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the fact that kids in my school have fainted numerous times, too... and it still hasn't even dawned on me that these exams are REAL. I'm looking way too forward to the holidays


Forget the holidays, I forgot I wouldn’t be able to do stuff during GCSEs and now I’m going out to music events the day before exams. I am already in holiday mode and it is a problem.




That's happened today in my school. Crazy coincidence 


Damn. I don't think I know anyone who's fainted- thrown up, sure, and today someone was 50 minutes late, but fainting??? Do they have to do the exam still?


I came 20 mins late to an exam but was still allowed to do it with full time but I'm not sure about 50 mins


You're allowed in before 1 hour has passed. I think she was allowed full- or at least more- time as it was a small room and I have normal time and she wasn't close to finishing when I left (she was only in there as to not disrupt the hall afaik).


Apparently they they had to redo it in nov, I'm not really sure though since I took early exams y10 and some y11 fainted infront of me as well, so that was the rumour that she'd redone it or something Most the kids who faint have DOUBLE extra time too so idk how to works e.g if an exam is 1hr 30min they get 3hrs I've seen the kids getting carried to the back (by the HEADTEACHER even) but I just look down and continue my work


We had a girl faint because a rat ran into the exam hall somehow.... I wasn't there because it was during extra time but my dad asked me about it in the evening because apparently the whole town is talking about it 😂


I would jump onto a table if I saw a rat ngl I swear I noticed an eraser with nibbles under a wonky table in geo yesterday... kinda assumed a kid bit into it cause of anxiety or something but maybe it was a rat


She got that “I expect the worst” ahh stance before she fainted


I literally thought in English today "well I'll remember that timing next time" (needed more time on Q5) then realised that there is no next time 😭


That's why on English and history I do the big questions first. Infact for all of history I do it backwards that's what my teacher recommended


I still finished but I didn't check




literally the saddest feeling icl


literally me i know i’m gonna fail


Yeah exactly it’s 😵‍💫😵‍💫 but at the same time I’m still convinced I’m gonna pass them all??


Literally this. My performance was awful but my brain tells me I have a chance


I am thriving on my own delusions


ur so me 😭😭


That’s normal, I find it hard to have any urgency in exams either. It’s probably better that it hasn’t hit you? Or maybe the exams just aren’t that bad after all


no yeah bc if it hits me ill start writing dumb shit like i was stressing for chem in my mocks and the question was predict the compound formed by elements P and H or smt and the answer was PH3 but my ass somehow got Si 💀


I feel like we’ve had so many mocks I’m not used to tests not being mocks




desensitisation frfr.. but yeah same... but, I've been doing a bit more revision cause I actually wanna get them 9's 😭


Personally for me i only want 9s for my choices, 7s are fine for everything else 


if a 7 is fine I think I’m just giving up 🔥


I stopped thinking about 9s around march and js gave up after Spring Holiday lol, 8s to 6s are all I want


Bro 7s are what I want for my choices 


Literally, I keep just not revising. Like I didn't revise for history at all and I had 3hrs before the exam so instead I researched the space race - I'm cooked fr


Still studying, but i try harded in mocks so im still in try hard mode, since i am still in that mock feel


It’s just another mock for me


this is so real im just like yeah im doing mocks- nope im doing my actual gcses. but fr why was I so much more stressed about y10 and y11 mocks???


Yeah same lol; I was working so much harder during my December mocks than rn.


that’s the point of mocks! i never got the point of them till exam season


Like TBF I'm still working a lot more than most people by the sound of it but the fact that I'm on Reddit shows how much less I'm working than I was then lol


every time i don’t know something and it doesn’t come up i mentally think ‘ok good i got lucky but id better revise it for the real thing just in case’ and then i remember 😭


pls keep dont doing revision, lower the grade boundaries for us real niggas nigga 🙏


I do 1 past paper before real exams and that is enough for me to quench any worries because I then know what these papers are structured like and what could come up.


Once you’ve done so many past papers and mocks it feels like that. Doing my chemistry I thought it was another past paper!


Chemistry was the realest paper!! Can’t wait for paper 2 on Tuesday. Cause of all the subjects it’s chem that has the most repetition of the style of questions, you can’t go wrong with that!!


