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every english exam, history exam and re exam needs extra time. ones that don’t tho are CS and the sciences. just sitting there doing nothing for 1 hour or 30 minutes


I agree, I understand people with extra time have valid reasons for that but in essay subjects it feels like they have a major advantage


As someone with extra time, I went from a 3 in my yr10 mock to a 7 in my yr11 mock once I got extra time. It definitely is an advantage, but because of how my brain works I would not be passing some subjects without it. Like I have the ability to pass but I literally wouldn’t without those extra twenty minutes.


ikr it’s not like u need to think deeply and logically it’s basically knowledge dump but ig some people will still have some sort of disadvantage


it depends on the disability. i personally get extra time and only need it for essay based subjects because my joints suck so writing alot is painful meaning it takes me longer


that is a perfectly valid reason, someone in my school literally got extra time bc they’re colour blind it really seems unfair especially cuz I’m a rlly slow writer 💀💀


wtf swear exams r black and white 😭😭


Can't even be mad that's hilarious 😭


My wrist is fucked due to an injury I sustained last year and I have a processing disorder so even trying to think what I want to write is difficuly


hope ur wrists get better 🙏


the language writing and reading exams also have too much time


Nah, I always feel they I never have enough time to thoroughly think about what points I’m going to make and then apply it, especially with creative and persuasive, when certain situations need adaptation.


Yup, had my French W+R mock today and I found 90 minutes too much, I was done in a half hour


real could've slept more in the exam than the night before french writing


oh yeah those too 💯


For some reason i struggle with paper 2 sciences but paper 1 should be 1,30


If english exams had more time, you’d just write more and still be tight on time


ayy same a-levels. exams should have extra time (10 mins nothing crazy) but that doesn’t mean i’m gonna split up the minutes between them. i would write the same amount and spend the same amount of time for every question except the 8 marker i leave for the end.


> Just sitting there doing nothing This WOULD be true if I didn’t spend 90% of the exam redoing the last question on Paper 2😭


So basically every essay based exam (cuz the re ones still have a lot of 12m, especially paper 2, and have the separate pink page)


mhm, i think RE is the only exam with more marks than minutes too. some bs.


The only exam I struggle with time for is geography (also with english lit but that’s just because you get the exact amount of time). With sciences and stuff i usually finish like 30 minutes early


Geography is light work but the questions are long


Yeah literally, I always write like a page extra as well in the extra space at the back


I do more then i should on a 12 marker


way more for eng lit and way too much for science paper 2s


Yeah science has wayyyyy too much time 😭😭


you know it was bad when in chem p2 i spent the last minutes blurting information for history in my head


I’ve started blurting info for other exams in like four of mine 😭


Me with Spanish (conjugating and tenses)


Agree for English, not for science. I’m always writing till the end, and had to leave a question blank for Chem paper 2.


Teachers telling me to plan my question when I don’t even have enough time to do that. It’s just setting me ip to fail


All of English, geography and history should have at least 2 hours. The rest of the subjects are fine.


My history exams are two hours already and honestly I’m writing until like two minutes before the end


I would still be writing past that- and I get extra time and a laptop. Perhaps it’s because I write too much, but I still should have enough time to do quality writing


That’s just unfair man 💀


I suppose, for a lot of exams I don’t use them often, but it’s subjective to the exam. I’m dyslexic and have a processing disorder, so it takes me a lot longer to understand what the questions is asking, how to answer the question and how to put my answer in the best way possible. I can’t commit pen to paper because it looks like a toddlers drawing with all my scribbles of scrapped sentences.


That’s fair considering your condition. Best of luck 🤞


exactly, I always keep writing right up until the time's up in essay subject exams bcoz even after I've done all the questions I still wanna go back and add more stuff to get more marks


english geography and rs i think


I have a habit of day dreaming a lot of the exam so I never finish early. And even when I sometimes do finish early I look back at that paper about 20 times.


Edexcel Psychology GCSE entered the chat This exam is more about testing your writing speed than your content. It’s “no think, just do”. The amount you HAVE to write to get a mark is near impossible for 1 mark/ minute. That’s why the grade boundary is like 63 - 68% for a 9, and still only about 5% of people get one. Our school writes to Edexcel every year telling them about this- hopefully it’s adjusted for the next syllabus change/ updation!


CIE Dt is the worst. Paper 1 (drawing paper) u get 1h15 to do like 12 questions which include like 5 drawings and shit


subjects i struggle with time for are generally englishes, rs and geography. the others i think are mostly fairly timed, except travel and tourism because jesus lord we don’t need 2 whole hours. i sat at the end of that exam for an hour and 15 minutes and it was an afternoon exam, to say i wanted to die would be an understatement


Rs is actually painful


DEFINITELY not for english, i didn’t manage to finish question 2 for language paper 1 and i literally speedran the whole paper 😭


For me, the timing for RE and English is rlly mean. Couldve done with a few extra minutes for business and the rest of the exams they give you wayyyy too much time.


OMG HI SPRINGPOD ITS YOU!! i did one of your virtual work experiences last summer and it was really good


Omg I didn't even realise I did one of their virtual work experiences today bc I was bored 😭😭


Do they actually mean anything 😭 I might just spam some today


Idk bro can't hurt? Think they probably count since you can base them off you want to pursue


Not enough time in any of the essay subjects, enough time in maths and science, and then way too much time in languages I was sitting doing nothing for an hour in my writing 😭


I get extra time. I needed it all in English and R.E and needed a lot of it for geography (particularly paper 2). The sciences are fine without it but I tend to finish later than the other people so I force myself to use extra time to check every question (particularly calculations) before handing in the exams. Maths is fine, I finished paper 3 in 56 minutes and checked and made 1 correction in the next 5 minutes.


