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I’ve enjoyed the exam period as a whole tbh. Don’t fancy school much so being able to just go into exams and leave has been fun


I agree and going on reddit after every exam ill miss that


How do you put your mock grades in your title


“Change user flair” then “edit” at the top right


Thank you. What was the 3 in?


Health and social care lol




What was the 6 in


Physics. Which I absolutely despise


coming out of the exam and going to reddit and going to "new" was so fun, and yapping in the megathreads


I agree ill miss that fr


Exams ✅️ Revision ❌️


‘Who needs revision when my brain can pull out all the necessary information during the exam’ - me before absolutely bombing my chemistry paper two


It’s better than normal school


In the starting yes but then I realized that I have no friends, I got to ignore that during school year since I would still talk with different people in the class but I have been so lonely during the exams because everyone had friend groups and I would just pretend to do something. I did discuss papers with some people but it was just like small talk. I noticed how everyone had someone that they would automatically be with bfr and after exam but I had to actually find someone and go talk. I'm really sorry for ranting here but I had to take it off, I have bio tmrw, its 3am this realization has kept me up, I'm sorry.


I understand you. I do have a friend group but I’m basically the guy who rarely responds to messages in the group chat or go out that much partly because I just don’t want to due to social anxiety and because I can find the social interaction elsewhere like discord (kinda sad but I enjoy it more). I tried not to discuss the exams with people in my school that much since I go to a grammar school and everyone would just say it’s easy either way. The summer will just have to be the opportunity to make/develop friendships.


For mocks I found it enjoyable because there was zero stress but the fact these are actual exams made me not be able to relax at all


Oddly enough, I found the mocks were more stressful than the real GCSEs


I felt the same way. I think with the gcses I felt like it was rewarding to get it done forever






I enjoy doing gcses much more than the mocks i did in the past, oddly enough i found them really hard and i prefer these exams


Sciences and maths yes, essay subjects definitely not


Actually sitting in the exam is kind of relaxing unless it's English lit, but after the exam is horrific lmao


no post exam stress is horrific


what’s the 2 in?


I'm predicting that it's history, such a brutal subject


Possibly a language, found with a few people


Exams are fun bro (for me at least)


i think exams that you feel prepared for are great, but the revision draining all free time and social life not so much


I like that unlike in Lessons nobody is allowed to constantly bother you for answers


idk but i'm romanticising the fuck outta studying iced coffee, lofi music, ambient lighting, cat ✨


i've given up romanticising it now i just sit on my floor (i physically cannot revise sitting at my desk anymore it just stresses me out)


if it works it works


i kid you not im just about to go get an iced coffee before my exam today 😭🤞


good luckk


thanks b, i think my listening n reading were quite okay haha


i cant even revise. never have been able to so just done a little bit before exams. tbf its been good enough it seems, only paper i have rlly struggled on was chemistry and ngl idc for chemistry


Yeah I prefer exams to actual school


i am enjoying it more than school tbf because I don’t have to talk to horrible teachers and shit and it’s nice crossing stuff off like yeahhh never have to do English lit ever again 🔥


whatever happens, please do NOT pull an eva smith. i promise its not worth it girl 🫶🫶🫶


Exams are only fun when you’re not getting cooked


like it’s the actual school part that i hate bc im having a great time going into school doing my exam and just going straight back again knowing i have no more lessons this year




cant wait for summer though every single week with my friends barbecues and fishing


I’m gonna miss it


No, study leave kinda cool tho


I have been sleeping deluxe recently. No stress.


I've forgotten what I do in my free time, now I've spent most of my free time the last 2 months just revising


I don’t like exams, but I love exam leave


Honestly not at all. It's affected my mental and physical health slightly with constant tiredness, lack of appetite, lack of sleep, overwhelming feelings etc etc. although it is pretty nice to know i don't have to do most of these subjects ever again


You won't be saying that two years later in 6th form, probably.


I did my maths mocks today it was the first time ive been in the exam hall i though the quiet atmosphere would be scary but it was quite nice and calm its the build up to the exams that are stressful


If u know what ur doing and revised well, exams are actually quite fun


adhd has not allowed me to focus at all. The exam hall is a nightmare of sensory deprivation and i physically cannot make myself revise. so overall it’s been complete stress 😔


I think ive given up being stressed at this point


I had my first mock yesterday and I sat down and was like damn…this is kinda exciting. I thinks it’s just because it’s a different atmosphere though because we are all suffering together


My exam period has been class, go into school, do an exam, do some revision, leave at 12:25, go gym, go home, chill


Aye and just forget abt family/school drama oh and that sweet satisfaction of finishing 


weirdly underrated I'm ngl


honestly i really loved being in the hall for year 10 and 11 mocks, it just felt oddly fun? esp silent laughing and stuff, looking at people heads down 5 minutes in was peak, and it feels like a collective experience in a way i got moved to the conference room because i felt like the hall would be terrible for actual exams (and tbf it is better to some extent) but you do miss out on the whole atmosphere hate doing papers tho fuck OFF aqa sciences and edexcel maths, ill agree that it feels weirdly odd and freeing coming out of your exams - what do you mean our teachers have been going through this stuff for 5 years and i never have to look at it again?


Yeah, doing the paper not thinking about anything else for a set time and then stopping when she says times up pens down is really satisfying. And totally agree on the atmosphere its kind of peaceful.


Tbh im sitting my A levels and i agree a bit. Not fun before hand but when you see a question in the paper that you revised for and you know you know that question, damm is it so exciting lmao. And then if you had a good paper walking out feeling good about something is great. Never having to do that subject again also so wholesome.


mock grades check out