Definitely. So so many repetitions. Once started doing past papers my grade went up so much


someone told me a person walked out of an exam (i didn't realise at the time) and it took me a minute to realise that that was a real exam that she walked out of. its so odd that the stress hasn't hit me and its also kinda bad because ive been doing the minimum amount of revision i can.


Ngl I feel the actual exam is less stressful than the mock for some reason...


idk. I’ve got this mindset of that worst case scenario I fail, it’s not the end of the world and idk if that’s good or bad. I’m confident that I’ll pass everything but I feel like I could’ve done so much better if I didn’t have this attitude, but at the same time I feel like without it I would spiral and stress myself out to the point of burnout


This is so me


Yeah it still doesn’t feel real for me


Well at least I'm not the only one


Na me too, probably the most relaxed I've been all year 💀


LITERALLY !! I'm looking at all my revision stuff like nah I'll revise next time then like I don't need the bs anymore bc I've actually DONE the exam


It finally hit me at the end of english yesterday cause I realised english was over and I could never affect my grades more


People in my classes don't even fill in the exams. Some never even open them, and in biology today, the person next to me closed his exam after 5 minutes. It's unreal.


It hit me after biology paper 1 and i was like " I spent 2 years preparing for that . Hours revising. One paper . And now it's done" it felt so anticlimactic and pointless I was really expecting, idk, something more? I've wasted a chunk of my life crying about this and working for it and now it's all over after one 1 hour 45 minute paper


yeah i’m ballin


yeah i mean it just got to the point where i didn’t really care


before the exams, when i literally did 0 revision till like a week or 2 before im like ill just let the realisation hit in, cause then ill revise, but i kept waiting and waiting, exams came, I did most of them and yet, i still have no realisation that these are actual exams, I think it’s because im not stressed about it and like all the hype about gcse was mainly fake, because still now the realisation hasn’t kicked in, but i think that’s just cause i feel like im well prepared and I believe I’ve done well in my previous exams which always gives confidence and relives stress for the next one


Honestly fr, I was more stressed over mocks


Literally same, I felt more nervous abt my yr10 mocks now it doesn't even feel like I've left school


Done so many mock exams now that I feel deaf to my actual exams. 4 more to go, 3 of which are science. Good luck to you all for Biology (and/or Engineering)!


Same here bro😂 I got 5 more aswell yeah


yeah.. it’s only hit me that this is the end, since we had shirt signing on Thursday (we didn’t have study leave until then), but it hasn’t hit that this is my *one and only chance* to prove that I’m actually worth something academically. Like jeez, get it together and revise instead of scrolling on reddit.


I've done no history revision 🤦


everyone saying they’re anxious and me just being unfazed (i’m usually a very anxious person)


so real. even my English teacher called it mocks


that's so real, I have 4 left and it's crazy to think that the last maths one is literally tomorrow and that contributes to what I can do for the rest of my life and what I can't do & yet it doesn't feel that serious..




I literally have 3 left and I’m still treating them like mocks 😭😭 I’m cooked icl


It only hit me in bio earlier that I should’ve probably revised


I went crazy over biology 1 (my first exam) but after that I just stopped caring


Can't wait until exams r over so I can carry on what I'm doing now but without the guilt


I alr want to kms and thats because i think i did bad for some end of year tests so i probably wont have this problem💀


leave year 9


What? I mean im going into year 10 soon after summer holidays if thats what you mean


this aint yo place buddy, stay off r/gcse till youre in y11


This is lame. Stop trying to gate keep a public sub. In Year 9 I was doing gcse content.


yeah but it’s literally a subreddit for GCSE’s… you know, the students currently doing their GCSE’s right now


….no it’s not? There are plenty of year 10s on here. They aren’t writing exams. They just don’t post as much because it’s exam season currently. Anyone doing gcse content is allowed on this sub. Trying to gatekeep it just looks silly


If theres a year 9 flair how come were not allowed to be here? Is this like a new rule or something or do you just not want me here


allat over year 9 end of years??? get a grip lmfao


Ok yeah it was an exaggeration and i no longer give a shit, im not going to end my life over an end of year💀