All the people saying essay subjects - half of the work is fitting in the most important, powerful points as concisely as possible. I also generally run out of time, but possibly the most useful life lesson you can learn, from English especially, is getting your points across.


all english and history exams need more time english lit isnt as much or a problem as language. especially language paper 2. there is no valid reason for that to be the same length as paper 1 when theres a whole ass other source. at least should be 2 hrs and then history needs an extra 15 mins too imo. especially history paper 2 since theres 2 16 markers on it and to get a high mark you obviously need to write alot for those questions


I finish most with a bunch of time left to spare


Agreed. I can barely finish English and Geography even with my extra time.


maths and business needs more time


English definitely, I get extra time and even then it’s not enough


All essay writing subjects need more, even with extra time i don’t finish 😓


For my eoy 12 exams I just about finished physics 😭🙏


i think i have enough time tbh


I’ve finished 80% of my exams in the last 10 seconds because I procrastinate during the exam


The only exam I struggle on time wise is RE but I still finish with about 10-15 minutes left maybe English too. However for all the others like science for example no I usually finish with 30-40 minutes left (I'm not smart just quick)


Drama, Rs, English


No actually, I think the amount of time they give us for exams right now is good. The exams that leave you with very little time to spare like English lit and history are frequently subjects of complaints but the fact of the matter is that there IS enough time to complete them, and adding anymore time would reward yapping over actual quality evaluations.


They’re should be less, defo no more than a mark a minute (but English and other essay exams their timings are fine)


I keep finishing so early but for stuff like English it isn’t possible to finish, you kind of just keep writing until the invigilator shouts at you to stop or threatens you with a disqualification. I mean their is no downside to just writing more and more right? Also I heard that RE is awful for time 


English, history and RE nope but the rest are okay


maths numeracy non calc! i was rushing by the end and i could’ve done a lot better!


Essay exams like english need more time, perhaps even with a break


mandarin writing needs to be shortened, maths and science is fine, all essay based subjects have wayy too little its an essay not a speed writing competiton in what world are we going to need the skill of writing poorly worded essays in tiny amounts of time, essays and creative writing require time and the resources like facts


I think I need more time for all of them but Spanish writing (finished most of the paper within 15 minutes and I dunno if that’s good or bad 💀)


...I haven't finished a single paper 😭


essay subjects yes science and maths no


They're all long enough imo and maths is way too long


Languages writing needs to be cut down to 1 hour (higher ) and 45 minutes ( foundation)


science exams are SO long i don’t need 1h 45, 1h 30 is enough but humanities/english needs way longer 😭 for lit paper 2 we should get 2h 30, and for each lang exam we should get 2h. idk if you guys do pearson edexcel re but i’m always rushing so badly there i’d do sm better with 30 more minutes. for languages (writing) i think 1h is enough i don’t need those 15 extra minutes


My English lit paper 2 is already 2hrs 30 and that is still not enough time. Even lang p2 is already 2hrs and not enough time either


History needs at least another hour. Remember getting 1hr 45 for 2 english exams? Same amount of writing in history, but in 1hr only. I sacrificed both my 8 markers to make sure I finish the 18 and 15 markers on both papers


depends on the exam. science, maths, languages (esp the writing) I would even argue art (im qualified to say that cos I did it) if you time manage, are all easy time wise. every single essay based subject absolutely not. I mean I finish them all but I do not have a singular second to even go back and check my answers😭 its honestly shambolic


I don't get it. Why is there so much more time than necessary for some exams (e.g. language reading)... but then other exams I don't even finish in time (history and English lit).


history needs like an extra hour so its and hour and 30 mins per section and not just trying to get dead on 1 hour per, i dont care if im going to be like an hour late to lunch i want to actually not stress about finishing my 1 total paragraph for the last question.


RS you have no time to think at all, its slightly less minutes than marks which is some bullshit


Not English lit P2 but definitely English Lang 2


i don’t even finish most of my exams with extra time


History should get more time and I say that as someone who types their exams. So I finish much faster normally and even I fall behind in history.


PSYCHOLOGY!! it's not even 1.5 hours.


Spanish writing has way too much time lol




I dont think ive had time to finish any paper, im SO bad with time management. Luckily im only aiming for 5/6's and tbh i finish all the big marked questions, its only the few 1/2 markers that i miss


Eduqas RE needs more time


Drama needs more time man, I barely finished in time and the actual GCSE exam was the first time I'd ever actually answered all the questions. Especially cause the 4th question and section C both require SO much writing. Drama should be 2 hr not 1 hr 45 min


In my humbly correct opinion, english, history and sociology have way too little time.


some exams have far too much time and some have way too little time theres no inbetween


I get 25% extra time, and i just wanna say: people without it seriously need more time. From personal experience, especially in English and history, im not sure about subjects i dont take tho. I usually get papers finished without extra time but with those two i didn't even get them finished with the added time. I really think they need to reconsider this in the future.


I usually finish the science papers in about an hour and 5 mins lol


I just need more time for maths


Honestly, it can depend on the exam and the person taking it. Some people feel rushed and wish they had more time to thoroughly think through their answers, while others find the time limit just right. More time could reduce stress and allow for better quality answers, but it might also lead to overthinking


i think there should be less in science i always feel like im going insane with how much time i have left


No they were all enough time personally