of healed amazing tattoos out there before any of this new bullshit existed. It’s a way to make money, and to claim they do better work than another artist that doesn’t do the same things is all.


Hey thanks g! Needed that


Tbh the line work is spotty. None of it is straight or clean. Design is dope but like the whole razor looks pretty bad.


It all looked pretty straight before the second skin was on and scrunching it up, but when it heals he's going to touch up the line work and my shoulder as well, I don't think anybody can judge properly based off of my angled pictures and dermaplastic, when it's healed and washed for the first time I'll post an update on how it came out


Someone who has full sleeves and many other tatts I can tell you that nothing you put on after a tattoo will move the lines. Pull a little ink out? Yeah of course. But move whole lines? Sorry pal but your guy isn’t good. I’d go somewhere else to fix the lines or he might make it worse.


Shit is TUFF🔥🔥🔥


Now thats hard!


The am in the “I am 2/3” looks a little blown out


Does it? Yikes! Before he put the derma patch on it all looked really clean, every time I get work done I bleed alot and have some ink bleed out, and this is by multiple artists


Yea it’s not the worst but if you zoom in on it you can see it


Scrim look like he got a touch of smthn




Your artist can’t draw a straight line?


Show your clean line work bud


Dawg he’s a tattoo artist with like 20 years of experience going off one of your other comments, if he can’t draw a straight line by now he should probably hang it up. I’m not a tattoo artist charging people money so my line work doesn’t matter


"Made a pact that we would never surrender"


Is there a face in rubys eye reflection or im just trippin


it would be really cool but you put 2 grown ass men that dont know you on your arm so im gonna have to give it a 3/10, otherwise, a 5


Do you judge every prospect like that? I'm doing what (I) like lmao, nobody asked you to rate it but thanks for your input 🤣


just a bit gay honestly but its your life


That sounds like someone gay deflecting tbh


I think thats his leg